RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/13/2012 5:21:11)


Demons...they certainly aren't as a nice a group in this universe, depending.

And well yeah, he'd need connections, and to be allies with The Dealer or this second person. Which is impossible. Funny, I did think it interesting if he were, but I'm not sure if it'd work or make sense either.

I also just realized how naive Corona will be in this time compared to his own...

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/13/2012 6:10:15)



The Dealer let him down, and he's out for revenge.



I've said it before in one of my tales...


megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/13/2012 6:11:55)

Really kinz? Then tell me, who is it? It's kinda obvious really, but do tell.

Glais: he MIGHT be willing to trade the info, but you would need a Price SO great it may not be worth it...

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/13/2012 6:13:38)

Pmed you my guess Kyle.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/13/2012 6:14:10)

Kyle: Secret for immortality is usually a trade like what I assume it is.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/13/2012 6:14:10)

And you are right kinz.[;)]

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/13/2012 18:15:45)


Glais: he MIGHT be willing to trade the info, but you would need a Price SO great it may not be worth it...

Well more than likely Corona will never know, though it would be cool to witness the birth of such an iconic HS villain.

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 0:19:55)

*pokes topic and breaks awkward silence*

Alright, did everybody just fall off the face of the Earth? Trying to set a new record for longest time spent without a response?

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 0:32:01)

Well, no double-posting and all, not much I could do. Things sure have died down.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 0:56:12)

They certainly have, what with the Clock Blocker being forgotten about by the staff.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 1:06:21)

Lion: and intelligence being forgotten by all but maybe 5 people here.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 1:15:14)

With no real updates to the game and nobody writing stories right now its bound to get pretty quiet. I also think that the fight that erupted here probably made everyone less motivated to post. :/

We could keep roleplaying, though, to liven things up.

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 1:43:24)

Perhaps we could.
Things are very bleak here.
Oh so very quiet.
You could hear a tear drop, if you were so inclined.
So very much like the world, if you think about it.
All of this talk.
And yet still nothing is said.
No one wants to reach an agreement.
To find the truth.
The want only to succeed.
For the moment.
And who can blame them?
After all.
That's all that you can really do, isn't it?
Nothing really lasts.

I am A Loss of Direction.
I am not a thing.
I am, for lack of a better term, a LACK of thing.
I am a loss of a sense of self.
Of a sense of belonging.
Of a sense that you understand the workings of the world and of yourself.
I am the lack of knowledge about your own thoughts and desires.
Of your place.
And of your motivation.
In short.
I am a Loss of Direction.

The world is so much like a maze, isn't it?
I am your guide.
But not really.
Navigation is up to you.
I can only point out the obvious.
And tell you when you are lost.
And yet my purpose is vital.
I let you know when you cannot find what you are looking for, and that you do not know it.
So that when you do find it.
You will realize.
That you had it all along.
And it doesn't really mean as much anymore.

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 1:46:41)

The legend has come to fix what is broken
*looks at above statement and shakes his head* I'm still writing you know...though my commentary thread is dead. If you guys would kindly check out my current story "Tales of the two heroes" which is the last story inside of my personas of David Blitz thread I'm sure you would enjoy it...and throwing me a comment or two wouldn't hurt either XD.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 3:31:16)

David: Nobody is commenting for a reason.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 10:12:06)

@QM?: Is that a comment about politics? (the first part)

Sorry, DB. I've been at a loss for motivation for reading most forumite stories. Still haven't cought up on the Brotherhood's story, Jessa's, or The Good, the Bad, and the Chaos, let alone yours, unfortunately.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 13:00:03)

Gettin' reaaaaal quiet round 'ere.
*crushes chudling bones into a powder and stirs it in with Momma Chuds saliva*
Reaaaaaaaal. Quiet.

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 16:58:38)

Sorry guys that I have been MIA for so long. Other commitments came up that I had to address before I could resume my activity on the forum.

My life just got super conflicting and I had to fix the mess the world left behind. Luckily I've got my ish done and I'm back for the people I love. Heh heh heh.

I am not sure when the next chapter of Brotherhood will be out because I feel rushing would undermine this incredible experience I have had the honor of participating with you all. It's lateness is not due to neglect cause my chapter is so far 25 pages long. I'm just making sure my chapter does not conflict with anyone else.

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 17:19:44)

Ah, I see. Wait... 25 pages!?

You never cease to amaze me, Clown the Jester. I am certainly looking forward to it.

Coming from that, I have managed to clone the Sun in Dimension Zero to resolve the discrepancy in the cosmic imbalance. Meanwhile, my tests have been showing some interesting results. And then there's that captain guy that's been buzzing around but I'll deal with him later.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 20:11:51)

*Captin Orain listens from his hiding spot on Earth Zero* Darn it he Knows I`m here, good thing my head set stayed on. It seems organic matter can`t stay here unless on a living host. Lets hope this works. *adjusts the knob on the head phones* Hello hello! Stargate do you read me?
Yes captain, This is Commander Zryial! it appears the headphones work between diemensins! Guess my ex-husband wasn`t such a loon after all!

GOOD, and lets not waste are time talking about Darkness King! Have you manged to hack into Lunarox`s records? Have you found a way to reverse the Voodoo effect?

Some of them, and no not yet.

Well keep looking! Are Stargate fleet ships around moon prime?


Well good Captain Orain out! *adjusts the knob again and crawls through the sewaears of Earth Zero.

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 20:40:21)

"What the devil is that? Captain, records are stating that that ship is under the fleet-name...Stargate. What's Stargate?"

"Hush, Sarah, I'm thinking."


Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 21:11:54)

Stargate is a intergalactic law enforcement agency. You know I could see you using it in the Space Pirate story, as a sorta space navy! That`s just a idea though.

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 22:15:55)

Hacking into my systems? I've gotta remember to save my data to a portable drive or something.

Well, since you're bound to find out anyway I might as well tell you all a bit about my research.

What I have found, was that dark matter exists in a form somewhat similar to energy, but also that it's in a dimensional flux. Experiments have revealed the existence of Dimension Zero and that the flux is between it and Dimension Prime.

But manipulating the dark matter with my own gravitational field, I can temporarily bring it out of its dimensional flux. I had later found that this modified dark matter interacts with most ordinary matter to the atomic level when contact is met. The dark matter basically bonds with the atomic structure of the object. Afterwards, when the dark matter returns to its dimensional flux, the object also goes into a flux with Dimension Zero-there doesn't seem to be any means of confirming this state with a particular object, however.

So in a way, the "clone" is the actually the same as the original. It's simply in a flux, and that's why they respond to each other. That would explain why objects replace each other when they change dimensions.

As to why animal aren't affected. I can only theorize at this point, but I believe that some sort of brain wave may interrupt the bonding process. If brain waves interact, even slightly, with nearby matter ("near" meaning in contact with, I can assume) then those also may not be affected. I believe this is a valid assumption, however.

Also, I'm not sure if it's even possible to undo the connection, but I'd like to see you try.

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 22:30:59)

The creature before you looks like a human, but its clothing and skin are a washed-out grey, as if the color had long since faded from them.
Its eye sockets are empty, and from these pits flash bright white light, flickering quickly enough to give even a healthy man a seizure.
It's body seems to coil and writhe like a mixture of smoke, sand, and static, spreading from its outline, crumbling, and jittering about.
It almost hurts to look at it, and yet it simply stands there, staring into your eyes.
Its mouth does not open, but it speaks nevertheless. Its body flickers and fizzles as it does so, as if it speaks with its entire form, its voice emanating from the hollow of the void.















Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 22:45:51)

I like imagining Mr.Grey as flickering in and out, like a broken TV, or those guys in the Breach.

New antagonist descriptions to come shortly. Been thinking a lot of the Dimension jumper and a new demolition related character.
Both are obvious references, but of course, I refuse to outright rip off something...

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