Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/17/2012 22:15:55)
Hacking into my systems? I've gotta remember to save my data to a portable drive or something. Well, since you're bound to find out anyway I might as well tell you all a bit about my research. What I have found, was that dark matter exists in a form somewhat similar to energy, but also that it's in a dimensional flux. Experiments have revealed the existence of Dimension Zero and that the flux is between it and Dimension Prime. But manipulating the dark matter with my own gravitational field, I can temporarily bring it out of its dimensional flux. I had later found that this modified dark matter interacts with most ordinary matter to the atomic level when contact is met. The dark matter basically bonds with the atomic structure of the object. Afterwards, when the dark matter returns to its dimensional flux, the object also goes into a flux with Dimension Zero-there doesn't seem to be any means of confirming this state with a particular object, however. So in a way, the "clone" is the actually the same as the original. It's simply in a flux, and that's why they respond to each other. That would explain why objects replace each other when they change dimensions. As to why animal aren't affected. I can only theorize at this point, but I believe that some sort of brain wave may interrupt the bonding process. If brain waves interact, even slightly, with nearby matter ("near" meaning in contact with, I can assume) then those also may not be affected. I believe this is a valid assumption, however. Also, I'm not sure if it's even possible to undo the connection, but I'd like to see you try. ~Lunarox