megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/11/2012 7:21:00)
Jusy thought up a new story idea that may well tie into The Alleince of Shadows plot: Possible major spoiler in The Dealer personality (I want to hear opnion first): spoiler:
England 1003: (note: This NOT The Dealer's origin point. These people have been round for a LONGGG time...:) Two brothers ride into town on a wagon, saying that they carry secret potions stolen from the Fairy Queen's court after a cunning trick. They end up leaving with a sackfull of gold and run before the townsfolk realise it's just mud with some colour in it. After a heartfelt night spent in the forest talking about how they will con the poor people in the next town they go to sleep. Except the older brother is disturbed by dreams of a demon, who will give a strong power to him if he sells his brother's soul... The older brother is disturbed by these dreams, and after a few nights of them tell the little brother, only to find out they have had the same dream. The demon then appears and says he will either take one soul garenteed and give the other that power, or kill them both and take the chance of getting both due to them being con artists. The little brother agrees to go, saying he does not want them both to die. The older brother promises to rescue him from the underworld. However, when he gives the older the powerfull ability of a metaphorical silver tounge, the demon takes the oppotunity and wipes the memory of the little brother from his mind....