Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/11/2012 16:22:40)
Hmm... Interesting spoiler, Dealer. Interesting indeed. Of course, those weapons are outdated, and a bazooka in particular (if it is an actual bazooka, not something called one but just some other rocket launcher) would be a bad choice... They blow up in the owner's face, or just don't fire at all, half the time. I've always wondered how you can transfer fame... I imagine it as a digital system involving cards similar to the current credit system, but it could also involve handheld devices or even just a way to identify someone and take/add to an account after confirmation of the duel via some device vendors have, among other people, such as corporations and certain private individuals... Personally, I think it very well could only applies to vigil-antis, with the civilians just able to make transactions with them if they are a store opperator (probably requiring a liscence), and to credit the individual with a certain action that affords them points based on a program funded by either HeroSpire or the city government, with certain geniuses in control of Skull Deep's finances and/or opperational security have hacked into the program to set up accounts for their side, which the authorities in charge of the system know but refuse to do anything about, fearing the resulting uproar of the villainous side at the effective slashing of all their financial benefits provided by such a thing. The businesses that make use of fame probably are credited with a certain ammount of actual money, as well, for running their opperation, possibly depending on the ammounts of sales they make, but possibly also being a set monthly pay. Hard to be sure, really. quote:
I think you will find them the best on the market. Perhaps for those specific models... <.< The Dealer doesn't have everything, just many. Some of which you couldn't find elsewhere... Trivial, eh? Interesting... *is also listening in on the transmition*