RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 4:29:50)

Gla: Right, I'll get to that one Soon.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 4:52:40)


Well, all I can say is I have some fun things planned for my future story. Hopefully they will be enjoyed.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 5:03:59)

Gla: I am sure they will be.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 9:50:49)

K, Unity is back, what's happening?

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 14:46:54)

Unity: Nothing much.

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 16:42:18)

I've been gone for at least a whole thread...

So, what's new?
Anything story changing happen?

~Lady Zafara

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 16:45:24)

Zafara: Not really. The biggest story-related things were my spoilers with Gla.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 17:14:36)

Yeah, and even then I don't think they really affect the other people's characters much. Well they do, but I'm not sure if I wish to involve others in my stories. Clashing themes.

It wasn't discussed much publicly though, so meh.

RPWise nothing happened save for Lunarox discovering some sort of voodoo doll Earth. Whatever he does to it happens to the real Earth and vice-versa.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 18:31:11)

Glad to finally see you're back. It was horrible, not hearing from you for so long, after so much contact beforehand...

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 19:00:16)

Nice to see you again.

Well, I've discovered and am exploiting a parallel dimension, you can read a few pages back and see.

I'm currently working on experiments involving it, though.

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 20:48:36)

Glad to see you back, Zaf. Yeah, nothing happened much.

Orashi -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/20/2012 8:18:21)

I've always wanted to know...... why do the citizens in HS so mean when you click on them
is it random or does it have something to do with my level of reputation

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/20/2012 11:31:59)

From what I can tell, it is random, because they still act like jerks when *I* click on them, and I am rank ten good. One example is them saying that I don't deserve to be there. Another is calling me a monster. Ect.

Orashi -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/20/2012 14:50:12)

lol cool
i thought it was me because i'm rank 6 good

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/20/2012 18:47:31)

I`m a rank 3 evil, and when I click on them they stay stuff like "You don`t deserve to be here!" and "Go away!"

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/21/2012 15:49:25)

I decided I may well write the tale of the Unknown brothers after all:�

Jae10 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/21/2012 22:25:09)

A character bio for Sir Night^^


~ Swamp Croc~

There are spread rumors about sightings of a vicious creature that terrorizes the murky depths of Super City’s great river.

Perhaps its was the result of careless industrial beings responsible for dumping barrels upon barrels of radioactive chemicals secretly into the waters, or maybe the terrifying consequence of a lab experiment gone wrong; Still, there are those that attribute the appearance of this reptilian monster to the legend of Pandora & her valiant sacrifice.

Whatever the case, there is no denying the existence of this modern day Leviathan, or as the public calls him, Swamp Croc.

SCIF files have little data on this mutant Smasher besides the brief information gleaned from those rare few fortunate enough to escape this insatiable beast’s appetite for flesh (though it has been observed, rather infrequently, a protective nature from the subject for those considered to be non-threatening). However, there are the foolish and ignorant type that continue to ignore clear, public warnings not to invade the territories of Swamp Croc and above all, NOT to incite his anger.

Of course, peril usually befalls them all…

A twist to the old saying: “Let sleeping crocodiles lie.”

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/21/2012 22:49:35)

Dang, that's good, and the picture looks awesome! Thanks for doing that!

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/22/2012 0:46:33)

Yeah, Jae, that's pretty awesome. As always, great job!

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/22/2012 1:10:22)

Nice drawing Jae, been considering drawing some people myself...

Croc's always been one of my favorites anyways.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/22/2012 1:34:59)

Good job on the bio jae.

Now, what do people think of my tale thus far?

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/22/2012 9:50:49)

@Jae Just epic

@Kyle You`r tale is epic aswell.

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/22/2012 10:37:51)

Amazing Jae...and I saw the second addition you did of little old me and once again...I am honored.

Heh heh heh. Amazing.

And I love your new story Dealer.

Heh heh heh...Brudahs in crime. Such a simple...yet amazing concept.

Love it.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/22/2012 11:01:14)

Yeah, we were chatting about the idea a few pages back and I decided to make it into a tale.

Also, I need to send you a PM about this if you or Drakkoniss still plan on doing that Allience of Shadows tale after The Good The Bad and the Chaos. It involes them somehow that I will not mention unless you ask me to.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/22/2012 16:03:20)

Wow I miss a lot here. e.o What's going on?

So, I made two more weapon suggestions. Feel free to check them out, I'm sure you all know where they are.

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