Summon Angel Guard (Full Version)

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Balu -> Summon Angel Guard (5/23/2012 12:07:06)

Summon Angel Guard

Level: 15
Power Level: 23
Price: 500 Gold, 300 Gold discounted 43 Gold
Sellback: 250 Gold, 150 Gold discounted 21 Gold
Location: Shards of MegSual!
Element: Neutral
Cost: None
Effect: Summons Angel Guard as a guest. Cast again to dismiss.

This rival of the Guardian Angel was first discovered by aerowarrior1. The Angel Guard may seem weak, but it can save you from death at the cost of its own life!


Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Write-up and image courtesy of Dragoon23.

Balu -> RE: Summon Angel Guard (5/23/2012 12:07:18)

Summon Angel Guard

Level: 35
Power Level: 41
Price: 2,700 Gold, 1,620 Gold discounted 162 Gold
Sellback: 1,350 Gold, 810 Gold discounted 81 Gold
Location: Shards of MegSual!
Element: Neutral
Cost: None
Effect: Summons Angel Guard as a guest. Cast again to dismiss.

This rival of the Guardian Angel was first discovered by aerowarrior1. The Angel Guard may seem weak, but it can save you from death at the cost of its own life!


Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Write-up and image courtesy of Dragoon23.

Balu -> RE: Summon Angel Guard (5/23/2012 12:07:30)

Summon Angel Guard

Level: 55
Power Level: 59
Price: 12,550 Gold, 7,530 Gold discounted 1,115 gold
Sellback: 6,275 Gold, 3,765 Gold discounted 557 Gold
Location: Shards of MegSual!
Element: Neutral
Cost: None
Effect: Summons Angel Guard as a guest. Cast again to dismiss.

This rival of the Guardian Angel was first discovered by aerowarrior1. The Angel Guard may seem weak, but it can save you from death at the cost of its own life!


Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Write-up and image courtesy of Dragoon23.

Balu -> RE: Summon Angel Guard (5/23/2012 12:07:41)

Summon Angel Guard

Level: 75
Power Level: 78
Price: 57,050 Gold, 34,230 Gold discounted 8,802 Gold
Sellback: 28,525 Gold, 17,115 Gold discounted 4,401 Gold
Location: Shards of MegSual!
Element: Neutral
Cost: None
Effect: Summons Angel Guard as a guest. Cast again to dismiss.

This rival of the Guardian Angel was first discovered by aerowarrior1. The Angel Guard may seem weak, but it can save you from death at the cost of its own life!


Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Write-up and image courtesy of Dragoon23.

Balu -> RE: Summon Angel Guard (5/23/2012 12:08:01)

Summon Angel Guard

Level: 95
Power Level: 98
Price: 155,300 Gold, 93,180 Gold discounted 70,781 Gold
Sellback: 77,650 Gold, 46,590 Gold discounted 35,390 Gold
Location: Shards of MegSual!
Element: Neutral
Cost: None
Effect: Summons Angel Guard as a guest. Cast again to dismiss.

This rival of the Guardian Angel was first discovered by aerowarrior1. The Angel Guard may seem weak, but it can save you from death at the cost of its own life!


Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Write-up and image courtesy of Dragoon23.

Balu -> RE: Summon Angel Guard (5/23/2012 12:08:13)

Summon Angel Guard

Level: 115
Power Level: 118
Price: 411,300 Gold, 246,780 Gold discounted 570,467 Gold
Sellback: 205,650 Gold, 123,390 Gold discounted 285,233 Gold
Location: Shards of MegSual!
Element: Neutral
Cost: None
Effect: Summons Angel Guard as a guest. Cast again to dismiss.

This rival of the Guardian Angel was first discovered by aerowarrior1. The Angel Guard may seem weak, but it can save you from death at the cost of its own life!


Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Write-up and image courtesy of Dragoon23.

Balu -> RE: Summon Angel Guard (5/23/2012 12:08:24)

Summon Angel Guard

Level: 135
Power Level: 138
Price: 1,118,450 Gold, 671,070 Gold discounted 4,599,098 Gold
Sellback: 559,225 Gold, 335,535 Gold discounted 2,299,549 Gold
Location: Shards of MegSual!
Element: Neutral
Cost: None
Effect: Summons Angel Guard as a guest. Cast again to dismiss.

This rival of the Guardian Angel was first discovered by aerowarrior1. The Angel Guard may seem weak, but it can save you from death at the cost of its own life!


Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Write-up and image courtesy of Dragoon23.

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