RageSoul -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion XII (10/4/2012 7:31:28)
Caster TM > STR BH / BM but < Focus TLM , BH , CH and EP Drains , however < or > STR BH / BM Just varies on the stuff and / or build format + strategy + luck . However , i don't see any serious problem with Caster TM though , just the gear they're using and of course , Enhancements . I have , like , at least 4 Enhancement Points on my TM alt just to get enough Health that results to 90 Agility , plus enough EP to cast SC and PB , but , as what i have stated above , an EP Drain skills that burns 30+ and above can really screw that build . Besides , if that build can beat an "seemingly OPed" build yet easily beatable with a non-OPed build , i don't see what's wrong with it . And , oh , if you guys are gonna say "Ha , you only tried OPed builds , well guess what? I have used different builds before ( during my low-level beginnings) since Gamma , and yes that includes Mass BH , but it was actually self-discovery , never a copy-attempt . Now about that "STR Build Dilemma" ... that can be solved is just combining the old STR -skill system with the current one we have ( similar to the one i made previously , but i was in a hurry so i wasn't able to fix the calculations , and systems , so i might make better formulas) . Moving on .... Responses to some posts ... quote:
However by doing so he overpowered it for higher levels. Isn't that the stage where everything "seems" OPed? quote:
So if we nerf caster TM will we finailly have a little bit of balance? Nope , just a lack of variety and balance , because we'll be forced back to Focus and SUPP again .