Legends of Lore (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Legends of Lore (11/24/2012 20:54:23)

Legends of Lore

Pre-requisite: Character Level 100+
Location: Travel Map » Sail East » Travel South » Legends of Lore

  • Dates mentioned below are based on initial release dates of the respective missions.
  • All quests are rotated such that you will encounter a different one daily in order of their release sequence. If new monsters are added, the new battle is added to the rotation but will still follow a sequence.
  • To initiate/redo a quest, you must speak to Lord Barrius and select 'What is today's target?', before your mission is registered.
  • If you fail to defeat the shadow variant of the monster, you have to re-hunt the same monster before being allowed to continue the challenge (explained by Lord Barrius below).
  • You can hunt 2 different mobs at the same time, if you paid ElBhe (see below), which lasts until you log out. You do not require to speak to Lord Barrius to re-register the quest that you have paid ElBhe for. You however, still have to re-register the "free" monster hunt if you want to hunt it again. This option is not available during Gauntlet days.

    The current sequence is:
    Hydra » Naga » Minotaur » Roc » Gauntlet 1 »
    Cyclops » Sphinx » Chimera » Gogg » Gauntlet 2 »
    Repeat from Hydra

    You can use this to determine when the monster you want to hunt will return.

    «Scene: Middle Lands. A pit surrounded by black rubble continually emits some shadow essence.»

    Lord Barrius: Hello, «You». This humble location was once our order's training arena. But the corruption of the shadow universe has changed it greatly.
    Lord Barrius: This place can now summon up extremely powerful shadow versions of existing monsters in Lore, which provides us with very useful training.
    Lord Barrius: All we need is a focus item, a piece of the original monster's essence, to recreate it. If you'd like to try, I assure you it will be worth your while....
  • What is today's target?

      «08 November 2012» Lord Barrius: Today's quarry is a monster that even dragons dread to face off against: the vicious hydra.
      «09 November 2012» Lord Barrius: Today's quarry is a monster whose magical power rivals even wizards: the mystical naga.
      «10 November 2012» Lord Barrius: Today's quarry is a monster that is well known mostly for its strength and temper: the bull-headed minotaur.
      «11 November 2012» Lord Barrius: Today's quarry is a monster that is dangerous to all creatures of the sky, even dragons: the ferocious roc.

      «27 February 2014» Lord Barrius: Today's quarry is a monster that has only one eye, but is believed to have latent psychic abilities: the savage cyclops.
      «28 February 2014» Lord Barrius: Today's quarry is a monster whose riddles could baffle even the greatest of minds: the mysterious sphinx.
      «01 March 2014» Lord Barrius: Today's quarry is a monster with multiple heads and a very bad temper: the venomous chimera.
      «02 March 2014» Lord Barrius: Today's quarry is a monster with low endurance, but an attack that few can survive: the deadly gogg.
      Lord Barrius: Go out into the world of Lore and slay one of these creatures to capture some of its essence.
      Lord Barrius: If you can do so, I'll let you face off against its shadow counterpart.... though I'll raise the difficulty, of course.
    • Got it!
    • Can I go after something else?

        ElBhe: Well, if you don't like THAT choice, then maybe I'll let you hunt something else....
        ElBhe: But I insist on a modest fee for my services. It's tough out here for a shadowkitten, so I'm trying to get some money to pay my rent.
      • ???
        ElBhe: What rent, you ask? Let's just say kitty kingdoms don't come cheap!
      • Okay, let me pick! (Costs 250 Z-Tokens)

        • This lasts until you log out.
        • You can only go on one additional bounty at a time.

        • Hunt a Hydra!
        • Net a Naga!
        • Meet a Minotaur!
        • Run Down a Roc!

        • Clock a Cyclops!
        • Snare a Sphinx!
        • Capture a Chimera!
        • Grab a Gogg!

        • Actually, nevermind....

          «Picking any monster to hunt above deducts 250 Z-Tokens with the message "Successfully spent 250 Z-Tokens."»

          ElBhe: Thank you! This'll help stave off the wolves at my door.... literally speaking, of course. Wolves are easy to bribe.

      • Uh, nevermind....

      «Once you manage to obtain the essence of the monster to be hunted...»

      Lord Barrius: I see you've brought the essence of a «monster». Are you prepared to face something far stronger?
    • Bring it on!
    • Maybe Later

      1 BATTLE
      Hydra Day:
      Level 100-114: Mighty Shadow Hydra (100)
      Level 115-129: Mighty Shadow Hydra (115)
      Level 130-144: Mighty Shadow Hydra (130)
      Level 145+: Mighty Shadow Hydra (145)

      Naga Day:
      Level 100-115: Mighty Shada' Naga Arch-Sorceress (101)
      Level 116-130: Mighty Shada' Naga Yaga (116)
      Level 131-145: Mighty Shada' Naga Witch-Queen (131)
      Level 146+: Mighty Shada' Naga Baba Yaga (146)

      Mino Day:
      Level 100-116: Mighty Shadow Minotaur (102)
      Level 117-131: Mighty Shadow Minotaur (117)
      Level 132-146: Mighty Shadow Minotaur (132)
      Level 147+: Mighty Shadow Minotaur (147)

      Roc Day:
      Level 100-117: Mighty Shadow Roc (103)
      Level 118-132: Mighty Shadow Roc (118)
      Level 133-147: Mighty Shadow Roc (133)
      Level 148+: Mighty Shadow Roc (148)

      Cyclops Day:
      Mighty Shadow Cyclops

      Sphinx Day:
      Mighty Shadow Sphinx

      Chimera Day:
      Mighty Shadow Chimera

      Gogg Day:
      Mighty Shadow Gogg

      «Battle above is based on the monster you are hunting, and is fixed. Once you successfully defeat the shadow monster, you get the dialogue below.»

      Lord Barrius: You've done it! Impressive work.
      Lord Barrius: Now you may choose your prize: this chest filled with rewards, or you may purchase a unique piece of equipment.
    • I want the shop! - See Legends of Lore: «Monster name» shop below
    • I want the chest!
      «Regardless of choice of rewards»

      Lord Barrius: I hope you are satisfied with your selection. Check in with me later and perhaps I'll have another monster for you to hunt down.
    • Finish
  • What will I get?
      Lord Barrius: If you can defeat all of the powered up shadow monsters that you face off against, you will be allowed to choose your prize.
      Lord Barrius: You can either have a chest filled with gold and experience, or you can take an equipment reward from the shop.
      Lord Barrius: The choice is yours, but don't count your winnings too soon. You must defeat the creatures first.
      Lord Barrius: If you fail, the item you've collected will lose its power, and you'll have to start your hunt all over again.
      Lord Barrius: Also, one last thing....
      Lord Barrius: The shop reward will differ based on the foe I ask you to hunt down, and the target hunt changes daily, so check in with me on a regular basis.
  • Leave

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    «You can commence your hunt after leaving the dialogue with Lord Barrius. Aside from RA, here are some other areas you can find the related monster at.
    Note that these are not the only locations; they have been picked out of the lot. You do not necessarily need to use these locations to find the monster to be hunted.»«Upon successfully defeating the monster to be hunted, the message "You captured some of the creature's essence! Go back to Lord Barrius to face the final challenge!" appears, and you can return to Lord Barrius to continue the dialogue. You will not receive the above message if you did not initiate the quest beforehand.»
    Legends of Lore: «»


  • Hydra's Bite [L. 100]
  • Hydra's Bite [L. 115]
  • Hydra's Bite [L. 130]
  • Hydra's Bite [L. 138 Z]
  • Hydra's Bite [L. 145 G]


  • Rejuvenating Necklace [L. 101]
  • Rejuvenating Necklace [L. 106 Z]
  • Rejuvenating Necklace [L. 116]
  • Rejuvenating Necklace [L. 131]
  • Rejuvenating Necklace [L. 146 G]


  • Minotaur's Pride [L. 102]
  • Minotaur's Pride [L. 117]
  • Minotaur's Pride [L. 122 Z]
  • Minotaur's Pride [L. 132]
  • Minotaur's Pride [L. 147 G]


  • Feather of the Roc [L. 103]
  • Feather of the Roc [L. 118]
  • Feather of the Roc [L. 123 Z]
  • Feather of the Roc [L. 133]
  • Feather of the Roc [L. 148 G]


  • Cyclops' Eye [L. 100, 115, 130 | 145 G]
  • Cyclops' Eye Z [L. 138 Z]


  • Sphinx's Riddle [L. 101, 116, 131 | 146 G]
  • Sphinx's Riddle Z [L. 139 Z]


  • Chimera's Venom [L. 102, 117, 132 | 147 G]
  • Chimera's Venom Z [L. 140 Z]


  • Gogg's Fortune [L. 103, 118, 133 | 148 G]
  • Gogg's Fortune Z [L. 141 Z]

    Entry thanks in part to Abaraa, Shadow Genesis and Dragoon23 (via IRC). Gogg location suggestion thanks to Atomos. Monster lists thanks to In Media Res. Correction thanks to Archlist.

  • whackybeanz -> RE: Legends of Lore (11/24/2012 20:54:36)

    Legends of Lore: Gauntlet

    Lord Barrius: I have a very special challenge this time: a gauntlet of sorts. Many adventurers have failed to kill the extremely powerful shadows I have pitted them against.
    Lord Barrius: Naturally, we can't just let such strong shadow creatures roam free and threaten Lore, so I'd like you to clean up their mess.
      «Gauntlet 1»
      Lord Barrius: There are hydras, nagas, minotaurs, and rocs roaming the Veil that I'd like you to dispatch. And just to make things interesting, I offer you two choices today.

      «Gauntlet 2»
      Lord Barrius: There are cyclopes, sphinxes, chimerae, and goggs roaming the Veil that I'd like you to dispatch. And just to make things interesting, I offer you two choices today.
    Lord Barrius: If you can defeat all of them with heals in between, I will provide you with a chance to access previous rewards. But....
    Lord Barrius: If you manage to defeat all of them with extremely limited healing, I will allow you access to a very special prize.
    Lord Barrius: How about it, «You»?
  • Bring on the Challenge Gauntlet!
  • Just the regular gauntlet, please.
  • Uh, nevermind....
    Legends of Lore: Gauntlet Challenge

    «Opens for beating the Challenge Gauntlet [Hydra, Naga, Minotaur, Roc]»

  • Legendary Shadow Crystal V1 [L. 104, 119, 134 | 142 Z | 149 G]

    House Items
  • Mighty Shadow Hydra [L. 100 Z, 115 Z, 130 Z, 145 Z]

  • Mighty Shada' Naga Arch-Sorceress [L. 101]

  • Mighty Shadow Minotaur [L. 102 Z, 117 Z, 132 Z, 147 Z]

  • Mighty Shadow Roc [L. 103 Z, 118 Z, 133 Z, 148 Z]

  • Mighty Shada' Naga Yaga [L. 116 Z]

  • Mighty Shada' Naga Witch-Queen [L. 129 Z]

  • Mighty Shada' Naga Baba Yaga [L. 146 Z]
    Legends of Lore: Gauntlet

    «Opens for beating the regular gauntlet [Hydra, Naga, Minotaur, Roc]»

  • Hydra's Bite
  • Hydra's Bite
  • Hydra's Bite
  • Hydra's Bite
  • Hydra's Bite

  • Rejuvenating Necklace
  • Minotaur's Pride
  • Feather of the Roc
  • Rejuvenating Necklace
  • Rejuvenating Necklace
  • Minotaur's Pride
  • Feather of the Roc
  • Minotaur's Pride
  • Feather of the Roc
  • Rejuvenating Necklace
  • Minotaur's Pride
  • Feather of the Roc
  • Rejuvenating Necklace
  • Minotaur's Pride
  • Feather of the Roc
    Legends of Lore: Gauntlet Challenge 2

    «Opens for beating the Challenge Gauntlet [Cyclops, Sphinx, Chimera, Gogg]»

  • Legendary Shadow Crystal V2 [L. 104, 119, 134 | 149 G]
  • Legendary Shadow Crystal Z V2 [L. 142 Z]

    House Items
  • Mighty Shadow Cyclops [L. 100 Z, 115 Z, 130 Z, 145 Z]

  • Mighty Shadow Sphinx [L. 101 Z, 116 Z, 131 Z, 146 Z]

  • Mighty Shadow Chimera [L. 102 Z, 117 Z, 132 Z, 147 Z]

  • Mighty Shadow Gogg [L. 103 Z, 118 Z, 133 Z, 148 Z]
    Legends of Lore: Gauntlet 2

    «Opens for beating the regular gauntlet [Cyclops, Sphinx, Chimera, Gogg]»

  • Chimera's Venom [L. 102, 117, 132 | 147 G]
  • Chimera's Venom Z [L. 140 Z]

  • Cyclops' Eye [L. 100, 115, 130 | 145 G]
  • Cyclops' Eye Z [L. 138 Z]

  • Sphinx's Riddle [L. 101, 116, 131 | 146 G]
  • Sphinx's Riddle Z [L. 139 Z]

  • Gogg's Fortune [L. 103, 118, 133 | 148 G]
  • Gogg's Fortune Z [L. 141 Z]

    Correction by RedEyedDrake and Archlist. Monster lists thanks to In Media Res.

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