RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/12/2012 11:24:26)

@Jerenda: I'd join it, if I can first pass the Bios section of the RPA, which I've failed twice at so far. You see, last time I never joined because it was already in the middle of everything and I didn't want to jump into the middle of it all. It's like a train; it's easy to board a train when it's not moving, but if you try jumping on a speeding train it's kind of hard; but you never know if that trains going to be heading to a good or a bad place, so you have to determine your risks.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/12/2012 11:35:38)

The reason Paxia I died was because there were so many characters, each with their own stories, sub plots, and goals, that it just lost focus.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/12/2012 11:38:50)

Ruins of Paxia needs to start over. I was there for it at the start but lost interest over time because it became so convoluted with things. It'd be best to streamline the main story, and let that happen firsst before anything else.

Also, a limit needs to be put on the number of characters. When you have 20 characters in one rp thread, it gets really really confusing.

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/12/2012 13:03:32)


There's a problem there. We're only going to have six RPs at a time. So limiting them would make this a closed off society, and many would go through the Academy to find there's no place for them in the RPs. No. No limits, please.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/12/2012 13:47:26)


Ruins of Paxia needs to start over. I was there for it at the start but lost interest over time because it became so convoluted with things. It'd be best to streamline the main story, and let that happen firsst before anything else.

Also, a limit needs to be put on the number of characters. When you have 20 characters in one rp thread, it gets really really confusing.

A character limit would indeed help it be less confusing.


There's a problem there. We're only going to have six RPs at a time. So limiting them would make this a closed off society, and many would go through the Academy to find there's no place for them in the RPs. No. No limits, please.

Am I reading this wrong? Only 6 roleplays can be hosted at a single time?

black knight 1234567 -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/12/2012 13:51:34)

Yes, BUT the mods said that they will change the number according to amount of active users.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/12/2012 14:10:45)

Oh, that makes a lot of sense then. It'll keep from their being a thousand RP's everywhere.

Besides, 6 is probably how many active RP's are possible. I mean, we can only be in like 4 at a time (unless that's changed to), and I don't think people even filled that number.

jerenda -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/13/2012 0:06:04)

Sounds like there's a bit of interest, but this six-RP limit makes it sound like if there's not enough interest I won't get to run it. Hmm.

@Legend, thanks. I always need new blood- I mean RPers. :)

@Ghost, you should try jumping onto speeding trains. If I can succeed at nothing else, I promise you this- truly magnificent explosions. :D

@BK and Pie, I do agree that RoP I had some problems, mainly lack of a coherent plotline and a tendency to get trapped in areas without moving onward. I do not intend to start over should I get to run this (because that would just depress me) but it will be starting anew, with all new characters and plots. If that makes sense. No necromancy here, just a nice fresh slate to build from.

I'm not sure how I feel about limiting the number of RPers that can play. I like the idea of allowing everyone who wants to play the chance. It appeals to my sense of fair play. However, it did make things rather crazy. Maybe limiting people to one character and one plotline would work? As well as insisting on moving the plot along at a decent rate. I do have a solid plotline I intend to follow, although I admit I have three twisting plotlines in mind should that end up being allowed to fly.

Does that sound good? I'm definitely interested in opinions and advice here.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/13/2012 9:38:22)

@Jerenda: Well yeah, like I said, I'd totally join Ruins of Paxia. But I might give up on the RPA for at least a few weeks or so. I've made two bios, both rejected, and my newest bio is probably going to get rejected no doubt. I don't want to make it a trend, so I'm just going to give up on it for a little bit. Meaning I probably won't be in the RP Boards with all of you at first.

And I think Ruins of Paxia will be great(er) with the additions (making sure story moves along, and intertwining stories sounds interesting).

black knight 1234567 -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/13/2012 13:14:20)

We probably won't get any RP's up till atleast 2013.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/14/2012 20:31:51)


What kind of Rp's do you want to see?

Ones like The Tempest (in the RPA right now). Whoever had that idea, good job. I think both me, BK, and Riffus have all expressed interest in a RP such as that, maybe others have too but I'm not sure. I like the idea of a central 'hub' where our characters start out, and we might band together to achieve things that benefit the entire party. Or we could go solo and do what we want. Perhaps even have two or more groups of players in a small-scale battle.

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/15/2012 3:37:22)


I believe Ryu made that RP. I may be mistaken though.

Also, I think it may be very well possible for us to have a continued Tempest RP in the RP section. But it would be a bit confusing for graduates who join when that RP is in full swing.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/17/2012 11:32:14)

There is no overarching plot, meaning anybody can join in at any time with no trouble.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/17/2012 19:39:40)

What are some of you mostly interested in? I made these names up, there may be some other names for them though.

-Free-roam roleplays (do what you want, no particular overarching plot)
-Party roleplays (run by a game master as a party of adventures go on a linear quest)
-War roleplays (lead armies and fight in strategic battles)
-Other (please explain)

Starstruck -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/17/2012 22:36:58)

I've toyed with a few unorthodox RP types as well that I think are viable, but I'm horrible at finishing touches and so haven't put any into practice yet or indeed found if they work. Forum-based RP, I think, allows for greater freedom of autonomy for smaller player groups while maintaining cohesion in the full story. In RoP, however, this autonomy got way out of hand, most likely due to the enormous size of the island.

WaWiaPoW/Litspanian RP is where all characters start in various places and must complete similar objectives in order to reach certain central goals. It probably has another name, but I don't know it.

Warlord RP depends more on positioning and location and allows for movement on a grand scale without spreading characters too thinly. The only problem here is that, barring RP-specific conventions, player-to-player combat is less focused on the character, making it more impersonal and more difficult to describe.

Tournament RP is self-explanatory. :P

That's all I got for now :< Keep thinking!

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 11:08:03)

From what I could gather, people love RP's where it has a lot of Player VS Player. So I thought about it for a little bit and pieced something together.

I wanted to combine PvP with something cool and fun: dragons. Now, perhaps it's a little over the top, but I was thinking of having a Dragonslayers VS Dragonriders roleplay. But when you got someone on the back of a dragon riding around, it makes it sort of hard to slay... the dragons are sort of godmodding. So I'm trying to figure out how to make the Slayers and the Riders equal. And I came up with something I thought was interesting; read it if you'd like, and I'd appreciate feedback.

Basic Premise:

A decade ago, the Dragon Wars (name pending) raged across the entire land, destroying homes, cities, and taking hundreds upon hundreds of lives. So the Dragonslayers and the Dragonriders called a truce and they helped rebuild the world they had ravaged despite the hate that existed between them. Now ten years later, the Slayers and the Riders haven't made contact, but the uneasy peace between them seems to echo an inevitable war.

But the Dragonriders have been divided, and civil war threatens to tear them apart. On one side are the Riders who wish to use their dragon mounts for good, while the other side wants to use them as they always have: for power. The evil Riders split from the others and create the Dragonhood - who seek to use their mounts to control the world, and begin to terrorize the countryside. The Dragonslayers learn about this and jump into action, preparing weapons and armor to go to war with them once again - although they do not know the Dragonriders have been split.

The Dragonslayers are now marching to prepare for battle against the Dragonriders. And now the Dragonhood leader seeks to attack both of his enemies at the same time and hit two birds with one stone. The roleplay begins with a 3-way battle between the 3 factions at the Dragonrider Temple.

Will the Slayers and the Riders put aside their differences and work together to defeat the Dragonhood?

Because the Riders have access to their mounts, and because the Slayers are working with them, character interaction is a must if both factions wish to stay together and win.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 11:36:54)

Free roam, myself.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 14:10:22)

Or how about another political roleplay (like City of Silversword was suppose to have been)? Very limited combat because the roleplay focuses on debates and compromises between the players as they try to accomplish something. After giving it some thought, and after playing 'Season Unending' on TESV: Skyrim, I've come up with another political roleplay.

There's two factions, both warring over the land in a civil war (civil war makes things personal). There are territories, which can be fought over, and also supplies each faction with soldiers, weapons, and supplies. You'll be a general of one of these factions and will have a say about when and where to attack or defend, and might even lead the armies into battle yourself, in which case it will depend on strategy and tactics to win the battle.

But the roleplay begins at a War Council. The King does not want war, but the rebels and the loyalists insist that they have every right to keep fighting. Therefore, the King is peacefully asking the Loyalists to leave the capital. Since the Loyalists are giving something up, the Rebellion must give something up. The two factions will negotiate with one another, swap territory, give up weapons or supplies, etc. When it's all settled, both groups will report to their respectful camps and continue fighting.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 14:37:11)

Like bk1-7, I prefer free roam myself. Those who participated in RPs during my beginning should know why. I've always been in war-based RPs, with minimal amount of PvP possibilities. I think it was about time we get some more free-roaming type of RPs. I think it's a lot more interesting to witness the versatility of such RPs.

As I said, I've participated in lot of battle-based RPs (especially The Raven Tower). After playing for a while in such scenarios, I yearned for a more oeaceful setting, developping one's own characters based on interactions rather than in the heat of battle.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 14:42:04)

@Riffus: Are you saying you'd be interested in romnatic roleplays, or daily-life roleplays, or what? Just curious.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 15:08:47)

I'm not really of the romantic type myself, that's something I could work on someday though. But aye, daly-life RPs or light-hearted settings are appealing to me right now.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 15:38:38)

I'm up for daily life thing or a battle RP.

A political RP is something we didn't have in a while, or something more grand scale, WWL basically. Every player has a kingdom, they must try and conquer the rest of the land. Make allies, make enemies, attack territories, lose territories, etc...

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 16:30:45)

@BK: Well I had in mind something that revolved around a war, but not the fighting - just the politics. You'd be a councilor, and while you can freely do what you want, the other councilors (the other roleplayers) and you must get together and argue/discuss/debate the war and how to lead your forces. But it'd start off with your faction and the other faction in a discussion:

"We want the Northeast."
"No way."
"Okay, how about we give you the South and you let us have the Northeast?"
"I'd prefer the Central plains and the South."
"Fine. We claim the Northeast and you gain the Central Plains and the South."

Just on a larger scale than that. And your faction would debate like this:

"We should move our armies in the Central plains to attack the Northeast. Our armies in the South can move and reinforce the Central plains."
"No, that would leave the South open for attack. I'd rather keep our armies in the central and south, and move attack the Northeast with our Eastern armies."
"I think I agree with you. That makes two of us. That way, our entire front will be guarded."
"...sure, I can agree as well."
"Then it's settled. The Central plains and the South will hold their positions while the Eastern Armies prepare for an assault on the Northeast."


Starstruck -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 16:30:48)

There are pros and cons to PvP RPs:

Exciting and fun
Less effort creating NPCs and keeping them believable
Less prone to godmoding
The creativity displayed by the players can be awe-inspiring

More prone to bunnying and metagaming
People don't like losing
Inactivity can ruin the whole thing

black knight 1234567 -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 16:54:16)

Inactivity can ruin any RP, Star.

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