RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/23/2013 9:47:03)

@Jerenda: Been making a lot of replies all across the General Discussion Boards, heh. Anyway:

I would gladly do a Ruins of Paxia, so count me in!

Also, the Servant is just another slave/servant that is in the prison, except his job is to directly deal with the Master. He's just 'up there' in the ranks of being a prisoner, and he has earned the trust of his Master. He often is sent out to retrieve items for the Master, but he pulls a few strings and manages to snatch up a few more things.

The idea is like this: Jerenda, Legendium, and TJ want out of Prison, so they have to work together. Jerenda asks the Servant to get him a dagger, but the Servant asks Jerenda to kill Legendium discreetly if he gets the dagger. Jerenda agrees, gets the dagger, and kills Legendium. TJ is now mad and asks the Servant to find out what happened. After learning of Jerenda's betrayal, TJ asks the Servant to help kill him.

But see, no one else in the RP would know Jerenda asked for a knife - or even has a knife for that matter. No matter would know it was Jerenda who killed Legendium.

EDIT: At the same time, the plan could have backfired if Legendium promises the Servant a large sum of gold if he just convinces the Master to get him some better armor in his next arena fight. Now the Servant probably asks TJ to cause a distraction o attract the guards while Legendium strangles Jerenda, who was in the process of killing him with the dagger. In that case, either Legendium or Jerenda would die.

In this case, no one would know of Legendium or the Servqant's deal, no one would know why TJ suddenly causes a distraction in the RP, and when Jerenda sends me their post of killing Legendium I would say "Legendium knows you're about to kill him, so you two need to collaborate a fight scene and see who survives".

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/23/2013 11:19:23)


[>:] *is confused* So, it's going to be a game of shadows? No one knows whodunnit, kind of thing? I'm cool with that. But there's going to need to be a more established plot behind it. Unless of course, it's like an academy type of RP, like Vanguard was.

Right, apparently, I've also been made an RP host, so let's get down to business. I was considering waiting it out until the three planets world thingumy was done, or possibly using the world I've been preparing for whatever (probably a novel, but I haven't got a plot yet). But I somewhat like the idea of Assassin's Guild more. As well as Welcome to the Clubs. So I'm thinking about mixing the two together and creating an RP called Lowlife. So here's the story I has so far:

In this town, there are three lowlife kinds of guilds/groups. The Dark Covenant, a group of mages that live in a base in the sewers, The Pit Fighters, a group of fighters who also work as no-questions-asked mercenaries, and the Assassin's Guild, a group of assassins (duh) who have their base in a tavern called the White Candle. Each of these groups acknowledge each other, and normally go on about their normal lives. But 5 years after the last group was established, they started getting in the way of each other. War broke out between them, and the city was sent into turmoil. But then one of the Pit Fighters had the brilliant idea to stop the war; they would vent their anger at each other in an arena. And so began the Guild Games, which take place in a giant Colosseum under the sewers. During this day and age, when the RP is about to take place, the next annual games are about to take place. When the first wars happened, the Assassin's Guild was hated because of their ability to get rid of both sides leaders quickly. And so when the games started taking place, the Assassin's were beaten ruthlessly by both other sides. Right now, the Assassin's haven't even made it onto the leaderboards within twelve years. This year though, the Assassin's are determined to win.

For the first bit, the RP is going to be about the preparations for the games. Then a tragedy will happen which will set the war back in motion. And after that, the players choose their destiny.

What say?

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/23/2013 12:09:31)

@Legendium: It'd deal with a lot interactions between the players as they try to plan an escape attempt, all the while the Servant will be secretly equipping the players with tools, weapons, and other items, as well as order the death and defeat of certain characters. How far will you go?

As for your idea, an Assassin's Guild alone - with the name just in itself - will garner a lot of attention and most probably players. Thing is, I'd advise getting a VERY good plot first, cause I always found it hard to come up with a good plot.

As for 'Lowlife', it may be interesting to some, but I'd pass up on it. I'd more or less go with an Assassin's Guild.

Problem with Assassin's Guild that I've had in the past was lack of good plot and lack of character interaction. So here's a solution for character interaction:

The players are given a target, let's say it is Legatus Arrelius. The Assassins have to meet up and discuss a plan to take down Legatus Arrelius. "Legendium will find out the guard patterns. TJ, find out any contacts that can get in and out of his home. Superjars, it is your job to find out if the Legatus exits the city at all." And now the players do these missions, either solo or together. After completing their missions, they meet up again and discuss their findings: "I, Legendium, have discovered the guards patrol day and night, but more so during the day. I, TJ, have discovered that Lucretia is tasked with handing out invitations to the Legatus' friends. I, Superjars, have discovered that the Legatus sends out messengers and never leaves his home." Now the players have to find a way to assassinate the target: "Superjars will spy on Lucretia to find out a name of an invited guest and kill him. TJ will disguise himself as this guest and enter the home. During night, TJ will let Superjars and Legendium into the home and kill the Legatus".

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/23/2013 12:31:07)

While that certainly would work, I personally find that there's not enough room for plot conflict there. Add in another group that's against them, and boom, there's plot and conflict. I suppose that three that are also playable might be a bit too much, but I was trying to integrate Welcome to the clubs. Eh. I could just make a new RP from scratch.

jerenda -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/23/2013 13:34:15)

@TJB, I think my main issue with the Servant RP is that I'd have to come up with all the scheming on my own. Why do I want a dagger? Why am I okay with killing off Legendium? What if I wasn't okay with killing off Legendium? (He seems like a pretty nice fellow, after all.) It appears that I'm just making up schemes for no apparent purpose. If there is a challenge I have to overcome and I need a sharp object to do it - if there is a plot-related reason that people need things and why they have to scheme to accomplish their goals - then I feel like it'd be better.

On the other hand, it seems like a puzzles game, and if done well enough, I would enjoy such a game. Also, I figured out what was confusing about your story - I'm a girl. :)

@ Hello, fellow RP host Legendium! Welcome to the land of we-don't-really-know-what-is-going-on-and-we-have-to-pretend-to-be-in-charge! :D

So what I'm seeing from your RP idea is... basically Hunger Games almost but with more plot before the actual games and interesting fun times and we volunteered to murder each other? It sounds interesting... but it's not really my thing. :/ (And I don't want to sign up for too much just because I think I have free time right now. ^_^)

In other news, I have now collected enough sacrificial victims willing souls to make an OOC thread for Ruins of Paxia Part Deux! Give me half a day and I'll have it up! This conversation can now return to ideas besides RoP, as all that chatter will take place in a dedicated thread. :D

Edit: Just had an awesome idea to give this Assassin's thing conflict. Say you're carrying out a strike, not on Legendium Aratimus or whatever his name was, but on... oh... Jerenda. I don't want y'all to kill me! Heck no! I am your opponent and I can hire other players to protect me and mine. Yes? Yes? No? Maybe a little bit?

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/23/2013 16:13:37)

Okay, my idea hasn't spawned much interest. I'll make an RP from scratch.

And actually, the RP is only like the Hunger Games in the first part. Then it's just war. In a city. With innocents getting in the way.

jerenda -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/23/2013 17:15:40)

Innocents! Cannon fodder!

Er... I mean... don't hurt them? >_>

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/23/2013 19:16:11)

@Jerenda: Put it like this:

The Servant wants to be freed. He needs money. He bets one player a lot of money that another player will die in the arena. Let's say you need a dagger to help break you out of the prison, so the Servant asks you to poison the combatant before his arena match. The player dies in the arena, the other player must pay the Servant, you get your dagger.

I just gave a simple idea up above. Scheming would take a lot more work of course, I just gave an idea.

Terraminator -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/24/2013 0:45:01)

What I really want to see is an RP that's like...well, okay, so I once was a part of one RP, can't remember the name of it. It had a set plot, I guess, in which all the characters had their introductions, but had to write so that somehow they could all meet up somehow. So basically, where there is a set plot, set storyline, but it is left open in a way wheree the authors can approach it however they like, as long as they don't go way off.
My one main problem with Rps that are totally run by the characters is that sometimes it gets slow, and I don't know, just personally I find it much more exciting and interactive when you know basically what you're doing and there is always something to be done. So if you know that your character has to meet up with this one, find some files and bring them to another character, you don't get bored and it's easier and exciting but just the same unpredictability as with a do-whatever-you-want RP.

Aka and I just realized I've written two paragraphs about nothing. So there you have it! ...not sure what I was getting at...

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/24/2013 1:11:54)


Pretty much a linear RP. I wouldn't mind hosting a linear RP, although I don't have a good plot stored away. I'll think one up while riding the metro. Anyone else have plots just sitting around?

Arthur -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/24/2013 3:14:32)

I was thinking of an RP where a group of occult detectives with various powers are summoned to a city in order to investigate some strange goings-on in the area.

Their powers may vary and not all the detectives need to be expert fighters, relying mostly on brains and magic.

It doesn't get that bad until one by one, the detectives start to disappear.

What say?

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/24/2013 10:31:12)


Sounds good to me. If it gets set up, I'd join. Although, you'd need to flesh out the plot a bit more.

For some reason, the Assassin's Guild does not want to leave me alone. So I think I'm going to do that. Not the AG/Welcome to the Clubs mix, but pretty much the original (one that I played) with a renewed plot, and placed in Dragonfable. The thing'll start out as the basic goings on of the guild, and after all the characters have been introduced, I'll start the main plot; namely, a commission that sends a few groups of assassin's to the different corners of Lore to assassinate, steal and so on so forth. My plan is to have all of these objectives have nothing to do with each other, and then make the players make a connection between them. From whatever connection is made, a new conflict or challenge will arise, and the guild members will be out to save the world instead of just filling their pockets with gold.

What say?

Master K -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/24/2013 21:05:58)

Ooohhh I want to join the Assassins Guild AGAIN!

Riffus Maximus -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/24/2013 22:14:10)

AG definitively sounds good to me.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/24/2013 22:32:46)

I have an idea for a war roleplay (which I so seem to love).

Two sides with players on either side. Each side has a leader and a set of commanders under them (one player assumes control of the leader, while the others assume control of the lower ranks). Each faction begins with a set number of soldiers. From here the leaders must allocate troops to their commanders and order them where to go and what to do. It is up to the commanders on how well they succeed. When opposing players meet up they will engage in battle, where real tactics (shield walls, schiltrom, flaming arrows, ambushes, etc) all are important. Depending on the outcome and events of the battle, the troop numbers will drop.

Prove yourself a worthy commander and see your leader give you more troops. Strive to achieve glory and watch your reputation with your leader grow as your friendship with the others fall.

Or prove useless and see your life taken by the enemy or your very comrades.

There won't be to many places to move to, so many players will stick together, further increasing character interactions (which is desperately needed in such a RP). Characters will discuss strategy, tactics, maybe even argue and bicker over such things.

EDIT: Instead of one player moving about the map doing his own thing, he may be accompanied by one, or two, or even three of his fellow commanders.

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/26/2013 6:20:03)

Okay, AG it is then!

I'll see how soon I can set things up.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/26/2013 8:10:09)

@Legendium: Perhaps it'd be wise to post your ideas here to see what others think. Up to you, but it's always best to shape a RP around the players interests.

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/26/2013 9:07:15)

:/ I already did.


For some reason, the Assassin's Guild does not want to leave me alone. So I think I'm going to do that. Not the AG/Welcome to the Clubs mix, but pretty much the original (one that I played) with a renewed plot, and placed in Dragonfable. The thing'll start out as the basic goings on of the guild, and after all the characters have been introduced, I'll start the main plot; namely, a commission that sends a few groups of assassin's to the different corners of Lore to assassinate, steal and so on so forth. My plan is to have all of these objectives have nothing to do with each other, and then make the players make a connection between them. From whatever connection is made, a new conflict or challenge will arise, and the guild members will be out to save the world instead of just filling their pockets with gold.

What say?

Also, I got two people who think AG will be good. From there, more people will probably come.

jerenda -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/26/2013 11:55:39)

Actually, Legend, I think the most important thing is to do what you love. I love RoP - I know it's going to keep me interested and I'm still going to want to play it in a month. It's my passion. My enthusiasm will communicate to my RPers that I care and I'm not going to vanish on them. They'll love it because I do and it will work out overall much better than if I played something I didn't believe in.

So, do what you love. Player interest is important, especially with the limited number of total RPs allowed, but doing what you love is even more so.

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/26/2013 14:11:07)

Well, as I said, I do like the idea of AG. Ever since I started playing a thief in Skyrim, I started liking thief characters. They make for interesting characters, and are fun to play. AG is good, so I'm going with it.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/26/2013 17:04:22)

@Legendium: One thing I disliked about Assassin's Guild was the lack of surprise and plot elements that I would be able to witness. I'm not saying anyone else was taken by surprise, we barely ever got into any plot on both RP's I hosted, but I had a slurry of plot twists and elements packed in the previous Assassin's Guild I had hosted, at least a lot more than the unplanned Assassin's Guild I. It'd be good to be on the other side and be able to witness a new plot firsthand.

I made Assassin's Guild originally for the sole reason that I was interested in Assassin's, like Jerenda says, I made a RP about what I loved (at the time). So I am definitely in for any sort of Assassin's Guild.

Also, I played as a thief in Skyrim twice, and both times had interesting playthroughs. Loved it.

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/26/2013 17:11:44)


So wait, you say you had a plan, yet didn't have a plan? I don't get exactly what you're saying.....

At any rate, expect an OOC this weekend, although probably late, since I have a ton o' work ta do and friend coming over.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/26/2013 17:42:27)

@Legendium: I have hosted 2 Assassin's Guilds. 1 was not very well planned out. It had Shadow as the master of the brotherhood, a hideout in a city, but we moved to a hidden fortress elsewhere. I left after that.

Second time around I had a bare-bones story that I hoped the players would add meat to (lot of mini-stories that make up the main story). I left after that.

A few people opted to host them, and I think a few of them did continue only a bit.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/26/2013 21:22:11)


We begin in a quaint little village living a common life. Our characters know each other, have lived side by side, and love one another. Unfortunately, all things must come to an end. The RP follows the story of our characters as they set out on a path of retribution.

Just an idea I had if I ever host a RP.

Vanir -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (5/1/2013 20:43:18)


I have hosted 2 Assassin's Guilds. 1 was not very well planned out. It had Shadow as the master of the brotherhood, a hideout in a city, but we moved to a hidden fortress elsewhere. I left after that.

Then I took over for a while, I changed it from being completely assassination oriented to having absolutely nothing to do with that at all. My AG take would have been better titles the Trials of the Assassin's Guild, or The Tragedy of the Assassin's Guild. Because, it was completely focused on the interaction between the people involved in the guild and not their work. If you RPed in it while under my leadership, you will know that no one was ever assassinated that wasn't part of the Guild. So the focus and overarching theme of my AG was choas and destruction. I like the driving story, not just getting contracts for kills.

@TJByrum some moar - I would participate in a War/Conquest Rp, but I would mostly enjoy seeing the arguments and watching how different characters' personalities clash while having to work together for the betterment of their empire. If that makes sense to anyone.

In other news, I had a good idea for an RP (which I will have to do some searching for, its saved on a different computer than the one I use now). It was a mixture of the Avatar: The Last Airbender series, Princess Mononoke, and my own personal flare. Basicly the war over technology versus nature, each character would be from an elemental tribe of priminalistic but magic-using natives. Each person would also have a corresponding spirit animal companion. You would start the roleplay as novices in training, eventually becoming strong enough to rise and defeat the tyrannical "aliens."

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