RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 17:05:32)

I think he means inactivity affects PvP a lot more.

Starstruck -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 18:00:48)


inactivity can ruin any RP, Star.
this may be true, but in a pvp RP, the issues caused by a disappearance are compounded, whereas in an RP less dependent upon everyone finishing their matches in a timely manner, it's easier to bear.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 18:04:16)

Anyone ever play that board game 'Diplomacy'?

DaiTigris -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/18/2012 18:36:39)


We probably won't get any RP's up till at least 2013.

I'd like to believe that we can get through that before new years day.

Otherwise, over time Ive come to enjoy the idea of free roaming Rps, there's a lot of creativity potential in them. The one I'm working on will have some free roaming in it, but more on the imaginary side. ^-^

Going on, I'd really like to see an Rp involving cronomancers. Think of all the timey wimey trouble they could get into.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/26/2012 23:08:46)

World War Lore II involves players leading battalions of soldiers around a map and trying to take territories for their faction. Each battalion is outfitted with a specific weapon and armor, and possibly a mount. The equipment determines their effectiveness in battle. Your goal as a general is to lead your forces through battles using strategy and tactics, coordinating with allies to be more effective.

You can rebel, and defect, form your own factions, etc.

EDIT: I also worked in sieges, and you can build siege equipment to take on cities.

Starstruck -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/27/2012 11:57:06)


Ponies will be presented in exchange for WWLII. Or a pony, depending on personal preference.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/27/2012 16:46:33)

@Starstruck: Our of curiosity, was you in WWL I? I hosted it, but under a different name.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/28/2012 9:38:48)

How will you handle it though, Ghost?
The first one was pretty chaotic....

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/28/2012 12:48:59)

@BK: The first one was chaotic, yes, but only because people were overly excited. I remember one such person on his first post raised an entire army and city right out of the ground in one post, which I did not want. The new WWL will be sort of turn-based, so everyone will advance along equally, unless they take a leave of absence. It shouldn't be as chaotic as the first one was... there wasn't that many ground rules.

EDIT: Also, some people seemed to assume "I got a demon army, I own you all!", which was not at all the case. I wanted everyone to say "Every army is equal, so we must rely on strategy and tactics to win".

Starstruck -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/28/2012 19:45:27)

@Ghost: No I wasn't, but it (and Nightmare Chess) were the two things I followed when I was a mere lurker/newb.

Just remember: we have to keep it from being too mechanical, but there's no harm in playing with numbers and post orders. :P

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/28/2012 20:43:35)

@Starstruck: It's not very mechanical. I just don't want General Starstruck to travel over five regions, while General BK has only traveled 1.

If anyone is interested:

Soldiers on mounts will be fast and can charge light infantry.
Soldiers with pikes can brace against cavalry charges and rout them.
Soldiers with missile weapons can take out lightly armored soldiers.
Soldiers with heavy armor and shields can defend easily against archers.
Soldiers with light armor have more offense than others.

There's more to it, like using shield walls, flaming arrows, flanking, calling in reserves, feigning and ambushes, etc. During the sieges, armies could build catapults or siege towers or battering rams. But the longer you take, the more time the defender has to prepare hot oil and call in help from allies.

EDIT: Chances are, I'll probably host 'The Black Tower' before anything else. It's a simple and classic roleplay about adventurers on an adventure.

Eukara Vox -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/31/2012 1:18:34)

Hmmm, according to either Super or Ryu, I have only RP'd D&D style on forums. So, that is what I know and what I have run (unbeknownst to myself, since I haven't actually ever played D&D in RL...). So I guess, if I ever get to be in one, I wouldn't mind something run like that.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/31/2012 19:55:55)

So The Black Tower is coming to fruition?
I'm interested in the structure that we discussed over PM, and what you'll do with it.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/31/2012 22:06:01)

@BK: Yes... and no. The Black Tower was an idea that I was tossing around, and I later discussed with you. The entire time between then and now I have went back and made changes to it, edited parts out, changed some parts of it entirely, etc. If I host a RP soon, which I'm not necessarily planning on doing (I don't feel I should host a RP anytime soon), it'd probably be "The Black Tower". The Black Tower would be about a man named Nightrider, who slew the Darklord 200 years ago; Nightrider assembles a team of character-players at a local inn and a short adventure ensures. It's mean to be a short and quick roleplay. I want to rely heavily on collaborations between players, especially conversations, because we'd be traveling for some time on horseback and then on foot. Let our characters get to know each other, etc. Nightrider and his team travel to the Black Tower and deal with a potential threat.

Then, if all goes well with The Black Tower, I will later host "The War of the Black Tower", in which the Darklord has returned and sent his armies to pillage and wage war against the Kingdom of Eastworth. Nightrider is now the leader of the Circle (the team assembled in "The Black Tower") and he and the Circle go on a quest around Eastworth to gain allies, fight battles, and put an end to the Darklord.

I have also written small parts about the Elven kingdom to the northeast, Elendil; the Greylands, to the northwest; and the White, lying to the north of Elendil.

EDIT: And if anyone is wondering, I am using Tolkien-fantasy. That includes the race of man, elf, and dwarf. And then the orcs, goblins, dragons, and trolls. Their is also a good line between 'good' and 'evil' and there is generally no 'grey' in the RP, something that Tolkien also practiced. The general conflict is between man and orc, with elves and dwarves and goblins and trolls thrown into the mix. I've written a somewhat vague history of the world, including the Arcane Wars in Elendil that later led to the creation of the Wood Elf and the Dark Elf, as well as the Orcs and Goblins; also wrote about the All-Makers who created the world, and the Unification Wars that King Taskas waged to conquer all of Eastworth.

Starstruck -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (12/31/2012 22:15:03)


I just don't want General Starstruck to travel over five regions, while General BK has only traveled 1.
General Starstruck got a demon army, General Starstruck OWNS YOU ALL.

>Tolkien races
Aw, but I like one-race worlds (e.g. Planet Troll). You have to admit a planet full of nothing but dwarves/trolls/elves would be an interesting concept.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (1/28/2013 13:41:40)

Anyone remember "Mandate to Heaven'? It was a Chinese-inspired roleplay where the characters were expected to use some sort of martial arts. I am not to sure, but I think it was hosted by Prator the Legendary (again, not to sure). I was thinking of a Japanese-themed roleplay and it made me think back to Mandate to Heaven. It does not take place in Japan, nor use any events or figures from Japan, it just uses Japanese names, armor, weapons, and society, as well as key terms.

Basically, the last Emperor has been assassinated and his only apparent heir disappeared five years prior. Now the the Daimyo are largely independent, unable to find a sole Emperor, and many of them seek to usurp the throne and become Emperor themselves. Each Daimyo has command over various Shoguns, who act as the military commanders throughout the land and also act as the Daimyo's advisers. Samurai are specially trained warfighters and warriors who often serve under a Shogun or act as guards. Ninjas are not common, but they exist, and are used by the Daimyo for assassinations.

Some players will play as Samurai who belong to a very special order (name pending). These Samurai are on a quest to find the exiled son and escort him to the Imperial City to name him emperor and restore the Empire. Unfortunately, corrupt Daimyo and Shoguns have sent their own Samurai, Ninjas and even armies to stop the Samurai from finding the son so they can become Emperor, and other players will be these enemies. Luckily, the good Samurai are backed up by the good Daimyo and Shoguns, who will help them.

Arthur -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (1/28/2013 14:37:39)

Japanese reminds me of "Of Dragons and Hunters".

Wow, now that RP got some massive support, can't say much since it was a Modern Day-Medieval Times RP set in Japan. I might revive it here and I am sure you guys'll love it.

Starstruck -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (1/28/2013 16:23:22)

Let's see...

It's not that I don't think samurai and/or ninja are cool, per se. I just find them somewhat overused. I will pull occasionally from eastern mythology (Made a kappa character once, one of my characters used a meteor hammer), but honestly the Orient is just...not my strong suit. I have exactly one true ninja character, and because she's a ninja, you don't know who she is....ahahahHAHAHAHAHHAHA

(fury doesn't count, since he died straight away; basically, he was a ghost character ~ woo ~)

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (3/27/2013 16:36:05)

Who is interested in a sci-fi roleplay? Think of MechQuest, but throw in some StarWars, Mass Effect, and other popular sci-fi genres. I've been having this idea: the Corvais Wars; it's about a group of people who believe in unity, and a group of people who believe in independence. It leads to a massive galactic war, called the Corvais Wars because that is the planet it started on.

No jedi, no N7, none of that, it'd be all original. I had the idea of a team of soldiers who crash-land on the planet of Corvais after a space battle. They must find each other, regroup, and continue on with a mission. Space battles, ground battles, mech battles, etc. We'd focus on using our skills and abilities (assault, medic, sharpshooter, mechanic, etc) to defeat our enemies and a lot of emphasis on how much ammo we have left, where to go, how to tackle challenges, etc.

jerenda -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/22/2013 3:36:22)

Um... so... apparently I'm a RP host. And I can make RPs and stuff. And I kinda want to make an RP just to promote activity.

Could those of you who have graduated from the RPA help me figure out what kind of RP we should make? I liked our three-world plan... we could set something inside that... but a lot of ideas have been thrown about and nothing's really been settled on.

I need one idea that I think we can agree on and pull off. The Badlands are awesome (and I fully intend to play that storyline to the end) but I think this might help. I don't need to be the one to host it, but I can.


My favorite idea is Ruins of Paxia part two. I know where that's going, it has a plot, and it has a fabulous cast of characters. (Well, not yet, but I'm sure it will.) Basically, the world is ending and you can decide to be a hero or a villain. Also, it has an excessive amount of explosions like these. The quote in my siggy kind of sums it up, as much as it can be summed up. Would you guys be interested in doing that, would you like more information before you decide, or should we do something else?

RoP II: 1

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/22/2013 8:51:37)

I think Ruins of Paxia sounds like a great idea. The three worlds needs a bit of work (You know, we've established the basis of the world, but we still need to create diverse cultures and establish how magic works) before it can go into RP play IMO, though. I suppose it's completion would go faster if less people worked on it and concentrated on it as well.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/22/2013 12:38:27)

Interesting Jerenda, I had no idea some people already had access to that.

If Ruins of Paxia would start at the beginning I would gladly join it.

I like your idea of giving us a a world, a plot, and allowing us to decide how to handle it.

Arthur -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/22/2013 13:46:28)

It's sad how we are still stuck at the Initiation Steps. It's very sad.

In any case, I think you should go ahead with RoP, jer.

However, I would suggest not expecting too many people to join because there aren't too many people who have been approved.

Again, it's sad how we are so close, yet so far.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/22/2013 17:58:27)

I've an idea for a RP:

We're all prisoners in a prison. The ultimate goal is to break out by whatever means necessary. There is but one way to do this: work together. Even so, you will need more help. At this prison is a man, 'the Servant' who can acquire items of interest: tools, weapons, parchments, or even good word. All interactions with the Servant are private through PM.

But the Servant is a deceitful, treacherous, and otherwise evil man who will bend and twist things that further his position. How far will you go to trust him? And most of all, will you break out?

jerenda -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (4/23/2013 1:42:44)

Looks like RoP has a lot of support. Cool!

@Legendium, I agree. I think the three worlds idea is awesome, but maybe not quite ready to turn into a full-fledged RP. I'mma add your vote to RoP, 'kay?

@TJB, I can't start RoP over again. It would demoralize me and I would be incapable of running it because I don't want to rewrite history. Also, it would erase the actions of many brave and heroic RPers who wrote a beautiful, 27-page story together through the course of three years. *dramatic pose* Their posts shall not go to waste - their characters shall not be removed from history! We must always remember those who have sacrificed their weekends, their computer time - yea, their very sanity! - for the noble cause of destroying Paxia. In their name, forever in their shadow (*bows head [dramatically]*) we must press on.

*cough* *glances around awkwardly and stands up* Er, in other words, we're not doing that. We're doing a partial refresh. All new characters, with a somewhat-sketchy explanation (with explosions!) as to why the old characters aren't interacting with the storyline anymore, and a nice complete explanation of where the story is so that people can just jump right into the middle of things doing whatever the heck they want. Sound good?

@Arthur, I know, there's only 11 people who've made it all the way through (dedication anyone?), but 11 is more than enough RPers to write a story with. If only half of them want to join, I've got a full cast and can expand from there.

@TJB - hello again! XD Obviously, I'm still a fan of RoP because that's my baby, but that's an interesting start to a RP. My question is this - if the (for argument's sake) GM put all these people in a prison, he obviously doesn't want them to get out. So why do they have access to this Servant character? Why doesn't the GM either cut off the Servant's access to equipment or the prisoner's access to the Servant? I guess that could be one of the questions to be answered through the RP. :D

I'm not sure I'd join if you launched it, but it's a cool start. I'd like to hear more about it. What kind of world do you envision? Why are these people in the prison? (Or, what kind of prison is it?)

I'll update the vote count real quick. If RoP gets to six I'll launch an OOC thread and start accepting characters, deal? I'll need at least three accepted characters, not counting mine, to feel comfortable starting the RP, and if I could get six characters that would be much better.

Votes (Note: If you vote, I will not hunt you down and force you to play. Honest. [I do, however, reserve the right to make sad eyes at you if you don't.])

RoP II: 4 (I got some other votes not listed here.)
Prisoners/Servant/Thingy: 1

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