RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (Full Version)

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Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/3/2013 15:36:53)


I don't believe that anybody else right now can create an RP.

Mirai can. I think.


TJByrum I THINK has the ability to run an RP but from what I can see he hasn't settled on any ideas yet.

That he does, but I don't think he knows it yet.


Legendium has expressed interest in creating a non-AE RP. However, his ideas fit too well in the AE canon for that to really work ;_; I think he's looking for ideas, so if you'd like to contribute you can post a new thread (yes, it's allowed :P) or PM him directly.

I've got a few ideas, but they don't feel inspired enough. My muse has deserted me. So inspired ideas are welcome. Really. I want to get something started. And soon.

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/17/2013 17:04:52)

A little while ago, I mentioned that I was working on a few ideas for RPs that could be run here (and perhaps bring some more life back to these boards). Well, I’ve managed to develop a couple of those far enough that they’re at a point where I’m willing to present them and gauge interest, since I feel that they’re capable of speaking for themselves. If I get enough interest for either of these, then I’m likely to run one of them and save the other for a later date. So without further ado, here’s a look into what I’ve been ruminating on for the past couple of weeks..
Felicity -A Tale of Thieves- (AQ)

Nam-Exetus, 407
The peasant rebellion that had been plaguing the great nation of Battleonia was at last put to rest; the armies of the venerable Lord Ritik cornered the bulk of the dissenters at the Gillentran Gorge, driving those whom refused to surrender into the River Daria. This tragedy, which became more widely known as “Ritik’s Retribution”, ushered in a period of uneasy peace that dominated for many years. The farmers, thoroughly cowed, returned to their homes and sought to salvage that which remained of their shattered lives.

The damage caused to the land by the revolt had been severe, with much of the year’s harvest trampled underfoot by careless abandon. The worst though, was reserved for those towns who had seen fit to deny the imperial soldiers provisions. They were ravaged, pillaged, and burnt to the ground, naught but ash left behind. The following food shortage was doubly devastating for the lower class, since both their lives and their livelihood were on the line.

As late summer turned to fall and winter started to bear down on Battleonia, many were forced to abandon the only homes that they’d ever known and make their way to the cities. To the towers of those whom they hated and despised, but whom they would bite their lips and beg employment from. Humiliating and demoralizing though it might be, and for all the strength of their hate, they knew that it was better than the alternative. Since one could only “hate” if they kept on living.
--Sage Martin, “Battleonia: The Dark Years”

14 Nam, 417
This accursed outrage shall not stand - I care not the price, I shall have their heads! Today I was forced to suffer yet more embarrassment as another of my storefronts was burglarized; the third in the past fortnight. My losses have started to pile up, and yet I’m still no closer to catching these caitiffs than I was two weeks prior. Worse, I’ve been forced to reimburse several clients for items that they’ve already paid for. I can just hear the laughter rolling down from the guildhall at this very moment.

Even if I know not where these thieves are, I certainly know who they are, for it could be no one else. Why did we see it in ourselves to take pity on those miscreants and let them into our cities, and after all of the damage that they’d caused? I saw the High Priest’s words for the cloying platitudes that they were, but he had the others wrapped right around his finger. Our kindness would “indebt” them to us? Pah, we should have let the scoundrels starve.

It certainly would have saved us more than a modicum of annoyance now. Now we have to rely on the incompetence of the city guard to bring them in, and we’ve seen how well that goes. Years and years of robberies, and only a couple of the thieves caught each year, and none of them will talk, even on threat of death. Not anymore - I care not for the edicts; if the law won’t properly protect me, then I’ll be forced to take matters into my hands. I won’t be the victim of such a farce any longer!
--From the Journal of Lord Farith

So, if the two above excerpts (and the title) have given you any idea, Felicity is a Role Play about thievery. Thievery and so very much more. I’ve set this RP far in the past of the current AQ timeline, in a sort of Victorian era where Battleonia was a more notably established kingdom (this is obviously my own creation, and is not official in any way). The historical pieces above are meant to explore the background of the situation (Nam and Exetus are month names that I’ve devised; Nam is late summer/early fall, while Exetus is late fall/early winter - the RP will be starting late in the month of Nam in the year of 417) into which you’d be entering as characters, and to give you an idea of just how great the animosity between certain members of the aristocracy and the more common classes are.

The RP itself will be taking place in the capital of Battleonia, a city by the name of Alavey, wherein you’d have a chance to play one of a large group of thieves that operates within the city’s walls. Just as Lord Farith suggests, the genesis of the group is related to the frustrations and desperation of a group of peasants who were forced to travel to the Alavey following the destruction caused by the revolt and its subsequent quelling. Though it started as a small group of pickpockets and robbers, it’s grown into a more far-reaching organization that deals in anything from forgery and embezzlement, to burglary and blatant blackmail. Assassination however, is strictly forbidden by the group’s code, and you’ll be excommunicated or worse should you violate this rule.

While I do hesitate to call the grouping a guild, it does have a fairly well-defined, if fluid structure. There are two general levels that are akin to a law office’s “associate” for the younger, newer members, and “partner” for those who have been members for several years and been part of and run a few successful operations. Beyond these, there are several specific positions that one can be tapped for, but they’re rare, and most are unknown to the bulk of the band. The only authoritative bodies that need be known by them are the Council, which runs the organization and makes sure things are kept in check, and the “Wisps”, which are the council’s direct personal agents. Both tend to operate as silent, invisible entities, though it is clear to the group that they do in fact exist, based on multiple events that have occurred in the past.

The council often post any news that they have via coded-bulletin at several specific locations, and rarely appear in person. During these rare occasions, they wear a set of masks made of wood that appears to have had its outer bark burnt. The news they carry varies as does the ciphers, often mixing in simple boasts of success to throw off any interception by authorities while frustrating the royal codebreakers. Warnings of scouted hazards are also notably common, while more rarely these turn into announcements for recruiting individuals of the organization for approved mercenary ventures. After all, while the Council may be perfectly happy seizing opportunities within, occasionally an outside client may prove far more lucrative an investment of time and energy.

Of note, there is also no defined “headquarters” for the group, as the Council has judged such to be too unsafe. There are several safe-houses and gathering points located throughout the city of Alavey to fulfill those purposes though. They serve as hubs for the groups activity, and one can usually find the Council’s decrees at a couple of the larger ones.

Now, I suppose you wonder where you all would fit into this. As I said earlier, you’ll all be able to create various different kinds of thieves and miscreants that would be able to be members of this group, of varying seniority (the chance is open to be both an associate and a partner rank, though do keep the ages realistic for such). At the start of the RP, you’ve all been scouted by the Council to handle a very specific job that they’ve just come by, and as such you’re about to be briefed by one of the Taskmasters, who will send you on your way afterward.

Of the two RPs that I’ve devised, this one is definitely the more serious of the two and will be quite plot and character driven, but I believe that there’s also a payoff to be had from that. This also does not mean that I’m expecting excellence or that posts be of some ridiculous length every time. While I’m a naturally long-winded writer, I know that there are others whom are not, and it’s not like quantity equals quality. Though, I will say that I at least expect a couple of good-sized paragraphs each post, which I don’t think is too demanding.

If I get enough interest for this, I’ll organize this a bit more into an OOC post and post a basic bio format and example character that will show you what I’m looking for. Just for reference, this will NOT be a combat focused RP (though there will be some), and will rely far more on stealth and creativity (the guards will frankly out-arm you quite a bit in most cases). In addition, I’m pushing for magic to be rather … subtle in this setting, so while it exists, you’re probably not going to be throwing fireballs around.

Following that, I’ll put up an IC intro post. So be sure to let me know what you guys think! Now, onto my other idea.
Nerves of Iron (AQ)

This concept is somewhat more straightforward than the previous one, but this doesn’t mean that I’ve put any less thought into it. “Nerves of Iron” is meant to be set somewhat in the future of the AQ timeline, during a period that mirrors that of the Industrial Revolution in our world. With some key changes of course - namely, the technology for firearms is oddly absent from this setting, leading to some more creative weaponry designs. There will be steampunk influence here, I’ll be quite frank about that, so things like heated-blades and pellets that exude heated air, as well as plenty of interestingly designed metal pieces will abound.

The basic concept behind the Role Play, though, revolves around something that anyone who’s played AQ or any other RPG will find fairly familiar: hunting monsters. The port city of Ballast has long been home to a set of three monster-hunting orders: those who hunt monsters who ply the seas, those who hunt the creatures of the drylands/plains, and those who deal with what roam the wetlands/swamps.

They’ve kept the city safe for many many years, and have all done their jobs admirably, however, the Orders have recently run into some money problems as a result of some investors pulling funds. As such, Ballast’s government has taken ownership of the Orders, and in order to better manage them, merged them into one single Order. As a result of this, it’s thrown together many people who have never worked together and will have to work together in order to keep the city safe. As such, the new administration has decided to randomly assign people from each of the Orders into new groups, which will then be given a job to test their effectiveness together.

This is where you guys will come in - you’ll be playing as members of one (if I get enough people, perhaps two) of these new groups. As compared to Felicity, Nerves is much more light-hearted and focused on the basic ideals of characterization and battle - at least at the very beginning, it will run on a kind of “monster of the day” format where the group in question will be dispatched to deal with a particular creature someone, sometimes involving interaction with the nearby locals, and eventually finding and killing the creature (though this won’t always be easy). I do already have several such adventures planned, some longer and more time-consuming than others. There is a loose main storyline present in the background of this RP, but it’s not nearly as prevalent as in the previous idea, and won’t matter as much until later on.

Your characters for this RP will of course be more geared for combat, most likely proficient with some type of weaponry or magic, and most probably have some type of experience at their job (it is possible for a character to be a squire of a more experienced hunter, but we’d have to talk about that). The same notes about posting length and quality that I mentioned in my Felicity write-up also apply here.

So, with this I think I’ve proposed two RPs that are on the opposite side of the spectrum from each other; both will most likely attract their own audience, though I’m personally looking to run the one that gets more interest now, and shelve the other for another day. However, I’m not quite finished yet. I also mentioned that I’d be throwing out some idea for more general use, and I do indeed have more ideas than just these two RPs (they’re just the ones that I decided to take all the way).

So, below you’ll find some of the other ideas that I came up with during my two week brainstorming session:

  • A very, VERY lighthearted RP about a group of apprentice mages learning from an old master in large tower somewhere.

  • An RP that uses Virtual Reality (probably using ED or MQ as a setting) as a means of creating an RP both inside and outside of the VR.

  • An RP about running a city council and making decisions that affect what happens to the city itself (I anticipated this to be very niche, hence why despite my like, I didn’t go forward with it myself).

  • I’d support an RP within which people played various types of magical creatures that have conflicting needs/likes trying to live in the same society/town.

  • I’ve wanted to see another mecha RP come to life for quite a long time, since I quite love them - I’ve had an idea about using them in an underwater setting for some time now, but never sat down and figured out how it would work.

  • An RP based on exploring a world as designed by the Host COULD be fascinating if done right.

  • There is of course always the option of using a non-AE world, which would definitely need to be discussed with both me and RP staff, but is definitely a possibility if something has a compelling enough idea.

I hope that some of these have been useful in spurring some muses to life, and I’m very much looking forward to feedback on my two ideas, since I’ve spent a pretty good amount of time thinking them through (there’s a lot to both, though particularly the former, that you haven’t seen yet). Nonetheless, thank you for your time and enjoy! Oh, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. :)

dethhollow -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/17/2013 19:12:54)

I have to say, I'm more intrested in Nerves of Iron. Monster Hunter RPs usually don't do too great from my experience, but just because...... Well, magic alone is awesome. It allows almost limitless possibilities as to what you can do. Steampunk is awesome. It's always enjoyable to figure out how the devices work and it's just a cool style to work with altogether. Magic and Steampunk together? Heck yeah! There's so much crazy stuff you could do with that! You could make back-mounted flaming buzzsaws. Pressurised arm-mounted water tanks on an energy mage. You could have flamethrowers mounted on 8 seperate mecha-arms heating the water for thier own movement with the air of wind magic to conduct the heat!

As soon as my bio is graded and I can get through the crazy-long process of finding a partner and getting into the RPB, I'll definatly be trying to join!

DaiTigris -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/18/2013 0:25:29)

I have to admit the idea of a bunch of mages learning from an old codger amuses me very much. Such ideas of where this tower is or if even none of the apprentices present in the tower knows where it is or how they even got there is even more amusing to me. Bit of stretch but still just throwing things out there for my own amusement. Because if you don't feed the muses things tend to get a little dry sometimes, or so I've been told.

While Felicity and Nerves of Iron are interesting I'll admit I don't have one preference over the other. They both seem unique in their own aspects but there isn't too much that calls out to me personally for either one.

But one thing concerning Nerves of Iorn I'm a bit baffled as to how things like Drakel Magi-Scice and how there technology might work into it. I know it's present in the current AQ timeline and maybe in this timeline not a dominating force. I would think that maybe a few obscure factions would have some influence from it. Just my two penny's on the matter, hope it helps.

Arthur -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/18/2013 3:24:44)

I was thinking more about the Dragons and Hunters in real world concept.

Would anyone be interested?

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/18/2013 12:35:10)


I am VERY interested in the first one. It seems very much like Assassin's Guild but toned down and more challenging, with less violence. I've already got a character in mind. A magic user, yes, but not in the way you think. The one who can only make a few puffs of colored smoke, but for him that's enough. The kind that makes things that look like magic, but are actually quite explainable.

As to Nerves of Iron, I'm lovin' it as well. For some reason I get this vision of a steampunk vampire hunter. That sounds epic.

How about an RP taking place in a Scandinavian/Celtic setting? It would do well in Northern Dragonfable, near Warlics tent and up by Dragesvard. Naturally, it would have to be in the past, probably in their Iron or Bronze age.

Ugh. I never lack for settings but plots always evade me for some reason or other. Either that, or they're already taken.

If anyone has a good plot idea that could fit into a Scandinavian setting, please tell me.

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/19/2013 12:07:20)

@dethhollow: Glad to hear that you're interested, and don't worry, I do have plans to keep the RP interesting. Hope to see you through the RPA soon!

@DaiTigris: Those were actually much along the lines that I was thinking of in terms of the magi apprentice idea, but I know that I'm not great at running extremely light-hearted things, hence why I decided to shelve it and release the idea for use by others. As to the ideas I did follow through on, I have indeed considered the Drakel and their tech in terms of Nerves of Iron (I have world design documents for both of these RPs that have a lot of details I haven't talked about yet), and they are related to some facets of it in certain ways. It would really be a waste not to use them in an industrial style setting, so I plan to make the most of that.

@Legendium: Happy that you like what I've come up with. The character that you're describing reminds me very much more of what we know as a magician, rather than a mage, which is a very interesting idea. I could definitely see it working within Felicity's setting, so if we do decide to go with it, I'll be very intrigued to see you build and develop this character.

As to your RP idea, how about a plot-line akin to a legend maybe?. To explain a bit better - maybe have the background to the RP be that it's a tale being told around a fire in the cold, northern tundra (namely shown in your posts as the Host, which are split between that and dealing with the events of the legend themselves). The players take the role of characters who are in the legend, attempting to accomplish whatever monumental task they end up being forced to bear (I think it would be better to have the characters as unsuspecting at first, though you could opt to do it another way). The monumental task ... well, think of myths that you know. It could be anything from slaying a ousting a cult to retrieving a legendary item. However ... the kicker is that there are discrepancies between the story being told and what's actually occurring, allowing for comic relief and a bit of commentary about how stories like that are exaggerated. It also opens up things for a lot of interesting characterization - anywho, just an idea.

If you want something a bit more conventional and less out there, I can also recommend a treasure hunting dungeon crawl through a citadel of ice (for something like the treasure of a lost kingdom or an ice wyrm's horde) or maybe a younger character's quest for adult-hood (status within a tribe/society, which was a common practice in social situations like that) that turns into something more/different. You could also look at the four Irish Mythical Cycles for some inspiration if that would be helpful (Mythological Cycle, Ulster Cycle, Fenian Cycle, and Historical Cycle).

Just some ideas and discussion to hopefully get your mind working!

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/19/2013 13:59:41)


That idea about a tale around a fire is perfect! I wish I could think that far out the box.

It seems to me like it will need lots of improvising though, for instance when new characters decide to pop in. Seeing as legends center usually around one person's journey.

Actually, re-thinking that, I have a better idea. It could be a series of legends. For instance, a new character met half-way through the story could be part of a fully different legend, whose story continues after that of the other is finished.

I'll have to think things over.

Starstruck -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/19/2013 15:12:12)

"Did they suffer any injuries?" inquired a small girl.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Marcos yelled, hopping around on one foot, attempting to soothe the fiery pain in his gashed toes. "Ow! Right where there was no armor!"

Angela turned indifferently back to her book. "Maybe if you stopped juggling your weapons, that wouldn't happen again. You aren't impressing anyone, anymore, anyway."

"Oh yes," replied the storyteller, "many, painful injuries."

The other aged storytellers had to work hard to stifle their snickers.

MooMuffins -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/19/2013 20:28:39)

Whelp, I might as well place my two cents in as a new member! I hope I can be in RPs with you guys but...bleh I got a horrible case of forgetfulness and laziness, hopefully I can get off my butt to finish my charrie quickly or enough at least. From what Ryu told, the ideas I like the most are the virtual reality, the magical creatures in the same town and the mecha RP underwater. Mostly because these three RPs can bring my possibilities and different scenarios in my eyes. If I can give an idea for the mecha RP...mermaids. Just. Let it settle in your mind. Then you can thank me later.

Arthur -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/20/2013 4:17:04)

Okay, let's see, how about a setting where Rogues, Mages and Warriors are enemies of each other and each of them has a Library as their governing force. The Libraries are in fact, Libraries looked after by Master Librarians. The Mage Library could be a huge floating building the only way to get to which is to piggyback a mage or some other way. The Rogue Library could be hidden well underground and as for the Warrior Library, it could be on the land itself. The RPers could ascend the ranks all the way to Co-Head Librarian or some such and then if the Master Librarian is willing to step aside, maybe even become the Master. The era could be medieval/steampunk/etc. Of course, each faction would have skills unique to their own kind. Race no bar. All kinds of creatures could be present. Missions, side quests etc. could all be options. The only thing is that it would require 3 hosts for each of the Libraries.

What say?

MoonrayDrake -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/20/2013 19:42:58)

Huh..I haven't posted in here for quite a while. Wonder if anyone remembers me.

Anyways, as for an RP I'd like to see..I was a participant in an RP that involved several "gods" or something, that were related to things like Dreams and the like...I can't for the life of me remember much about the RP but the concept was amazing, and I'd love to see something like that again. Then again..a big part of its awesomeness was due to great RPers..

Musing about bygone eras..

Eukara Vox -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/20/2013 20:45:52)

I got one. Called Treasure Hunter.

Those who play seek to solve a mystery. Something has come into the world that threatens it, to the extent of ripping the known universe in two. Not only do you have to battle the people who are already bad guys, but you have to seek out this presence that seems to be everywhere and stop it. Problem is... there is a history the world has forgotten and you must rediscover in order to succeed. And one of the players is the Chosen, but won't know it until it is revealed in the end.

Setting: Medieval setting with ancient high tech ruins that you didn't know was there until the presence manifested.

Type: Been told probably a mix of dungeon crawler/D&D (Only type I ever learned to DM)

Condition: I own your soul while playing. No negotiations... And, if you so much as perform unrealistically or you don't pay attention, your character suffers...

Heh, if only I had the time and patience.

Starstruck -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/20/2013 21:11:04)

@Arthur: That looks workable. I'm curious as to how the Libraries were built, why the Mage one is flying when the Warrior one is boring, what you envision the battles to be like, and stuff like that.

@MoonrayDrake: Of course I remember you, ya goof! Get over to the RP'er Welcome Thread so that we can give you a proper welcome!

@SpookyEukky: I think all that meheheheing has gone to your brain. This RP concept probably involves lots more meheheheing. Are you sure you can handle all this scheming?

I'm most interested in how you'll reveal the tidbits from the past! I think you should set up your world ahead of time and drop vague hints and twisted stories from biased sources. The world doesn't change, but it'd be REALLY interesting to see how the players' perceptions of it influence their actions and the way they interpret new information. I'd also be interested in the role of liars - can you trust this tablet? Can you trust this storyteller? Are you the player who got the true sequence of events, or does something ring hollowly with what you've been given?

Here's my RP idea: Trobble Trouble.

A party is going on very merrily, with a heaping plate of roasted Trobbles as the main course. Just as the dinner bell rings, the lights go out! When vision returns, the Trobbles have been made away with. At this confusingly crowded party, thrown into pandemonium by the confusion of darkness, it is impossible to tell who is missing. As people collect themselves, they lament the loss of the tasty Trobble course. They will not starve, but they want revenge, and they want the culprit brought to justice. Well. They want it, but they really don't want to get too involved...except for one man, a hapless detective who has an unfortunate knack of stumbling onto very unfortunate discoveries. Many of the attendees are beginning to despise the thief for making off with the Trobble feast, as it means they may become prime suspects themselves, and a few of their dirty secrets aired a little bit too soon. Then there's the matter of why they were at the party in the first place. Such a bother...but the culprit must be caught.

You play as a member of the social, political, or economic elite...or whoever else you feel might have attended. A cook? A hit man? A party crasher in for a night of fun? A jewel thief? The detective himself? The culprit must be found...

Eukara Vox -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/20/2013 21:27:09)

Starstruck, I've actually run this before in the old CyDef Clan forums. I still have all my documents, all my "books", evidences, "emails" etc from that RP that I personally wrote. I went all out. back in the days when I had time...

And it was fun for me and for my players. Definitely something different, problem solving versus RP Versus Dealing with Eukky.

Arthur -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/21/2013 0:56:18)

The reason for the Libraries being so are because they represent what they stand for, or what their creators stand for. Mages show off their magic by having a floating Library, Rogues show off their characteristics by making one that Legends say doesn't exist(It's underground) while warriors, plain as they are have a standard behemoth in some Walled City.

Over the years, the Warriors have devised ways to take on heavy magic like the ones the mages use, whether it be repelling crystals or some cloak etc. However, not all magic is known to man. The Rogues, stealthy as they are have their tunnels, connections, bribes etc. The Mages on the other hand are highly respected around the lands and they are perhaps the least sneaky of the three. They are loved and respected all over the world by what you can call the higher-ups, the top shots, the brass of this world.

Oh, right, people are separated into 3 categories, the Noble Lords, the Hardworking Peasants and the Filthy Scoundrels, all in support of Mages, Warriors and Rogues respectively.

You see, the Libraries are almighty Seats of Power, that is where they get their knowledge from, the 3 factions. The Libraries while defined structures on the outside are actually vast, immense and unfathomable inside(Harry Potter-ish much?). Those who are of certain ranks can access certain sections of the Library. Even the Head Librarian doesn't have access to all of it. And THAT, my dear friends is why this great war is going on, the bone of contention, a crossroad where three roads end and only one begins.

The War is for a Key/Stone/Book/(I haven't decided which yet). Having this item in the Library will unlock that which all 3 factions desire, Ultimate Knowledge, unrestricted access to all that the Libraries hold within. But the question is, does the item truly exist or are we fighting for a hollow legend?

In this War, no one side is good, no one side is evil, everyone is fighting for multiple causes. There will be traitors, defectors, converts, deaths and god knows what.

Just be sure that in a battle of guns, you don't carry a knife. You know, a warrior with a plain steel sword facing off against a high mage, who is toast?

So that is all there is about this RP.

Starstruck -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/22/2013 10:18:00)

Hm. Is that implying the existence of enchanted weapons? Just checking.

Arthur -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/25/2013 11:27:27)

Basically, weapons made out of special crystals or just temporarily enchanted, all to resist magical effects.

Remaint -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (11/21/2015 11:48:16)

I would like to see a roleplay wherein a person may use around 3 characters. The standard roleplay seems to have a limit of either absolute one, or some few hundreds being an idea number.

Steamship roleplays could be nice, for said vessels may have a crew of single digits, to few thousands(Torpedo Boats to Dreadnaughts being the example).

A roleplay with predefined areas to travel for could work well. An example being a fantastical March to Jerusalem, crusade/pilgrimage sort of thing. Another example could be a person/family/organisation hiring a load of player controlled mercenaries to accompany them through a forest of horrors, haunted ruins, etc.

Draycos777 -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (11/21/2015 14:32:02)

XD, really Remaint? That thread necro. Though, the steamship idea is interesting.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (1/10/2016 6:41:50)

Necropost I know but discussion never hurt anyone:

I really want to see some kind of wild west roleplay. I had one particular possibility in mind, wherein both player character start off in a duel. You don't know why or how, and the story is told through flashbacks in a three chapter format.

First chapter flashback begins when they unhook their holsters.

Chapter 2 flash back begins when they've both got their guns pointed at each other.

Chapter 3 flash back begins when someone fires off the first shot.

And the story's conclusion ends with revealing who lost the duel.

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