RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (Full Version)

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Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (5/18/2013 10:12:27)


If you're thinking we can make video games, sorry. These are written works.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (5/18/2013 13:14:07)


1. Mech Suit RPG, something like Gundam

2. Martial Arts RPG, based in ancient Asia with all forms of martial arts,

3. And an RPG about being a media celebrity

4. Gang RPG's

Mech Suit could work, I believe someone's done it before. Some mechs fighting over resources or something.

"Mandate to Heaven" was similar to what the Martial Arts RP would be like. It was nice, but I don't know how far it got (I only got so far in it).

A Gang roleplay was discussed between me and someone else, but I don't know if the content we had would be allowed.

Alexandria Serthes -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (5/30/2013 4:39:22)

Trapster (I don't have any idea what to call this yet).
Genre:Everything, but mainly action
Setting: Modern
Estimated RPers: 5+
Type: semi-free-roam.
Plot Preferences: Three groups of people are trapped in a semi-abandoned area (relatively large, including a more forested area and a suburban-type place). In order to escape, each group has a simple task. For simplicity, I'll call these groups A, B, and C, for now. For group A to escape, they must successfully kill all the members of group C. For group B to escape, they must subdue (without killing) all the members of group A, without all members of group C dying. Group C must simply survive... Without harming anyone else, in any way.

The Clubs: Resurrection
Genre: Everything. I like throwing in everything.
Setting: Either, or both.
Estimated RPers: 7+
Type: semi-free-roam
Plot Preferences: This would basically be a revamp of WttC, located in Darkovia (or Darkovia-type area) far into the future (about a century, or so, probably). Unlike the original WttC though, this one would have multiple central points for the plot, adding things from the original IC thread, and there actually being an answer as to why the clubs are fighting each other. I have a couple ideas about the plot-line, including an actual definite way to end the thread when necessary, without having horribly, horribly loose ends to tie up without being able to. The entire thread should still allow for a lot (if not all), of the free-roaming and RPer-made storylines that the original WttC had.


A Gang roleplay was discussed between me and someone else, but I don't know if the content we had would be allowed.

To some extent, that's what WttC was about, various gangs in a four-way war for no apparent reason (I've pretty well decided on the actual reason, but that's not important...)

Vanir -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (5/30/2013 20:41:35)

Trapster sounds very interesting. The plot seems familiar to me but I can't figure out why.

And TJByrum-

Say we got about 10 players. 5 of them are Pirates and begin in a pirate hideout, such as Lolosia or 'Pirate's Cove', whatever. The other 5 are Privateers of the Lorian Navy. Instead of having 10 ships bee-bopin' around the ocean, we'd have two: the Pirates and the Privateers.

Now the Pirates can roam around, pillage, do whatever, The Privateers then have to set out and find these Pirates and put an end to their pillaging. They can battle if they want, board the ship, fight hand-to-hand, etc.

But I was thinking they can capture each other's ship, ransom the crew back to safety, and then the Pirates/Privateers would now have access to two ships. Also they could have Pirate allies and Navy Allies, Mercenaries, etc.

Kind of hard to do. What would you roleplay about in the middle of the ocean stuck on the same ship? To be honest, I'd like to do that, it'd give me a lot of time to do collaborations with other people's characters (conversation collaborations). Give us time for our characters to interact and such.
I would love a pirate RP! Would sea creatures be allowed? I found one of my old drawings and remembered you talked about a Pirate roleplay.

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (5/31/2013 1:37:08)

About Pirate Roleplays.....

What about a skypirate roleplay? I've been thinking and brooding on the world that some of the RPers were creating together, and I've almost got a finished version in my head. And there would be skyships involved.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (5/31/2013 9:34:25)

Nice ideas Alexandria. I like the skypirates idea Legendium.

But I really came here to discuss something else. An underwater roleplay. An entire city condensed in an artificial air bubble at the bottom of an ocean, inhabited by air-breathing people. Fearsome and deadly predators lurk the surrounding city...

The air-breathers wear mechanized suits over their bodies, fully equipped with a blade on one arm and a harpoon gun on the other. They're heavy enough to walk underwater on the sea floor, but are equipped with propellers in the foot part to swim around at decent speeds. Imagine Iron Man's Armor in the Avengers, only more steampunk-looking and not as flashy.

Meanwhile, there are other creatures who live in the water who wish to destroy the underwater city. They have physical weapons, like claws, spikes, and fangs, etc.

Can the air-breathers find a way to save their city before the sea creatures destroy it?

More plots details to be worked out.

Vanir -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (5/31/2013 9:47:22)

Legendium, would you like to share your dreams with us here? Steampunk airships? I like that.

That would be great TJB, as I have a certain anthropomorphic crab that is just waiting to tear apart some poor drowning fool.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (5/31/2013 10:29:35)

Thank Vanir. I imagine magic would be like the air-breathers hurling air bubbles at the sea creatures, and the sea-creatures using water as magic.

Legendium, by ship, do you mean flying pirate ships or a balloon like an airship?

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (5/31/2013 16:59:04)

Flying pirate ships, partially stolen from the Edge Chronicles. (Good read, by the way)

I suppose to truly explain everything I had ideas for would require it's own thread, mainly because I've continued on the original three planets idea created in the "Let's create a world" thread. Travel between the three planets/Stellar Objects would be by Airship, until a later period in history when massive metal bridges span the airspace. I've got a new method for magic, and a couple of places already set up. I would love to start an RP in this world and then let the RPers run wild continuing it and branching off into their own stories in a wide and wonderful world. With the condition being that at least four other RPers had to join them on their adventure. With these side adventures, other places could be RPed in, like, let's say, an underwater kingdom, like in TJ's idea, or a city covering an entire rock, or just a group sitting around in an Inn chatting. With enough options, anything can be possible.

Eh. We'd need to start a "Let's create a world" Thread again to truly get into detail.

Starstruck -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (6/4/2013 8:39:59)

Punch Punch Princesses.

A call has been sent out by a handsome Prince Charming. He desires a bride, with certain unusual qualities. The princess must be able to compose herself, discuss heavy topics with foreign dignitaries, and be able to defeat a man in a fair fight. Beauty was not even mentioned on the form because, as everyone knows, all princesses are beautiful. After about a month, the first round of princesses has qualified (you would not believe how the princess of sparkle made it past Viktor the Crusher - it is extremely embarrassing), and the tournament is ready to begin.

The princesses must make it past 5 rounds, each showing a different quality that the prince desires: Devotion, Discernment, Diligence, Diplomacy, and Deadliness. The final princess standing will become the prince's bride.

The princesses have each been telepathically linked to a team of trained wizards. The wizards have only one means of interference; when a princess is conclusively defeated, she is turned instantly to stone. When the round is over, she is revived, unhurt. The prince likes watching women fight over him, but he does draw the line here.

As it turns out, the only women who were able to make it past the qualifying round were the people who fight without weapons. Seems Viktor was experienced at disarming people, even princesses, but not at removing a lady's boxing gloves. Fans of the event quickly named it "Punch Punch Princesses" and it gained fantastic publicity. People came in droves. With the whole world watching, how will the princesses perform? Whatever the outcome, this will change the course of the kingdom forever.

Thoughts? Note that this isn't actually serious and I don't plan on ever creating this RP. I just wanted to make good on an old premise I made. Never break your premises kids.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (6/4/2013 12:45:41)


I was thinking of a roleplay "Reign of Fire", a play on words because in the roleplay it literally rains fire. The world suddenly darkened and balls of magma and spits of fire rained down killing everyone in its wake. And then the demons arrived and started 'cleaning up' the leftovers. You are one of the players and we need to team up and work together to fight off the demons and bring an end to this deadly Reign of Fire. Alternatively I named it "The Day the Sky Rained Fire".

Secondly, NightMarsh. In NightMarsh you got the classic good vs evil. Basically you got some good players and evil players. Around the marshes are a lot of Stones, and these Stones must be located and controlled. So you guys need to team up and work together to find the stones and control them, including splitting up and pairing up players who compliment each others strengths and weaknesses. It's like an arena roleplay with a lot of PvP taking place in a marshy lowland known as NightMarsh.

Other than that.... does anyone here want Yulgar's Inn back?

Vanir -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (6/4/2013 21:38:04)

I had an idea for an X-men like roleplay. The characters have mutant abilities that they have to hone and control. While they practice their skills they are constantly on the run from the rest of the populace who wish nothing more than to extinguish the mutant abominations and stop their spread over the planet. For even more fun, add in the mutant civil war creating a three party extravaganza filled with love, hate, and war. Lots of war.

I think that would be lots of fun. Young people trying to find their way through life while being hunted down and developing their (godmodded) superpowers. In any case, I find the entire concept of the X-men compelling and exciting. I had a more concrete plan a few years ago but I never wrote anything down. Even if no one else would be interested, I'm still going to come up with a good plan for that just so I can dream about it.

There have been other "superhero" roleplays around, but I never found them satisfying. I have never really found any superheroes to be satisfying except for the X-men. Maybe that is because the one man army saving the same condemned city over and over doesn't, well, I don't know. Goodness, formulating ideas into sentences is difficult. There isn't anything to keep you there, while the X-men offers more. This mutation spans a global scale, not limited to a single city or county. Their main enemy is not another god rising from a vat of toxic waste, but their own human bothers and sisters. The struggle is not destroying the alien evil, the guns come from your neighbors not from a man in a purple suit.

How do you react when your parents throw you out the door for being different? What do you do when your closest friends now see you as the most disgusting creature to ever breathe on Earth? Where do you go when the entire world turns against you? Your own government, of whom you thought so highly of, now seeks to destroy you for no reason at all. You may pose a threat to their life, but that does not make you dangerous. Every man is a threat when they pick up a gun, but they are only "dangerous" if they pull the trigger. You have not even picked up the gun, yet the world has declared war against you.

How do you respond? Would you return fire and fuel the war? Or would you seek peace between mutants and non-mutants

If the general human populace cannot transcend beyond racial hatred, then there would never be true peace with a new species of mutants.

Well, those are just my thoughts. My main point is, I think an X-Men type RP would be pretty dang awesome.

Legendium -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (6/5/2013 8:06:32)

Okay, I read a comment on the idea channel that talked about the internet being a physical place, so I started thinking, "What if we had an RP that took place in the internet?" The plot could be about fighting a troll uprising, and we could turn sites like Youtube and Wikipedia into physical places. I think that'd be fun, but whether or not it would work is a different thing....

black knight 1234567 -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (6/6/2013 8:03:27)

That would be more a novelty/gimmick than anything, really.
And all my yes to Yulgar's Inn.

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (6/6/2013 16:13:45)

What about... Medieval Warriors and Mages battle against evil robots?

So we got this country of medieval-themed stuff, and all of a sudden these robots come out of nowhere and start killing everyone and destroying all kinds of cities. So, now what?

A band of adventurers have to band together and find a way to take down these mechs or perish forever,

Vanir -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (6/6/2013 18:09:03)

TJ, yes, yes, and yes!

However, the robots couldn't have bullets. They would too easily kill everything. Also, would the robots be unrealistically mechanical? I mean, being all mechanical clockwork without having computer components to drive the bots, but still be completely functional as if they did have the AI?

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (6/6/2013 18:22:04)

Robots would have the conventional firearms such as mounted mini-guns, missile launchers, and other things. The point is to MAKE them hard. They would not be AI, but rather VI, although some may become AI after extended periods of isolation from the network... who knows how they'd act?

The goal for the players would be to ditch their conventional battle tactics and try to find innovative ways to defeat the robots. You can't shoot fireballs or arrows, nor can you hack it with a sword - or even get in range of its guns for that matter - so what do you do? That's for the players to decide.

But I began to wonder how awesome it would be if the fantasy characters received mechanized versions of their equipment. Like your sword turn into a plasma blade, a shield turn into a lightweight mobile force barrier, force-powered bow and arrow, electromagnetic spells, etc.

Vongola the Wise -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (7/5/2013 1:59:11)

I wanted my RP to be published

But I'm to lazy to do so.

It's a story very similar to the Fellowship on Lord of the Rings.

Arthur -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (7/5/2013 2:03:58)

Let us know what's the plot about.

dragonfire1423 -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (7/5/2013 3:54:45)

I'd like to see more serious RP's. Some of the "Xov's Assault" stories, like mine and a few others, are fairly dark as-is. I dunno, I don't mind cheery, silly RP's, but sometimes I just like a good Noir to read (>°□°)> \(^w^)/ <(°□°<)

TJByrum -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (8/10/2013 13:07:50)

I've an idea, if anyone is interested and even active. It's a fellowship kind of roleplay. The idea of it I posted on another forum, but I am busy over there at the moment, but I would not mind hosting it here. It's a basic, down-to-the-roots, adventure roleplay.

Each of us are complete strangers, with nothing particularly significant about ourselves. But we've all agreed to undertake a dangerous quest (for now my idea is to find and slay a dragon). And while there will be some combat and an ultimate battle by the end of our journey, the roleplay will focus more on dialogue, character interaction, and player-choice.

While traveling down the road, or resting by a fire at night, I want a LOT of collaborated conversations, which I feel is lacking in most RP's. I want these strangers to really connect, to get to know each other, to learn and evolve from these conversations and really develop. So in the end these strangers will be one big family. During battle, teamwork, emotion, and brotherhood will really show through. Romance may even be an option, if that interests you.

While I might be the host, I will simply give you options - but each player will chime in on what THEY want to do. Where you go, what to do, how to do it, when to do it, etc - that's up to you. Take the low-road into the forest, or the high-path over the mountains; wait to attack at dusk, midnight, or morning - all up to you. I simply give you the tools, you decide how to use them. All the while your character will be developing close relationships with your comrades.

Master K -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (8/29/2013 12:32:11)

At this point in time, any RP would be nice. Elemental Championships is ongoeing, and Ruins of Paxia does not seem like my sort of thing.
Isn't there three others who can publish RP's at this point?

Has any of them made any word as to what their plans are?

Starstruck -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (8/30/2013 13:49:23)

Legendium has expressed interest in creating a non-AE RP. However, his ideas fit too well in the AE canon for that to really work ;_; I think he's looking for ideas, so if you'd like to contribute you can post a new thread (yes, it's allowed :P) or PM him directly.

TJByrum I THINK has the ability to run an RP but from what I can see he hasn't settled on any ideas yet. He posts regularly asking about the forum's thoughts, so if you like an idea of his, support it.

I don't believe that anybody else right now can create an RP.

dethhollow -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/1/2013 12:15:56)

We really need to have an RP made for more casual RPers. The two we have going at the moment are fairly inactive and just feel like something you'd find in the ARP. Not that they're bad stories, but I personally don't have the attention span to read through that much text and I would assume it's difficult to jump into them as one of your first RPs.... Although, I guess there wouldn't really be a way to control that without first having a good ammount of active people working on RPs. But regardless, there's just nothing for people to jump into without having to read these horrible walls of text!

I just have more fun with an RP with users that do 2-3 paragraph posts over the course of a day than with an RP that has one massive post every week that looks like it might be 12-24 paragraphs or something! It's crazy. And I just know I'll post and then someone's going to point out that I forgot about some small detail in line 32 of the post or something because I'm half skimming through to find where everyone is.... IDK, maybe everyone else may have enough attention span where they're ok with analyzing it line by line for a week or something, but I enjoy quick meaningful interactions that don't drag on over the course of months.

So I guess I'm saying is just whatever. ANY new RP that I can just jump into without worrying about screwing up the last 40 paragraphs of user posts.

jerenda -> RE: What kind of Rp's do you want to see? (9/1/2013 12:45:38)

*dropping by* Sorry about the inactivity in RoP II, btw. I'll be posting today and at least once a week from here on out to keep the story moving.

I can't do anything about the walls of text though... I just really like writing and I want to be able to create a good story that's fun to read. I think my RP fills that niche, and that it would be great to have some other RPs going. Less complex is definitely an option - RoP is complex because that's what happens when you are trying to do things in eight clans at the same time, but it's also forgiving of mistakes because it's on such a grand scale. At least, that's what I hope. I don't succeed sometimes. *anime sweatdrop*

Anyway! I would just like to throw my support behind another RP. Any RP. TJB, I think you should just pick something that you feel isn't being represented by the two RPs currently active, and do that. If you love it, then it'll work. 'S my opinion.

I feel like I should actively support other RPs by being prepared to participate in them... but college starts up again in ten days and I'm worried that RoP will push me to my limits as it is.

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