RamDF -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/26/2013 20:33:54)
I like it though I don't use it too much. A defensive class is a refreshing change from the normal fast-killing classes and it's amazing on harder bosses. Also, I particularly like it in long quests (even if it takes a longer time to do it than many other classes). Personally, I'd like for some skills which linked it to the baby dragon (eg. you equip the baby dragon, there's a bonus OR when you equip both together, you get an extra special buff). A system where our baby dragon can specifically complement Dragonlord would be cool! Oh, and the animations are lovely but I'd say that the skill effects could still be tinkered with a bit, especially the DoTs - they could work more cohesively together. Also, Evolved should be different skill-wise from normal Dragonlord and you'll have to "earn" the title (perhaps, at a certain level, you'd unlock a certain quest where you've to fight a hard boss with Dragonlord - if you suceed, Evolved Dragonlord is yours). BTW, will this thread be for DC classes and Seasonal armours (like Frost Moglin) and armours like Doomknight as well?