=ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (Full Version)

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Mecha Mario -> =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 16:24:02)



January 31, 2014
Patch Notes - 1.6.2
  • Power Hour Weekend! Power Hour will be enabled from the time of the update until Sunday at 23:59 EST
  • New mission chain available: A New World (Tutorial). This is designed to introduce new players to the world of Delta V, but experienced players can also go through the mission chain if you wish. =)
  • Yeti training missions have been removed. Yeti Serum still available to upgrade Yetis.
  • "Tea and Titan" mission removed in preparation for a prize.
  • Reverted all holiday screens to their default look
  • Achievements are now sorted based on progress and rarity
  • Currency information added to the One Stop Shop, Homes, and Achievements
  • The Big Game and Olympic Games achievements will now be the same achievement awarded each year going forward. Previous yearly achievements will NOT be removed.
  • All seasonal home items are now permanently available in game
  • Pressing the up arrow in chat will bring up your last message
  • Default chat log to off during 1v1 NPC battles
  • Outlaw and Outlaw II renamed to Outlaw P and E for clarity
  • Bug: Energy Parasite now correctly uses your primary weapon's damage type
  • Bug: Blood Commander now correctly uses 60% of Strength as lifesteal instead of 40%
  • Bug: Frenzy description now correctly says 10% defense ignore instead of 15%
  • Matching changes:
    • Level 40 players will now more heavily prioritize matches against other level 40 players
    • Level 40 players will no longer match with players less than level 38 Bugged, not working just yet.
    • Level 1-5 players will now try harder to match with players closer to their own level
    • Same-alignment matches are allowed sooner than before
  • Resistance description was missing in Stats page
  • Clicking disabled Gun / Aux actions in battle could cause an error
Tags: RabbleFroth Patch Notes

Samurai_ED -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 16:35:51)

Power weekend! :D

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 16:40:00)

Nice patch but on another note, why just cut the level gap for level 40's?

DarkDevil -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 16:40:22)

balance changes

anyway now i don't want to be 40 , better hold it as 39.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 16:42:11)

Secret Package opened up to be "Elite Yeti Husk" & those who have redeemed the 'email code' have Heavy Junker Armor in their inventory.

DarkDevil -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 16:43:39)

now that's some good news [:)]

now i have 4 armors and not sure which to upgrade.

edit: sold one and now have azreal aux.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 16:49:24)

Ok They actually brought back the Azreal's borg? Wasn't that promised never to return ever last I checked?

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 16:51:23)

It's a Limited-Rare, 150 in stock only. But yes, it was meant to be Rare.

Also, quite cheap gear. I knew it'll be on par with the Black Abyss Sword's price, since they aren't used in many skills + have cooldowns. Got fully upgraded Azrael Guns and Auxes for like 115K Credits only. Sold useless gear, and nabbed Azrael Borg for 45K Credits too. Woo!

DarkDevil -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 16:59:12)

like how much will the shop last ? i think i need to get my hands on both guns and i got insufficient funds.

WOAH , those azreal weps opened new doors for more builds.

Calogero -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:06:22)

Who decided to remove the Big button of Exit Battle after you won/loss by a minuscule little red X...

halty -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:12:16)

^ Exactly

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:18:41)

Bet everyone whom bought the gun and aux last year is hardcore regretting it xD I just bought and fully upgraded the gun and aux for less then 60k (up to l39) was expecting it to cost around 100.

Calogero -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:20:37)


Matching changes:◦
Level 40 players will now more heavily prioritize matches against other level 40 players
◦ Level 40 players will no longer match with players less than level 38

Not even this gets released bugfree...

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:21:02)

Well, the Rare Proposal was mentioned in the very same DNs as the introduction of Azrael's Gear - dated February 14th, 2013. They still got their Varium, which is basically what you pay for - items are always bonuses in packages.

I need my Credits back now. <_<

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:24:13)

@Trans loving the Email code system because I have never gotten an Email from Artix Entertainment unless it is from Faith when I was emailing her.

Anyway the DN says the Yeti missions were removed but I still have access to all of them

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:27:38)

@ Trans

I know which is why I am confused to why they brought back the Azreal borg when this item was made before the proposal as well as them saying that any promo before this change wouldn't be coming back. Also from the looks of it, I also think the pyro fly, and bio borg are coming back as well since their tags were changed from rare to limited rare. Not sure about the gamma bot though.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:29:54)

Gamma Bot is a phase promo item, and these never come back. Well, I don't think these Bots returning is that much of a bad thing, except for being really unfair towards those who purchased it due to being perma-rare, and I'm a bit iffy about that - collecting rares myself. Variety wise, it's great. Returning rares that were meant to be gone for good? Eh...

Did they... buff Energy Parasite? It dealt 330 damage on non-debuffed Caden. o.O My weapon damage is 470-496. My normal strike deals around 220 damage on Caden. It seems to be dealing 150% damage, at least vs. Caden. o.O

Calogero -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:39:51)

Seeing as a lvl 36 I still battle lvl 40 on occasion, I wouldn't be surprised it's yet another bug...
if it's a bug and seeing this one is kinda good for BMs, let's see if this one stays ingame as long as the one that crippled us

v Hard to say if it's bugged though, if it is, it would only be the Energy damage of the Parasite
also seems that high only vs NPC

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:42:54)

Yeah, Calogero, it won't... I've hit 340'ish damage on 320-376 Res, vs. DeathGuard. Non-crit and non-rage. Regardless of their defenses.

After some more testing, it seems to be fixed to that 330-340 range at L10, with my stats.

DarkDevil -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:43:17)

power weekend for 3 days , good.
wondering if i could make 20k in them.

btw joined the npc farmers clan.

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:45:38)

the energy parasite continues hitting the fixed 50

CN2025 -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:46:20)

nice change indeed :Di was regreting and cursing my self for not buying the bots promo because they went rare but now u turned my frown all the way around :D

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:46:27)

@ trans

Good for variety maybe but as you said bad for anyone who previously brought these rares no knowing they would come back later in game. So far it is only the azreal borg I see that came back, but still I thought they were going to reramp old rares into new forms so that older players who got these rares wouldn't have them devalued.

Calogero -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:46:44)

I think
A: either the Energy damage of Parasite is bugged
B: NPCs are allergic to Parasite

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= January 31st, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.2 (1/31/2014 17:47:22)

Anyone fancies helping me test Energy Parasite again? It did 342 damage, twice, against DeathGuard, and you have the stats given above.

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