Stonehawk -> RE: =ED= Official Mercenary Balance Discussion Thread (7/27/2014 22:11:39)
Compare these 2 classes and check "fairness": Tech Mage: Assimilation = -200 energy from opponent and +100 energy recover (unblockable effect, depends on str) AND damage (blockable) Battery = 350 energy Mercenary: Static Smash = -300 energy from opponent and +210 (75%) energy recover (BLOCKABLE EFFECT) AND NO damage. (with blood commander: UP TO -400 energy from opponent and +300 energy recover (BLOCKABLE, OK?)) Now think about it, considering tech mages have dex-based moves, if they get higher dex, they are probably going to block it. If not blocked, they can use assimilation then battery. Check this example: Mercenary VS dex mage. (Merc first) ____________________Mercenary__|_____Tech mage: static smash:__________+270 _____|______ -360 (can be easily blocked, doesn't fill rage) assimilation:___________-200______|______+100 (does a little damage, fills rage) gun:___________________X_______|________X (just attacking, lol) battery:________________ 0_______|______+350 TOTAL:_______________+70_______|______+110 (static is blockable, doesn't affect rage. Assimilation's effect can't be blocked, but damage can, filling a lot of rage if blocked oh highly defended, battery is unaffected) Who gets the advantage? Is static smash that good? I still think it should do a very small % of damage. OH! Forgot to mention that battery you can choose to use on your partner. Mercenary only gets for himself (if not blocked.....) [:(]