W.A.R.Z. -> RE: FleshWeaver and Soul Smith Class II (5/1/2015 23:41:11)
Here is a compilation of all of the negatives I've seen about the inclusion of FleshWeaver, along with mine and others arguments against those negatives. (I don't mean to be disrespectful so please tell me if I am) BTW I'm all for FleshWeaver In general negatives (With arguments against them): Irreversible decision (Permanent choices would force you to think it through so that you don't regret it later) More difficult for staff to make releases that would involve Aegis, possibly deterring them from major inclusions of him (Considering all the revamps and how there are now passives and artifacts, I don't think that the staff would be detered by that) Impossible to have every class ("Having your cake and eating it too") Detracting staff's attention away from storylines and more important things Consuming Aegis negatives: Lose Aegis Be "evil" (Gives you some form of a morality choice so that you can be "evil" if you want) Can't use SW, MSW, and ChaosWeaver (As of my knowledge there aren't any plans on a SoulSmith) Can't use Baltael's Aventail artifact power (It still has good stats) Not Consuming Aegis negatives: Can't use FleshWeaver (Same negative as if the class isn't made in the first place) Tell me if you can think of anything that isn't on here so that I can put it here. @VJ locking away Paladin (DeathKnight by extension), DragonLord (DragonAmulet Perk), Dragon, Two elements of weapons, book 1 Aegis, book 3 Aegis, SoulWeaver, MasterSoulWeaver, ChaosWeaver (A DC class), being hated by everyone everywhere, losing access to "some quests" (if all of these restrictions were true we couldn't work with Artix (we wouldn't be able to have him show the way to Zorbak for teaching Necromancer too) for example, making Book 1 unbeatable if we played the story out of order), taking away hard earned Destiny weapons, taking away the book 1 reward weapons, taking away the Archknight reward weapons, losing Ascended ChickenCow, ShadowHunter, making any quest were you fight light monster impossible, etc, etc, - To compensate for ALL OF THAT you would have to make FleshWeaver tier 4 - which can't happen.