Christophoses -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (10/30/2016 18:44:47)
@LyRein quote:
Where's Abel, we haven't seen him since the last 120th release lmao For some unknown reason, the Ice arc is only ever continued during Frostvale. Even though Karok was the first Elemental General introduced he still hasn't summoned a the Ice Titan and will probably be the last one to do so. Abel is part of that saga so we'll probably see him again this Frostvale. quote:
Why have we forgotten about the Elemental Islands?! Apparently, the Infernal Invasion somehow leads into the Darkness Arc. Don't ask me how or why. quote:
Why is the Infernal Invasion so random? Aranx wanted to continue his Celestial Realm storyline, which I'm super excited about, but it probably got thrown into to the main storyline for... reasons. quote:
Why has Chaorruption disappeared from said areas when AE previously said that Chaorruption will still exist in the world (just not as a threat)? I have absolutely no idea. Apparently, Drakath is the new Avatar of Chaos and summoned all the Chaos around Lore back to his special place. quote:
WHY HAS GALANOTH GOT HIS ARM BACK?!! Not sure about that. Either the Mogloween event isn't cannonical or someone just forgot that Desoloth/Desolich ate it. ____________________________________ @Veya quote:
I don't understand the issue with the Elemental Lords not being omnipotent like you guys want to, specially because it compares itself quite easily to most classic mythologies. Look at the Hades, the Greek mythology afterlife, there is an entire hirearchy, with Hades being the toppest dog, but then we have Thanatos the god of death, who is often depicted as one of Hades' lieutenants, then we have the 3 Judges of the Hades, Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Aeacus, then there is Cerberus, the guardian of the Hades who is in charge of preventing souls from walking out, Charon, who is in charge of the boat across the river Styx and so on. The relation of the Elemental Lords with the Avatars uses the exact same concept, just with a different application. Your application with Hades to the Elemental Lords is exactly what I was trying to explain. Hades is the general and has his "servants" to manage his other activites. In my application Hades is one of The Avatars. If we were to include a being that's comapable to The Elemental Lords in this situation it would be Kronos. Kronos is the being who is above Hades. This wouldn't make sense since Kronos is against all of his children, including Hades. _____________________________________ @LyRein quote:
except, you're forgetting the Avatars created the Titans, who are based on Greek mythos and the Avatars share the same significance and power as greek gods, the Titans are probably based on greek titans too so the EL have to be something even above the level of titans and gods which is unnecessary imho You're correct about The Avatars creating the Elemental Titans, however, the Elemental Titans aren't based off of The 12 Titans from Greek Mythology. In Greek Mythology the most powerful beings (listed first) to the least powerful beings (listed last) are in the following order: - The Primordial Being: Chaos - Primordial Deities: Gaia, Uranus, Tartarus, Eros, Erebus, Nyx - Titans and Titanesses (children of Gaia and Uranus): Oceanus, Hyperion, Coeus, Cronus, Crius, Iapetus, Mnemosyne, Tethys, Theia, Phoebe, Rhea, Themis - Gods (children of Cronus and Rhea): Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Demeter, Chiron Here are the Lorian equivalents listed in the same order: - The Primordial Being: The Primordial - Primordial Deities: The Mysterious Stranger, The Eternal Dragon of Time, ???, ???... ??? - The Avatars: Fiamme, Tremblor, Celeritas, Kyanos, Neso, Khazri, Voidstar, Haeos, The Queen of Monsters - The Titans and Primal Dragons: The Phaedra, Gaiazor, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, Akriloth, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ??? ,??? __________________________________ Something I don't understand at all is WHY BATTLEON AND MOST OF DRAGONIA IS STILL INTACT? Wasn't it completely destoryed during The Chaos War and The Queen's return? Also, like how Drakath used to look over the world from his miniature Chaos Realm where do you guys think The Queen's throne is located? __________________________________ On a completely different note, does anyone else think that AQW needs to step things up for their Mogloween events. DF has such amazing events and I don't get the same feeling after the events in AQW. J6's event this year was pretty cool with awesome music from Ghost (<3), but I feel like the other events aren't on par with some of the other stories in AQW. Perhaps Verlyrus and Tomix should be guest writers during this time of year. The other Holiday events in AQW are on fleek (I can't believe I used that saying), though. Frostvale is probably one of my favorite storylines in AQW.