Veya -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (10/25/2016 23:32:25)
Well, Frydae is a DF-only character, so his existence is meaningless as far as AQW cares since canon doesn't carry over between games, plus, I am fairly certain his dialog during Blood and Roses storyline over at DF implies he was the only member of his family to become a vampire, since Thursday is his descendent and she is perfectly human, plus he outright states that he was born human during the Blood Feud quest. Safiria was, well, mad old, like super ultra old, she was one of the first vampire to ever come to existence, so we don't know the specifics of how she became a vampire, and if we assume she was human once, it could easily be a that Solani was born human as well and became a vampire at a later date, hell, from all we know, Solani could be Safiria's great great great great great-niece or something, and they just cut off the "great" for sake of simplicity, my point is, we don't know enough, and Safiria was too old to work it out with broad speculation. But assuming that Vampires can get pregnant, and assuming that a fetus in an undead body for at least 9 months would be healthy(I assume that there could be some sort of magic that you could use to speed up the pregnancy if there is a risk to the baby due to undeadness), there is no major issue, even how the newborn's transformed form would look like is a non-issue, since we already know how Werepyres look like.