RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Frigus -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (7/2/2017 18:10:57)

With all the Queen of Monsters and Chaos Lords and millions of other storyline complaints, I thought it would be a good idea to discuss what the community thinks is the best storyline so far.

Apeiron -> RE: Best AQW Storyline (7/2/2017 18:35:57)

Dage's backstory (only because it features Nulgath).
I wanted to say the 13 chaos lords/Drakath storyline was the best but yeah, aqw is not df.

Beshin Adin -> RE: Best AQW Storyline (7/2/2017 18:54:40)

I'd actuakky say that Book of Monsters: The Destroyer was one of the best in AQW history. Take away any mechanucal complaints, and it really gave the feel of an urgent crisis

Code Red -> RE: Best AQW Storyline (7/2/2017 19:54:55)

I would have to say Doom Wood was a pretty great story have not played through it in a long time but it was really cool seeing the order of paladins and the introduction of paladin slayer.

zanathos -> RE: Best AQW Storyline (7/2/2017 19:55:26)

My personal favorite has and probably forever will be J6's Hyperium saga. With enjoyable inspired puzzles, utilization of unique game mechanics, and surprisingly deep lore into the backstory of j6. Not to mentions oodles of cool non-rare bounty hunter gear.

LyRein -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (7/2/2017 20:53:09)

Return of the Devs: Artix

I loved the simplicity and fantastical feel of it - bad guy summons monster, hero has to kill it, talking trees giving you small dialogue you can read for fun, horrible puns from Artix along the way and a sword drop from one of the boss monsters as a reward and a finale where you summon your own giant (your pet if you have one) monster and duel the bad guy and his giant monster.

Felt like I was playing a classic RPG adventure.

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (7/2/2017 20:55:21)

Merged Storyline Discussion Thread and Best AQW Storyline thread.

ArchKnight, AQWorlds General Discussion

Paulus Xiphos -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (7/3/2017 9:06:40)

Top 3 in my Opinion:
1: Chaos Finale- the rightful conclusion of the long 13 Lords of Chaos, a war across Lore, hero becomes god-like, Swordhaven ihas an internal struggle, Shadowfall rises again to fight Drakath. Only problem: Drakath should have been killed for all the things he's done to Lore

2: Doomwood- I prefer Arc 1, a nostalgic return to Doomwood from DF, the Order of the Paladins, an adventure across Doomwood, beginning of BloD's advent to players.

3: Thundeforge- Introduction of the Darkblood race, pursuing Lionfang and fighting the Golden (now Chaos) Onslaught

Loftyz -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (7/5/2017 15:34:49)

My top 3

Archives of Time
Paradox Portal

They are all the kinds of events where you travel to different places/worlds/times/timelines, and basically go sightseeing through AE lore, along with an amazing story. Hero's Heart Day 2016 as well, and Quibble Through Time, although the latter had a garbage story that should have been replaced with an actual story, like an impending threat, or a Villain who had stolen all the items (The Collector?).

It annoys me that these kinds of "travel through spacetime" events are always so good, but that's only because AE lore is good. And they never use that lore properly, or string out stories over many years with no intention of concluding them. A good story needs an timely conclusion, before everyone just forgets about it, or the story direction changes.

Paulus Xiphos -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (7/8/2017 0:45:55)

So why does the Fotia hate Dage?

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (7/8/2017 8:52:56)

I believe it's because Scorn was Dage's wife, but something happened to make her hate him and all of her followers do as well now. I don't think the story has been fully completed so we don't know what happened, but it's been a while and I may have just forgotten.

paskyfer007 -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (7/8/2017 23:29:35)

Just finished Reshaper storyline.
I have strong feeling that the developer will forget about Kolyaban, like they forget that Khasaanda still out there, promising that she will help defeat Chaos with Chaos.

teravor -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (7/9/2017 8:35:41)

I really hope not- Sure, her story was rushed, but she still has a lot of potential.

zanathos -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (7/9/2017 22:45:00)

@paskyfer007: ummm, Khassandra was killed by Drakath in the 13 Lords of Chaos finale

Lues -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (3/18/2019 11:19:50)

There's something that still confuses me
Mysterious Stranger, the one that gives challenges, stated that there is no 'single' Mysterious Stranger
But in Ebondungeon, in 'A' Mysterious Stranger's quest, stated that ' I am a mere extension of my Master's will. When he arrives in your world, the very sky will grow dark from all the power he requires'
And in Battledoom's opening cutscene, when the Mysterious Stranger appears, the very sky did grew dark.
So, this Battledoom's MS is, well, the master of all MS?

lords voken -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (4/26/2019 19:39:33)

here to hoping the next saga is better than this one. the chaos lords was a pretty good one.

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