RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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teravor -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (4/1/2017 18:54:09)

@Skull: You really should go back and watch the cutscenes... And not ignore the story, but fine.


Queen of monsters woke up when Drakath did his portal thing, then broke the continent... Somehow. Then shenanigans shenanigans elemental islands exist. Of which three have been done. The ice one featured Kezeroth's brother coming to lore from another planet because planetary alignment shenanigans, and he threw his army around for evil stuff. Long story short, he invaded a town, and we fought him off with some random dude who was really important and good at ice magic. Then he woke up Kezeroth somehow, and a war happened and then they decided to betray the queen of monsters (Who gave him a powerup that didn't really amount to anything) and offer to help the hero. Also Quetzal is the titan of Ice.

Meanwhile, on the fire island, a plague is happening and so is evil fire roman invasion. Shenanigans happen, we punch the leader of the invasion in the face, he summons a monster tiger minotaur, then summons the titan of fire and turns it evil. The water mages help the Avatar/Elemental Lord of Water to purge the titan of evil, then the Queen powers up her invasion leader minion and he dies like a chump, but it's okay because the Queen just brings him back. Also somewhere in there the Shadowscythe put Sepulchure's soul into Akriloth, a big war happened, and now the Queen has half of Sepulchure's soul and Gravelyn's doomblade has the other.

Finally, on the earth island, druids are getting plauge'd or something, one of them got turned evil, more shenanigans happen, the earth titan gets summoned, then fought and freed from the queen, then the evil minion gets fought and released from the Queen's control as well.

Then the Elemental Islands got dropped kinda, in favor of the Throne of Darkness saga, but I'm not recapping that, because it was a glorious ride that must be experienced for yourself firsthand.

ShatteredReality -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (4/1/2017 18:59:44)


can someone explain the queen of monsters story and what we know so far? skipped all the quest texts and cutscenes

I recommend that you go and watch all the cutscenes if you have finished all the maps. They explain the story much better than I ever could. But if you want a summary, I have one.


A long time ago, in a galaxy- you get the idea.

Before the Eternal Dragon of Time was slain, monsters ravaged our world, and a deadly Queen ruled over them all... Until thirteen heroes banded together and banished her to the realm of chaos, to be locked away forever! (Note: This is directly from the book in the /chaosrealm.)

So, while the hero was beating up Drakath in the chaos realm, the Queen of Monsters/Mother of Monsters was escaping into the real world, where she pretty much tore Lore to pieces. Also, Battleon is destroyed, too, so you should pretend you're spawning in the middle of a desolate wasteland when you log into the game. There's a map, /summon, that is supposed to directly follow this, but it was kind of abandoned.

So next, the hero travels to /frozentower, where Syrrus the Astromancer manages to summon Karok from Glacera, who starts wrecking everything, which wasn't what Syrrus wanted. Karok kills Syrrus' assistant Lorentz, and after some more cutscenes and quests, Syrrus blasts him into the sky. The QoM recruits him.

Taking a break from ice, next are the fire islands. So, there's this guy called General Tyndarius. He's working for the Queen. He's been beating up the people of Embersea with his spartan-themed army with the power of the Queen behind them. Anyway, this phoenix called Phedra gets summoned as the fire titan. The hero beats it up. Then, the hero beats up Tyndarius. The QoM whisks him away before the hero can decapitate him or something.

After the fire islands is BrightOak, a land of nature and flowers and a crazy general called Nevana who goes and summon her earth titan Gaiazor. She starts wrecking everything, but the hero beats up her and her titan. She is freed from the Queen's control and tries to mend the damage she has wrought.

Now after that, the staff decided that the QoM saga was too much like the 13 Lords of Chaos Saga, so they went and changed it. They used the Infernal Army saga to bridge into the new QoM story. So, basically the Infernal Army has allied with the Queen and is attacking the Celestial Realm and Lore, too. Swordhaven is taken, and Princess Tara is captured. Also, Gravelyn manages to get her skeleton dragon castle off the ground, finally.

At Frostvale, Syrrus the Astromancer has the hero come to /cryostorm, where Karok attacks, again. This kid called Abel beats him. The next Frostvale, Karok releases Kezeroth from his prison and then beats him up. The hero beats up both of them, but Karok gets the hero to consider joining forces against the QoM. Last Friday's release was also about Abel. Hopefully you know what happened in that release.

There's also some other one-shot releases about the QoM, like The Third Spell to the Sun, where the QoM is sucking the sun's power, and the Bright Fortress release, where the QoM convinces Dage to attack his mirror counterpart.

Edit: Sniped! I probably shouldn't spend an hour writing up summaries if I don't want that to happen...

skull1218 -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (4/1/2017 21:29:12)

@teravor @shatteredreality

thanks guys! i would re watch the cutscenes if i remembered the order of the maps lol

Iron Volvametal -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (4/1/2017 22:03:59)


Sniped! I probably shouldn't spend an hour writing up summaries if I don't want that to happen...

Not at all! I actually like your explanation more, I was confused with the Storyline, too.

Though, you could add a few spoiler tags here & there.

ShatteredReality -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (4/1/2017 22:17:56)

Well, this is the storyline discussion thread. There's no need for spoiler tags here, according to the first post in the thread, but I guess I'm spoiler tag the whole thing anyway just in case.

I went back and rewatched the Light Temple cutscenes (on Youtube, since they're no longer available in game). You know, the one where the Book of Lore talks and eats a giant tome? Anyway, the Book of Lore clearly states that there are eight elemental planes: Light, Darkness, Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Metal, and Energy. These eight planes all sent their own champion to Lore. However, in a release a couple of months back, we traveled to the plane of Ice, which apparently has its own champion. So how many elemental planes are there?

Also, in the Frostval arc, it was stated that the new Champion of Ice would be born after the old one died... but in Doomwood, one of the plot twists was that Artix's parents were actually his foster parents. He didn't have any real parents since he was from the plane of Darkness.

I feel like the writers of AQW should just have the Book of Lore or some other NPC tell us definitively how many planes there are and how elemental champions come into existence so I can just stop wondering about this.

Merged double post. If you wish to revive a thread and you're the last post, please PM one of the AKs so we can help you out with it rather than double posting. ~Shadowhunt

XeNON_54 -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (5/22/2017 7:52:29)

I think there wasn't supposed to be a Metal elemental plane.
In AQClassic the basic elements were Fire, Ice, Water, Wind, Earth, Energy, Light, and Darkness.

Metal, Poison, Bacon, and Nature are Dragonfable elements IIRC.

Changed a number of colours. If you're going to use coloured text, it must be easily readable. Since several of yours were not, I changed them. ~Shadowhunt

Darthtiin -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (5/31/2017 17:05:01)

So I've been wondering what's the story of Lore? Since the ancient times, would someone give me a history class about the games' world? Please?

ShatteredReality -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (5/31/2017 19:14:45)

The story of Lore? I guess this requires a lot of spoiler tags then. There's no way I can cover every piece of AQW history though. There's a lot! This isn't really a proper write-up... for a proper one, I'd have to watch all the cutscenes again, and I don't feel like doing that right now.


Okay, so the world of AQW is a combination of three universes from previous games from AE: AdventureQuest, DragonFable, and MechQuest. The in-game explanation for this is that Galanoth slew the Eternal Dragon of Time after some disaster happened to his world and created the world of AQW. The Dragon of Time lost its memories and became the Hero of AQW, the guy you play as.

Then, there's also the Queen of Monsters. In another alternate universe, the heroes that would become the 13 Lords of Chaos sealed her away in the Plane of Chaos. Supposedly, all monsters on Lore are descended from the Queen of Monsters, such as the Darkblood

This evil guy called "Slugwrath" took over Lore, but Alden, Lynaria, and Valen defeated him. Alden became King Alteon and married Lynaria, who was acutally in love with Valen too (yeah, it's a love triangle). Lynaria got kidnapped and Valen became Sepulchure, the leader of the forces of the Shadowscythe. Alteon and Lynaria had three daughters- Brittany, Victoria, and Tara, but who knows if they're their real daughters. Lynaria used a powerful light spell to try to save Sepulchure, but only succeeded in getting herself killed. Sepulchure has a daughter named Gravelyn. Whether or not she's also Lynaria's daughter is up to debate.

Slugwrath's son, Drakath, ran off to work for Sepulchure, but backstabbed him. The Queen of Monsters made him the Champion of Chaos and told him to free her. So six years later or so, he comes and interrupts Sepulchure's final battle with King Alteon, killing Sepulchure (not really) and corrupting King Alteon. Gravelyn takes over as the leader of the Shadowscythe and the forces of evil.

Drakath gets this M. C. Escher-inspired guy called Escherion to be the 1st Chaos Lord. He goes and chaorrupts the town of Mobius. The Hero beats him up, but not before he summons his Chaos Beast (Every time one is summoned, another rune on the Chaos Portal lights up).

Xing and Xang, the twin spirits of Evil and Goodl, come to Drakath, but he seemly turns Xang evil and chaorrupts them both. (In reality, he switches Xang with her mirror realm version, but we don't find out that until way the Troll/Horc part) They become the 2nd Lords of Chaos, but don't acutally do anything.

The 3rd Lord of Chaos is a drow guy called Vath who has a dragon called Stalagbite. He enslaves the dwarfs, we free them, he summons his Roc chaos beast thing, another Chaos rune lights up, we beat the beast, and beat up Vath and his dragon. Then Stalagbite eats Vath or whatever dragons do with their enemies.

The 4th Lord of Chaos is this fox guy from another dimension called Kitsune who invades an island off the coast the mainland that isn't Japan at all. He summons his skeleton chaos beasts thing, the hero beats it up, then sends him back to his dimension, same old drill.

The 5th Lord Chaos is Wolfwing the Werepyre. The vampires and the werewolves are arguing over some random stuff in Darkovia. Wolfwing summons his Dracowerepyre thing and we beat them all up.

The 6th Lord of Chaos seems to be Discordia at first, but it's actually Kimberly. She summons her Chaos beast "Pony Gary Yellow." You know the drill by now. Pow! Hero beats up everything.

The 7th Lord of Chaos is Ledgermane, who is a bunch of mana that Drakath somehow made into a sentient being. He/She/whatever tries to betray Drakath, so Drakath kills him while the Hero's fighting him. But not before he summons the mana golem, a Chaos Beast. Yeah, the Hero never managed to stop the Chaos Beast from being summoned.

The 8th Lord of Chaos is Tibicenas, a djinn. We beat up his Chaos Sphinx and him, and then make Zhoom the ruler of the Sandsea.

The 9th Lord of Chaos is Krellenos at first, but then his sister Khasaanda kills him to take his power. The Trolls and the Horcs are fighting each other all the time, kind of like the vampires and the werewolves are, just more complicated. Also, we beat up the Chaos Beast. Khasaanda runs off to hunt Drakath down after we defeat her.

The 10th Lord of Chaos is Iaoda, this Chronomancer that was chaorrupted by Drakath but wants to teach us about the past. Carnax is his Chaos beast. We beat up both of them. Also, pretty much every NPC in this part of the story is actually just a golem.

The 11th Lord of Chaos is Maximillian Lionfang, the "Good" general who really hates evil, so he goes and joins Chaos. He summons his Chaos Manticore, we beat it up, defeat him, and then he falls to his death.

The 12th Lord of Chaos is none other than King Alteon himself. He kills Brittany on the day she was to marry Brentan, which creates all sorts of sucession issues. He turns the statue in the middle of the castle's courtyard into his Chaos Beast. The hero kills them all.

After that, we go back to the 2nd Lords of Chaos, Evil Xing and Evil Xang. So we find the egg that balances us out in the Mirror Realm, and promptly do absolutely nothing with it. Drakath switches Evil Xang with Good Xang, and Good Xang merges with Evil Xing so they become Xiang. They summon the Chaos Harpy. The Hero beats them all up.

The 13th Lord of Chaos is the Chaos Finale. Turns out, it's the Hero. Drakath chaorrupts the Hero and so the Hero goes around destroying everything. The Hero summons the 13th Chaos Beast, the Eternal Dragon of Time, and decides to go and kill Drakath. Then the Hero realizes that they're also the Eternal Dragon of Time, and Drakath kills them. Whoops. Death comes up and takes the Hero's soul away, but the Hero fights through the Underworld and kills Death to take his powers. The Hero comes back and fight Drakath, but the Chaos Portal opens and the Hero has to give up their powers to enter it. The Hero beats up everything in the Chaos Realm, including Drakath, again, but it turns out the Queen of Monsters has escaped into the outside world. She totally wrecks Lore, but no one bothers to update all the maps.

After that, there was supposed to be a new saga, the Queen of Monsters, but it got cancelled for being just a repeat of the 13 Lords of Chaos. Basically, the guy called Karok came from another planet and joined the Queen, Tyndarius beat up the people of Embersea with his Spartan-theemd army, and Nevana went around killing everything with Gaiazor.

Right now, the story is about the NEW and IMPROVED Queen of Monsters Saga. So now the Queen sending her children to Lore (Extriki, Kolyaban) to destroy it. I think that's it for now.

And I still haven't gotten into the Doomwood or Throne of Darkness stuff...

Doxus the OverLord -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/1/2017 12:00:45)

We could have a Spin-off Saga as ToD was.
It could be something related to


Valen (Sepulchure), Lynaria (Queen?) and Alden (King Alteon).
It could explain some things such as the born of Gravelyn. Wait, isn't Gravelyn Lynaria's daughter? Wasn't it explained in one of DoomWood's Saga cutscenes?

Maybe something with time travel involving the summoning of a new Sepulchure fused with the old one?

It could also tell something more about that Chronocorruptor.


Maybe the same as in Kezeroth's history.
Introducing something new to this guy and making their kind (Chronocorruptor) be a villain type to take care of.
This way he would be having an alliance with Evil by asking Gravelyn if she wants her father back, and after all, she agree with him and he travels back to the exact point in time where Drakath deliver the final blow on him. So, Sepulchure's get saved but it doesn't change anything in actual timeline cuz he vanishes out and no one see him anymore.
After all, the QoM's saga ends and QoM die. After it, something begin to appear in a veil at the sky from the void. It's Sepulchure as a Master DoomChronoKnight.

I would enjoy it.

ghoal -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/10/2017 22:02:04)

I don't think Ledgermayne was not evil, if anything I think fighting her was more evil, if she removed the magic from Lore, yes many would most likely have died, but aren't there Gods in Lore, I don't see why the Gods couldn't help us save Lore without destroying Ledgermayne.

Ledgermayne personified magic, and she was going to save Lore by forcing the Gods into destroying Drakath, but Drakath destroyed her with our help instead, We are Heroes but do more harm to Lore than most villains.

(I call Ledgermayne a her because of her look and because most of the Deities of magic are Goddesses, not Gods, for the goddesses, Isis, Athena, and Mother Earth)

ShatteredReality -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/10/2017 23:18:37)

I just assume that the gods of Lore, if there are any, are all huge jerks like they are in many other works. Sort of like the Greek Gods. Especially Zeus.

Our hero is basically the god of Lore, but doesn't really have any powers because then every story would be over in a matter of seconds.

I rewatched all the Arcangrove cutscenes and I don't see any mention of Ledgermane wanting the gods to destroy Drakath, just Ledgermane wanting to close off the Plane of Magic from Lore and killing Lore in the process.

As for the whole Gravelyn thing, it's not explicitly stated anywhere that Gravelyn is

Lynaria's daughter
anywhere, it's just really heavily implied.

But... it's also stated that Gravelyn is the Champion of Light. Artix is the Champion of Darkness and has no parents. It could be the same for Gravelyn.

Remember the Shadowdragon war? The one where the Queen of Monsters did some weird things and Sepulchure ended up combining with Akriloth? Apparently, according to these design notes, we could have gotten two alternate endings. Now I'm wondering what would have happened in the good ending. Maybe we would have finally got a definitive answer to who exactly Gravelyn's parents are.

ghoal -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/11/2017 0:43:09)

Ledgermane is magic, magic is the craft of the wise, and magic is used to force the divine beings and laws to the caster's will, so in other words the Gods would have most likely wanted to scare all of Lore into praying to them again but we saved Lore by stopping the plan of the Gods. I am reading in between the lines.

Christophoses -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/11/2017 1:25:37)

Lore doesn't have gods? Yes it does:

Elemental Avatars:
- Fiamme, Avatar of Fire
- Temblor, Avatar of Earth (Nature + Stone)
- Celeritas, Avatar of Light
- Haeos, Avatar of Energy
- Voidstar, Avatar of Darkness
- Khazri, Avatar of Wind
- Neso, Avatar of Water
- Kyanos, Avatar of Ice

Then there are the Elemental Lords who are the ultimate gods of each element, and The Primordial who is a very ancient, unknown being. There's also The Queen of Monsters who is considered to be a goddess by many of Lore's races. Lastly, there are all the gods, demigods, etc. listed here.

ghoal -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/11/2017 2:03:48)

there are even more gods in Lore.
Ra and Anibus(Anpu) are Eqyptian Gods and
Thor exists in Game so therefore the Nordic Gods too
Death is a god
Paladins originate from Christianity, so there is most likely an equivalent god.
there are Druids in Game so therefore the Celtic Gods exist in Game.
I think most of the common Gods of the real world are in Lore. :)
I know that there has to be some Gods who play AQW in their spare time, AQW is so fun. At least of small few of the Gods must have at least tried playing AQW.

Christophoses -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/11/2017 2:21:56)

I'm lost. Are we talking about gods in the AE universe or in real life?

ghoal -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/11/2017 3:37:47)

both because there are "real" gods whose names are in AQW

ShatteredReality -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/11/2017 11:37:00)

I don't actually see the avatars of the elemental planes as gods. I see them more as really powerful beings in control of one element. I suppose my idea of a god is more like mythological gods than elemental gods, mostly because they don't live in Mount Olympus or something.

I feel like you're reading too much into some random armor descriptions. The Thor hammer thing is just a parody, it doesn't mean that Thor is actually in game. I seriously doubt that AE would put the Christian God in game either, and since Ra and Anubis have never shown up in anything of importance, I'm guessing those descriptions are just for fun and they are of no relevance to the story. Druids could have had a different origin in AQW besides Celtic Gods.

ghoal -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/11/2017 12:20:23)

I don't think I am but I think these gods are hidden in background of the game and the point is not who are the gods, the point is more less where are the good gods and Goddesses?

We haven't even seen one, but we have evil deities.

The Queen of Monsters is most likely AQW's version of the Dark Goddess Lilith.

Stronius -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/11/2017 13:37:53)

Lilith was just a fancy succubus who defied the Judeo-Christian god; not exactly a goddess herself, more like the world's first "Strong, independent woman". If anything, the Queen is more like a primordial god of chaos, similar to Set or even Loki. She's not evil by nature, as destruction and rebirth are parts of the cycle of the universe; it's just that most living creatures, us included, would view her destruction as evil.

As Christophoses pointed out, the AE universe already has a list of deities and primordial figures; alongside the elemental lords, the things we call gods in AE lore seem to take inspiration from norther-European legends, such as Norse and Celtic mythology.

ghoal -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/11/2017 13:47:56)

I am talking about Lady Elah Lilit(h) (Literally the Goddess of the Night), the Mother of demons and monsters and queen thereof, but she was also the mother of the great gods.
Elah Lilit is a forgotten Canaanite Goddess.

The story of Her disobeying God(El her son) was only half true, Lilit was cast out of the heavens, and possessed the first female human who was named Lilitu. Lilitu became the first daimoness(demoness), because God(El) couldn't punish his own mother, he punished her vessel instead.
Later the Canaanite god Ba'al Hadad sealed Lilit in the realm of darkness and the dead. Lilit in her anger she created more daimones(demons) and later Lilit created Alukah(the Vampire Queen).

Not all Daimones were evil, Daimones are equal to the Arabic Djinn. (I used old books that I can't even online... so yeah this is information is being hidden but Lilit oddly enough is called Khaos in Greek meaning Chaos, which makes it even more possible Lilit is the Queen of Monsters)

ninjablu2 -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/26/2017 18:32:00)

Can anyone explain to me what actually happened in Doomwood? I just remember something aboutt Artix being Champion of Darkness, and somehow he lost the BLoD or whatever...?

Also, am I reading too far into this, or does Gravelyn possibly have a crush on the Hero o_O?

ShatteredReality -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/26/2017 21:09:04)

What happened in Doomwood:


Noxus created Vordred the PaladinSlayer. He goes and kills all the Paladins except for Artix. The Hero knocks him out and puts him in prison to stop him from going after Vordred and getting killed. The Hero gives the BLoD to Vayle, the Necromancetress. The Hero tries to find out how to stop Vordred in the Necropolis. Noxus and Vordred take over ShadowFall and defeat Gravelyn by taking control of her undead army. The Hero comes and beats up Noxus. Gravelyn replaces his skull with Chuckles', the only undead she ever created. Vordred goes to the prison, but Artix is gone. Vordred turns the BLoD into the Shadow Reaper of DOom. Also, Vordred goes and gets a power up from an electrical band. Artix finds Vordred. They fight. The Hero helps Artix. Vordred tells Artix that he's the Champion of Darkness. Artix is sad. Then they fight again. Vordred is defeated by a character (depends on the player's choice). And then Drakath gives Vordred's skull to Sally for her to rebuild him.

LyRein -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/28/2017 20:56:28)

I just read through @ShatteredReality great summary of the current storyline and I just wanted to add;

Canonically speaking, the /elementalislands, /summon did not happen (i'm pretty sure the staff mentioned Book of Monsters being a reboot).

The old QoM storyline was supposed to be; /summon, find the Loremasters and learn more about our character and our powers (Eternal Dragon of Time) whilst saving the Elemental Islands and gathering all the Elemental Champions for the final battle against the QoM.

The new QoM storyline is more like; the Infernal army summoned by the Queen is ravaging Lore and the sister realms, whilst the hero is rediscovering his powers and learning about the lore of Lore, all the while the Queen is building up her loyalist army (the various children, her diverse cast of creations, etc) for the final battle. Throughout this version of the story we will expand on past factions and species and learn how QoM, Gravelyn, Chaos, the Elements and EDoT all tie in together.

EmbraceTheDarkness -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (6/28/2017 22:14:03)

You could technically say that Lorithia is the true god of the AE universe granted she isn't mentioned in any of the games but Adventure Quest.

I honestly wish they would expand more on the religions of Lore and not shy away from it so much but what can a Lore (The Knowledge, not the place) loving guy do. [8|]

Paulus Xiphos -> RE: =AQW= Storyline Discussion Thread (7/2/2017 4:59:46)

Speaking of gods in Lore, it was mentioned in the story of Deterrat Moya (is that correct?) that they sealed him away or something. It was in the DNs of that time, when a player called Knave1 asked for a story of his own.

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