=DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (Full Version)

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Grixus Faldor -> =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (8/2/2016 8:53:21)


Place all accomplishments and disaccomplishments here. Thanks!

Topic rules: There's only one. If it isn't a DragonFable-related accomplishment or disaccomplishment, don't post it here. This isn't a discussion topic, so don't reply to anyone else's post. If there's a problem with a post in this topic, PM any of the DF GD AKs or an online moderator.

xelessarx -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (8/2/2016 10:09:54)

So, let me be the first to post my Acc and Goals here :D

ACC:Peculiar Visor obtained.
ACC:Every quest, badge and mastery that doesn't need DA or DC completed. (Except Warmongers)
ACC:All non DA/DC classes fully trained.
ACC:Antipode Broadsword obtained (This was harder than Peculiar Visor actually)
ACC:Shadowheart Bracers obtained.
ACC:Drop Chickencow Lord
ACC:Get Evolved Chickencow Lord
ACC:Baby Dragon fully trained.
ACC:Razen al Ghoul defeated.
ACC:PVP rank 20

GOAL:Reach level 70 (65 right now)
GOAL:Reach level 80
GOAL:Get the first 10 backpack slots (4/10)
GOAL:Get Escelence Blade Level 63 (50 Armaments farmed, waiting a war for 100 medals.)
GOAL:Get DA (1400/4000 Artix Points)
GOAL:Finish every quest, mastery and badge which needs DA
GOAL:Fully train every DA class.
GOAL:Fully train Doom Weapon.
GOAL:Have a weapon of each elemental with a nice level in your inventory. (13/20)

Brasca123 -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (8/3/2016 12:56:52)

ACC: Finally got lv 20 on aeries battlespire.
DIS: Out of things to do while playing Hearthstone, might enter a hiatus.
ACC: Maxed out Health and Mana potion training.
DIS: Now seriously out of things to do while multi-tasking... will probably create a 3rd character on AQ or something.

mad_skittlze -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (9/2/2016 15:07:59)

mostly following xelessarx's format because this seems like a great place to keep track of goals too.

ACC: Book 1 main quests done.
ACC: Mana Potions Maxed
ACC: Alexander story finished
ACC: All badges obtained (except heart of darkness due to bag space, and armors)

Goal: All non-dc Badges
Goal: Max pvp rank
Goal: Fully trained dragon
Goal: 1000 Runs of "Save the mill!" mapped out on a loot spreadsheet. (50 in)
Goal: Level 50 (currently 43)
Goal: Ash Dragonblade story finished
Goal: Maxed out 100k scythe
Goal: Dragonsgrasp House owned (gold not dc)

Kaizoku -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (9/15/2016 16:57:07)

ACC: Level 50!
ACC(?): Swapped from Warrior to Mage!

Zippleclopper -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (10/18/2016 3:41:21)

ACC: Trained 300/600 points(50%) on Dragon just using the Normal Dragon Chow
DIS:.....Been doing it for more than 4.5 years. Could have been done already if I have fed my dragon more often back then.

Vonix -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (10/23/2016 19:54:31)

ACC: Finished Mogloween quests!
DIS: Didn't got the masks tho.
GOAL: Maxed out Mana potion training!

Gold -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (10/29/2016 11:52:08)

ACC: It's been exactly 10 years since my account was made.
DIS: 10 years, and still not maxed out in PVP rank...

RusticMetal -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (10/29/2016 19:02:31)

ACC: Possibly fastest Neverglades run ever https://imgur.com/a/HErtr S=start, yellow=end

PaladinKell -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (11/6/2016 23:29:27)

I haven't recorded my main DF character's feats or misfeats, until NOW, so let's get started!

11/5-11/6/2016 ~ Fastest on-and-off levelup (in 1 1/4 days, from 43 to 44)

Randy295 -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (12/8/2016 0:48:35)

A new disaccomplishment and goal as of 12/8/2016:

DIS: Not having completed my goals from 6/3/2016. Now I can work towards it as I am in the mood for some dragonfable again
GOAL: Get enough badges for a jimmy the eye pet

DestinyEvingar -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (1/8/2017 19:19:38)

ACC: Leveled up enough through the war to get the Blade of Destiny! (also opened up a new world of puns, but that's another matter...)
ACC: Broke my old war wave record and am on track to counterbreak hit 1000 waves!
ACC: Finally leveled up enough to use the Artix plushie that's been sitting in my bank for years!

DIS: My wrist started hurting because I was warring so hard and now I have to take regular breaks XD
DIS: It took me actual years to level up enough to use the Artix plushie >.>

GOAL: Reach my first ever counterbreak! Since original counterbreak is now impossible, I'm aiming for 1000 waves for the 1st time instead!
GOAL: Reach the level cap before it gets raised again.

Wink -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (1/17/2017 11:13:58)

ACC:Beat Togzilla (16K hp for reference) on foot (new Doom knight armor)
(got to him on foot via opening the quest log unequipping dragon rider armor but not taking you out of the accept quest menu)

NagisaXIkari -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (1/17/2017 16:44:47)

ACC: Got Defender's Dragon Ring XXIII
ACC: More than halfway to level 75
DIS: Two hundred more medals before it's worth considering to equip.
DIS: Six hundred more medals before it's fully upgraded.
DIS: Will have six weapons to upgrade at level 75.
DIS: Three require drop farming.

SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (1/18/2017 2:53:34)

ACC: Finally got to Level 74! I've been Level 73 for years, years! Thanks so much to Ash for having changed the curve at 70-80. :D

Xan12085 -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (1/19/2017 0:43:29)

ACC: 2400 waves in a war, previous record: 77
ACC: Beat Razen Al Ghoul with Guardian class (thanks RNG! but no powerword die activated)

fabri17 -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (1/19/2017 2:06:55)

Acc: Fought my first proper war in... almost 9 years... how does that even happen? xD

Kaika -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (1/19/2017 3:36:01)

ACC: My first real war since playing Dragonfable, contributed 3733 waves
ACC: Gained 15 levels in a week
ACC: Finally decided to make a second character

DIS: 8 years of playing, still not capped.
DIS: Forever mad at Doomed, pre-Caitiff armor buff

MarchingToApril -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (1/19/2017 6:36:46)

First time here, woo!
ACC: Managed to get over 10,000 waves in the Black Winter War
DIS: Never got to counterbreak with any one of my characters.
ACC: Finally managed to fully upgrade my Defender's Cannon
ACC: Leveled up my Warrior to level 62
ACC: Leveled up my Mage to level 60
ACC: Managed to get level appropriate Defender accessories for my secondaries

ACC: My first AE Calendar finally arrived.
DIS: The 2016 Calendar

NagisaXIkari -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (1/19/2017 8:41:26)

ACC: Level 75
ACC: Can finally equip my Defenders Dragon Ring.
ACC: Fully upgraded it.
DIS: Started working on the Defenders Dragon Necklace.

Zurii -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (1/31/2017 0:49:17)

ACC: Reached Level 85.
ACC: Got Defender Cannon Mk 4.
ACC(?): Accrued another 6000 defender's medals for who know's what reason.
ACC: Became a 4 time millionaire.
ACC: Maxed out all doom and destiny weapons.
ACC: Got all 3 defender's dragon equips to their highest level.

DIS: Now that I've hit the level cap there isn't much I can do...
DIS: After 50+ runs of Ashes, I still haven't gotten a shadowheart bracer. -.-
DIS: Had to sell several stacks of scrap metals/breeze crystals one at a time... why we can't sell stacks of items I'll never know.

GOAL: Finish dragon training; 597/600 atm.
GOAL: Get to level 86, why not?

elite dark slayer -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (1/31/2017 0:53:06)

ACC: Reached level 85

Kaizoku -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (2/2/2017 17:42:54)

ACC: Peculiar Visor get after 2 hours of work!
DIS: I'm not level 60

LadyYennifer -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (2/5/2017 10:03:49)

ACC: I managed to get all of the Memory Fragments from the Roirr saga :D

MEGA-ACC: Managed to get the Peculiar Visor on the 3rd completion of Treasure Hunter.

LouisCyphere -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments (2/5/2017 11:04:58)

I think this would be my first time posting here.
ACC: Reach Level 85. It was way faster than reaching Level 80 [:D]
ACC: Got Shadowheart Bracer too, I now have 2 Artifacts!
DIS: Every equipment is now under-leveled [&:]

???: Switch out to Guardian because FashionFable [:)] Being less optimal is a fair price to pay.

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