Dark Devices (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Dark Devices (9/2/2016 23:54:39)

Dark Devices

Location: Falconreach (Book 3) -> Ash -> Quests -> The Thorns -> Dark Devices
Level/Quest/Items required: None
Release Date: September 2nd, 2016

Objective: The Thorn, an extremist group within the Rose, has awoken ancient technology that hunts and devours mana. You must find a way to stop these infernal contraptions!
Objective completed: You have destroyed the remaining Manaphages... What other inhumane plans do the Thorn have for the people of Lore?

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(4) Ice Elemental
(5) Ice Wisp
(4) Manaphage
(4) Thornhunter
(2) Thornhuntress
(3) Overclocked Manaphage - Boss

Thorn Member(s)

Miniphage (All Versions)

Access to Dark Devices Loot.


*In the Frozen Northlands, a group of dark colored Manahunters and Manahuntresses investigate an area near a frozen door that seemed to be more than cutting edge.*

Thorn Member: Tell Commander Theano we have found it....

*Theano is summoned to the doorstep, which has thawed upon his arrival.*

Theano: Bring in the prisoners!!!

*The Manahunters, revealed to be members of the Thorn, bring the shackled mages inside against their will. Once indoors, they are brought forth to an extremely pale spider-like machine hanging from the ceiling.*

Thorn Member: Commander Theano... Are you sure we should be doing this?
Thorn Member: Lady Jaania would not approve of these... methods.
Theano: Exactly! That is what our order's purpose is!
Theano: To do what Lady Jaania is afraid to do!
Theano: Activate the devices!
Thorn Member: Put your hands on the... things, now!

*The imprisoned mages, with little choice, put their hands on the machines, causing them to drop to the floor, immobilized, while the machines start up. Meanwhile, you run through the woods and meet up with Galanoth.*

  • Galanoth joins you as Guest A.

    Galanoth: <Character>, it is good to see you thawed out. It is even better to see that you have received my message.
    <Character>: Well, I enjoyed being thawed while it lasted. I feel like I'm going to freeze all over again!
    Galanoth: It's good to see that you have retained your sense of humor, but we have more serious matters to attend to.
    Galanoth: I was out on a hunt when I noticed Rose members scouting the area.
    <Character>: A hunt? Good to see that you are still your dragonslaying self, as well!
    Galanoth: Don't be foolish. I was not here to slay the dragon. I was hunting it down to send it to the Dragonlords.
    <Character>: What?!
    Galanoth: With the Rose being as active as they are, dragons are one of their main targets.
    Galanoth: The Order of Dragonslayers have made a treaty with the Dragonlords...
    Galanoth: ... in order to preserve the dragon population that is now dwindling.
    Galanoth: But now is not the time to get distracted. There are more important matters at hand.
    <Character>: You're right. Wait, you said the Rose are here?! They haven't been this far up north before!
    Galanoth: Exactly. I believe that this has something to do with the warning Warlic gave me.
    <Character>: You've spoken to Warlic?!
    Galanoth: Not recently. But before he went into hiding, he warned me that the Rose might eventually come here.
    Galanoth: He said that there was once an ancient civilization that lived here that thrived off of mana. They built great machines that ran on it.
    Galanoth: That was until they created the Manaphages. Twisted machines that hunted down the source of mana and drained them completely.
    Galanoth: It was the Manaphages that led to the civilization's downfall.
    Galanoth: It wasn't until there was no more mana to feed off of that the Manaphages finally powered down...
    Galanoth: Warlic believed that the Rose would come here, looking to reactivate the Manaphages in order to drain all mages of their mana.
    Galanoth: What they might not realize is that doing so would kill the mage...
    Galanoth: We must stop them before they find the Manaphages... or worse, reactivate them.

    *You and Galanoth pace pass the woods in the Northlands and toward the glaciers searching for any Rose activity in the area. Both of you enter the facility and take down a Manaphage together. You were suspicious by how easy it was at the start.*

    <Character>: I thought these things were going to be harder!

    *Coincidentally, the unconscious Manaphage quickly powers up and raises itself on its feet again.*

    Galanoth: You just had to say something, didn't you...
    <Character>: Yep...

    *A couple more Manaphages join its fellow unit to face you both whom are obviously hungry for mana.*

    <Character>: Galanoth, please tell me you have a plan!
    Galanoth: I do. Quick, follow me!

    *You proceed to follow Galanoth through the facility while trying to safeguard your mana and your life from the Manaphages. After the units and a duo of thorn members were subdued, you and Galanoth come across a revolving cyan cube that matched the color of mana.*

    <Character>: What is that?!
    Galanoth: A nexus of mana energy.
    <Character>: You brought machines that feed off mana to a well of near-unlimited mana?! What kind of plan is that!?!?
    Galanoth: If the Manaphages take in too much mana, they should overload, just like any other mage trying to draw out too much mana out of a nexus.
    Galanoth: We can use that to our advantage and cause them to explode.
    <Character>: Let's hope this works!

    *A Manaphage approaches the chamber and scans Galanoth who is found to have no mana. It then turns to scan you, but finds your mana status in question for some reason. It scans the nexus last and easily discovers the mana within. Two other Manaphages join it in absorbing the mana, but at a cost of severe overloading just as Galanoth mentioned before.*

  • Battle!
  • Heal
  • Run Away!

    *Both you and Galanoth are now confronted by the machines. Even though they are overloading, they are actually more challenging to deal with.*

    Galanoth: Take cover!

    *The Manaphages have exploded after your battle. Galanoth and the hero stand triumphant.*

    <Character>: We did it. The Manaphages are destroyed!
    Galanoth: Yes... But now something else worries me.
    <Character>: What is it?
    Galanoth: The Rose may be trying to end Magic, but this is brutal... even for them. I don't think Jaania would have wanted this to happen.
    <Character>: Then who would?
    Galanoth: Warlic spoke of another group, the Thorn, hidden within the Rose. A group that is willing to do whatever it takes to end magic.
    Galanoth: All right under Jaania's nose. I will try my hardest to pull what strings I have in the Dragonslayer Order to get as much information as I can.
    Galanoth: Until then, if you ever need help, <Character>, I will be here. It was an honor fighting with you again.

    *The scene shifts elsewhere in the area. It would appear that more Manaphages have been activated. Thorn Commander Theano smiles menacingly. Scene fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest
  • DC Loot Shop - Opens Dark Devices Loot.

  • Page: [1]

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