Gaelan (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Gaelan (5/19/2017 21:44:42)


Location: Falconreach Inn (Book 3) -> Up, Frostval in Falconreach, The Unboxing, Stew It Yourself, The CandyCon Invitation

Quests given
Spirits in the Inn

Shops owned
Player Suggestion Shop
The Inn Shop

Falconreach Inn (Book 3)
(after Epilogue)

Gaelan: Hello! Welcome to the "Serene Inn"! May I offer you some fresh bread, with a touch of magick? Or perhaps you'd like a room?

  • Talk
    Gaelan: What can I do for you?
    • Talk
      Gaelan: I will be happy to answer any of your questions!

      • Who are you?
        Gaelan: My name is Gaelan. I am a conventional mage, I specialize in abjuration magick and enchanting...
        Gaelan: ... and I love learning about different cultures!

      • Why are you here?
        Gaelan: I've recently arrived here, in the Land of Dragons, which we call "Smocha Gwova" back in Azaveyr, to learn about this continent!

      • Why an Innkeeper?
        Gaelan: Well... I saw the "Innkeeper Wanted" notice... and I decided to apply!
        Gaelan: I mean, how else are you going to learn about a new place if not by hearing about it from the local people and heroes?
        Gaelan: I have been... told... about the previous Innkeeper.
        Gaelan: She must have been a wonderful person... you have my condolences.
        Gaelan: I would like you to know that I am not here to "fill" her shoes.
        Gaelan: Please don't think of me as a replacement for her, because from what I've heard... I cannot aspire to be like her...
        Gaelan: I am my own person and I will make sure to run this inn as well as she did... but with my own personal touch!

      • The Rose
        Gaelan: I have been made aware of The Rose and its influence on this continent. This is such an interesting subject!
        Gaelan: Back in Azaveyr magick is revered, but here it is... what's the word... shunned?
        Gaelan: I would love to meet this Jaania, I have SO many questions for her!
        Gaelan: How did this organization come to be?
        Gaelan: What happened to this poor woman to make her this way?
        Gaelan: Anyway, I know that Falconreach still supports magick, and I love that!

      • Conventional mage?
        Gaelan: I use normal magick... Like... a normal mage does!

        Gaelan: I'm not a Magester.
        Gaelan: Because of the piece of the Mana Core, Magesters are able to use unconventional magicks, that are fueled directly by the piece itself.
        Gaelan: I used to dream of becoming a Magester, but... I've learned what it takes, and I just couldn't.
        Gaelan: I couldn't bear to use... the ignominious.

        Gaelan: Magesters have developed such a dependency on the piece, they cannot draw from the Mana Core itself.
        Gaelan: And so... being a Magester comes with the positives and, to those who view them as such, negatives.
        Gaelan: Positives: one is able to fully control the flow of magick from the Mana Core piece...
        Gaelan: ... allowing them to discover magicks that far beyond what a normal mage can do.
        Gaelan: Negatives: one is either confined to stay in close proximity to the piece, otherwise they cannot perform spells... or to get their own ignominious.
        Gaelan: A felon who, as a mean of... reformation, has been injected, over and over again, with raw mana from the piece.
        Gaelan: They act as walking, living nexuses.
        Gaelan: Therefore, for me, it was either to stay in one place for the rest of my life...
        Gaelan: ... or to use convicts who have been robbed of their selves to serve as... a power source.

        Gaelan: I wanted neither.
        Gaelan: Suffice to say, the Shapeless Empire is... a trying place. For the empties AND for the blessed.

        Gaelan: OH!

        Gaelan:My apologies!

        Gaelan: That's how we-
        Gaelan: I mean they-
        Gaelan: ... are calling those who are cursed with being mundane and those who are gifted with magick.
        Gaelan: Sorry, I have lived there long enough to pick up bad naming habits.
        Gaelan: I'm doing my best to stop trying to label people, though!

    • Ghosts
      Gaelan: Apparently, this inn is haunted! The knight Ash has been clearing out the ghosts, but they keep coming back!
      Gaelan: Fascinating!
      Gaelan: Since I have been told having ghosts is bad for business, could you... look into it, please?

    • Doom Items
      Gaelan: Oh, I think there is an orb that's selling them. I don't know what they are, though!

    • Player Suggestion Shop
      Gaelan: Yes, I do indeed manage a shop with items that have been crafted by local heroes!
  • Shop - opens The Inn Shop.

  • Fresh bread! - adds Serene Bread to your Temporary Items.

  • Rest and Heal

  • Rest until evening / Rest until morning - exactly as the option above, except it also switches the time of day from day to night and vice versa.

  • Set Hometown
    Gaelan: I was instructed to provide a room for free, just for you! Are you sure you want your hometown to be here in Falconreach?
    • Yes
    • Nevermind
  • Reset Base Class - loads, saves, and equips player's base class.

    Frostval (Chapter 15)

    Frostval in Falconreach

    Gaelan: That's right! I wanted to do a spin on your guys' usual ornamental tradition!

    Gaelan: How did it get here?

    Gaelan: Oh my! This must have taken a lot of time and effort!

    Gaelan: Is this what usually happens here?

    The Unboxing

    Gaelan: Oh my! The creatures here are so interesting!

    Gaelan: Without a doubt!

    Thankstaking (Chapter 15)

    Stew It Yourself

    Gaelan: Pardon me, I didn't mean to eavesdrop...
    Gaelan: ...(and by that I meant I had no other choice, everyone in Falconreach could hear you)...
    Gaelan: ...but did you say that you needed an "extra special dish that'll blow everyone's taste buds away"?

    Gaelan: Well, then, umm... I may be of help!
    Gaelan: Back home, in Azaveyr, we had this special stew that I think would compliment your Thankstaking feast quite well.
    Gaelan: I do believe I could find most of the ingredients, or their substitutes, here, but...
    Gaelan: Someone would have to acquire one very specific ingredient, that's only raised and bred in my village.

    Gaelan: And, sadly, I cannot return to Azaveyr, so... maybe Ruby—

    Gaelan: The village I grew up in is the only one that specializes in breeding these cabbages, it's near the Bald Mountains up north, I'll mark it on your—

    Gaelan: Yes?

    Gaelan: Right, so, I'll mark it on your map! When you get there, tell whoever is in charge of the farm that "Gaelan sent you".
    Gaelan: Let's see, I think I will need... five Capustaks!

    Gaelan: Capustak! That's what they are called. Capustaks!

    Gaelan: Oh, and if you can, sour them a bit!

    Gaelan: These are perfect, <Character>! Thank you!
    Gaelan: I'll get to work right away!

    The CandyCon Invitation

    Gaelan: Your favourite scrambled ChickenCow eggs will be ready shortly, <Character>!

    Other information
  • Gaelan's 'Conventional mage?' dialogue was modified on May 24th, 2024; any retired content has been archived here.

    Teaser Image
    Frostval Appearance

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for image and corrections.
  • Dove for teaser image.

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