RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (Full Version)

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LUPUL LUNATIC -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/16/2019 15:38:24)

Regarding the Initiative planned changes,i assume the DEX and LUK rolls are capped to player stat cap because we dont actually have great ways to boost DEX/LUK before Initiative rolls (only Initiative Bonus but that is an entire other department) so it would seem unfair if monster does have DEX/LUK higher than player cap of stats (for thematic monster reasons,just in case some monsters have stats distributed differently) ?

Kilvakar -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/16/2019 16:32:23)

So if I'm correct, the mana pool is getting cut in half, meaning that we'll only have enough for two spells before running out? Won't this hurt all mana-using builds severely? (unless you're planning on most monsters getting one-shotted)

Macho Man -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/16/2019 17:57:55)

^I've only read bits and pieces of the post but I think thats due to the fact that they're changing the average turn model from 20 turns (that allowed for 4 casts) to 10 turns (2 casts)

AliceShiki -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/16/2019 18:14:45)

@Kaelin That looks great! \(^^)/

Mmmmmmm, does this means you intend to change all MC bonuses from 5% to 10% too? Or is this more of a thing specifically to initiative?

Ah ah! And another question, would you change utility spells like Dracomorgrify to be efficient spells if you go forth with this change? I mean... It would be really hard to use any utility spell (not counting Purple Rain) if we only had 2 casts to stack effects or attempt to transform enemies...

@Kilvakar They're planning on reducing battle length by half, so reducing your casts by half only makes sense~

Kaelin -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/17/2019 0:11:56)

@LUPUL LUNATIC: We should only give a handful of monsters stats-above-the-cap for thematic reasons. Regarding not being able to boost DEX/LUK for Initiative purposes, it's something we'll have to take a look at, but I don't have a good answer for that right now -- it's always challenging when the value of stats changes depending on the stage of the fight a player is in, but we'll at least be in a better position to handle this in shorter battles than long ones.

@Kilvakar: Macho Man and Alice are correct. You're still expected to be able to use spells for ~20% of your turns.

@AliceShiki: No, we're not doubling MC power. I'm just saying that an MC-powered Initiative bonus of +18% would have to be doubled if we were staying at 10 turns (instead of moving to 5 turns).

I don't know if or how Dracomorgrify would change, but my attitude towards this particular spell has traditionally been less forgiving just because DB is incredibly strong. It obviously loses some value in shorter battles, but we'll have to evaluate it when we get there.

I Overlord I -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/17/2019 2:41:17)

Before I weigh in: what's the hard cap for any given stat?

Kaelin -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/17/2019 3:03:43)

500. If players are able to exceed this amount in the future due to a cap raise or because of ripple effects from rebalancing, we can change it again. However, we would also evaluate why such an effect is possible, because the power that comes from 500 in a stat is already rather profound (even under a cap raise).

I Overlord I -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/17/2019 5:31:21)

Ah. In that case, I strongly believe that 250 should be the maximum stat allotment. 300, even 275, would decidedly be too high because you can already exceed 500 INT as is (i.e., 250 "base" INT + 50 from Vampire's INT drive + 50 from Celtic Wheel's drive + 50 from Amulet of Drakonnan G + 102 from Arcane Amplification = 502), thus resulting in an "overflow" of two points. Seeing as 500 is a hard cap, those points are effectively wasted. With an even higher stat cap, the resultant overflow would be greater still unless the hard cap was accordingly adjusted, which I presume runs the risk of borking the entire game engine if the value gets too high in and of itself.

Kaelin -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/17/2019 6:24:05)

I don't think the limit has anything to do with the engine breaking. If players are hitting 502, it's not worth the trouble to update the limit, but if we raise the cap further and we're comfortable with the stacking that is possible, we will raise the hard limit again.

I Overlord I -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/17/2019 6:43:37)

Yeah, I think 502 is the highest possible value of any stat because STR currently lacks a shield with a drive and while DEX has such a shield, Moonwalker's gives a less substantial boost to DEX than BBB/AA. Not worth raising the hard cap. All things considered though, I'm not particularly inclined towards raising the stat cap. But, for what it's worth, nor am I disinclined. Merely... clined.

-EDIT- Kind of off-topic, but it'd be really cool to see a Void boss with, like, 500 STR and 250 LUK or something. Like Kel-Al Relish on 'roids. Preferably with an inaccurate lean like -15 (-20?). Something that could turn you into paste with a single hit, provided he ever hit. Would be really fun, imo.

AliceShiki -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/17/2019 16:03:42)


I don't know if or how Dracomorgrify would change, but my attitude towards this particular spell has traditionally been less forgiving just because DB is incredibly strong. It obviously loses some value in shorter battles, but we'll have to evaluate it when we get there.

*cwies as dragonslayer that doesn't use temp DB* Well, I suppose it's understandable... Temp DB is pretty broken... >.>

I was more asking in general in regards to utility spells as a whole though, like... That one from the Pie yearly MC for example, kinda hard to stack daze if you only have 2 casts available... Funny how this update might make Father Time worth using again though, for further stacking in status aliments aside from Purple Rain~

Kilvakar -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/18/2019 19:58:30)

That's a very good point. It sounds like spells in general, but especially utility spells are going to become much weaker unless their effects get some massive buffs...

Kaelin -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/18/2019 22:53:54)

Assuming the abilities are balanced, anything a player does that unlocks a "rest-of-the-battle" effect should be something we can double in power per turn. We probably won't have the changes rolled out immediately when we make the formula changes, but we can try to prioritize them afterwards.

Kilvakar -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/18/2019 23:08:17)

Nice. Although the spells we were referring to are spells like the Chocolate Syrup spell from the Dessert Mastercraft set that inflicts daze, but it only lasts a few rounds and has a save every round to break out of it. Normally you would cast it two or three times to get a good daze chance off or to have it last long enough to be truly effective. Same thing for the tidal wave spell from one of the token packages.

CH4OT1C! -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/19/2019 4:35:49)

Chocolate syrup doesn't have a save to break out of it every round. It has a [x]% chance of inaction each round for [y] rounds (modified by [MonsterIceResist] and [HitsConnected] respectively). With these items, nothing will change (otherwise, they'd be mathematically unbalanced). The only reason this kind of item would be buffed (in theory) is if the duration of the status lasts longer than the expected number of turns per battle.

This has a number of implications:
i) If you want status', the emphasis is going to be placed on items that offer a bigger penalty and status effect. You don't have the time (as you've already mentioned) to stack effects. That means you need the biggest stack in the shortest amount of time
ii) Anything that has a "rest of battle affect", e.g. Dreadknight cleaver is going to get a doubling in power because the battle only lasts half as long.
iii) People are going to start using efficient spells a lot more often, as well as transitioning away from MP-costing items. With the way MP works, there's no leftover mp for items. With your cap halved, you then only have enough mana for 1 cast if you start using mp-costing miscs/items.
iv) MP healing is going to become a lot more important. You don't have that reserve anymore, and you can only use 1 inefficient spell (say overcharged heal wounds). If you want to make these items count, MP-heals are going to become necessary. Either that, or more people will transfer over to skills. They start with 0SP, so won't get nerfed since you can only use them once every 5 rounds (in theory) anyway.

LUPUL LUNATIC -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/19/2019 8:19:30)

So on the bright side this also means Champion sets FSB for "9999 rounds" will get buffed right?

Phlox Lover -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/21/2019 9:13:19)

why 5 turns instead of 10?

Kaelin -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/22/2019 1:36:32)

@LUPUL LUNATIC: Yes, that's the idea.

@Phlox Lover: It's a design preference of the Knights.

Ryu Draco -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/22/2019 20:55:54)

So will this lower the effectiveness of status effects such as burn or bleed. Those help more in a longer fight, and if everything is going to be balanced around a format roughly a fourth of the current set up there is much less reason to bother with it.

AliceShiki -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/22/2019 21:53:43)

@Ryu Draco Current Model are 2 battles of 10 turns or 1 battle of 20 turns.
Future Planned Model are 2 battles of 5 turns or 1 battle of 10 turns.

The battle length is being cut by 1/2, not 1/4.

Also, Bleed/Burn get relatively stronger if all HP is cut by 1/2, just like any other damage source.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/23/2019 10:10:06)

With this new update to battle turns, will items that accumulate power or take up a turn get buffs too? Like the Templore weapon and Azamay Golem with the explode rune?

Kaelin -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (2/23/2019 12:29:08)

I can't answer questions about every single item. We may give more compensation to DoT effects, particularly ones that can realistically last until the end of battle even with planning.

Kaelin -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (3/2/2019 20:14:52)

I'm dropping in quickly. As I alluded to before, I'm busy with school until mid-June. This next month in particular has a lot going on, so I probably won't push things forward until I get through everything in March and the start of April, but I want to present some issues we're looking at so you're aware of what's going on and so you can provide feedback (for #3 in particular). The good news is that I think I have most of everything else tentatively mapped out, so if you haven't seen things rolling out by mid-June, I will be trying to move things forward pretty soon afterwards.

1) Relative to what is shown in the spreadsheets, I'm considering improving DEX a little bit, so it does more than 15 blocking, +20 on Initiative (for 5-turn battles), and its contribution for Ranged weapons. It's probably fine as planned (and will be a little more-efficient than most other stats against generic monsters), but it'll show some weakness (compared to STR and INT) against werewolves and other regenerators. The issue is that the effect is very slight, so almost any buff to DEX will open up other issues, won't look pretty, or will (more likely) just be too strong.

2) Despite END, CHA, and LUK doing more than holding their own against STR, DEX, and INT when chosen as second and third stats, +STR/+DEX/+INT effects will be much stronger than +END/+CHA/+LUK effects, so they'll have to cost more or be weaker than their support counterparts. This issue can't be helped -- it's intrinsic to how END/CHA/LUK are reliable support stats, whereas you're only properly making use of one out of STR, DEX, and INT at a time (although DEX is more cooperative with STR and INT than STR and INT are with each other). I can see us giving a substantial discount on this markup for effects that give STR+INT simultaneously, and to a lesser extent when one or both is combined with DEX.

3) How do we want stat training to progress? If we're proceeding with a 300 stat cap, there are three flavors we can run with this. While players and monsters alike will see the same 300/300/150 cap at L150, the way they get there will be different.

a) Allow players to continue to train points however they'd like, provided they have the gold, and assume monsters would train in the same way. This would look a lot like the Primary Stat and Secondary Stat do, except the cap is pushed from 250 to 300. VStat would track the Primary as it does now, and the player's MP formula would expect the Secondary amount. This progression is shown below.

Advantages: Player/monster symmetry, and they get stat damage fully-online earlier on
Disadvantages: Without some jury-rigging, accuracy will overpower blocking in the early stages. We also have this Tertiary stat spike on the monster side which doesn't align with how I will grow monster monster stats beyond L150 (320/320/160 at L160). Exotic monster builds are harder to set up in this system.

Level	First	Second	Third
0	10	0	0
10	50	0	0
20	70	30	0
30	90	60	0 
40	110	80	10
50	130	100	20
60	150	120	30
70	170	140	40
80	190	160	50
90	210	180	60
100	230	200	70
110	250	220	80
120	270	240	90
130	290	260	100
140	300	290	110
150	300	300	150

b) Allow players to continue to train points however they'd like, provided they have the gold (assuming like above), but monsters train a 2:2:1 ratio as shown below.

Advantages: Players gets stat damage fully-online earlier on. Monster stats progress more consistently.
Disadvantages: Accuracy will overpower blocking in the early stages, although it'll be less bad than in the first model. We lose player/monster stat symmetry.

Level	First	Second	Third
0	10	0	0
10	20	20	10
20	40	40	20
30	60	60	30
40	80	80	40
50	100	100	50
60	120	120	60
70	140	140	70
80	160	160	80
90	180	180	90
100	200	200	100
110	220	220	110
120	240	240	120
130	260	260	130
140	280	280	140
150	300	300	150

c) Players may no longer train faster than a 2:2:1 ratio, so their maximally-focused builds will now look like monster builds (see above). We can make stat training free under this model(!), although players still need to win stat trainer battles (although if you have a private trainer, we may change its perk to letting you train stats faster). If we do this, we don't have to worry about how to set a Token price in stat training. Of course we won't see players with 150 in a stat at Level 30 anymore.

Advantages: Stat symmetry, accuracy and blocking will remain in parity for all levels, and player/monster stat progression will be very straightforward.
Disadvantages: There will be some sensitivity in damage/accuracy/HP when training stats early on. You can't cheese stats in the early game anymore.

Primate Murder -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (3/3/2019 0:28:38)

On #2, End seems to be a stronger stat than Dex, at least when their debuffs are compared. On a 50/50 save, 5% melee is worth -5 End for a turn (via Fragile), compared to somewhere around -30 Dex from Offbalanced.

Regarding #3, option b seems to be the best way. Option c would destroy some of the early-game fun that comes with weird and unbalanced builds, and, as you've noted, option a makes it harder to set up exotic monsters. Maybe I'm biased, but I prefer monsters that are interesting and unque over generic, but symmetric ones.

AliceShiki -> RE: Stat Balance Project - With Spreadsheets (3/3/2019 7:30:25)

I'm fine with anything for the leveling process tbh, I don't think it would change much in the end...

We also have this Tertiary stat spike on the monster side which doesn't align with how I will grow monster monster stats beyond L150 (320/320/160 at L160).

Just to be clear... That's just for monsters, right? We aren't going to get every single piece of equipment in the game suddenly become outdated because of a lv cap raise, will we?

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