Book 3: Epilogue (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Book 3: Epilogue (7/27/2024 23:14:55)

Book 3: Epilogue

Location: Swordhaven Castle -> Queen Victoria -> Quests! -> BOOK 3: EPILOGUE
Requirements: Completion of The End of Magic (Part 2)
Release Date: July 27th, 2024

Objective: Thanks to your efforts, Lore has been saved once again... for now.
Objective completed: Your next grand adventure awaits!

Experience rewarded: 0
Gold rewarded: 0


Concerned Noble
Defensive Noble
Queen Victoria



*In Swordhaven Castle's throne room, Queen Victoria and Circe watch the Swordhaven nobles bicker among themselves following the events of what happened in the Fissure.*

Queen Victoria: ...And they're already back to bickering amongst themselves.
Circe: Perhaps it would have been better to delay the announcement that the matter of the Fissure has been resolved.
Queen Victoria: ...With the tremors halted, and nothing else out of the ordinary...
Queen Victoria: ... they would have figured out for themselves that the Fissure's threat has passed.
Queen Victoria: This way, at least, they won't think we're hiding anything from them.
Circe: Hmm.
Concerned Noble: If I may, Your Majesty, are you sure it's wise to send our knights south?
Concerned Noble: The skirmishes to the east have only been getting more frequent.
Concerned Noble: We cannot neglect our defenses for the sake of some... criminals.
Defensive Noble: Criminals? So quickly do you forget how The Rose has kept us safe for all these years!
Concerned Noble: I know you've seen the latest reports from Magus Hansa. They were committing atrocities!
Defensive Noble: They are our brothers, our sisters. They are our people, and they did what they needed to do to protect us!

*The nobles '*Murmur*' collectively.*

Queen Victoria: Enough!
Queen Victoria: Regardless of what they may or may not have done, they are still citizens of the Kingdom of Greenguard.
Queen Victoria: I will see them safely returned home, and then, if they are found to have committed crimes, they will be brought to justice.
Queen Victoria: I will not abandon my people, even if they are members of The Rose.
Concerned Noble: But, Your Majesty, the eastern front—
Queen Victoria: If these returning Rose members are so dedicated to protecting Greenguard as their organization purported to be...
Queen Victoria: ... then once they recover, I'm sure we'll have more fighters eager to jump to Greenguard's defense.
Queen Victoria: And not only that, with the Fissure issue dealt with, <Character> should be—
<Character>: Wow, is it always this crowded in here?

*You and your dragon arrive at the throne room.*

Queen Victoria: Oh, thank the Avatars.
Queen Victoria: Now, if you all could please leave us, I must receive the full report from <Character>.
Queen Victoria: Circe will provide you all with any relevant information once we are finished.

*The nobles '*Grumble*' collectively as they leave before the scene fades to black; scene fades back in as you, your dragon, Circe, and Queen Victoria talk privately in the throne room.*

Queen Victoria: <Character>, <Dragon>, it's so good to see you both well.
<Dragon>: I was promised snacks! | *Hungry roar!*
<Character>: You too, Your Maj—
Queen Victoria: No! Not from you! Just Victoria is fine.
<Character>: Right! Okay, Victoria, I, er, that was a lot of people you just sent out for our sake. I hope we weren't interrupting anything.
Queen Victoria: ...I wish I could say that. But after Yix's brief report, and learning that Jaania isn't returning...
Queen Victoria: Well, it appears that her presence was keeping many of the nobles and their ambitions at bay.
Queen Victoria: With her out of the picture, they've scurried out from their little corners, trying to fill in the empty space she left behind.
Queen Victoria: It's like it's all a game to them. Money, power, lives...
Queen Victoria: But enough about my woes. Please, <Character>! Tell me everything that happened.
<Character>: I think we were still in contact until... Yes.
<Character>: So, after we left Outpost Yeden for the Fissure...

*Scene fades to black before fading back in as you have caught up to speed on what transpired in the Fissure to Queen Victoria.*

<Character>: ...And then Alteon, that is, your father, decided to remain behind, to travel to Azaveyr and help there.
Queen Victoria: ...I see.

*Queen Victoria assesses Alteon's decision to travel to Azaveyr with the Magesterium.*

Queen Victoria: It's frustrating. As much as I want him to come back, to just... be here for me, as a father...
Queen Victoria: His presence here would cause problems. Some of the nobles would try to use him against me.
Queen Victoria: Not that I think he would go along with them...
Queen Victoria: But those with ill intent won't need his consent to use him for their own agendas.
Queen Victoria: Even now, barely recovered, Brittany has been pestered by nobles seeking this or that.
<Character>: How is she doing, by the way?
Queen Victoria: Better, now. She's been taking walks around the castle to improve her strength.
Queen Victoria: I... I still haven't decided what I want to do. She offered to take my place... but...
Queen Victoria: ...But the people crave stability. They need it, especially now, after so much has happened in such a short time.
Queen Victoria: Passing the crown during a time like this...
Queen Victoria: It would be selfish of me to put my desires before my people.
Queen Victoria: Maybe, after everything's settled down... and after Tara's returned...
Queen Victoria: ...
<Character>: It sounds like you have a lot to think about. And a lot to do. I can't imagine it's easy.
Queen Victoria: If only you knew the half of it. The crown gets heavier every day.

*After listening to the events that transpired in the Fissure, Queen Victoria requests a favor from you.*

Queen Victoria: Anyway. I'm sorry, <Character>, but I must request a favor of you.
<Character>: What is it? I'd be happy to help.
Queen Victoria: Could you... Could you tell the people of Swordhaven the story of what happened down in the Fissure?
Queen Victoria: The nobles will twist the report to whatever suits their needs, but hearing the words from the hero who was there...
Queen Victoria: That's where epics and legends come from. And no amount of money and propaganda can ever fully erase those seeds.
Circe: Besides, if you deliver the whole story first, the nobles will struggle to overcome that momentum.
<Character>: If it's what you wish, Victoria. I'll do it.
<Character>: Although...
Queen Victoria: Yes?
<Character>: I kind of promised <Dragon> a feast once we got back... I don't suppose...
Queen Victoria: Haha! But of course! It's only fitting to have a celebratory feast for the hero's return, after all!

*Your dragon opens its mouth proudly.*

<Character>: Thank you! I'll catch up with you some more later, then.

*You and your dragon leave the throne room; after they leave, Queen Victoria and Circe ask what repercussions will come after your delivery of your story to the people of Swordhaven.*

Circe: You know the nobles will talk.
Queen Victoria: They always do... I wonder what new rumors will sprout up next?

*Outside Swordhaven Castle, you and your dragon stand in a table as you prepare to hear your story on what happened at the Fissure to the people of Swordhaven.*

<Character>: ...Thank you, everyone, for gathering to hear my story.
<Character>: As you may know, the latest threat to Lore has been quelled.
<Character>: But you all deserve to learn the truth of how that threat came to be, and how we were able to stop it.
<Character>: It started when Jaania and Akanthus took The Rose south, to the massive Fissure that lies beyond Kaer Sierra...

You tell the people of Swordhaven about what happened at the Fissure.

*After hearing your story, the people of Swordhaven are shocked by what happened.*

<Character>: ...And so, Lore was spared destruction, while Warlic, Alexander, and Jaania were sealed behind.
<Character>: Regarding Jaania... She...

  • "Was a fool, and yet..." - if you select this option:
      <Character>: She was a fool.
      <Character>: Her ambitions led her down a path of obsession and forbidden magic.
      <Character>: She neglected The Rose, abandoned her responsibility over them in pursuit of her own ambitions.
      <Character>: While she obsessed over her scheme, the organization she created was infiltrated by those with their own designs.
      <Character>: Cruel, self-serving people who took advantage of a weak leader.
      <Character>: Her own plans were no less flawed. Her tyranny would have only led to misery.
      <Character>: None of this would have happened if not for her. This was all her fault.
      <Character>: I know for many of you this will be painful to hear. But she was the villain of this tale.
      <Character>: ...And yet, at the very end, she sacrificed herself to prevent the destruction of Lore.
      <Character>: This does not redeem her. She had no other choice if Lore was to survive.
      <Character>: Remember her folly. Remember her mistakes.
  • "Tried to be a hero, but..." - if you select this option:
      <Character>: She tried to be a hero.
      <Character>: To many of you, she was a hero. A hero who saved Greenguard from Yalla and the elven invasion.
      <Character>: A hero who established The Rose in the aftermath.
      <Character>: A hero who protected Swordhaven when the rift opened and the warbeast rained down sun and fire.
      <Character>: Jaania wanted to keep everyone safe.
      <Character>: But despite everything she did, all the allies she gathered in The Rose, she believed that she alone had the solution.
      <Character>: No hero can do everything on their own.
      <Character>: Nor should they. Jaania's path led her to obsession and desperation.
      <Character>: Pushed to her limits, she almost caused the destruction of Lore.
      <Character>: But still... At the very end, protecting Lore and its people was first in her mind.
      <Character>: Her sacrifice is proof of that.
      <Character>: Remember her idealism. Learn from her missteps.
    *After a brief pause, you continue your speech.*

    <Character>: A solemn end, maybe, but you have to keep moving forward.
    <Character>: The future is uncertain, but it's what you make of it.
    <Character>: There will be conflict. People will want to blame each other.
    <Character>: There will be those who want to profit from uncertainty.
    <Character>: But I know we all want what's best for the kingdom, for our families and friends.
    <Character>: Work together to rebuild. Learn from each others' differences, strengths, and weaknesses.
    <Character>: And together, you will protect each other and Greenguard!

    *Following your speech, the people of Swordhaven cheer before the scene fades to black; scene fades back in as a slideshow depicting the future of Kingdom of Greenguard and its characters following the events of Book 3 is shown.*

    After their part in defending Swordhaven from the Proclamation, the Ateala were once more welcome across the lands of Greenguard.
    Some emerged from the protective barrier, seeking new sights and experiences.

    Most, however, chose to remain in Atrea, awaiting the rebirth of their Empress.

    Yashta, guilt-ridden that he could not be present for the hero he vowed to protect, went into solitary training...

    In Amityvale, Thursday and Neron were able to negotiate a volatile stalemate between the vampires and the werewolves of Doomwood.

    Rumors of Safiria's indifference spread, and many began looking to Thursday for leadership.

    Raven supported Thursday as her inseparable bodyguard, and fought off more than one assassination attempt.

    Together, on the backs of fallen titans, and among the fungi and caves, the Dragesvard and Dragonsgrasp communities flourished, establishing the twin city of Dragon's Peak.

    The Dragonlords brought much needed order to the lackadaisical people of Dragesvard, while the Dragesvard love of partying tempted many young DragonLords to call for reformation of the old ways.

    Soon, the Dragonlords began to argue between themselves once again, and with no Speaker to guide them, their political debates may never end...

    Though upset to hear of Warlic's sacrifice, Nythera maintained her composure for one final tea party with Lynn and Amadeus.

    While Lynn was disappointed she wasn't allowed to take any of Alexander's things with her, she was mollified by the promise of a new adventure.

    Some time after Amadeus and Lynn left, however, a mighty dragon's mournful roar was said to have been heard from as far away as Falconreach.

    With Akanthus gone, the Vind's main purpose was fulfilled.

    Magic was still viewed with suspicion, however, and those that left Sulen'Eska were begrudgingly tolerated by the citizens of Swordhaven.

    Sulen'Eska continued to be a safe haven for any who needed it, whether magical or not.

    While Kara maintained her position as leader, she, along with the other members of the Vind, often traveled across Greenguard aiding those in need.

    With Queen Victoria's blessing, Magus Hansa became Archmagus Hansa, and assumed leadership of The Rose and ownership of the Ivory Tower.

    The Rose underwent a restructuring, and those unable to hide their crimes were swiftly removed.

    There have been whispers that Queen Victoria intends to nationalize the once independent organization...

    *Scene fades to black following the slideshow; scene fades back in as you and your dragon are in "your spot" by the cliff's edge near Oaklore Keep on sundown.*

    <Character>: The end of another journey...

    *There is a brief pause.*

    <Character>: ...And soon, the beginning of another.
    <Character>: Think of what we might see, where we might go...
    <Dragon>: The things we'll eat! | *Small hungry grumble*
    <Character>: Haha, yes, that too!
    <Character>: But we can't forget our duty to Warlic, Alexander... and Jaania.
    <Character>: Our duty to protect all of Lore.
    <Character>: Still, that doesn't mean we can't have some adventures along the way!

    *Your dragon opens its mouth proudly.*

    ???: See, I told you! <He's/She's/They's> here!

    *Amadeus, Lynn, and a young Akriloth Jr. arrive at "your spot".*

    Amadeus: So <he is/she is/they are>.
    <Character>: Amadeus! Lynn!
    Amadeus: <Character>. <Dragon>.
    Lynn: We're going on an adventure!
    <Character>: Are you, now?
    Amadeus: We're leaving Greenguard. I think I've well exhausted the leads for my condition here.
    <Character>: Where are you going?
    Amadeus: I have no specific destination in mind. We will go where the road takes us.
    <Character>: Wanted to stop by and say goodbye, then?
    Amadeus: Hmph.
    Amadeus: I wanted to thank you. By preserving Lore, you saved my daughter.
    Amadeus: Consider your debt to me... repaid.
    <Character>: Well, that's kind of you to say, I suppose.
    <Character>: Still...
    <Character>: I don't think what you've done as Sepulchure can ever be forgiven.
    <Character>: But maybe in your own adventures, you can work to tip the balance back.
    Amadeus: ...
    Amadeus: Perhaps.
    Amadeus: Come, Lynn, Akriloth. It is past time we set out.
    Lynn: Bye, <Character>!
    <Character>: Goodbye, Lynn, Amadeus.
    Amadeus: ...Farewell, <Character>. And...
    Amadeus: ...You've gotten stronger since we first crossed blades.
    Amadeus: It was... fun, fighting by your side.
    Amadeus: Should our paths cross again... I would not be opposed to it.

    *After Amadeus, Lynn, and Akriloth Jr. leave, you and your dragon are now remaining in "your spot" as they assess Amadeus' heroic behavior.*

    <Character>: I'm surprised, <Dragon>. It seems like Amadeus might be trying to change his ways.
    <Dragon>: ...Akriloth was looking at me funny the whole time. | *Uncomfortable growl...*

    *You and your dragon look at the sun, which is about to be it; this signifies that it is time for them to leave.*

    <Character>: Just like them, though, it's about time we get going.

    <Character>: After all...
    <Character>: The next chapter of our story awaits!
    <Dragon>: Together, to the end and beyond! | *Heroic roar!*

    *In Swordhaven's Residential Section, a statue depicting Jaania, Warlic, and Alexander is made; scene fades to black.*

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