RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (Full Version)

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Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/9/2005 0:39:17)

Im kind of sceptical of how sucessful this thread will be because from what ive seen there isnt a whole lot of flash users out there ..BUT to whom ever uses flash this thread should be a whole lot of help i mean in this short period of time we have managed to post a lot of helpful scripts...... i just hope that this helps people....

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/9/2005 0:52:15)

i know i've been thinking the same thing, not many flash users, thats because its so expensive, if i could either find a place where they sell it cheaper or find some sort of way for people to use it more easily....worse case it help us minority that do use it, its like saying how did you actually get your version of flash (retorical dont answer) worse case sometimes when i get upset my tutorials run out of time is i just use a different email address to finish that last piece,

though we should get names of those with the flash system. There are over 10,000 people that are on the forums, plus with your programing and my (dont know what you would call the tut's i made, we shall rule the flash makers world! mwhahahaha,

i'll make a section not called flash tutors, but flash owners or users, so we know who uses flash.

(flash tutors, and flash users, to get on tutors list you have to list 3 or 4 good tutorials in flash

EDIT, i'll go in GoCA and find/tell flash users about this thread to help up their skills or share them

EDIT 2, phew, many pms, so little time, well i gotta go, cya zoltan (must not procrasinate and get away from studies!)

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/9/2005 4:49:19)

I know that Imdark is a very good flash user he does alot of work in flash such as making games.... right now he is doing some work on physics such as gravity

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/9/2005 16:56:56)

yeah, i've pmed around all the flash users that i know of, i wont pm mods nor ak's nor j (the ones that do flash) for i think they have more important things to do lol but i've called around 7 people so far

CodeLabMaster -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/9/2005 22:02:34)

Go Flash!


Karn Blood Tooth -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/9/2005 22:45:20)

Oh oh oh look what i made! Click here to look at what i made!

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/9/2005 23:37:06)

hmmm it seems you put a glowing stick infront of a picture of

Karn Blood Tooth -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/10/2005 0:53:06)


imdark -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/10/2005 4:49:53)

you shold have at list re drwon so you cold make a handel i mean this is jast adding a very basic shape to some thing you have dane

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/10/2005 10:47:54)


ORIGINAL: CodeLabMaster

Go Flash!

also, out of curiosity, why do you put heels on your guys codelabmaster

CodeLabMaster -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/10/2005 12:35:43)

After Shaman brought that up, everyone has seemed to notice. On this single drawing, that is the way that is was made.

@lil boi blue: A tip from me to you, increase the number of steps to about 20 when using fill soften edges.

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/10/2005 12:47:02)


ORIGINAL: CodeLabMaster

After Shaman brought that up, everyone has seemed to notice. On this single drawing, that is the way that is was made.

@lil boi blue: A tip from me to you, increase the number of steps to about 20 when using fill soften edges.

[sm=icon_neutral.gif] what do you mean?? where do i talk about fill soften edges

CodeLabMaster -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/10/2005 14:05:38)

On your artix picture, thats how you made it have a slight glow, right? If not, you did too much work on it.

My finished armor product:

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/10/2005 15:56:01)

that armor looks extreemly cool but the heels kinda ruin it

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/10/2005 17:35:27)

lol, just make them into boots by lowering the heel and stretching out the foot length

i finished the tut for making spinning/flashy effects for text

tonto14 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/10/2005 19:14:36)

dude i'm a flash guy u name it i know it kk i use flash mx 2004 pr edition ecspecailly made for business usage w00t

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/10/2005 20:39:23)

no offence but everyone says that, and here is a little perspective story, there was a man who was a great shooter, he had his grandpa's old rifle but would hit everything, a man wanted to take him over so he bought the best of the best sniper rifle. He challanged him to a shoot off very boastful about the rifle he bought. as they went clay disks were shot in the air, the man with his old rifle shot all 10 clay disks in a row, while the sniper shot only1, he fled in shame

but otherwise, welcome flash maker, movies, scripting, or game making?

Karn Blood Tooth -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/10/2005 20:57:16)

Yeah i softened the edges and i had a handle but artixs hand is covering it.............

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/11/2005 0:32:56)

EDIT:nvm, i found a solution, i'll add it in a revised format now

CodeLabMaster -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/11/2005 18:53:57)

I found a neat article on making eyeballs, and I also just made a trailor (this afternoon) for my upcoming video game. Can I post it here?

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/12/2005 0:11:20)

if it is going to help someone eg: its a tutorial than this is the place...... but if its your own artwork then start up your own thread

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/12/2005 0:24:03)

ok honostly from hearon out on just this thread im gonna keep it to zoltan and i for first post tuts, zoltan you got lucky to catch this thread when you did ^_^, its not that i dont like your tuts guys but it goes from my thread to everyones and i feel "loss of thread" where its no longer mine but just a clutter of everyones, you can stay and show your flash to others if you want for comments or "what can i do better things" , if you make any flash threads i'll link to them with a tool bar that is finished, just needs words and peoples names(links) like i'll still post your names under flash users and stuff so we all know who uses it know, its like saying you make a clan but everyone is leader when you first made it, you picking up what im putting down?

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/12/2005 0:33:31)

comprendo.... also i think that i didint get lucky i earned my spot thank you very much

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/12/2005 0:53:48)

your a very good programmer, i wouldlve ever known those programming moves you told me, thankyou and you did deserve it, i know a lot of your basic "day to day" make it look hard yet the secret is its easy and fast kind of flash movie guy, i focus on how to make complex things quick and easy (its like saying trying to make a perfect circle with a pencil and how to make a perfect circle with a compass) wow, i like these analogies i come up with, lol, the guy with the gun, the circle,

im on a mission, to figure out what J is doing that's so secretive whether he's actually doing something or not...

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/12/2005 3:16:24)

this one can be a little game

Object followes mouse and you lose if it hits it

1) In a new flash document draw what you want to follow the mouse and make it a movie clip and name it, also name it in the "properties inspecter" otherwise the script wont work

2) create a new layer and give it this scipt (replace cat with the name you gave the object)--->

setInterval(catchase, 5);
// call the catchase function every 5 ms
function catchase() {
// set x, y for cat closer to x, y of mouse
cat._x = cat._x + (_xmouse - cat._x)/100;
cat._y = cat._y + (_ymouse - cat._y)/100;
// test if x,y of mouse intersects cat
if (cat.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true )) {
// if it does, display a you lose message
// and change the name of the cat instance so
// it no longer follows the mouse
setProperty(cat, _name, "youLoseMessage");
// refresh screen

3) Double click on the movie clip you made and make a keyframe in the timeline, in the new frame delete the image and replace it with text saying 'you lose'

4)make a new layer and give it this script-----> stop();

Now it should go like this (im going to provide a .swf for my tutorials) this thang

Sometimes i can be very undescriptive so tell me if there is a problem

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