[GIMP] Vader's Tutorials and Help (Full Version)

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Vader -> [GIMP] Vader's Tutorials and Help (9/30/2005 22:24:14)

-from wu (you thought I'd forget to acknowledge you?)

Alright, to answer a lot of people's questions on how to start, and some cool stuff you can do with Gimp



General Tutorial
(Recommended for starters)
1. Make a new document (File>New) size it however you want (but keep in mind the size limits) make it 4 pixels smaller than you would so you will have room for the border, use black or white, I used black because it's better for abstract


2. Start brushing around until it looks good,


3. now color it by going to Layer>Colors>Color Balance and play around with it until you get the right colors


[image]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a204/Vader44/Tuts/tutbleh.jpg[/image]- made a new layer with sparkle brushing and colored it blue

4. now paste the render onto the bg and do not anchor it


5. if you want to blend the render, select the eraser tool and set the opacity to 10% or 5% and go over the render with the eraser and click and hold as you go over the whole thing, repeat this until you blend it enough, you may not need any, it depends on what you are going for anchor the render when you are done, this step is not recommended, but has a nice effect in some cases. Usually not the best idea though

6. Add some text to it, try to find a way to creatively incorperate text into your sig


7. Almost done, all you need is a border, this should be simple enough, just go to Script-Fu>Decor>Add Border, set the x and y to 2, and pick whatever color you wish, I normally use black

8. Celebrate! You've probably made a decent sig in Gimp!

Final Result:

-notice that its smaller, I wanted to cut off the wasted space, I used the crop tool
-also note that compared to what I can do now, this sig is terrible, but it shows you what I was capable of in Gimp

Lighting Tutorial
1.duplicate the layer you want to be lighted,
2.go to Filters>Blur>Gaussian Blur and set the blur to about 5 each, adjustment may be needed depending on the case
3. open up the layers dialog (Ctrl+L or Dialogs>Layers) click the spot the top where it says Mode-Normal and set the mode to Lighten Only
4. It should look lighted, yay!

Scan Lines Tutorial
1. make a duplicate layer of the layer that you want scan lines on
2. Go to Filters>Distorts>Video on the duplicate layer and set it to 3x3, looks pretty crappy, doesn't it? step 3 will fix that
3. set the duplicate layer mode to overlay the same way in the lighting tut
4. you now have scan lines, yay!

Download Tutorials

1. Download the font, have it ready on wizip (or whatever)
2. Go to Start>Run>and type fonts, a fonts folder should appear
3. Click and drag the font from winzip (or whatever you have) into the fonts folder
4. Open up Gimp and go to File>Dialogs>Fonts>and click refresh fonts
5. Celebrate! you have fonts on Gimp

Gimp for Windows

1. Go to www.gimp.org
2. Click Gimp for windows on the sidebar
3. Click automated installer
4. Click download in the box that says GTK Runtime Environment at the top
5. Choose a mirror, probably pick the one closest to you, and click the download button at the right of the mirror
6. Once you have it in winzip (or whatever) just minimize it for now
7. Do the same download thing for the box that says Gimp
8. Now reopen the GTK once the Gimp is done downloading, just install it like you would anything and make sure you do GTK First
9. Install the Gimp the same way as GTK
10. Celebrate! you downloaded GIMP :)


1. Download the brush and keep it on winzip (or yet again, whatever you have)
2. Copy this: C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\brushes or click the folders one by one
3. paste that into My Computer at the top, you are in your brushes folder
4. Click and drag the brushes from winzip to your brushes folder
5. Open up Gimp and go to File>Dialogs>Brushes and click refresh brushes
6. Celebrate! Brushes wOOt!

Animation Tutorial
I don't know all that much about animation, but this is a frequently asked question, so I'll make a tut about it
1. Use the basic sig tut to make your sig, but do not add text
2. Your going to need your layers dialog alot, so open it up (Dialogs>Layers or Ctrl+L)
3. However Many frames you want your animation to be, duplicate your layer until there are as many layers as you want frames. If it sounds confusing, I'll give an example:
I want it to be Frame 1: Vader
Frame 2: Owns
Frame 3: All
then I'd duplicate the layer twice to get 3 layers
4. Now add text to each different layer for what you want each frame to say (Each Layer is a frame, get it?)
5. Merge the text layers with their background layers
6.Save as a .gif file example: vaderowns.gif
7. Go to Filters>Animation>Playback and it should move, but a little fast, eh? that wil be fixed
8. Open up your layers and each layer should have (100ms) or whatever number
9. just change the number to something higher, like (400ms), now when you hit playback, it should slow down
10. Save it and Celebrate! You are the Master of Animation! Huzzah!
-note that this was made for text animation, but you can apply it to anything for animation

http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=3735530&mpage=1&key=%EE%97%BF -->Wu's tut
http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=2868273 -->Ippo's Brushless Tut
http://browse.deviantart.com/resources/applications/gimpbrushes/ -->Brushes
http://www.gimptalk.com/topic.php?a=v&t=769&f=8 -->Cutting Renders
http://www.gimptalk.com/topic.php?a=v&t=602&f=8 -->Using Paths Tool
http://www.gimptalk.com/topic.php?a=v&t=339&f=8 -->Blended Text
http://www.dafont.com/en/ -->Fonts
www.gimptalk.com -->Great Site for Tutorials
www.gimp.org -->Download Gimp here
www.adobe.com -->When you think that you are ready, I recommend getting Photoshop, so I included the link :)

My Gallery
If you're a fan of this thread, then feel free to drop by my gallery and leave a comment:

If you are in terrible need of help, or would just like to get to know me, add me on MSN

I'll update this with more stuff later. If you have questions or comments, feel free to post them

firmater -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/1/2005 8:37:03)

Good Tut it Helped Me Alot (especailly the scan line bit)[:)]

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/1/2005 9:31:02)

thanks, I never used scan lines until I figured out that Overlay trick

littlebro1 -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/2/2005 13:41:20)

awsome thanks my sigs r gonna be tons better knwo that ii ahve scan lines and i cna amke user bars too!

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/2/2005 17:04:21)

people seem to like the scan lines bit, scan lines are important though

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/2/2005 22:11:00)

*Update* added new tuts

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/3/2005 21:19:10)

*Update* added pics, sorry for the triple post, I can't delete my other ones

Motives -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/7/2005 1:39:00)

yay i have scan lines[:D]. this is my result http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/7854/myfirstscanlinesig4ov.gif [:D]

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/7/2005 16:13:48)

not bad, the scanlines seem to be popular

daykeem2 -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/7/2005 18:49:48)

awsome gimp tut good job
i love to see things like this :D

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/9/2005 12:22:27)

thanks daykeem :D I learned a lot from your tuts so I decided to make some of my own

SufferMe -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/9/2005 12:28:35)

Good Tut Makes me Wish I Had GIMP Now LOL

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/9/2005 12:42:05)

what do you have?

SufferMe -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/9/2005 12:43:52)

Paint Shop Pro 7

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/9/2005 12:49:27)

thats cool, thanks for the compliment :)

daykeem2 -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/9/2005 13:22:19)



thanks daykeem :D I learned a lot from your tuts so I decided to make some of my own

nice! im glad they helped you. youve improved a great deal sience i last saw your work

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/9/2005 13:24:02)

thanks again :) but one day I will switch to PS, Gimp has its limits

daykeem2 -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/9/2005 14:10:33)


DragonElf321 -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/10/2005 18:49:00)

Very nice tut...i went to the link and im downloading a lot of brushes...i need 'em...i only knew how to download fonts....thx alot..

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/10/2005 19:05:09)

no problem, glad it helped you :)

wu218 -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/11/2005 17:48:37)

wow, thnks vader. this helped me like crazy. before i couldnt even get somthing gud on gimp

DragonElf321 -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/11/2005 21:36:36)

look at my latest work for a clan avvy: [image]http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a94/DragonElf321/St.jpg[/image] ...u like it??

Viktor -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/11/2005 21:38:28)

Hello Vader. I have a question for you, how do you give Text a border...? Like...not like a Border around the text, like...a box effect?

wu218 -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/11/2005 22:04:54)

i think i can answer that, if im correct about ur question, i think its script-fu/decor/add border

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/11/2005 22:14:35)

he means around the text, I really don't know, you could always draw the box, but thats too much work

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