RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (Full Version)

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Hell fire -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/22/2005 9:16:32)

Dude thanks through for going through all the trouble to write that gudie for me i really apperciate it :D [:D]. How do u paint the new layer black????

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/22/2005 12:16:12)

take the paint bucket and fill the new layer with black, it should be outlined

and wolfy: go to they have tons

grimreaper122 -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/22/2005 22:51:30)

BUMP(by the way nice tut help me allot.[sm=YayImagaudian.jpg]

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/23/2005 17:12:23)

Glad it helped you, and thanks for the much needed bump ^__^

lich king 40k -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/23/2005 19:04:15)

ok look i copyed a brush and pasted it into the gimp/share/brushes folder and refreshed brushes, but it dosent work, any help here?

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/23/2005 21:41:32)

hmm, are you sure you put the brush in the folder? try a different set or something, maybe your putting in the wrong file type

Swordhunter -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/23/2005 21:43:43)

Lich: If there being put into a winzip thing when there first download, all you do is drag and drop. I think your putting them in the wrong folder maybe, there are two brushes folders... >.>;;

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/23/2005 22:21:11)

try pasting this: C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\brushes into My Computer, it should work

lich king 40k -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/24/2005 19:37:06)

alright... ill try. i did waht you said vader but it still dosent work. i didnt put them into winzip though.

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/24/2005 20:00:09)

you have to download them and put them from winzip to your folder

lich king 40k -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/24/2005 20:03:22)

how do you download?, ive been copying them and pasting into the brushes folder. and isint winzip just a normal zipped folder?

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/24/2005 20:10:21)

whenever you are downloading the brushes from deviantart or wherever, there will be a download button, the file should come up on winzp and you need to click and drag each brush into the brushes folder

lich king 40k -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/24/2005 20:11:06)

hmmm... i didnt see a download button anywhere... im on the browser screen right now where do i go to download? oh wait i found it thx man

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/25/2005 16:35:12)

glad to help :) Bump

lich king 40k -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/25/2005 17:43:27)

..... i cant save any images i draw, it keep saying cannot read font sans af aborting... and oh yeah about renders, they usually have a white background, how do you get rid of the white back round? (other than erasing it)

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/25/2005 17:50:30)

for renders, if your rendering your own image, then use the link in the tuts, if your on Planet arenders or something, use the magic wand tool and touch up with the eraser, and there was someone who had the same problem your having, something like its not a truetype font, try going on and looking at the help forum, or try deleting the sans fonts in your fonts folder

.unknown. -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/25/2005 19:40:21)

are you sure this is safe? my computer when the download window came up for it it said that the publisher is not verified, and I should only download files from publishers I trust...

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/25/2005 19:44:09)

pretty sure, considering that tons of people have it, including me, and my computer isn't virused up

.unknown. -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/25/2005 19:45:17)

ok, I guess I'm gonna start GIMPing soon! lol, thanks

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/25/2005 20:05:30)

Happy Gimping :)

Pix -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/26/2005 6:26:33)

Hmm how do I get the brushes?
I use GIMP Linux, there's not much in you guide to help with Linux, well... the only one I could find was using winzip.
Besides that, great guide! Please help.

Lightnin10 -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/26/2005 8:38:58)

gr8 tut man realy helped me out

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/26/2005 16:04:46)

Lightnin: glad it helped :)

Pix: I really don't know anything about linux, my tuts were designed for Windows, most people on the forum use it
try finding a Gimp folder or something, and go to the brushes folder

lich king 40k -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/26/2005 18:49:52)

vader, i cant get rid of this sans file thingy, its not one of the fonts i downloaded, and i checked all my fonts are truetype fonts

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (10/26/2005 19:16:38)

try asking at the Gimptalk help forum, I think that this is a common problem

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