RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (Full Version)

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fruitsnack -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/27/2005 22:34:21)

ok what do you mean by go to my computer and paste it?

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/30/2005 15:51:45)

I was gone for 2 days, but now I'm back, I answered fruitsnack's question via pm, bumped w00t

SufferMe -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/30/2005 16:34:52)

yo man
you can add my brushless tut if you wish

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/30/2005 16:48:27)

alright, I will. I'll add a tuts by others section

SufferMe -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/30/2005 16:52:58)

Ok cool
you signed up here yet?

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/30/2005 17:10:46)

Whenever I click register it comes up with this:
Template->make_filename(): Error - file agreement.tpl does not exist - - - - - - -
wiberg =O says:
bookmark them all
Vader says:
ok then
wiberg =O says:
male anatomy > - female anatomy > - wolf anatomy > - Dog anatomy > - Western dragon anatomy > - Eastern dragon anatomy >
wiberg =O says: - Fairy dragon anatomy >

Swordhunter -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/30/2005 17:12:36)

Ya, Aug is fixing that now...sorry about that Vader, its just a little techincal problem, should be fine shortly. ^_~

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (10/30/2005 17:15:27)

I'll join whenever possible :)

BD fear -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (11/1/2005 6:53:38)

Good tutorial, helped me start my (newbie) sig making, and is easy to understand. ^_^ good job!

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (11/1/2005 22:32:24)

thank you, glad that they helped :)

spornax10 -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (11/3/2005 11:31:20)

hey vader, what brush would you recommend for an abstract sig? oh and, can you teach me how to make abstract or grunge sigs.

Dabbleh -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (11/3/2005 15:35:56)

I'm confused on the brush part, the link shows pictures?[&o]

Vader -> RE: [GIMP] Vader's Tuts and Gimp Help (11/3/2005 16:09:11)

Ninja: The pictures are made with the brushes, find one that you like and click it, there will be a button that says "Download" or something like that click it and follow the brush download insruction from there (one of my tuts)
Spornax: I'd recommend Metal CX's Brushes, they've been converted to Gimp

Hey Everyone, I've moved on to PS, but I will still be answering Gimp questions, but I think that I will stop writing tuts unless there is a high demand for one

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (11/6/2005 13:48:22)

[Deleted by Admins]

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (11/6/2005 17:03:20)

sorry everyone, I was gone for the weekend, but what do you mean by Bring up my post? Thanks for the Bump anyway ;)

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (11/6/2005 17:25:34)

[Deleted by Admins]

sup dude -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (11/6/2005 20:16:00)

lord zeta are u here?

how do i get the gimp brushes? are they free?

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (11/6/2005 20:23:10)

yes, they are free off of the link I gave you for brushes, just find a brush set that you like and click the Download to Desktop button and follow the instructions in the brush download tut from there

gravnar -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (11/6/2005 20:56:35)

vader what is the link for the brushes?

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (11/6/2005 21:40:07)

[Deleted by Admins]

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (11/6/2005 21:52:49)

so, uh, when did you gain this position?
Though that does give me the idea of appointing helpers to this thread, I'll ask some peole if they are in for it

Vee Kay -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (11/7/2005 3:34:20)

ok, im having problems on HOW to brush. can u teach me how to brush effectively, and not make scribbles all over the sig?

Dabbleh -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (11/7/2005 14:44:50)

Errrm the download for brushes: which buttons am i supposed to click on?

I think you should make tut for GIMP brushes because people are having troucle with them...[:D] Well i'll need alot of people with me so can people start saying if they need one or not...

Vader -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (11/7/2005 17:46:17)



1. Download the brush and keep it on winzip (or yet again, whatever you have)
2. Copy this: C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\brushes or click the folders one by one
3. paste that into My Computer at the top, you are in your brushes folder
4. Click and drag the brushes from winzip to your brushes folder
5. Open up Gimp and go to File>Dialogs>Brushes and click refresh brushes
6. Celebrate! Brushes wOOt!

There is a tut for brushes Ninja

and Vampragronkid: are you dragging your brushes? you are supposed to just click around and use lots of different brushes for a good effect, try to use multi layers if brushing for the best effect

sup dude -> RE: Vader's Gimp tut (11/7/2005 23:24:37)

what is winzip?

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