Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! // Finished! (Full Version)

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Waker of Wind -> Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! // Finished! (9/15/2006 12:01:30)

my turn. Most of you know how these work, but if you don't then check out some of them here.

Simple stuff: 15 years old (yep, a young'un), birthday is Oct.22, Ontario-Canada, became an AK on Aug.22, that's pretty much all the basics.

I'll end this sometime on the 22nd, if I am here. I decided to leave this up for the weekend, so it will be locked near the end of Sunday.

Before you ask, the answer is yes. I think the Legend of Zelda series is cool >.> (I get too many Pms asking that...)

Edit Colour = teh Bold Orange


computafreak -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 12:12:42)

Where did you get your 'identity' of an anchorman?

From Ebay

killer r90 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 12:21:40)

whos your favourite charachter from the legend of zelda series?
Probably Link. Nobody special.
do you like nachos?
what your favourite colour?
what your favourite food?
It's a hard choice, but I would have to choose Bacon.
do you play adventure quest?
I'll have to think about this one for a while... ;)
whos your favourite mod/ak?
Other than myself (heh.), i would say SCAKK. He does an awesome job keeping GGD clean. Of course, Icemaster Yeti too. He was the one that wanted me to be an AK :)
whats your favourite song?
"Move Along" by All American Rejects. I dislike the band overall, but that is a great song. For a band that I actually like, "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace is great.
what does it feel like to be a AK?
Awesome. It's nice to be more helpful now.

esbem -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 12:34:07)

Hows the wind in the morning?
Very little where I live.
What the worst thing about being you, if any?
Actually, nothing XD
Erhmmm... not to reative with questions, so less work for you:P

Edit: When you said don't post anything that doesn't belong here.. did you mean Q/A forum? 'Casue then you would get nearly no questions.. tricky of you, huh:)

Strange, I never even know my tricks when they happen :)

Dracono -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 12:35:38)

Ok,My first and most important question is...

...have you met Artix or any mod/AK in real life?
Nope, but that would be neat.
Do you like pie?
Yes... pie.
Do you like my name?
Do you like your name?
... No way :P
Who's that man in your avatar?
Ron Burgundy, from the movie Anchorman. It's a great flick...

Galvatron -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 13:34:28)

Do have access to a time travel machine? (made an AK on the 22nd Sept? [;)] )

September is actually August in my world [;)]

STG -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 14:38:19)

Can you really wake wind?
Which LoZ game was the best?
Orcarina of Time
Will the Wii be better than the PS3?
Most likely
will you get the Wii?
Nah, i wouldn't really play it that often.
is the PS3 going to flop onto it's face and die within weeks of release?
I doubt it. I'd say within days of release ;)
why the Q&A forum?
Q&A > all other forums
Did you search many sites before buying your identity on eBay?
Nope. I heard that Ebay had everything, so it would surely sell identies ;P
If i have seventeen Apples, and i take away eight Apples, how many apples do i have?
That depends. You could have lied, and actually taken away 6 apples.
3(2yx2)=3(14y/115), what is Y?
Y is a letter of the alphabet, silly.

Nemesis -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 14:42:20)

want my blue cheese?
Like sweets?. i like marshmallows[:)]
Who doesn't like sweets? ;)
SCAKK or wallo?
SCAKK. Poor Wallo... they both do a great job keeping GGD clean though.
I got some mouldy bread. want it?
...How did you know my favourite food???

avian21 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 14:49:59)

Hi :D
Whos your favorite person on the AQ team?
Capt Rhubarb. He has the most random name ;)
What type of other games do you play besides AQ?
I like many console games. My favs wound mostly be any sports or shooters.
Why is your name from a zelda game but you have a person from a will ferall(sp) movie?
When I joined the forums, that was the first thing i could think of for a name. And now, Anchorman is one of my favourite movies...
Whats your favorite movie. Mines the protector. Tony Jaa is super cool.
...Anchorman! Other than that, Star Wars Episode II. I liked it much better than all the others.
Thats all for now. i got back form school so my brain hurts. Bye!!!!
Heh, I didn't have to go to school today. It was cancelled due to a Teacher's strike. C ya.

Legasee -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 14:54:49)

Yo, Ron Burgundy ?
What actually inspired your forum name?
The fact that it is a describing name, and not just a plain name [;)] a very stupid reason, eh?
What is love like? (Sorry, I couldn't resist :D)
Skyrockets in flight. Afternoon delight! :)
You play Jazz flute?
Yeah, at Tino's Diner.
Yeah, should have mentioned that I love the film Anchorman too, otherwise you probably wouldn't have noticed on your own XD
Well, who doesn't love the movie? :)
Well, that's it so far. Depending on my brain power, I may have more questions to come, so don't get too comfy in my absence [:D]
Uh oh, my brain power might not go far enough! :o

another human -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 16:17:04)

Ummmmm... i never thought what i would say to you...... Aniways...

What are your top 5 favorite bands and or artist's?
Avenged Sevenfold, Three Days Grace, Blink 182, The Used, and Red Hot Chili Peppers. No particular order.
What is your Favorite dish? (bacons not a dish...pig killer lol)
*walks back from the slaughter house* Aww... why not?? Heh, i guess Macaroni and Cheese.

Favorite movie?
...Anchorman ;)

Do you draw?
Nope. My drawing is worse than a preschool level, serously. I failed Visual Arts every year is Elementary [;)]
Why havent you PM'ed me yet?.... i Cannot find a reason why not to... lol
I probably forgot about it and accidentally deleted it when I was "cleaning" out my PM box...
What tipe of person are you? rude?strict?, Mean?, laid back and fun (like me+ im funny too)
Laid back and flirty, like most teens [;)]
And do you know...the muffin man?
That name sounds somewhat familiar...

~WolfBane~ -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 16:26:13)

Congrats on becoming an AK WoW!
Now, I must warn you... There are a few draw backs, like... You have to answer my questions :p
Oh no, i was afraid of this!!!
Here they are...

AQ, DF, or AK?
I've grown fond to DF lately, but AQ still means something.
If you could have any rare, what would it be?
Eye of Carnax, or maybe Crescent Blade. I can't decide...
What is your favourite video game other than those made by AE and LoZ games?
Shooters and Sports. I don't really have a single favourite though
Who is your favourite forumite, other than yourself?
Evo. We're the Q&A team! (aswell as Ice...)
What is your:

Favourite AQ monster?
Favourite AQ weapon?
Cryo Crystal Shard. i wish i had never sold it >.>
Favourite kind of weapon(ex. swords, axes, spears)?
Favourite part of being Canadian?
The fact that not many countries hate us :)
Anyways, nice to see an Ontarion getting AK'ed! (I myself am from around Windsor!)
Yay, another Canadian :)
Bye! *Runs into wall and falls backward, unconscious*
Bye! *runs into TV screen, getting electrocuted*

the panda master -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 16:57:44)

couple questions:

Do you like pandas [:D]?
Can't say I do. Well, i still need to see a real one...
what was the creepiest part of ocarina of time 4 u? mine was when i was in the temple of time and i became a adult 4 the first time and i walked outside and a zombie tried to kill me [8D] (poor townspeople especially the one alway screaming).
When Ganon chops you with his huge sword, and you don't start bleeding like mad. (Wait.. aren't all video games like that? O.o )
have u beat wind waker and ocarina of time?
Do u have any pets? if so what kind (dog, cat, etc.) and if u know what type please tell me [:D]
two ferrets. They are so awesome XD
are u a final fantasy fan as well?
Not really. I've never been interested in Final Fantasy.

another human -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 17:56:41)

... Noone is posting.... But dont worry, where here...kinda....Okay so what noone is posting to find out info about you. lol.

I'm just waiting for the announcement sticky to get posted in OOC. That is when the questions pour in...

Icemaster Yeti -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 18:16:14)

I wondered when this would appear ... you have been an AK for coming onto a month [;)]
True, and i'm the first of the 8 new AKs :)
So, questions, questions .... hmmm ...

What was your reaction when you were asked if you'd consider being an Archknight?
I sat with confuzzlement..
What have you found the most surprising thing about being an Archknight (if anything)?
Nothing special, except that i can edit the Rules to whatever i want before someone finds out!! bwahahaha! (wait, i'm not supposed to share my secret plans! oh noes!)
Has your PM inbox suddenly become a whole lot more active?
It hasn't been that bad. But yeah, it is a bit more active. Maybe around 5 PMs a day, not including Read Reciepts
IS Canadian bacon the best?
It's only the best when my mother cooks it XD
Ever seen a moose up close?
Yeah..... *re-examines huge scar, then sighs*
A polar bear?
A yeti? [;)]
A yeti family takes residence in my backyard every winter.

That'll do ... I know how these topics go, and the less questions the better LOL
See ya Ice

Evo -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 18:36:02)

Hello Waker :->
Hello Evo :->
Does this mean I will have to do one of these next ? ut-oh
*uses the force on Evo* You will do one next.
Do you like Star Wars?
Heck yes.
Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
Darth Maul is surely my favourite. Second would be Jango Fett. Then, there's Yoda.
Do you believe in the Force? (*uses the force on waker* You do believe in the force You do believe in the force)
I do believe in the force...
What is your favorite Star Wars movie?
Episode II
Have I asked enough about Star Wars yet??
Nah, you could go on all day [;)]
Anchorman Rocks :P
That's it for now.Maybe I'll comeback with somemore SW questions for you later ........
Sounds like a plan :)

Nixtrix -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 18:44:49)

Waker was probably expecting one from me [:)]

Waker of Wind yet with an Anchorman avatar, seems quite odd.
Yes... odd [;)]
Favorite LoZ character?
Is Canada really cold where you live?
Nope, and far from it. It starts getting colder in early November, then the snow comes in early December
You ever been to the states?
Once. Disney World is sweet :)
What is you favorite weapon of the whole Loz series?
That huge hammer from Wind Waker. I haven't played it in a while, so I can't think if the name of it...
Do you think Nintendo is going to run that series dry by making to many of those games?
I doubt it, it's always been a popular series.
What do you do up in Canada for fun besides playing video games?
I spend more time outside than on video games. I actually have a life O.o
Have you seen the Matrix?
Strangely, not once.
If so do you think the Matrix has you?
no comment...

owell i'll think of more later, but now i'm waiting for Evo.'s because i've got alot to ask him[;)] (insert evil laughter here)

Vivi -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 19:14:55)

1. If A is B, and B is C, where could i POSSIBLY be going with this question?
<-- That way

2. If now is when, and when was then, does that mean we can do it all over again?
Heh, no.

3. where IS waldo?
Over There.

4. Describe Einstein's theory of relativity in the context of 16th century understanding based on greek and roman literature.
Err... moo?

5. If suddenly you became ruler of the world and had the power to create a new holiday, what would it be, when would it be, and what would the festivities include?
My birthday. Very simple, a destruction of the White House. Now THAT would be the present i've always wanted XD

6. Train A leaves station B at 3:40 PM going 80 miles per hour from Chicago. Train C leaves station D at 2:30 PM going 65 miles per hour. Both trains are on the same track and heading towards each other. When will they meet?
Well, Station D has no location, so it is un-answerable ;)

7. This isn't a question, but if you answered #6 you just did my homework :P

8. Nerf or Buff?

9. If you had to _______ the blank, what word would you add?
Umm... frolic?

10. A lawyer and a priest are in a car. Who's driving and where are they headed?
I swear i have heard that somewhere before...

Ello -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 21:37:53)

Hey Waker, here are my questions:

1. How many times did you see "The Anchorman"?
Only 3 ;)
2. Do you like Pizza?
2a. If so which do you prefer Dominoes, Pizza hut or the local shop pizza?
I prefer Pizzaville. They have always been more popular than Pizza Hut, everywhere.
3. Do you know why the WB was changed into the CW?
Gah.. i need to learn more abbreviations ;)
4. What is the first thing you think about when you hear the word German?
The word "Ja"
5. How long are you going to keep this thread up?
Till the 24th
6. If you could fly, where would you fly to?
7. Would you prefer living in the Suburbs or the City?
It would depend. If a suburb was far away from the city, then i would dislike it. Small suburbs close to a city is perfect.
8. What is your favorite candy?
Smarties :)
9. Who is your favorite celebrity?
Cillian Murphy. He is related to me on my dad's side of the family :)
10. Are you spontanious or do you have a scheduled day or something?
Spontanious, everyday is always different.
11. Is their such things as stupid questions?

KillerTane -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 22:09:32)

NO WAY!! My birthday is 10/22/92 :o

How does it feel having a birthday on the same day as me?

Wow, that makes 14 people i know with their birthday on Oct.22 :)

Merlin -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 23:20:21)

Hola! my friend
Do you Watch Naruto?
Do yu have brothers or sisters?
One younger sister. I did have a brother though. Sadly, he died when he was 6 months old for an unspeakable reason.
Do you speak other language beside English?
I can kinda speak French. I stopped taking the french courses after Grade 9, and i've forgotten a lot since then.
Do canadian people play soccer?Do you?If no what sport do you like to play?
... Canadians play all sports XD

I enjoy Soccer, Football, and Wakeboarding. I like some other sports too, but those are my favourites.

aNyThInG -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/15/2006 23:25:28)

Hello there WoW!
OK, why did you decide to name yourself Waker or Wind?
It's simple. I couldn't think of anything better at that time
- Favourite hobby?
Biking (yes, i even bike in the winter...)
- What do you do if you get stress?
Put my head in my grandpa's electric paint can shaker :P
- Do you have any dream?
Yep. To have a dream.
- In your opinion, are parents really aggressive? I have seen some parents hitting their child sometimes.
Some parents are. I actually don't know any parents that do that. All the ones i know seem nice.
- Who is your idol?
Err... Tom Cruise! *uh oh, bad idea*
- Which country are you from?
teh Canada
- How did you stumble onto Adventure Quest website? How did you find it?
I was out biking a few years ago, and i decided to stop by the library to get a drink of water. When i went in i saw some people playing it. I tried it out, and just got addicted to it.
- What is your favourite songs or band?
Check some posts on the first page :P
- Any other favourite games?
Console games. Mainly shooters and sports. No particular favourite games though.
- Are you creative? Do you have a flash program or photoshop?
Nope, and far from it ;)
OK, that's all for now.

Gerard uth mondar -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 5:09:20)

Ok. Here we go. First Question.

Hi! :)

Do you like tacos?

Do you frefer Dragonfable or AQ?
I frefer DF ;)

Do you know any NPC's From AQ?
Yep. Valencia is infront of the inn, Yulgar is inside the inn, etc...

What is your fav Class?
Dracomancer, even though i don't use it.

and i like your forum name[:D][:D][:D]
Yay :D

Prankman Hifly -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 8:48:06)

Hello & nice to talk to you
You too
What is it like to be an archknight?
It's pretty fun
What is your favourite element in AQ?
Fire or Ice, can't decide.
What is your star sign?
What do you like & dislike on the forums?
Like: The 50% of knowledgeable people. Dislike: The 50% of noobies... (that wasn't directed at anybody specific!)
Do you listen to music when playing AQ & the forums?
Not always, but most of the time
If do, what do you listen to?
Any type of Rock, Punk, or Ska, a bit of Metal too.
What do you like doing when you're offline?
Anything involving the outdoors
OK! That's me done! Au Revior, Arrivederci, A hui hou, See you, Bye! (Goodbye in french, italian, hawaiien and english)

Guardian Patrick -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 8:49:06)


You are so lucky! You are younger than me but you are a ArchKnight! I'm 16[:(] (Oh yeah, you are older than me in AQ!!)
Mehehe, go young'uns! I may be older in AQ, but for 2 and a half years my account was inactive >.<

Good news! Do you know I'm canadian? I'm from Quebec. Peace!
Yay, another Canadian! If you live in Quebec City, Montreal, or Tadoussac, then i may have seen you when i was there a while ago ;)

Do you speak french?? (I know... me too i don't like french language cuz the grammar)
I speak a little french, but not very fluent. Still, A Quebecois that doesn't like French, weird ;)

Are you 1337?
Y3s, 1 pwn!!!11!!!!!!!!11one

If you face the danger and you know you'll die, what could you do?
Fly away [;)] It may work, you never know

What would you do if you are trap in a classroom with a crazy guys who hold a weapon?
Push the classmates towards him

If a gang come around you and you can't escape, what would you do?
Gah... so many escape questions!

If someone kidnaps you, what is the best way to escape? (You can't yell)
Pull his intestines out, then strangle him.

If you facing many snakes killer with a alot of spiders killer, what can you do?
Let the snakes eat the spiders, then run when they aren't looking.

If you see a gang of killers who enter in your neighbor's house and then, enter in your house but they already cut your phone and internet connection, what could you do?
Jump out the bathroom window.

If a guys force you to fight with him after school and everyone (Around 250 people) wants to see you fight him. Then after school, everyone block your ways and you can't escape. Then you face the guys and he is holding a knife. What could you do?
Keep him busy with random chatting, waiting for police to come :)

How you become an AK? [:D]
Icemaster Yeti asked me

How do you become a debate member?
Well, who would reject teh Waker's application ;)

Do you like Stephen Harper?
I don't know enough enough about him yet

Do you like Math?
Not really, but i'm great at it.

That's all and I hope you can answer all my hyper mega ultimate questions!
Yeah, not your every day question ;P

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