=AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (Full Version)

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Fyrel -> =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/10/2005 21:18:09)

Hello, all! I'm on for this week's Meet the Mods. Go ahead and ask any questions you'd like, and I'll answer 'em. ^^ Again, please refrain from editing your post until after I have answered it, or only if the tag reads "offline".

Ask away!

DragonMagi555 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:19:42)

Heya Fyrel!

How old are you?
I'm 17 going on 18 in May. ^^

What to you like doing?
Err, eating, doodling, playing with my kitties. Sleeping? :P

Do you have any pets?
Yes, 3 cats. And we used to have goldfish/

Why do you like cats more than dogs?
Because cats are just that cool. And to aggravate Dadric.

Why Fyrel?
It was a mispronounced version of my Chinese name + a "-rel" suffix. XD

Do you play any RPGs?
Not really, unless AQ counts.

Thanks for answering!
You're welcome! Come again. :P
- DragonMagi555

Helpoemer -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:20:04)

What's your fav color?
Pink, couldn't you tell? XD But I love all colors, especially the light fluffy ones like lavender.

What's your fave thing other to do than AQ?
Cats, ice cream, anime and Japanese chewing gum.

Do you really love kitties?
You betcha.

What's your fave song?
Currently, Qi Li Xiang by Jay Chou. He's a Taiwanese pop singer.

What's your favorite smiley?
I don't use emoticons, but I love using ^.~

Do you like pies?
Depends, I don't usually like the fruity ones. But I <3 French silk pie.

Blackhawke -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:20:05)

Will you marry me?
Yes, oh yes! I've been waiting for you to ask for so long- wait... You were asking Fyrel. :( ~Vephoma

Yes! Polygamy rocks. :P
*sniffle* But I thought we had something special.....

Whats your favorite food?
Pocky: the food of the gods.

How many languages do you speak?
Chinese, English, very little Japanese and Spanish. But my Spanish sucks.

Do you have any pictures of yourself?
Yes. ^.~

Did you expect more thought out questions from a person such as I?
XD Yes, I expected philosophical, deep, and unbelievably profound queries. Like Socrates.

Vephoma -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:23:06)

Hiya Fy!

Why is everyone shouting of questions? I mean, they are asking with such power, it's kinda scary.
What can I say? I'm just so awesome...

"You there! What is your favorite day of the week? Quickly! Now!"
Whenever I'm with you, baby. XD

Mal Ganis -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:23:44)


(Have to ask this one) Where do you think you would be without AQ/the AQ Forums?
Dying! From boredom or insomnia. ^.~
How could anyone mistake you for a male? *Points to the Loreville Times forum*
I have no idea. ;_; Because I act manly? *stares pointedly at her font*

Why a whip? *Points oncemore to the Loreville Times forum*
They're so extremely sexy. :P

Cootkhac -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:23:55)

Mushi Mushi Fyrel-chan
1)why do you keep changing your avatar
I like variety.
2)will you cahnge my title to "really impressive title"
XD Maybe.
3)what's your fav past time
IRC, probably.
4)what's it like having negavtive charisma
Terribly uncharsmatic.
5)what music do you like (be specific)
I hate American pop music. And rap. But I like opera and Broadway. I also like Asian pop. ^.~
6)Why am i posting on this thread
Because you love me. :P
7)Do you Luv coot
Luv coot

SporkGoddess -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:28:03)

Am I the hottest "alternative lifestyle partner" that you've ever had?
You would be if I were of the correct gender. Oh, wait, another Fy question... - Blackhawke
Yes, and ever will have. ^.~ Alternative lifestyle partner indeed. *snicker*

What is the best pairing in Gundam Wing and why?
Noin and Zechs. None of the other characters actually openly admit to loving each other, and Noin does. Also, Noin is an an amazing woman, and she knows just how much to compromise with Zechs. She doesn't change her beliefs to fit his, but rather her needs.

I know your favorite musical! But what is your favorite opera?
Does Evita count?

What's your dream role in a musical?
Bah, I never get any lead roles anyways, since I'm usually stuck in the choir. But if there were an Asian version of Beauty and the Beast, I want to be Belle.

Did Na-chan and Meiko's relationship in Marmalade Boy freak you out, too?
More than you can imagine. ;_;

bitoboy -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:32:18)

1)is this sig ok?... (clik it)... [image]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Imortaldude/bitocopy.jpg[/image]
Heh, I like it. It looks good. ^^
2)can u giv me the title:master of dots, ... master, or most annoying sig! (if i can use this 1! ^)

Cyrus -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:34:13)

Might as well come out of the darkness sometime...anyway, let me rack my brain for a few good questions.

What motivated you to try and become an AQ mod in the first place?
I really wasn't trying, but I guess I really liked AQ as a community. It has a lot of aspects to it that others don't have. Besides, I'm a bit of a control freak and I like how this community has everything on a tighter leash than say, GaiaOnline.

What's it like having such an adoring little fanbase? (I know you do, since there were quite a few questions in MY MTM thread about you.)
o.O Me? Adoring fanbase? XD Awesome! Like little slaves I can order around--err, I mean...they're great. >.>

If you could travel back and see any major event in history, what would you go see?
I don't know, I'm actually kind of afraid of the past, so I'd rather stay right where, or when I am. ^^

Sorry if they're not the greatest...I'm not that good at this whole "posting" and "question asking" thing. :P
Psh, they're a lot better than the questions I thought of for Mirai's thread. XD

Thebestestever -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:37:58)

yes I'm next
ok here I go
do you like cheese
Not really. Only in cheesecake.

do you hate me
No, why would I hate you?
why do you hate me

is it because im blue[&:]

why is the earth square
o_o It is? Why am I never caught up on this?
do you have chicken pox
do they taste good
I don't think so...
I am the ultimate orange juice man?
do you eat yellow snow
what does it taste like

why did you chooose the name Pzycho
Did I? XD
good ridance

Helpoemer -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:38:10)


got a few more. Jay Chou... ugh.... all me sister's friends like him...[:@] Nothing bad about him though. He seems so jaded.

He is, which is why I like him. I'm one of those rabid fangirls...

When's your EXACT birthday? (me's got a birthday in may too)
May 29th. I think it's May 5th on the lunar calendar. ^^

Are you still mad at me for thinking that you were a guy in IRC? X_x
Nah, I'm pretty much used to it.

What's your favorite book?
Currently reading a book titled "Blink". It's a psychology book, but very well written.

HeroOfLight -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:39:45)

What is your favourite animal and why?
Oooh! Kitties kitties! Because they're adorable and the sweetest animals ever. And they don't run me over like those evil dogs...

What is your favourite weapon from adventure quest?
Eissig Falchion, because Arklen did such an excellent job on it and it makes the whole game so much easier. XD

What is your favourite TV show that is not cartoons/anime?
Lost on ABC.
Do you have a pet?
Yeah! Three cats.
Why is Blackhawke always asking you to merry him?
Who doesn't want to be married to me? XD And no, I'm not egotistic at all. Nope.
What is your favourite moment in your life excluding your birth.
My highschool graduation.
What's your favourite word (lol)?
What is your favourite game excluding Adventure Quest.
I don't really game.
Do you hate vietnamese people?
No, why would I?
Do you think my last name is weird (look at my signature to see my last name)?
Not at all. It sounds kind of exotic. You're Asian, correct?
Am I annoying?
If yes is it the amount of questions I asked?
I like questions!

bitoboy -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:45:15)

so fyrel, u think my sig should stay? (even with the link)
Sorry, I've never seen your sig and I wasn't the one that removed it. ^^

Blackhawke -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:46:41)

Meh, I might as well compensate for the post before by asking a few more.

How many wives have I aquired through these MTM threads?
Not enough. ^.~

What are your compuer's specifications? Mostly video card and RAM amount?
;_; What? I know nothing about my computer, other than the fact that I like it.

Do you know much about computers and other forms of electronics?
Definitely not. I can't even work my toaster.
Is it tedious having us all edit these posts?
A bit, but I enjoy it.

Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:48:13)

What is up?
Teh ceiling, baby!
I've seen you around the boards a lot.
I'm everywhere. >.>
Do you own any videogame systems?
Nope, but my brother does.
If so which ones?
He has everything there is to own. Two of them, even.
Do you like Star Wars?
Yes, but I'm no rabid, all-knowing fan.
If so is the wait for the third movie getting a little too intense?
XD Yeah.
Do like Final Fantasy?
Never played it before.
If so which game is your favorite?
Do you just Mod or do you also play AQ?
I play AQ occasionally.
Have I asked too many questions?
Not at all.
When did you become a Mod?
I was one of the nine new mods chosen when they were recruiting.
How did you find out you were a Mod?
Noah_B sent me a PM congratulating me. XD
Do you have the power to make people Mods or Archknights or Knights of Order?
No, I can't make anyone a mod, or a KoO. smb and Liz are in charge of that, but I can appoint ArchKnights in my own boards if I feel necessary.
I will have more questions soon!
Oh and do you like my sig?
Yeah! It's very well done.

Helpoemer -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:52:09)

Holy Cow. I have the same birthday as you... May 29th, correct? We share Bob Hope's birthday..
XD What a coincidence! We also share a birthday with JFK. ^^

I'm *cough* not supposed to be on here till I hit that age. *cough* You didn't hear that, right?

What's 1+1?
Eleventy 4 and a half.
What are your kitties names?
Aoi, Midorin, and the last one is nameless.

Which country do you live in?
The US of A

What's your fav NPC?
Blackhawke's NPC, 'cause he's totally hawt.

Whoe's your fave staff member or mod?
I love 'em all! They're all great people. ^^

thewastedsmile -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:56:57)

*waves to the Fy*


On a scale of 1 to 10, how fuzzy would you rate yourself?
Top 5 songs on your playlist..go!
Currently I'm a fan of:
Qi Li Xiang- Jay Chou
On My Own- Lea Salonga (Les Mis)
Your Daddy's Son- Mirai! XD
Real Luv Story feat. Taebin & Wheesung- Se7en
You Ni Zhen Hao- 4inlove

Aren't lists awesome?

Vode -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 21:58:30)

Haven't actually participated in one of these yet...

Where abouts in the world are you?
Are you still in school, and if not what's your job?
Yep, still in college. I'm a freshman.

Um... What is the modulus of 4cis97? (An easy one [8D])
;_; I don't know?

Why, in your opinion, is the sky blue? (Ignoring physics, I know that side of it, I want to know WHY)
Because they were out of all the other colors.
How much time per week/day do you spend on AQ?
Whenever I'm free, so a lot of time.
Oh, and thanks for answering!
You're welcome!

SporkGoddess -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 22:03:52)

I'm baaaack! What's your favorite movie? :o
Right now, I'm in love with Finding Neverland. I <3 Johnny Depp. By the way, nice sig. ^^

bitoboy -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 22:05:32)

i posted my sig a few posts ago, i posted a post about it a few ago also! o, well, here we go...
and can i hav the title: dot master, ... master, master of dots, or ...?
Is there a difference between this post and the last? o.o

bitoboy -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 22:17:34)

uhh... well... oo... hmm... ehh... hmph... ee... i didn't do it!!!

starsbright -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 22:23:26)

*bounces up to Fyrel* Hiya Fyrel! Hmm..you seem like a snugglewuggle type, and you deserve a snugglewuggle, so here ya go! /snugglewuggles Fyrel
Yes, I love snuggles!! ^^ *snugglewugglehuggles*

I like cats too! We have nine at my house, all so adorable, yet so crazy. One of them (thankfully not mine) prefers to run up and down our hallway and crash into my bedroom door. Anyways....Do you like cats cus they are so snugglewuggly, or because they are the teh coolest!

Wow, nine! That must be great. ^^ I don't really know why I like them. Some people say I act like my cats, and it's probably because I grew up around them as a kid. I don't ever remember not having at least 2 cats in the house.

A standard question: Do you like cookies and what kind? I have chocolate chip ones you can have, if ya like..*gives Fyrel bag of fresh-from-the-oven cookies*
I love cookies. ^^ Especially home-baked ones, but I can't cook. Thank you! *munches on a cookie*

Freshman in college, eh? What's it like?
Annoyingly boring and tedious. ;_; Whoever said that college means being busy was a liar.

Have you read or seen LotR? I hope so...My fave chars are Legsy, Faramir, and Eomer. They kick butt! (and so adorably handsome, kinda like Blackhawke and wallo..)
I love LotR! I haven't read the trilogy though. Too long for me. XD I love Legolas too, but that might be because I'm a rabid Orlando Bloom fangirl...Faramir is great too. David Wenham, I think? He was Friar Carl in Van Helsing. ^.~

My brother told me the meaning of Life was 42. This is SO not true because it is SO obviously 47! What's your take on the Meaning of Life?
XD Hitchhiker's Guide the Galaxy, eh? I'm not much a philosophical person. I just live life for the sake of living life. No time to ponder that anyways.
And forgive me if I sound n00bish, but I am seriously tempted to nickname you Fifi...
:P People call me that. Fy, FyFy, etc.

Anyways, that's all for now. Be prepared for some more entirely random questions from me later. Oh, and here's a snickerdoodle cookie for answering me questions! ~_^
I'll be waiting, then. ^^

Thebestestever -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 22:25:19)

im back

do you like chicken
if so do you like to gut them yourself
do you eat the veins like spagetti
have you ever eaten an umbrella
No, no, no, no. :D
was it hard to digest
No idea.
are you a billionaire
are you a stalker
are you the one who I have seen around my house lately
have you ever eaten an computer
do you hate me because im blue[&:]
No, no, no no no.
do you love me

Reens -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/10/2005 22:34:17)

Hi FyFy!

Will you share Blackhawke with me and Mirai?
XD Sure. We'll cut him up into tiny pieces and divide him. I call the arms.
Cyrus too? And Vephoma?
Oh definitely. XD I can't wait...
So let's see...you sing beautifully, draw amazingly well, are cute and young and fluffy.
Why is it that I like you again? ~.^
XD I like you too!
mmm...French Silk Pie....now look what you've done...I have to go get chocolate now!
I've had a craving for days, but no one around here seems to know what it is. ;_;
*snugglehugglewuggle whatever uggles*
*giggle* Your patented snuggle! Woohoo! [insert creative snuggle here]

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