Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/15/2008 21:02:54)
Sara: No, when you download brushes they act as tools that you can use to "paint" your background on. Follow this post to download and install them. For a Mac user, the only change will be from this: quote:
Copy your .abr file (right click -> copy). Now go to C:/Program Files/Adobe/Photoshop xxx/Presets/Brushes, and paste your file in there (Right click empty space -> Paste). "xxx" being your version number. Now reload Photoshop, and your brushes should be in there. To this: quote:
Copy your .abr file (right click -> copy). Now go to Macintosh HD --> Applications --> Adobe Photoshop xxx --> Presets --> Brushes, and paste your file in there (Right click empty space -> Paste). "xxx" being your version number. Now reload Photoshop, and your brushes should be in there. Hopefully that helped. EDIT: Also, to get to your brushes, press "B" in Photoshop to get to the brush tool, then select your brush set. If you're not sure how to do this, post here or let me know somehow, I'll be happy to help. Hachimangu: Glad you like it :)