RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (Full Version)

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Sir Red -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (1/29/2008 11:53:27)

how do I add shadows (glow ect.)

P.S. I'm using CS3

Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (1/29/2008 19:35:34)

Shadows... Let's see.

Double click the layer you want to add a shadow, and it should bring up a box with a lot of checkboxes down the left side. Click on the box next to the text saying "Drop Shadow" and it should check the Drop Shadow box. Then if you click on the actual text you can change the direction of the shadow and whatnot.

Then just click OK when you're done, and it should be applied to your layer.

Sorry if I might have gotten a few details wrong.. Don't have Photoshop on me at the moment. :3

2k2ewyn -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (1/29/2008 19:38:54)

Nope, you got it all right.

You've got an amazing memor- what were we talking about?

Yeah, I do have a pretty good me-... me-... I have a pretty good meal?

the zpy -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (1/30/2008 8:27:31)

And for the glow thing its easy just take the color you want it to glow with........ Add a gaussian blur (not to much) and then it should be alright ^_^

Gers1 -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/5/2008 14:45:47)

How do you fade a render into the background a little so it doesn't stand out as much?

2k2ewyn -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/5/2008 19:58:17)

Gers1: Click On the layer, in the layers menu, and play around with the blending options.

Gers1 -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/6/2008 11:33:19)

Thanks, I'll do that and post my new sig in a few hours.

Turian -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/8/2008 15:35:29)

Okay, i was looking at some videos on how to make stuff in Photoshop, and i saw this really cool looking wavey fire thing, and i watched the video, and he used the warp command, and he did this by going to edit transform and then warp, but i did taht and could not find

2k2ewyn -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/8/2008 15:47:37)

could not find..........?

UChihaSteven -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/9/2008 11:00:02)

What version of Photoshop do you have?
I think the warp command was introduced in Photoshop CS2. Maybe Photoshop CS(1).

Gers1 -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/10/2008 12:02:55)

What else do you think I should do to this siggy that I'm making?


Sara -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/10/2008 18:33:12)

How could I make a background IN photoshop?

Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/11/2008 3:37:32)

Yeah, I think Steven hit the question he answered on the head... Hypothetically. But yeah.

Gers1: For that kind of question you should probably post that signature in a gallery and ask for advice, and/or ask a qualified rater to give you advice.

Sara: To make a background in Photoshop can use a lot of things. Probably one of the most the most basic ways is to download brushes (some good ones can be found here) and brush the background. There are most likely some explanations in this thread somewhere.

supermech99 -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/11/2008 7:27:24)

whats best free download program for for making sigs,avys, and banners?

2k2ewyn -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/11/2008 7:44:03)

GIMP, i believe.

Sara -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/15/2008 14:35:23)

For some reason, when I try to erase part of my image in photoshop, it just paints over it in black. I am positive I am on the right layer and have the eraser selected. Why wont it erase it?

Magna -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/15/2008 15:59:14)

That could be 2 things

1. you may have the Background/Magic eraser on instead of normal.

2. Your background layer is black, so when erasing the layer on top is shows the layer under it.

Those are the only 2 things that may possibly cause that problem.

There is a 3rd one which maybe that your selected layer IS the background layer. Since the background layer is locked by default whenever you erase, it will take the color of your foreground. To get rid of that double click the layer then a "create new layer" window will pop up just click "ok" afterwards the background layer will turn into a normal layer letting you delete parts without the foreground color showing up.

Sara -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/15/2008 16:16:23)



Yeah, I think Steven hit the question he answered on the head... Hypothetically. But yeah.

Gers1: For that kind of question you should probably post that signature in a gallery and ask for advice, and/or ask a qualified rater to give you advice.

Sara: To make a background in Photoshop can use a lot of things. Probably one of the most the most basic ways is to download brushes (some good ones can be found here) and brush the background. There are most likely some explanations in this thread somewhere.

So I could copy and paste those into my work?

hachimangu -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/15/2008 19:45:39)

Nice man. I will probably use this a lot.

Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/15/2008 21:02:54)

Sara: No, when you download brushes they act as tools that you can use to "paint" your background on. Follow this post to download and install them.

For a Mac user, the only change will be from this:


Copy your .abr file (right click -> copy).
Now go to C:/Program Files/Adobe/Photoshop xxx/Presets/Brushes, and paste your file in there (Right click empty space -> Paste). "xxx" being your version number.
Now reload Photoshop, and your brushes should be in there.

To this:


Copy your .abr file (right click -> copy).
Now go to Macintosh HD --> Applications --> Adobe Photoshop xxx --> Presets --> Brushes, and paste your file in there (Right click empty space -> Paste). "xxx" being your version number.
Now reload Photoshop, and your brushes should be in there.

Hopefully that helped.

EDIT: Also, to get to your brushes, press "B" in Photoshop to get to the brush tool, then select your brush set. If you're not sure how to do this, post here or let me know somehow, I'll be happy to help.

Hachimangu: Glad you like it :)

Sara -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/15/2008 21:03:54)

I have to install things? I don't have access on my computer to do that. How else can I make a good background?

Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/15/2008 21:08:02)

Smudging is another good way. This is a pretty good smudge tutorial. To get to the smudge tool, Press R. If the tile in the tools bar that becomes "pressed" doesn't look like a hand, right click it and press Smudge Tool.

Then press F5, (or Apple + F5 for mac users, I believe) to get to the settings. From there you can just play around to get the best effect.

Sara -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/15/2008 21:38:24)

Awesome. Sounds cool. Let me try it out, I will edit this post if I have any difficulties.

So what settings should I change, and how would I use this to make a background?

Nicky -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/16/2008 2:27:48)

Usually I play around with the Shape Dynamics and Scattering. Just play around with the settings and get a look that you like.

And usually I would smudge a picture, or a render to get some nice colours.

Sara -> RE: Photoshop Q&A Thread (2/16/2008 9:23:00)

Thanks! [:)]

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