Travis Touchdown
Reality Touchdown!
COMPACTER, as I see it, the AQ team had 2 viable options when it came to this inflation fiasco. 1: Cut the interest from Houses, which was the single largest free way of obtaining Tokens, and often came at no benefit for the Staff, and was practically unlimited-- nothing like the daily Z-Token cap, or the number of visits you could have to Ballyhoo, which actually makes the Staff a little money. 2: Leave the interest as is, but hike the prices for every individual Z-Token item in order to keep up with inflation, which would have royally messed over every player who didn't have a House, let alone one's who didn't ride the free wave from the days of Tents and Tiki Huts to the days of Estates. And, to be fair? Even as someone who rode the free wave, I would definitely prefer not to mess over a rather large chunk of the playerbase over greed. Besides, it's not like Z-Tokens are the only things Estates are good for. Heck, in a couple of months, I assume that I'll have made back all of my gold cost from upgrading my buildings and buying guards, not even mentioning the insane amount of EXP I've picked up over the past 8 or so months. Frankly, it's not as if we've been left with nothing-- in fact, with some of the Estate features, I'd say that the Tokens were small bananas. Tasty bananas, to be sure. But still small bananas. Now, I admit that some of the lower level houses feel pretty much useless now with the Token cut, but...