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RE: =AQ= Frostval 2021 Begins

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12/3/2021 14:23:33   
And Pun-isher


We are continually taking note of community concerns, but I am not at liberty to disclose details of upcoming releases or fixes. With December being one of the busiest months of the year, changes are even more unlikely to be produced instantaneously regardless of extreme descriptors, but I can assure you that the feedback has been noted.
Post #: 26
12/3/2021 18:10:27   

Limited Time Shop - Frostval stuff not coming, reindragon and nice smiling faces?
AQ  Post #: 27
12/3/2021 21:26:57   

Finally reached the 100 billion mark, and managed to sell off everything that isn't a gold storage chest that was initially stored in my shared vault. Although I still probably have anywhere between 120-130b to sell off as my other characters have filler equips that still need to be sold.

That being said truthfully I initially imagined myself being able to have just dumped everything at the beginning so I could have the peace of mind to not worry about the contest for the rest of its duration (and I most likely still will land somewhere in the top 50 even if I just stop now). Although that isn't true because (although thankfully Cray has noted that the feedback has been received) that the contests still have a really inconvenient format. I'm going to take a break from the contest for at least few days (and hopefully there will be some updates), although I won't stop my usual farming routine as that only really takes me 20 minutes to do.

Ultimately my plan is to see if I can try to reach the 400 billion mark. It should be doable given the circumstances (contest duration, future war, donation receipts, etc) but we'll see where it goes. Maybe if we all donate enough the staff will do a special request for us like they did with the summer contest a few months ago. Maybe.
Post #: 28
12/4/2021 0:25:05   
Primate Murder

What's your farming routine, if you don't mind me asking? Mine usually takes closer to an hour (though, to be fair, I'm usually doing other stuff as well).
AQ DF  Post #: 29
12/4/2021 0:53:24   

I actually have 2 setups. I have my main, which is a warrior, and then 9 other characters who are primarily backlash farmers with nothing else.

Warrior setup:

Enemy: Caecus

Armor: Tempest Power Armor Series H
Weapon: Frostwyrm Fang / Cyro Jet Series E / Mega Soaker
Shield: Valiant Hero Shield / Chieftain's Ironthorn
Pet: Mog Lightnaut / Angra Linnorm / Dunamis
Guest: Mog Lightnaut / Essence of Courage / Dunamis
Stats: 250 STR/DEX/LUK

All you have to do is attack and Caecus will die in the first turn 99% of the time. Regarding the Pet and Guest, Mog Lightnaut would be the most consistent, though it would also work with a combination of Dunamis, Angra Linnorm, or Essence of Courage. Frostwyrm fang is the most consistent (but also rare), but Cyrojet will work too (watch out for HP loss). Mega Soaker will do the most damage but you'll need to stop sometimes to refill potions, but using it will kill Caecus in .5 turns. Spacefarer cannon interacts weirdly with celerity so you should not use that. Since 100-procs don't trigger Caecus's counter-damage this is *probably* the best way for warriors to farm in general.

Backlasher setup:

Enemy: Tooty FruitcakeZard

Armor: Doomlight Shadowspark Armor
Weapon: Doomlight Shadowspark Armaments
Shield: Doomlight Shadowspark Shield
Pet: Angra Linnorm
Guest: Dread Fiend of Nulgath / Essence of Courage
Stats: 250 END/INT/CHA

The strategy is to literally do nothing. Typically Fruitcakezard just kills himself before you can even act. Though there is a *minor* chance you either die or you get an action off. If you do get a chance to act, you should use it to enable the passives from the Doomlight Armor and activating the Dreadfiend / Essence of Courage Guest. After you toggle everything it's pretty much auto-pilot from there. Unfortunately since Backlashing is mostly a premium playstyle this probably isn't applicable as a strategy for 99% of people reading this. So I would recommend the above setup for a more practical farming experience.

One thing to note is that I do run multiple instances of AQ at once, so this pretty much completes all my farming for the day across 10 characters in about 40 minutes (running 5 characters at a time, in two rounds).

Another build I used to run for farming FruitcakeZard as a Warrior:

Armor: Champion Holy Avenger (Charge Defiance - Heroic Burst, Neutral Lean)
Weapon: Perfectly Balanced Blade / Divine Kusanagi Sword / Royal Voidrender (Ranged Harm Mode)
Shield: Soul of Sole / Doomlight Shadowspark Shield / UltraGuardian Shield (Non-Energy Align)
Pet: Angra Linnorm
Guest: Dread Fiend of Nulgath / Essence of Courage
Stats: 250 STR/DEX/END
Potion: Dead-Eye Straight

If you have Doomlight Shadowspark Shield that will make this more optimal. But Soul of Sole or UltraGuardian Shield (as long as you can get dodges) will work here as it'll help with upkeep. This is slightly less consistent than the Caecus Farming build, and you CAN die either because Paladin's defiance is bugged in regards to backlash, or you don't get lucky with those procs. I typically capped within 30 minutes with this build. Equipping Auto-hits is ideal here since Fruitcake likes to dodge a lot, though Royal Voidrender will work here if you have the Dead-Eye Straight potion.

< Message edited by PD -- 12/4/2021 1:20:27 >
Post #: 30
12/4/2021 1:50:30   

I think I just donated to my own character twice lol what a fun event

And I think I already donated multiple times to Ser Twenty Goodmen, happy frostval!
Post #: 31
12/4/2021 2:17:03   

One note that I found while looking through past Frostvals - The first Frostval with a painting to be allowed accessible was 2014 (though Frostval 2006 had a painting, but it wasn't to revisit Frostval). Before that, every Frostval has 0 way of being accessible. Unless the Pedia is wrong, I suspect we ought to have a discussion of being able to buy paintings for these older Frostval events. Though I will say on a personal note I think people will be in wide agreeance that the best Frostvals item wise were between 2012-2016, many of which those items are still considered part of the meta today.

Certainly there is a rational discussion to be had around this. Having these paintings accessible through Decorate The Tree shop would be the least offensive manner for even the small handful of people who even still have items from back then. And honestly for some of these events, which are at this nearly approaching a near decade, I think it's time. There's certainly a bigger market for the people who want them, than the people who would be against such an idea at this present stage of things.

More controversially, I will say there probably is also a discussion to be had around the Frostval Giftboxes. Perhaps not exactly bringing them back, but I don't think people will be angry at re-skins of older Giftbox items. Some items were pretty interesting conceptually (Anthracite, Blockman, Frostval Spirit, Full Metal Santa, etc) and could see a refresh.

Other thought - This has been raised before by Robyn Jeanne, but while it is acknowledged that December is the busiest month, we ought to ask ourselves whether this tradition is really good for any of us long term. The fact that an entire month is dedicated towards an event design as unobtainable and slows/halts all other pressing matters even past its useful date (Donations, Giftboxes opening) has to give us some pause for thought. Yes it's fun for those of us who have the ability to get all the items, the paintings and what have you not but we ought to acknowledge what cost this usually comes at. Frostval usually gives us an equivalent of an MC Set, plus another psuedo MC set along the way. Imagine if we had all those items from Frostval available to us at a permanent basis - There would be a much lesser issue in regards to item gaps, especially pointed out for the fact that Frostval usually provides Ice-themed items and Ice (along with Water) is an element in dire need of coverage.

< Message edited by PD -- 12/4/2021 2:44:06 >
Post #: 32
12/4/2021 3:45:39   
Primate Murder


Thanks! I tested that method of Caecus farming, and it looks amazing! Previously, my warrior character was the slowest farmer, 2-turning Zardnado; now it seems he'll be a match for any mage!
AQ DF  Post #: 33
12/4/2021 7:13:20   

@ PD,
Someplace I mentioned that old GUardian Giftboxes should always return in z token form, and I think the giftboxes should be in a shop that's enclosed inside THAT year's painting.

So if we run a ztoken discount for a few days during black friday, and a little bit into December. This window should be the painting shop release, such as the decorate the tree quest for that year.

You get access to paintings going back as far as they possibly can go. This quest then gives you half priced ztoken paintings (at first), and the quest remains accessible until all frostval quests go away in january. But once the half priced token event is ended, the prices go back to normal.

So for example:

Decorate The Tree-> Occurs during half priced token event, and inside this shop, or inside an additional shop, is Frostval Paintings for every year. These are half priced during the event.

You buy let's say, Frostval 2016 Painting. Inside this painting are all of that year's quests, and reward shops. And inside that painting, is a shop with THAT years Giftboxes, but priced in ztokens.

This provides another reason to purchase tokens for players, while giving some type of access to old giftbox items while not making it a complete hand-out.

To me it's a compromise in that it's allowing access, but it's not free access. I would hope that those who, in theory, would be selfishly upset at other players getting access to things they thought only they had, would be a bit more understanding since it's not a handout. And in any event, due to power creep, the older a frostval item/gift box item is, the less likely they're using the item anyway, so honestly there's not really a sound argument to be made at all to justify keeping those items rare.
Post #: 34
12/4/2021 9:56:27   

^ That is a pretty nice idea. I would not mind paying Z tokens if it mean getting the previous Giftboxes.
Post #: 35
12/4/2021 11:38:25   
Lv 1000

Small note, the Wreath Wrath weapon from the decorate the tree quest has been updated, you can find info here.
Post #: 36
12/4/2021 11:55:09   
Primate Murder

@ Lv 1000

AQ DF  Post #: 37
12/4/2021 14:06:09   

@J9408 I really REALLY feel like something similar to what I outlined that 95%+ of players would be happy with it.

@ Lv 1000 Did the Wreath Wrath happen to have a magic or Ranged version?

BTH, Entangled is *highly* underrated. It's The Cold on steroids.

< Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 12/4/2021 14:09:04 >
Post #: 38
12/4/2021 16:28:47   

Just some commentary and personal statements I want to make for the gold contest:

1. I will not be donating on multiple characters. Nobody will have to worry about me hogging multiple spots.
2. Staff ought to check Account ID's on winners. While Cray has noted the staff has noted the feedback, the lack of positive statement has made a few people lose their patience already, and they have gone ahead and hogged multiple spots in the absence of any positive statements. While I remain fairly patient and have more confidence after Cray's statement, others will not be so.
3. Hogging multiple spots isn't against the rules per say and there isn't anything we can really do to stop them besides calling out their behavior (which I will not be doing on this platform), but it's one of those things that makes people less likely to want to participate, and ultimate play AQ. More chilling effect stuff.
4. If Staff does actually check ID's, then they ought to expand the eligible ranks so that it remains top 150 unique accounts. Don't punish the rank hoggers so much as to not punish the rest of us. There's literally no reason to not do this if #2 is done.

< Message edited by PD -- 12/4/2021 17:42:42 >
Post #: 39
12/4/2021 17:44:35   
Lv 1000


Did the Wreath Wrath happen to have a magic or Ranged version?

Post #: 40
12/4/2021 19:15:33   

^Cold Sore and Rock Thrower weapons appear to have been too.

That said, it looks like the new Rock Thrower is currently bugged — it plays the special animation when attacking, but there are no hit sounds and the attack deals no damage.
AQ  Post #: 41
12/4/2021 20:01:09   

@ PD

I mean I see what you're saying, but it's not like anyone's taking multiple spots on the token leaderboards. It's an in-game currency and dude was capping on 10 characters every day for months... If he wants to flex on the leaderboards why shouldn't he be able to? And it's not a secret that there's a gold donation contest every winter. Everyone had all year to prepare for it. Besides, for me, when I miss out on rares it gives me MORE incentive to want to play the game and participate in the donation contests so I don't miss out on a good item the next time frostval/donation drives come around. That's whats kept me playing for the last year and a half. That's just my opinion tho.


I feel like I should add that with the insane amount of gold that's getting circulated thru this contest (thanks in large part to you farming demons) it will be that much easier to get the placement you want in this contest...

< Message edited by dizzle -- 12/4/2021 20:07:18 >
AQ  Post #: 42
12/4/2021 20:17:45   

I am sympathetic to the argument too that nominally, if you work for it you deserve it. Even if gold's an in-game freely earned currency, there is still a cost attached to it: mainly, your time and your dedication. My problem with the contest (as with all aspects of it) usually does with the fact that it's ranked. If it were by any other structure none of the behaviors that happen (sniping, rank hogging, muling, etc) is an issue. But ranked makes those an issue, and thus attracts my (and others') anger. But yes if we had something like a collective drive like Nilak/Neko then I would have 0 complaints.

As for the "I earned it" argument - this is on its face, fair and one everyone tries to have as a default position. The only problem with this kind of mentality this also ignores other base advantages that people have. As I said before, gold is a free currency, but by any other name it's also a P2W contest because of the number of advantages you can get. To be truthful because I am utilizing every advantage, I didn't start preparing for the contest until around May and towards the end of December I actually began to run into issues with having too much gold and had to start buying random items just to stave off wasting gold until the beginning of this contest - hence the hoards of random items I have. If I didn't use every advantage as I described in an earlier post, I would have had a much lesser chance of winning no matter how hard I worked. Not to mention as I described before, that every spot taken, is at the detriment of another (ranks). But you are right - If that is the philosophy that the AQ community wants to have, then you are right that people ought to be able to do things like that. But I suspect that there are those out there who don't think of this as right. They will not play and there will be less enthusiam for these kinds of things as we begin to understand that these events are "actually" for the few, not the community at large.

As for the token contest I have held off on donating to the token contest for now as I've been attempting to "earn" as many tokens as I can daily (I should have earned ~30k freely by the end) and using my free tokens to upgrade my estates as much as possible without paying money. Since I have the capacity to earn as much without putting in money, this has been my choice for that contest. Although I think if anyone attempts to do the same for the token contest, it too should be tracked by account ID's rather than character ID's. We all hope anyways we're all nice enough to each other not to amplify what is effective a zero-sum game.

On rares - They might be good for the short term - certainly they give you that short term satisfaction and motivation. But there's virtually nobody out there willing to defend the concept of rares in the long term even if they are the recipients of said short-term satisfaction. Or actually, we shouldn't even call them rares. They're actually unobtainable. Forever inaccessible for reasons of well; Gatekeeping. I really wonder if you'll stick to your argument if you don't continuously play - This kind of argument is probably not going to hold water if you're incapable of constantly playing.

< Message edited by PD -- 12/4/2021 20:44:48 >
Post #: 43
12/4/2021 22:54:12   

@ PD

I never once argued the point of leaving certain rares unobtainable. I stated that missing out on rares gave me the motivation to keep playing. I'm all for the staff bringing back past frostval gift boxes I think that would be sick and a lot of fun if they left the items as they are currently.

With that being said, you need to be careful reading posts and putting words into my mouth bro. You literally edited in a response testing me to stand by what I said, and I didn't even say it lmao. I don't think it was done in bad faith so it's no big deal tho.
AQ  Post #: 44
12/5/2021 1:09:06   
Nameless King

Stay calm people~This is a place to discuss,not to argue among ourselves~I also do hope that there will be a frostval painting for all years~I really miss my Chillax Crusader armor.....and I still hate it till today that I sell it away.......
Post #: 45
12/5/2021 9:46:41   

There are several old frostval items that I sold, and some of them had effects that I either didn't appreciate at the time or have become better as the game's changed. In addition, having more access to storage slots in today's game, or lack thereof, in the past, contributed to those selling decisions. It just needs to happen.
Post #: 46
12/5/2021 9:52:17   

I'm not going to get into this argument around whether past Frostval Guardian Giftboxes should be returned other than to state my opinion: No to the rares. Yes to updated, balanced items that perform an identical function, but differ in their art and design.

One other thing: If they were to return, they would be updated. You wouldn't be getting the old item, it would be balanced according to today's standards. For example, you aren't just going to get pixel ether's current ability (it'd end up more like Discount mogloween candy bag) or Moglord tortress (the skill would become modern).
AQ  Post #: 47
12/5/2021 9:59:13   

^ Updating and new art for all that, would only serve to become a massive time consuming project that would likely kill off the idea. And I can only imagine why one wouldnt get into the argument and then have the opinion of keeping the items rare, but I'm afraid there would be a different reality from said argument. But just a guess. Just an opinion, too.

Onto more topical topic, as well as something that happened instead of something that will prob never happen..


What changed with cold sore?

Edit-> NM, I see IMR posted about it

< Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 12/5/2021 10:09:11 >
Post #: 48
12/5/2021 10:04:51   

I do feel bad that people can hog spots on the rankings and I do like the idea of making it a per account basis instead of per character (I felt this more strongly during the Olympax event since the top spots were much less). I don't feel any anger towards the hogger though, since he technically earned those spots. It's just a bit disappointing for one person to have 10 copies of the same item(s). It's just overkill.

On rares, I like the idea of them returning but I guess there has to be a balance. Having no perma-rares at all would just remove my fear of missing out and would makes me less excited to play the game from time to time. Maybe they could make perma-rares at different times of the year, and make some Frostval items (maybe the ones most relevant story-wise) non-perma-rares? They could probably even make Guardian Giftboxen in June or something.
Post #: 49
12/5/2021 11:48:34   

Maybe the Frostval items could be available only in December and January, for Z-tokens?
Post #: 50
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