@ PD, Someplace I mentioned that old GUardian Giftboxes should always return in z token form, and I think the giftboxes should be in a shop that's enclosed inside THAT year's painting. So if we run a ztoken discount for a few days during black friday, and a little bit into December. This window should be the painting shop release, such as the decorate the tree quest for that year. You get access to paintings going back as far as they possibly can go. This quest then gives you half priced ztoken paintings (at first), and the quest remains accessible until all frostval quests go away in january. But once the half priced token event is ended, the prices go back to normal. So for example: Decorate The Tree-> Occurs during half priced token event, and inside this shop, or inside an additional shop, is Frostval Paintings for every year. These are half priced during the event. You buy let's say, Frostval 2016 Painting. Inside this painting are all of that year's quests, and reward shops. And inside that painting, is a shop with THAT years Giftboxes, but priced in ztokens. This provides another reason to purchase tokens for players, while giving some type of access to old giftbox items while not making it a complete hand-out. To me it's a compromise in that it's allowing access, but it's not free access. I would hope that those who, in theory, would be selfishly upset at other players getting access to things they thought only they had, would be a bit more understanding since it's not a handout. And in any event, due to power creep, the older a frostval item/gift box item is, the less likely they're using the item anyway, so honestly there's not really a sound argument to be made at all to justify keeping those items rare.