LOL, I never noticed this because I only just started finishing the Mythsong Quests in AQW, but Discordia is none other than parody of the Phantom of the Opera! He quotes several songs from the musical, and like in the ORIGINAL book, his mask is full face! (pretty much). His entire speech to his pirates is made up of parodies from lines from the Musical, mainly Music of the Night. The lines are : 1. You will curse the day you did not do...all that the Phantom asked of you/ You will curse the day you did not do all that Chaos Lord Discordia asked you to do. 2. You alone can make my soul take flight.../Chaos alone can make my music take flight... 3. The world showed no compassion to me! (exactly the same) 4. The Music of the Night/ Help my music become night 5. Past the Point of No Return/ Name of a song title, plus in the chorus etc, etc...I'm pretty sure someone must've mentioned it before, but I'm just putting it out there, haha