Grixus Faldor

How to Read the Moral Compass
Table of Contents [1] What is the Moral Compass? [2] How do I read the Moral Compass? [3] How it is influenced/What it influences [4] Credits
[1] What is the Moral Compass? This compass tracks all the changes in your alignment including the changes of Good to Evil and Chaos to Unity. How do you find your moral compass? Go to Twilly in the town of Battleon and click "Show me my Moral Compass!". Once you do, an image like the above will appear. Click on the massive green dot, and your compass opens! Upon starting in AdventureQuest, your Moral Compass will be completely balanced. As you progress through the main story, you will come across quests and wars with alignment-based actions and cutscenes and alignment-changing options. Alignment affects the cutscenes you view and the rewards you have access to. This guide goes through and details the quests in which you can change your alignment.
[2] How do I read the Moral Compass? This is your moral compass open. On yours, there will be a starburst, as you complete different quests with options which affect your alignment, the position of the starburst will change or remain stable depending on your actions. Look at this coordinate plane: The Moral Compass is a coordinate plane. The starburst represents the point your alignment stands at. It can be as much as ±6 in each category. Therefore, being at the corners of each quadrant is best. How do you change your alignment? By doing the quests below. With each choice you make in these quests, your Evil/Good and Chaos/Unity alignment shifts towards/away from the ±6 that you can reach. Alignments can go to ±17, but currently they have a maximum of +6 and a minimum of -6. However, The Beginning of The End can shift your Chaos/Unity Alignment to ±7 if you are currently at ±6.
[3] How it is influenced/What it influences The Moral Compass is affected by quests. Below is a list of all the quests that you can do which effect it. (All of these are taken from the Story of the Devourer on Lore.) Also, the prizes from wars that can influence the compass are below. Below that are the equipment/cutscenes that are influenced by the compass, but that aren't necessarily in a war itself. (Thanks to the 'pedia AKs for that entry.) War of the Clans! - In this war, you can choose to be Unity or Chaos. It is quite a quick way to become either - and they both influence the prize from that war....the 1 Choice: Affects Chaos/Unity Alignment The following quests can change your alignment. Each change is by ±1 point:- War of the Clans: 1 choice
- Affects Chaos/Unity Alignment
- The Chaos Unity Shield war reward has different stat configurations based on your alignment.
- The Beginning of The End: 2 choices
- Affects Good/Evil Alignment
- Affects Chaos/Unity Alignment
- If your Good/Evil Alignment lies between +1 to +7 (inclusive):
- Purity Blade
- Arrows of Virtue
- If your Good/Evil Alignment lies between -6 to ±0 (inclusive):
- Shield of Corruption
- Evil Shadow
- The rewards themselves are affected by your alignment as well.
- Strange Friends: 2 choices
- Affects both Good/Evil and Chaos/Unity Alignments
- Affects Chaos/Unity Alignment
- Attack on Granemor!: 1 choice
- Gives either:
- ±1 to both Good/Evil and Chaos/Unity Alignments
- +1 to Good/Evil Alignment and -1 to Chaos/Unity Alignment
- -1 to Good/Evil Alignment and +1 to Chaos/Unity Alignment
- No change
- The Fall of Augerthorne: 1 choice
- Affects Chaos/Unity Alignment, or no change
- The Manifestation: 1 choice
- Affects Chaos/Unity Alignment, or no change.
- N.B.: The cutscene you watch is determined by your choice of alignment.
- Paxia Special Mission: 1 choice
- Affects Good/Evil Alignment, or no change.
- Frostval in July: 1 choice
- Affects Good/Evil Alignment, or no change.
- Battle With Visia: 1 choice
- Affects Good/Evil Alignment, or no change.
- Failure to Communicant: 1 choice
- Affects Good/Evil Alignment, or no change.
- Isles of Drudgery: 1 choice
- Affects Evil Alignment, or no change.
While not containing any choices, The Final Battle contains different cutscenes and shops based off of your Alignment: The Disorder Flux Series use Chaos alignment to deal more careful if you are Unity/Good. The Kindheart Mirror Series favors good. The Elemental Unity spells favor Unity as well...the Mark of Hope favors both...but the weapons it summons can go either way. The The Evil Eyeglasses favor Evil....that's all! Other items influenced by a character's alignment, listed by item type and influenced: Evil Preferred Misc Guests Spells Shield Good Preferred Unity Preferred Chaos preferred Your Preference between all four: Weapon Shield Misc- Hero Serum - Between Good, Evil, or Neutral (Z-Token; Guardian)
[4] Credits -Dev for his work on the original guide -Dragoon23 for an updated list of quests and items influencing and influenced by alignment -Dragoon23 for a full list of items influenced by alignment
< Message edited by James Lu -- 6/15/2014 22:24:52 >