Voodoo Master
Disarray Location: Atrea -> Left -> Yolande -> Quests -> Disarray -> Quest! Requirements: Completion of Breaking Crystal Release Date: August 17th, 2012 Objective: While you were fighting Wargoth... the rest of Lore has fallen into disarray! Objective completed: Will you be able to merge both halves of Warlic? Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Monsters (2) Darkness Elemental (4) Earth Elemental (2) Energy Elemental (4) Fire Elemental (4) Ice Elemental (2) Light Elemental (6) Water Elemental (3) Wind Elemental NPCs Guardian Kain Guardian Mekiai Jaania Konnan The Professor Xan Rewards Lifesaver (I-VII) Dialogue Yolande: While you were fighting Wargoth's fires, the rest of your planet has been thrown into chaos as the elements fight for power. Yolande: Take The Professor and your other allies and go back to your town, <Character>. Save as many as you can. Yolande: I fear that, when the time comes, Wargoth will find you... until then stay safe and plan with The Professor. Quest! Somewhere near Surewould Forest... *The Professor, Konnan and the character are in the scene. The whole forest is devastated. All the elements seem to be fighting each other* The Professor: ... The Professor: Such devastation... <Character>: Unbelievable... this area is completely destroyed! What is going on?! <Character>: I-- I must discuss it with the Guardians once we arrive in Falconreach! *Xan is walking behind them, and Jaania even further behind* Xan: Hmph. Xan: I could do better! AHAAHAAHahahaa! *The group arrives in Falconreach's Guardian tower. Jaania looks through the window* <Character>: Guardian Kain! I need to speak to you right away! Guardian Kain: <Character>!!! What is going on? Guardian Kain: We have reports of chaos from Guardians all over Lore! While you've been off chasing down... Xan: ... spoiler:
There's an Easter Egg hidden in this frame - click on the hidden tiny chest in the very top right of the screen to reveal a secret cutscene: *Xan smiles* Xan: Why hello there! *Guardian Mekiai facepalms* Xan: kshhshchhHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!! I can't keep a straight face! <Character>: BAD XAN! Xan: *cough* Right, sorry... serious conversation... Xan: Er, where was I now... ? Xan: Ooh right! Xan: *Ahem* *Xan looks intimidating again* Xan: Excuse me kind Guardians, but where do you keep your flammable goods? *Xan starts laughing again* Xan: CAUSE I WANNA BURN 'EM!!!!! AAAHAHAHahahahahaAHAhahAHAhHAH! *Guardian Kain facepalms too. With both hands* Guardian Kain: ARGH! I CAN'T WORK LIKE THIS! Xan: HAAAHAahahahahAhahAHAAHAA! YOUR FACE! HHaha, priceless! <Character>: Oh for... Xan, come on man, stick to the script so we can get out of here before Serenity's closes for the night. Xan: Oh, yeah she makes some great bread. Alright! Xan: Been a while, Guardian.... *Konnan walks towards Xan, looking angry* Xan: Careful, apprentice... Xan: AhaahahAHahahAHAHAAAAAA! Guardian Kain: While you've been off chasing down... old friends, we've been dealign with this... this... elemental backlash. <Character>: Professor, do you know what's going on? The Professor: Hmm... *The Professor nods* The Professor: I suspected that this might be happening.... <Character>: What is happening? Xan: HAHAhahaha, haven't you figured it out, <Character>? Xan: You're the one that caused it! <Character>: I... what? Xan: Remember that giant darkness dragon? Those orbs that you destroyed? Xan: You upset the balance. Made darkness and fire weak! <Character>: If fire is weak then how could Wargoth take over? Xan: Hah! Fire had no defense, no dragon! Miss Akriloth now? Hahahaha! Konnan: !!! Xan: Fire was so weak, it's own avatar was possessed. Xan: Hahaha! Jaania: Hmph. Xan: ... *Jaania stops looking through the window and walks closer to the group* <Character>: Is there anything we can do? There has to be some sort of spell we can cast? Jaania: Haven't you all cast enough spells? Jaania: Look. Look at what you've done. The forest is on fire. Cities are flooding. Winds blow others apart. Jaania: Now you're looking for more magic to add to the chaos? <Character>: We have to do something.... Guardian Kain: Well, for now we need to run damage control.. We need to make sure the people around the devastated areas are safe. Guardian Kain: Mekiai, see that the rescue teams get out there immediately. Guardian Mekiai: Aye. Guardian Kain: <Character>, get on your dragon and see if you can spot any survivors. <Character>: Alright, I'm on it. *The characters leaves the scene* You now have to find survivors in the devastated lands. Any one of them you save gives you exp, gold and full heal. There are many aggressive elementals wandering around. If you don't have a DA, the following short scene doesn't appear - <Character>: Alright, <Dragon>. I think we've done everything we can do here... Let's get back to Falconreach! *The character rides on his/her dragon's back to Falconreach's Guardian tower* From this point on the quest is the same for both people with a DA and people without one - *The character enters the tower. Everyone is still where they were before* The Professor: We need to get Warlic back. Xan: What?! <Character>: Professor, Warlic is gone. Wherever he is, he's not coming back. The Professor: He's not gone. *The Professor walks towards Xan and stops in front of him* The Professor: One of Warlic's greatest regrets was what he did to you. The Professor: He was... in a new place, a new body. Arrogant. Impetuous. Xan: Too little. Too late. The Professor: What is keeping you from killing us all right now? Xan: I owe you at least... *Xan looks at Jaania* Xan: ...two favors. Xan: After that, hahah, bets are off. *The Professor nods, then walks away from Xan* The Professor: ... The Professor: I'm half of Warlic. *Fire bursts from Xan's body and two fireballs appear in his hands* Xan: WHAT?! Jaania: Stop. Jaania: Are you... Jaania: ...are you really him? The Professor: Half of him. The human half. <Character>: Then... who... where is the other half? The Professor: You already know the answer to that, <Character>. Xan: Wargoth. Xan: So, even now, half of that infernal blue mage continues to torture me. Play with me like a puppet. I will end him. The Professor: The best way to end Wargoth, is to find a way to merge us back together. <Character>: Can't we just defeat him? The Professor: If either half is destroyed... I think the other will become... unstable. <Character>: ... <Character>: Wargoth is stable now? The Professor: No, and as he casts more spells, he pushes his limit even further. I... I can feel it. The Professor: Jaania, are you... are you well enough to help us? Jaania: Well enough? Well enough? Jaania: I have spent years upon years trapped in a magic prison! Jaania: The last thing I saw were my two friends fighting. One screaming in agony as he was burnt alive. Jaania: I lived with that... Jaania: ...as time ticked away, never knowing if that would be that last thing I saw... hahaha.... *Jaania turns to Xan* Jaania: Then when I am finally freed... I find Alex... Xan, trapped in his own magic prison... Jaania: ...and the other... split in two, with one half bent on destroying the world itself with his infinite power. Jaania: How do you know Wargoth and you merging won't destroy the world anyways? The Professor: We don't. The Professor: If we don't try though... Wargoth will destroy this planet. The Professor: We need your help... you and Xan knew Warlic best. The Professor: If we're going to realign and merge us back together, we'll need you. *Jaania nods* Jaania: Then I hope to see my old friend Warlic soon. Complete Quest
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/31/2025 18:28:09 >