RE: Classes/Abilities (Full Version)

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Jorath -> RE: Classes/Abilities (11/17/2012 12:33:11)

Zeuster: Did you test if the skill itself have a boosted Crit chance?

I don't think it has a normal chance for inflicting Critical hits, if my thoughts hold true.

Zeuster -> RE: Classes/Abilities (11/17/2012 12:37:26)

@Leon ShadowHart i took off everything..and comparing to mad chickencow attack
i got

out of the 12 hits of mad chickencow i critted 0 times

With the Zeuster move

i hit with a crit 4 times

i repeated this 5 times to make sure..and i can say that Zeuster seems to have a boosted crit chance

Jorath -> RE: Classes/Abilities (11/19/2012 0:02:39)

Zeuster: Just poked around with the 'Summon Zeuster' skill; it actually seems that the attack does not have a boosted Crit chance.

Out of 10 times, 6 did not do Critical hits.

StealthMaster -> RE: Classes/Abilities (11/22/2012 10:28:49)

In regards to the note on the bottom of the DragonRider Armor page, free players can also use it untrained in JellaTON Mold.

Added. ~Leon

golden1231 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (11/28/2012 18:20:45)

Updated skill button images for SoulWeaver Armor:


Updated skill button images for DeathKnight Armor. I'm missing two of the Warrior skills, but here are most of the images:


Added all DeathKnight skill buttons. ~Leon
And I've added the SoulWeaver skill buttons. Thanks! ~pjc

bobtehnoob -> RE: Classes/Abilities (12/23/2012 12:38:51)

Multi-Breath Attack

Level/Quest/Items required: 23, Togzilla Attacks!

Effect: Deals 2 hits of 120% damage.

MP Cost: 1500
Trigger: Use Burn on turn immediately prior
Cooldown: 1 turn
Element: Dragon's current element
Attack Type: Melee

I think that Megaburn deals somewhere between 50-100% damage, around the 75% range.

RamDF -> RE: Classes/Abilities (12/29/2012 19:38:59)

For Kathool Adept Armour:

1. It does not state how much DoT "Migraine" does.

2. It does not state how much damage "Unnerve" does.

3. It does not state how much MP is absorbed/restored with Brain Drain.

4. It does not state how much damage Ink Spray does.

5. It does not state how much damage Fear does.

6. Mad Fury does 250% damage, not 100%.

7. Tidal deals 200% damage to each enemy, not 100%.

8. Shadow does not clearly state how much damage is done to the opponent, just that there is a 25% powerboost.

9. Corrupt deals 100% damage, not 50%.

10. Mind Twist and Red Tide both don't say the actual damage, they just say that there's a powerboost (?)

11. Kathool's damage is not stated.

Thus, I think somebody needs to try and find out more comprehensive skill calculations for Kathool Adept as it could be rather unclear.

I'll work on getting numbers for those. ~Ash

bobtehnoob -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/5/2013 12:02:04)

Base attack 2 hits of 100%
Rapid 4 hits of 75% (rough)2 turn cooldown
Unload 8 hits of 25-50% (rough), no cooldown
Spray multi 1 hit of 275% (rough) 1 turn cooldown
Accelerated Healing HOT 10% 2 turns (first heal is on activation) 9 turn cooldown
3:10 +15% crit 5 turns, 5 times usage of right side 6 turn cooldown
Accelerated Training +30% boost, heals 10% mana 9 turn cooldown
Quick Shot: +100% crit for attack, 600% damage 14 turn cooldown(rough)

Power: 2 hits of 300% (rough)
Lightning Flash 2 hits of 400%, decrease opponent boost by 50 for 5 turns, 5 turn cooldown (rough)
Time Pulse 5 hits of 66%, stuns for 3 turns (maybe if all hit, still unsure) (rough) 14 turn cooldown
Distort Time Increase M/P/M by 90 (8 turn cooldown)
Break 1 hit of 400%, decrease opponent boost by 20% 6 turn cooldown (rough)
Rain 1 hit of 275% all enemies, no cooldown
Thief of Time/FInal 16(?) hits of 33% damage, 39 turn cooldown (rough)

Tested all this with Fragmented blade, numbers shown are not 100% accurate, though rough.

Joerte -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/5/2013 12:21:44)

Here is the image for the fire version of TK Link.

Edgemaster Scion -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/20/2013 14:11:25)

TK's Time Pulse can be successful with only 3 hits landed.

Yuttt -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/23/2013 11:04:10)

My guess is that TimeKiller's stun only attempts to stun on the last hit. I tested it out with Akriloth (not hard mode), and Akriloth only resisted once, on the last hit, and wasn't stunned.

Aranq -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/23/2013 11:07:55)

Timekiller's multi spray hits all enemies.

bobtehnoob -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/23/2013 13:11:30)

TK's Stun attempts only if all hits, I think. Not sure, though.

Yuttt -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/23/2013 13:39:35)

@Bob Teh Noob
Nope, TK missed the third hit, then stunned the monster. Took forever, though. (to get it to miss any but the last)

Calculated with Fragmented Blade
5 damage (crit) was estimated to be 40% damage.

Quick Shot (88 MPH) - 1 hit of 300% damage, guaranteed Crit (does a total of 600% damage, with crit)
Accelerate Training (Boost) - Heals 10% of your total mana; 30% boost for 5 turns
3:10 - +15 crit for 5 turns. Gain 5 Arbalest Counters, meaning you can use the right side 5 times. Note that it can be unlocked for an indefinite amount of time if you don't use the right side.
Accelerate Regeneration - 10% HOT for 3 turns, that counts as first turn.
Bolt Spray (Spray) - 1 hit of 150% damage to all enemies
Unload - 8 hits of 33% damage each for a total of 266% damage
Rapid Fire (Combo) - 4 hits of 40% damage each (approximately) for a total of 160% damage
Attack! - 2 hits of 50% damage each
Power Shots - 2 hits of 150% damage each
Lightning Flash - 2 hits of 200% damage each, -50% bonus for 5 turns.
Time Pulse - 5 hits of 33% damage each for a total of 166% damage
Distort Time - +90 MRM for 3 turns
Shatter Time for Your Enemy (Break) - 1 hit of 200% damage, -20% boost for 4 turns.
Rain a Torrent of Bolts on Your Enemy (Rain) - 1 hit of 150% damage to all enemies
Thief of Time (Final) - 18 hits of 33% damage each, for a total of 600% damage

bobtehnoob -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/30/2013 17:53:03)

My test was with Fragmented Blade, too...
6 (crit) was 100%
5 was 50-66
4 was 33-50
something like that.

ANd I think that TK has a 200% damage buff.
If we're using your calculation (which is just mine divided by 2)

And just call me bobtehnoob, BtN, or bob.

Yuttt -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/30/2013 19:20:13)

How would you tell if it did? It doesn't seem to have the buff for me, though.

Please don't use text color in the Pedia area. [Niki]

Niki -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/31/2013 2:41:05)

This thread is for supplying information about classes and abilities.
Please move any discussion about TimeKiller to the =AK= All Classes Discussion Thread in DFGD and return when you have reasonably verified information to post.

bobtehnoob -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/1/2013 11:40:19)

I used Fragmented Blade with Warrior Base class, and I dealt 6 damage with my normal attack (with critical), which is the exact same damage dealt by each bolt of damage from TK's bow.

Niki -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/2/2013 10:02:57)

Bump, 2nd Apr. [Niki]

Alder Peacemaker -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/6/2013 16:07:44)

I have no idea if anyone is even working on a page for Riftwalker right now but here's the skill information if anybody wants it: (Sorry I don't have any skill images I tried to do them and it didn't work very well, so I was kind of hoping some one else would do that.)

[image][/image] Riftwalker

Location: Atrea, The Spire
Price: N/A
Level/Quest/Items to unlock: Warrior Base class and completion of the Milkgrass Arena quest.
Sellback: N/A

Level: N/A
Rarity: N/A
Category: Armor
Equip Spot: Body

Default Weapon:


Damage: 15-30
Element: Ice
Bonuses: Bonus +10, Crit +5

Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0

Resistances: None

[image][/image] Power
75% damage attack

Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: 4 hits of 110% damage

Mana Cost: 35
Cooldown: 4
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Aimed
Attack and +30 to hit for five turns

Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: 4 hits of 30% damage and applies +30 bonus. (Is currently bugged so it gives you 30% of your current bonus instead of adding the 30 bonus in the description.)

Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 4
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Trip
Stops a foe from running away.Classic.

Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: 1 hit of 135% damage and applies -100 to flee for 20 turns.

Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 4
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Reality Breaker
Pierce Attack +50% Damage

Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: 1 hit of 150% pierce damage.

Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 2
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: Pierce

[image][/image] Rift Cross
Attack and Stun for 3 turns

Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: 2 hits of 65% damage and applies a 3 turn stun.

Mana Cost: 27
Cooldown: 14
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Realm Change
+180 to Defense and +50 to Damage for 2 turns

Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: Adds 180 to Dodge/Parry/Block and 50 to boost for 2 turns.

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 4
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Rift Power
Attack and +20% Damage for 5 turns

Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: 1 hit of 150% damage and +20% boost for 5 turns.

Mana Cost: 17
Cooldown: 4
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Attack
Normal attack

Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: 4 hits of 25% damage.

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Melee Combo
Requires a successful Attack to use

Level/Quest/Items required: Any attacking skill where the last hit connects.

Effect: 5 hits of 40% damage.

Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 2
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Rift Effect
Requires a successful Melee Combo to use

Level/Quest/Items required: A Melee Combo where the last hit connects.

Effect: 5 hits of 66.66% damage.

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Mana Strike
Attacks MP instead of HP

Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: 4 hits of 25% damage, affects mana instead of health.

Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Multi Strike
Hits all enemies

Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: 1 hit of 130% damage to each enemy.

Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 2
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Strength Strike
50% enemy damage reduction for 5 turns

Level/Quest/Items required:

Effect: 4 hits of 25% damage. Reduces enemy boost by 50% for 5 turns.

Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 10
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Wound
Bleed 30% damage for 5 turns

Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: 1 hits of 110% damage. Applies a 30% weapon damage DoT for 5 turns.

Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 5
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Final Blow
Now you're thinking with rifts!

Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: 8 hits of 20% damage. Always Crits, and resets Realm Cutter Passive.

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 14
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image][/image] Realm Cutter
Opening a rift causes a vicious reaction, but as the realms acclimate, the reactions calm down.

Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: You start every battle with 25 boost that decreases by 5 for every attack/spell cast capping at 0% bonus damage (from this source only, Realm Cutter doesn't affect other damage boosts).
Using Final resets this bonus damage.

Added the attack descriptions. ~Leon

Edynol -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/17/2013 10:09:46)

I've looked but couldn't find this listen anywhere, but I noticed that Light Dragon Spirit from the DL armor seems to heal you for 1% of you max HP.

golden1231 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/17/2013 21:54:49)

Sorry, since only my main character has an Atealan Armor unlocked, I can only provide the skill button images for Ascendant. These can be used once the Ascendant entry is posted. Sorry about the weird extensions in the addresses, as Photobucket seems to have added random characters after my file names. xD Additionally, there are two skills named "Ageisk" for Ascendant.


Done by owner. [Niki]

golden1231 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/22/2013 19:55:23)

Updated skill button image for DragonLord Armor, as the skill "Ice" has been renamed "Frost."


Done. ~Leon

rytis155 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/7/2013 15:48:41)

Got picture update for DragonLord's DragonSoul Skill. In pedia's entry was only hero's charge up so far.

There already are two existing images, one each for charging and attacking. Thanks, though. ~Leon

Silver -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/14/2013 8:23:39)


You start every battle with 0% PowerBoost that increases by 5 for every attack/spell cast capping at 25% bonus damage (from this source only, Paranoia doesn't affect other damage boosts). Using Mental Assassination resets the passive.

It should be critical, not powerboost. Correction

Check your inbox to verify this.

Fixed. ~Leon

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