Alder Peacemaker -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/6/2013 16:07:44)
I have no idea if anyone is even working on a page for Riftwalker right now but here's the skill information if anybody wants it: (Sorry I don't have any skill images I tried to do them and it didn't work very well, so I was kind of hoping some one else would do that.) [image][/image] Riftwalker Location: Atrea, The Spire Price: N/A Level/Quest/Items to unlock: Warrior Base class and completion of the Milkgrass Arena quest. Sellback: N/A Level: N/A Rarity: N/A Category: Armor Equip Spot: Body Default Weapon: Sword Damage: 15-30 Element: Ice Bonuses: Bonus +10, Crit +5 Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0 Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0 Resistances: None [image][/image] Power 75% damage attack Level/Quest/Items required: N/A Effect: 4 hits of 110% damage Mana Cost: 35 Cooldown: 4 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Aimed Attack and +30 to hit for five turns Level/Quest/Items required: N/A Effect: 4 hits of 30% damage and applies +30 bonus. (Is currently bugged so it gives you 30% of your current bonus instead of adding the 30 bonus in the description.) Mana Cost: 15 Cooldown: 4 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Trip Stops a foe from running away.Classic. Level/Quest/Items required: N/A Effect: 1 hit of 135% damage and applies -100 to flee for 20 turns. Mana Cost: 15 Cooldown: 4 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Reality Breaker Pierce Attack +50% Damage Level/Quest/Items required: N/A Effect: 1 hit of 150% pierce damage. Mana Cost: 15 Cooldown: 2 Element: As weapon Attack Type: Pierce [image][/image] Rift Cross Attack and Stun for 3 turns Level/Quest/Items required: N/A Effect: 2 hits of 65% damage and applies a 3 turn stun. Mana Cost: 27 Cooldown: 14 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Realm Change +180 to Defense and +50 to Damage for 2 turns Level/Quest/Items required: N/A Effect: Adds 180 to Dodge/Parry/Block and 50 to boost for 2 turns. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 4 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Rift Power Attack and +20% Damage for 5 turns Level/Quest/Items required: N/A Effect: 1 hit of 150% damage and +20% boost for 5 turns. Mana Cost: 17 Cooldown: 4 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Attack Normal attack Level/Quest/Items required: N/A Effect: 4 hits of 25% damage. Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 0 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Melee Combo Requires a successful Attack to use Level/Quest/Items required: Any attacking skill where the last hit connects. Effect: 5 hits of 40% damage. Mana Cost: 10 Cooldown: 2 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Rift Effect Requires a successful Melee Combo to use Level/Quest/Items required: A Melee Combo where the last hit connects. Effect: 5 hits of 66.66% damage. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 0 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Mana Strike Attacks MP instead of HP Level/Quest/Items required: N/A Effect: 4 hits of 25% damage, affects mana instead of health. Mana Cost: 10 Cooldown: 0 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Multi Strike Hits all enemies Level/Quest/Items required: N/A Effect: 1 hit of 130% damage to each enemy. Mana Cost: 25 Cooldown: 2 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Strength Strike 50% enemy damage reduction for 5 turns Level/Quest/Items required: Effect: 4 hits of 25% damage. Reduces enemy boost by 50% for 5 turns. Mana Cost: 25 Cooldown: 10 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Wound Bleed 30% damage for 5 turns Level/Quest/Items required: N/A Effect: 1 hits of 110% damage. Applies a 30% weapon damage DoT for 5 turns. Mana Cost: 15 Cooldown: 5 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Final Blow Now you're thinking with rifts! Level/Quest/Items required: N/A Effect: 8 hits of 20% damage. Always Crits, and resets Realm Cutter Passive. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 14 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Realm Cutter Opening a rift causes a vicious reaction, but as the realms acclimate, the reactions calm down. Level/Quest/Items required: N/A Effect: You start every battle with 25 boost that decreases by 5 for every attack/spell cast capping at 0% bonus damage (from this source only, Realm Cutter doesn't affect other damage boosts). Using Final resets this bonus damage. Added the attack descriptions. ~Leon