RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (Full Version)

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Voodoo Master -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (1/13/2012 15:42:05)

On A Rock and A Dark Place, every <<You>> should be replaced with <Character>.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Shaiyal -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (1/13/2012 22:00:39)

Sewer Chest (All Versions) has a note that has been deemed not true (and has been checked), so it should probably be deleted.

Forgot all about it, deleted, thanks. [Niki]

Voodoo Master -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (1/14/2012 8:12:03)

Refugee Rescue should have the bosses names bolded. Under NPCs and Dialogue N/A should be replaced with None.

On Rifts Opening... <<You>> should be changed to <Character> on the following sentences:

Guardian Kain: Send word to <Character> and the other heroes.

Guardian Kain leads a charge off-Scene as the character enters and kneels by the fallen.

The character nods and runs off-Scene. Scene fades to black.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

bobtehnoob -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (1/26/2012 19:32:07)

in Nitroglycerine Sponge Catapult, the Gold War link should be Gold War

Done, thanks. ~Leon

Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (1/30/2012 20:50:33)

Croft needs the colon removed from dialogue

To be a giant! needs dialogue corrections...

<Character Name>: I feel a little funny...
<Character Name>: Whoa, I feel really funny!
<Character Name>: AAAAAAAhHHHHH!!!
<Character Name>: Whew, ok... I guess that wasn't so bad.
<Character Name>: I... I might even be taller than my dragon!
<Character Name>: And...
<Character Name>: Yep! I think I can see my house from here.
<Character Name>: ...
<Character Name>: I guess I'm gonna need a bigger one.
<Character Name>: ...So then they started calling me You-zilla. It was great!
<Character Name>: Cleaning up is the hardest part, though. I have REALLY big fingers!
<Character Name>: So, how are things?
Reens: Well... things have been pretty quiet lately, actually.
Aria: Yeah! All the monsters have gone and hid from you.
<Character Name>: That sounds like a good thing, then. Go go giant me!
Yulgar: I think one of your shoelaces is starting to come undone, <Character>.
<Character Name>: Oh, thanks.
<Character Name>: ...
<Character Name>: Did you guys feel something just now?
Pi Mae: Earthquaaaaaaaaaaake!

Both done, thanks. ~Leon

Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (2/1/2012 13:55:17)

Under the Sea needs corrections and colouring...

Yix: We think we've located the experimental tool storage facility that Sepulchure stole! It is under water, near Osprey Cove!
Yix: Please travel there and if you can locate the shed, we'll finally have our experimental weapons back!

After entering the quest...

Aryel: Stop! You don't want to enter these waters! They are too dangerous now!
<Character Name>: I'll be in and out right-quick. I'm looking for something littering your waters. I want to... er, clean it up.
Aryel: WHAT are you looking for?
<Character Name>: Well, Yix, the acting High Technocra-
Aryel: We KNOW who Yix is. We're not so cut off from the world.
<Character Name>: Ahem. Of course. Well, Yix is pretty sure an experimental tool storage shed that was stolen from your city will be found in your waters.
<Character Name>: Right now, it's just sitting there, taking up space in your pristine aquatic landscape.
Aryel: Well, my peop- er, the fish of these seas deserve clean water.
<Character Name>: So I can go hunt for the tool facility?
Aryel: Yes, of course!
<Character Name>: At least I won't drown, thanks to those water breathing potions!
Aryel: That was YOU?!
<Character Name>: ... As a thank you for permission to enter your waters, I'll be happy to take care of any monsters I find down there.

If you went all the way straight to the right...

<Character Name>: This looks familiar. But hmm, no experimental tool storage facility here! I'd best keep looking under the water.

After you find the tool shed...

<Character Name>: Ah, finally! The experimental tool storage facilit- waaaait.
<Character Name>: I KNOW the gnomes weren't planning to battle their enemies with aquatic musicians... that means you guys AREN'T the weapons!
Crabastian: Naw, mon. We're Crabastian and the Aqua Force, the best underwater orchestra in all the islands!
<Character Name>: And you're... Crabastian, I take it?
Crabastian: Too right! I'm the Principal Musician in this here school. I rock the beats with my clawracas!
Crabastian: The groupers adore us! But our lead singer left us for... a human! *scoff*
<Character Name>: Riiiight. So, have you SEEN the weapons I'm looking for?
Crabastian: Naw. Our orchestra hall was completely empty when it settled on the sea floor. It's perfect for rehearsing.
Crabastian: We call this here jam "Through the Water and the Bubbles".
<Character Name>: I guess my search for the weapons that were stolen from the gnomes will have to continue some other time.
<Character Name>: And you're right. The acoustics in here are GREAT!
<Character Name>: Just make sure you don't play too loud, or you'll go hard of hearing.
Billy the Octopus: *BA DUM TISH*

Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (2/2/2012 11:51:49)

River of Fire should have the green You be turned to just black!

Rolith's Solution needs colouring and corrections...

Yix: I'm sure Captain Rolith will have a suitable alternative for us!

Captain Rolith: Back already? You move quickly for a <Class Name>.
<Character Name>: I spoke with all the Knights I could find nearby. I think you can already guess their answers.
Captain Rolith: I'm sorry, <Character Name>. I knew you had to ask for yourself, but I did know.
Captain Rolith: However... I think I have an idea which could help.
Captain Rolith: Why don't you head back to Popsprocket, and I will send the force once I gather them.
<Character Name>: Thank you, Captain. The gnomes and I will be indebted to whomever you send!

Captain Rolith: Here they come...
Captain Rolith: Down boy!
Captain Rolith: Haha, ok here's a treat.
Captain Rolith: ...
Captain Rolith: No, that's my hand.
Captain Rolith: ...
Captain Rolith: That's still my hand.
Captain Rolith: Now remember, if you go to the big <Class Name>, <Character Name>, on the floating island, he will have tog-treats for you. Lots and lots of tog-treats.
Captain Rolith: Give this letter to the first person you see, so they know you're there to help.
Tog: Bark!
Captain Rolith: Ok lil' buddy, go find that flying island!
Tog: Bark!
Captain Rolith: ...
Captain Rolith: They'll know when the togs arrive...
Captain Rolith: And maybe WE will be able to sleep peacefully for once.

Zapp: zzzzZZZZZZzz
Zapp: Come one, <Class Name>... It's not that hard to deliver a letter. *snore*
Zapp: No, I'm not going to pay you...
Zapp: Mumble mumble...
Zapp: ...
Zapp: More soup'n...
Zapp: MORE visitors? Last time I checked, this wasn't tourist season.
Zapp: *grumble* And with that many, we're going to need ALL of the mechgryphons, half-trained or not.
Zapp: So...
Zapp: ..Oaklore decided to help us after all.

Done, although I am not sure about Zapp's color, or if he should have one at all. Will have to check on that one. Thanks! ~PaperClip

EDIT: It seems that is indeed his color. I will update the other entries, including his main NPC one. :)

Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (2/10/2012 13:26:22)

The Search needs proper colouring... o man yulgars and dementos colours are close.......

Yulgar: Konnan has been at work at the forge since you returned. He refuses to speak to anyone.
Yulgar: We must defeat Akriloth, <Character Name>. Demento is planning on heading north, would you like to speak with him?

  • Quest!

    Demento: <Character Name>, Akriloth must be stopped.
    Demento: We'll go north and search the frozen wastes there.
    Demento: There is a clan of ice dragons, as well as a rumor of something more ancient...
    Demento: ...Something that dwells in the glacial caves and collects the frozen remnants of battles long past.
    Demento: Will you go with me?
    <Character Name>: Of course, Demento. I... whatever I can do t o help bring down that fire dragon.
    <Character Name>: What, or who, are we searching for?
    Demento: Long ago, the Elemental Lords placed guardians on Lore to protect their realms.
    Demento: It is said one of the ice guardians became corrupted, greedy.
    Demento: Instead of protecting the area left to it, it incited battles, it stole treasures... and weapons, including the Ice Scythe.
    <Character Name>: Ice Scythe?
    Demento: The Ice Scythe was crafted from the coldest glacial ice, cut from the depths of a lost cavern and enchanted with a powerful special effect.
    Demento: I believe that if you hit Akriloth with the Ice Scythe just once, it will drain his power and transfer some of its strength to you.
    Demento: It should make the fight fair... but first, we need to find the corrupted guardian's lair.

    Demento: Here, look <Character Name>.
    Demento: Do you see them?
    <Character Name>: See what?
    Demento: The caves. There in the mountain side.
    Demento: We'll camp tonight and explore the mountain side when we're rested.

    <Character Name>: Demento...
    <Character Name>: I thought all of Galanoth's family had been killed by Akriloth.
    Demento: I am not Galanoth's brother by birth, <Character Name>.
    Demento: After Akriloth burned his family's farm to the ground, my family took him in.
    Demento: We became blood brothers shortly after that.
    <Character Name>: I see... what happened to make you become blood brothers?
    Demento: *laughs*
    Demento: Gal was just five years old, but he was already fearless...
    Demento: I was ten, and apparently looked like good prey.
    Demento: I was out, gathering wood for camp and a wyvern swooped down and grasped me in its claws.
    Demento: Wyverns would occasionally take smaller farm animals to feed their brood, but with Akriloth rampaging... I was much easier prey.
    Demento: The wyvern swooped down to carry me off and Galanoth ran...
    Demento: Heh, it seemed like he jumped 10 feet in the air... and he grabbed hold of my legs and wouldn't let go.
    Demento: Our weight together was too much for the wyvern and she dropped us back down.
    Demento: Gal saved me from becoming dragon food and I owe him my life.
    Demento: Anyways... it's time to gather our energy, <Character Name>.
    Demento: We have an ancient and corrupt guardian to face tomorrow...
    Demento: And we have to convince him to give us the only weapon strong enough to defeat Akriloth!

    Konnan: I...
    Konnan: I can't believe they're gone.
    Konnan: My whole family wiped out...
    Konnan: I've been gone so long...
    Konnan: It seems like I've spent years just standing around in Yulgar's forge, when I should have been home. If... if I had been home....
    Xan: You would have been incinerated as well, my young friend.
    Xan: I understand your pain.
    Xan: I lost someone due to the carelessness of someone who I thought was a friend...
    Xan: Just like you.
    Konnan: <Character Name>...
    Konnan: <Character Name> had to have tried... it's just...
    Konnan: He is a hero, he has saved Falconreach, faced bandits and monsters, I've heard rumors that he even has a pet dragon!
    Konnan: How could they lose so badly to this Akriloth...
    Xan: Hah, a hero?
    Xan: That "hero" and his pathetic band should have saved your family. They only look out for themselves though.
    Xan: Galanoth only goes after the dragon, he could have saved your family.
    Xan: <Character Name> could have led them away! Instead they were taken from you!
    Xan: My own love, my Jaania... was taken from me by that misfit mage, Warlic...
    Konnan: Warlic? But... but, he's good...
    Xan: That's what he wants you to think!
    Xan: But who's here now? Offering to help you, train you, so you can get your revenge?
    Xan: Warlic and his little minions, <Character Name>... they even attacked me! They stole my book of power, called me evil.
    Konnan: But... why?
    Xan: Jealousy, Konnan.
    Xan: Warlic caused the accident that took Jaania from me, and now he tries to steal my power so I can't get her back!
    Xan: They're only interested in their power, not min...
    Xan: ...
    Xan: Ours.
    Xan: You have the gift of magic too, Konnan. I can show you how to bend fire to your will, how to enchant with it, make it live... and make it die.
    Xan: No mere fire dragon will be able to defeat you...
    Xan: And once Akriloth is gone, you can go after the ones that caused your family to die, the one that took my Jaania away from me.
    Xan: <Character Name>, Galanoth, Warlic... all of them!!

    Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

  • Faerdin -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (2/18/2012 0:27:20)

    Swordhaven Past needs a link to the new Alexander Saga Quest: Playing with Fire.

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Hopeful Guy -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (2/18/2012 6:28:59)

    Swordhaven Past needs a link to Sewer Pets.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (2/24/2012 20:56:07)

    Stoneheart Fall needs a link to Wolf and Bear

    Done, thanks. ~Leon

    Arithonne -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (2/26/2012 15:23:22)

    The Swordhaven Forest quest in Swordhaven Past also drops Cysero's Splintery Stick.

    Swordhaven quest or Swordhaven Past quest? Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (2/27/2012 17:26:40)

    Sandwitch, The needs colouring and corrections...

    Sek-Duat XV: The people of The Sandsea have grown... discontent.
    Sek-Duat XV: They plot and scheme against me... but they are not to blame. They are like children.
    Sek-Duat XV: When a parent makes a strict rule to keep the children safe, the children are expected to throw fits. They know no better.
    Sek-Duat XV: But when they break these rules made to keep them safe, they must be...punished. They must learn their place if I am to keep them safe.
    Sek-Duat XV: If The Sandsea were a less dangerous place, then I would have no reason to keep such strict rules.
    Sek-Duat XV: Therefore, I command you to eliminate one of the greatest threats to my people: The Sandwitch.
    Sek-Duat XV: That old crone was cast out of the yaga sisterhood in Doomwood for being TOO CRUEL!
    Sek-Duat XV: Her sisters left her to die in the desert but the hatred in her hard has kept her alive all these years. The people fear her.
    Sek-Duat XV: They have good cause to fear her. She summons people to her cave in the middle of the night and they are never seen again.
    Sek-Duat XV: If you were to eliminate the Sandwitch, and the people had less to fear, perhaps they would have less reason to rebel.
    Sek-Duat XV: Go now, and do not return until the outcast has been taken care of, and my people are safe.

    Sandwitch: An, more of Sek-Duat's goons! Only one of you made it out of here last time... and that was no accident, it was a WARNING.
    Sandwitch: Get out of here. There's nothing else that your emperor wants here, Unless... OF COURSE! You were sent to finish the Sandwitch!
    <Character Name>: That's right Sandwitch! Sek-Duat XV has sent me to stop you from preying on the people of the Sandsea.
    Sandwitch: To stop ME.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Foolish child, you want a fight? You came to the right place.
    Sandwitch: THIS Sandwitch bites back!

    <Character Name>: If your yaga sisters cast you out, you really MUST be the most wicked creature imaginable.
    <Character Name>: The people of The Sandsea are good people. They have lived through a lot...
    <Character Name>: ... too much. They don't need one more bad thing like you in their lives.
    Sandwitch: HAHAHAHAHA! The Sandwitch is not bad. Everyone knows that Sandwitches are GOOD!
    Sandwitch: The Sandwitches sisters cast her out because she WASN'T wicked. The Sandwitch wanted nothing to do with their evil plots.
    <Character Name>: Know what I think? I think the Sandwitch is full of baloney!

    <Character Name>: Another illusion? I'm starting to think that the Sandwitch is a chicken!
    <Character Name>: If you're a good Sandwitch, then why do you summon people here to your cave in the middle of the night? Those people VANISH!
    Sandwitch: Kid, you've got the Sandwitch all wrong. The people come to the Sandwitch n their own! They want to escape The Sandsea!
    Sandwitch: ... And they know that the Sandwitch can help them escape the sand Sek-Dyat XV's insane rule.
    Sandwitch: The Sandwitch won't get in the rebel's fight, but she will help the frightened ones... The ones who want to run and live free.
    Sandwitch: And the SANDWITCH is not a chicken! If you really want to come face to face with the Sandwitch, she is in the next room... if you can make it.

    Sandwitch: No more illusions. No more fighting. The Sandwitch senses that you truly wish to help the people.
    <Character Name>: I do. I need the Orb of Light. The rebels are helping me fight it... and I'm helping them with their goals.
    <Character Name>: Why would Sek-Duat send me to finish you?
    Sandwitch: Not long ago, Sek-Duat's guards came to this cave and stole a spell from the Sandwitch.
    Sandwitch: Sek-Duat doesn't want anyone to figure out his plans. The Sandwitch knows what spell he stole, and that is a clue to his ultimate goal.
    <Character Name>: What was the spell that he stole from you? What does it do??
    Sandwitch: That wicked yaga spell raises the dead. The Sandwitch thinks that Sek-Duat XV is obsessed with Sek-Duat the First.
    Sandwitch: He wants to raise his dead ancestor, to continue his rule. It will be a disaster for this land.
    Sandwitch: The Sandwitch does not know all the ingredients in the spell... but she knows the Orb of Light must be used.
    <Character Name>: So he DOES have the orb, or at least he knows where it is. Thanks Sandwitch. You've helped a lot.
    <Character Name>: Sek-Duat XV has to think that I got rid of you, so you have to stay hidden until this is all over. Can you do that?
    Sandwitch: The Sandwitch is old, but the Sandwitch is no turkey. She knows how to hide. Good luck hero.
    <Character Name>: Thanks. I'm going to need it.

    Done, thanks. ~Leon

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (2/28/2012 13:41:34)

    Traitor, The needs colouring and corrections....

    Sek-Duat XV: You have pleased me greatly, <Character Name>.
    Sek-Duat XV: Tell me, how did you dispose of the Sandwitch? Not even my elite guards could end her miserable life.
    Sek-Duat XV: No, I've changed my mind. All that matters is your ability to get the job done. I remain impressed with your skills.
    Sek-Duat XV: Now I have another task for you, while Zhoom is hunting down the last of the rebels. One of their number has decided to betray his fellows.
    Sek-Duat XV: I want you to go and meet this turncoat. If he is honest about his desire to serve his me, then escort him here. If it is a trap...
    Sek-Duat XV: ...Well you are more than capable of dealing with anything the rebels might have concocted.
    Sek-Duat XV: Here is the map to the meeting location.

    (Take the map to the traitor's meeting place.)

    Sek-Duat XV: Either way bring him to me or dispose of him. Either way, I expect to return with good news <Character Name>. Do not disappoint me.
  • Quest!

    After meeting Kasuf...

    <Character Name>: Kasuf?! YOU are the traitor!?!
    Kasuf: <Character Name>!?! This is ALL WRONG! I told Sek-Duat I would only meet with ZHOOM!
    <Character Name>: What is going on here? Start explaining! If you've sold me out...
    Kasuf: No! I... I was going to tell Sek-Duat that Zhoom was working for the rebels. You are safe... and so is my daughter.
    <Character Name>: Sha'Rae? What are you talking about?
    Kasuf: I found out what Sek-Duat is doing with the rebels. The spell that he stole from the yaga spellbook calls for a strong magical power source...
    Kasuf: That power source is the Orb of Light. The spell also calls for 'the life forces of 100 people who call you an enemy'.
    <Character Name>: Once Sek-Duat XV has rounded up 100 rebels, he plans on exchanging their lives to resurrect Sek-Duat The First!
    Kasuf: The rebels will be undead husks, empty bodies... zombie servants. I... I couldn't risk that happening to my daughter.
    Kasuf: I had to make this deal. I'm sorry.
    <Character Name>: So you're going to trade the names and the locations of the other rebels to keep your own daughter safe?
    <Character Name>: What about fighting for your people? Sha'Rae knows the risks and she's willing to risk her life for her people to be free!
    Kasuf: You don't understand what it means to have a child! I HAD NO CHOICE.
    <Character Name>: You ALWAYS have a choice! You know Sek-Duat XV, and you know that he will hunt down your daughter, no matter what.
    <Character Name>: You're a fool if you think this deal will save her. You nearly doomed the entire rebellion.
    Kasuf: You're right. Of course, you're right! I knew he couldn't be trusted. That's why I lied and told him that Zhoom was secretly working with the rebels.
    Kasuf: I thought that if I could make Sek-Duat get rid of Zhoom then the others might stand a chance. Only...
    <Character Name>: What? What is it?
    Kasuf: ... Zhoom is VERY strong. I couldn't be sure Sek-Duat would be able to finish him so I set a trap.
    Kasuf: This temple is protected by an ancient evil called the Anubis Knight, and we're standing in the middle of his home.
    Kasuf: I was trying to lure Zhoom to his doom before I turned myself in... but I got you instead.
    <Character Name>: WHAT? You decided to wait until NOW to tell me this?
    Kasuf: Well, I was kinda surprised to see you, and I wanted to explain before you... It... slipped my mind.
    <Character Name>: GREAT, now I'm doomed. Thanks. You're a lot of fun to hang out with. Has anyone ever told you that?
    <Character Name>: Maybe we can sneak out of here before...

    The Anubis Knight appears behind Kasuf...

    <Character Name>: ... before that happens.
    Kasuf: It's right behind me, isn't it?
    <Character Name>: Yep. You know, I should just throw you at him as a distraction.
    Kasuf: But you WON'T... right?
    <Character Name>: ...
    Kasuf: RIGHT?!

    Boss Fight - Anubis Knight

    After defeating the Anubis Knight...

    Kasuf: Thank you for saving my life again <Character Name>.
    <Character Name>: I should start charging for this. Maybe Zhoom has the right idea.
    Kasuf: What are you going to to about me?
    <Character Name>: I can't risk handing you over to Sek-Duat XV. If you were willing to rat your own people out, you would easily turn on me.
    <Character Name>: You're good at hiding, so go hide... And this time, STAY hidden. Once this is all over, Sha'Rae will have a lot of questions for you.
    Kasuf: Please, she doesn't have to know.
    <Character Name>: ... That her father is a traitor and a fool? I think she does. You made a mistake, and now you will have to live with it.
    <Character Name>: Just be grateful that things turned out this way. They could have been far worse. Now get out of here and make sure that I do not see you again.

  • Complete Quest!

    Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

  • Varen6398 -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (2/28/2012 14:17:33)

    The Founder's Gauntlet


    Xan: <Character>! It's good to seey ou again. I have something to... discuss with you.

    It should be see you, not Seey ou.

    Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (2/29/2012 13:12:54)

    Hard Way, The needs new colouring and corrections...

    Zhoom: I have good news, <Character Name>. I have located another of the rebels! He rests in the ruins to the west at this very moment hiding from the sun.
    Zhoom: His name is Kasuf, and he has been able to elude me thus far, but I am a patient ranger. His days are numbered and the number is small.
    Zhoom: I would like you to meet me at the ruins and help me capture this desert snake. That will cut his chances of another escape in half.
    Zhoom: Kasuf can hide...but not forever. He will need to leave the ruins for water eventually. There will be no escape for him this time!

    Zhoom: I have chased Kasuf across the desert many times. He is as slippery as a sand trout.
    Zhoom: But finally I have driven him to hide in these ruins. The locals say that there is only one way in and one way out.
    Zhoom: You're going to go in and search for him. He hides himself search well. I will wait here.
    <Character Name>: If he slips past me or tries to run, then you will be waiting here to capture him. A classic squeeze play.
    Zhoom: Very good <Character Name>. You have a quick mind. I may make a ranger of you yet. If you do not return within the hour, I will come looking for you.
    <Character Name>: Don't worry Zhoom. I will find Kasuf.

    Kasuf: Fine...fine. I'm tired of running away. Just take me away.
    <Character Name>: Relax. I'm one of the good guys. My name is <Character Name> and I'm with the resistance same as you.
    <Character Name>: I met one of the other members just before Zhoom captured him. He asked for my help and said he could lead me to the Light Orb.
    Kasuf: AH! If you have come to help us then we still have hope! I will help you with your search but we must escape these ruins first!
    <Character Name>: Zhoom is waiting out front, He knows that is the only way out. I can try to distract him...
    Kasuf: It would never work. Once Zhoom sets his mind to a task, he does not lose focus. He could win a staring contest with Jimmy the Eye.
    <Character Name>: Well...I could try to sneak you out in my backpack...If it can hold that many weapons, then there MUST be room for you.
    Kasuf: Now you're just being silly. I DO know of a secret way out of these ruins but it may be more dangerous than facing Zhoom.
    <Character Name>: I can't risk blowing my cover. Tell me about the other way.
    Kasuf: There is a back door, but there are several desert beasts and doors that stand between us and freedom.
    Kasuf: A <Character Class> of your power should have little trouble with the monsters but the doors are another matter. They are deadly traps.
    Kasuf: Each of the doors has a timed puzzle attached to it. You must find the right combination of 5 ancient glyphs before the timer runs out...
    Kasuf: ...What do you think?
    <Character Name>: I think it sounds kind of fun!
    Kasuf: Monsters and deadly traps are fun? I can't believe that I'm putting my life in your hands.
    <Character Name>: You worry too much, Kasuf. Just stay far behind me...I don't want you getting hurt.

    Kasuf: YOU DID IT! We're alive!
    <Character Name>: Thank me later, right now you need to escape these ruins. Hide yourself and cover your tracks.
    <Character Name>: I'll go back and tell Zhoom I couldn't find you in the ruins. He'll still be after you but this will buy you enough time to hide.
    Kasuf: I can never thank you enough, <Character Name>. The best I can do is pay you in information.
    Kasuf: I'm afraid I don't know much about the Orb of Light but I know another rebel who does.
    Kasuf: Our laws prevent me from telling you her name but you can find her in the Oasis Inn.
    <Character Name>: How will I know her if you can't tell me her name?
    Kasuf: There is a way that we recognize each other. You must walk into the Inn with a Blue Desert Lotus.
    Kasuf: It's ability to survive in the desert against all odds makes it the perfect symbol for our rebellion.
    Kasuf: You must go to The Wastelands, to the west of town. You will find a Blue Desert Lotus somewhere there.
    Kasuf: Bring the flower into the Oasis Inn. She will know that you are a friend of the resistance and she will approach you.
    <Character Name>: Thank you, Kasuf. I know that you're taking a huge risk letting me know these secrets.
    Kasuf: It is no risk at all. I know that I can trust you. Good luck, <Character Name>!
    <Character Name>: You too, now get out of here! You have to run for your life while I go and pick a flower!

  • Complete Quest

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

  • Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/2/2012 15:15:59)

    Oasis Inn, The needs colouring and corrections...

    Zhoom: <Character Name>, I have had reports of resistance activity out in the dunes. If these reports are right then they are up to something.
    Zhoom: If I am lucky I can capture a large number of these rebels at once. I'm going to have to move fast.
    Zhoom: That is why I need you to stay behind for this one <Character Name>. I move faster when I am alone.
    Zhoom: You have earned some free time anyway. If you haven't had a chance to talk around town, now is the time.
    Zhoom: Maybe you should spend some time at the Oasis Inn. Remember to keep your eyes open for rebel activity.

    Explore the Inn until you reach the end...

    Sha'Rae: Thanks for the flower <Character Name>. You know how I love them. I haven't seen you in so long! How have you been?
    <Character Name>: Um... Ho. *whispers* have we met?
    Sha'Rae: *whispers* Of course we haven't met. My father said that you were able to be trusted. He didn't mention that you were slow.
    <Character Name>: Kasuf is your father? He took a bigger risk that I thought, risking himself AND his daughter. He must be really...
    <Character Name>: ...
    <Character Name>: HEY! I'm not slow!
    Sha'Rae: Are you sure? It took you that long to realize that I called you slow.
    <Character Name>: We really don't have time for this. Zhoom could be back at any minute and I can't afford to let him catch me with you.
    Sha'Rae: You don't need to worry about that. The resistance activity in the dunes is a distraction.
    <Character Name>: You mean the rebels set all that up, just so it would be safe to meet?
    Sha'Rae: Yes. We won't get a second shot at taking down Sek-Duat XV, and you are our best hope of doing that.
    Sha'Rae: Several very brave rebels have risked their very lives so we could meet safely, so let's not waste time. I understand that you want the Orb of Light.
    <Character Name>: Yes. Your father told me that you know something about it.
    Sha'Rae: I do. I've studied the orb for several years in secret. I've read every legends and pieced together some of its history.
    Sha'Rae: I'm fairly sure that the Orb of Light is responsible for the Sek-Duat dynasty. Emperor Sek-Duat The First got his hands on it...
    Sha'Rae: ... and he used its power to take control of the Sandsea.
    Sha'Rae: One history that I read said that after Sek-Duat The First took power he came increasingly paranoid.
    Sha'Rae: He had several children but didn't trust any of them. He thought that all his heirs were after his power and he felt that none of them were worthy.
    Sha'Rae: I doubt that a man like that would have trusted anyone with the source of his power. He probably died before telling anyone where he hid it.
    <Character Name>: He would have kept it close. That would mean that the Orb of Light is still is his palace somewhere.
    Sha'Rae: I thought the exact same thing. I take back what I said about you being slow.
    <Character Name>: So I need to get into the palace and find the orb. Any ideas?
    Sha'Rae: Sek-Duat XV already knows that you're working with Zhoom to catch the rebels. You already in his good graces.
    Sha'Rae: But you're going to need to really impress him to get an invite to the palace. I think I know just the thing...
    Sha'Rae: have to defeat my mummy.
    <Character Name>: I saved your dad, now you want me to fight your mom? You must have had a weird childhood.
    Sha'Rae: *blink blink*
    Sha'Rae: I take back taking back saying you were slow.
    Sha'Rae: I said my MUMMY! I unearthed it when I was researching the Sek-Duat dynasty. I was in their family tomb looking for clues to the orb...
    Sha'Rae: ... then I unearthed my discovery. It's a colossal beast, an undead mummified dragon! I unleashed it on the living world.
    Sha'Rae: Now it just sits in the tomb and destroys anyone who gets too close. This beast is a thorn in Sek-Duat's side.
    Sha'Rae: It seems like he's not comfortable with the idea of a giant mummy dragon walking around in his ancestor's tomb.
    <Character Name>: AH! So if I defeat your mummified dragon then Sek-Duat XV will be impressed with me and invite to the palace.
    Sha'Rae: That's what I hope, anyway. Once you have an invite to the palace you can come and go as you please... unless Sek-Duat XV kills you.
    <Character Name>: That's a comforting thought.
    Sha'Rae: You have the ability to get closer to Sek-Duat than any of the rebels every will, and with you at his side... we will have the advantage.
    Sha'Rae: You will be able to foil his plans... get access to palace secrets... who knows what else?! Not to mention you will be able to look for your Orb.
    Sha'Rae: You will find the mummified dragon in the Dynasty Tomb. Now, get out of here before you're discovered!
    Sha'Rae: Oh, and watch your back. Some of the guys in the Inn haven't taken their eyes off you since you came in here.
    Sha'Rae: Good luck <Character Name>, we're all counting on you. The future of the resistance is in your hands.

    You fight 3 Desert Thugs...

    <Character Name>: Who are you guys? What do you want from me?
    Desert Thug: You're not the only one looking for the Orb of Light, <Character Name>.
    <Character Name>: What did you say? How did you... ?
    Desert Thug: Prince Drakath has put a bounty on your head, hero... and we plan to collect it!

    You fight another Desert Thug...

    Leave the Inn...

  • Complete Quest

    Done, thank you. ~Voodoo

  • Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/2/2012 22:44:55)

    Created a location banner for the city of Anomaly - Atrea:


    Also added to the Banners & Tags for Encyclopedia entries.

    Stelios -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/3/2012 2:33:07)

    Paraginium Items needs a link to Hunger Blossom Scythe.

    Done, thanks. Next time please don't use banners on weapons entries. ~Voodoo

    Sorry 'bout that, It was my first 'pedia entry.
    Paraginium Items needs a link to Polished Hunger Blossom Scythe and Honed Hunger Blossom Scythe.

    It's all right. Everyone has to start somewhere. Just one other thing - please add new info as a new post instead of adding to an existing post that was already edited by an AK/Mod (double posting is allowed in the pedia). ~Voodoo

    Gingkage -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/3/2012 4:01:11)

    Here's one of Yolande's randoms. If I messed up, sorry.


    (Other names:)Fire Below

    Location: Atrea-> Yolande->Quests->Random Quest
    Level/Quest/Items required: None
    Release Date:March 2nd, 2012

    Objective: Wargoths minions have stowed away in the caverns under the city.
    Objective completed: Wargoths minions have stowed away in the caverns under the city.

    Scaled Yes/No: Yes
    Experience rewarded (exclude if Scaled = Yes):
    Gold rewarded (exclude if Scaled = Yes):

    (X) Flare Imp
    (X) Fire Imp
    (X) Fiendshroom
    (X) Flamdance
    (1) Flare Imp(1) Fire Imp, (1) Flamdance - Boss


    (Continue with links)

    Vile minions of Wargoth have stowed away in the caverns below the city. Can you clear them out?

    Done, thanks! ~Peachii

    Stelios -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/3/2012 4:16:07)

    Paraginium Items needs links to Sharpened Hunger Blossom Scythe and Moab.

    Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

    Gingkage -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/21/2012 11:01:44)

    The quest Piece of (Fruit)Cake!, A is not scaled like the entry says.

    Done, thanks. ~Leon

    kim346 -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/21/2012 18:26:20)

    The quest Cluck Cluck MOOOOO! cannnot be accessed anymore via Cysero.

    The rare tag is used when a quest is no longer assessible. ~Leon

    golden1231 -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/25/2012 10:11:35)

    Kajaps' Finds needs to be deleted, as it is a duplicate. >_>

    These need to be linked to Kajap's:
    Ravenloss Plushie Cabinet
    Mysterious Card
    Weaver Gauntlet
    Glyhped Obelisk
    Soulweaver Shelf
    Spade Mask

    Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

    golden1231 -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/25/2012 12:45:25)

    More links for Kajap's:

    Fiery Sconse:

    Green Fiery Sconse:

    Broken Soulthread Vial:

    (Sorry about the removed backgrounds.)

    Done before your post. [Niki]

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