RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (Full Version)

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Jay -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/6/2012 23:03:48)

Banner for "Grenwog (Cysero's Garden)":


Also added to Banners & Tags for Encyclopedia entries.

Hopeful Guy -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/16/2012 5:08:11)

Surely all quests relating to this war should have the Friday the 13th Banner instead of the Atrea one?

Atrea banner is preferred as the war can be accessed from Atrea (via Zon'lzz) and might become a permanent content similar to the Rift War. ~Peachii

Dragonman -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/25/2012 9:06:05)

DC Walls needs to have Somean Lion Figurine, Miniature Minotaur, Hydra Memorial Poster, Miniature Hind-in-a-Box, Not Ur Minion!, Dirty Skelly, The Glory of Goober, and Sneevilchaun Terror Statuette added to it's list of contents in Alphabetical order.

Momento Mori needs to be put after Magic banner and light orb nightlight needs to be put after Hockey Mask, for the sake of Alphabetical order

Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

Kalyn Valeheart -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/25/2012 12:07:15)

One of the images to dragon egg symbols in the Secret Cave entry is broken.

It is the same flickr image that is linked to here:�

Known. [Niki]

Dragonman -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/30/2012 18:59:42)

Oaklore Keep needs this Dialogue added to Rolith
The Priestess' Message
If you're below Level 3:
Captain Rolith: *Grumble* The Knight's keep distracting me with an emergency every time you try to tell me about...a message was it?

Hint: Rolith will be more likely to pay attention if you are level 3 or higher. Time to level up!

If you're Level 3 or above:
Captain Rolith: WHAT!?
Captain Rolith: You saw the Priestess on your way here? Why did you not tell me sooner!
Captain Rolith: ... and she isn't going to stop here at the keep? *Panics* The forest is crawling with bandits that are looking for her.
Captain Rolith: She is in grave danger... you must go after her!

Button:It is hero time. Go Save Her!
Takes you to The Black Dragon Box quest.

Button:Maybe later...
Captain Rolith: Listen... I will have you know that this is a VERY IMPORTANT storyline quest.
Captain Rolith: Sure... I understand, you want to go explore the keep some more and look at all the funny Knight names.
Captain Rolith: Except for mine... my name is the only one that is serious.
Captain Rolith: Serious...
Captain Rolith: Serious like the storyline quest! So next time you come back you better go on that quest and save her!
Captain Rolith: Quests like this one do not just sit around until you eventually feel like doing them.
Captain Rolith: OK... they do. BUT that is not the point!

I stole this info from the Captain Rolith page of the pedia

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Dragonman -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/30/2012 19:28:27)

DC Shrubs needs Statue of Pandora, ChikenCow Statue, and Traveler's Gryphon Statue added to it's contents.

It should read

Artix Statue
ChikenCow Statue
Flower Garden
Lawn Sneevil
Leafy Bush
Mini Giant-Cysero Statue
Rolith Statue
Statue of Pandora
Traveler's Gryphon Statue
Zhoom Statue

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Dragonman -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/1/2012 17:04:59)

Surewould ForestNeeds this Dialogue added

First Time entering the forest

Sneevil runs across screen carrying the Black Dragon Box and is ensnared in Robina's trap flies up hung upside-down by his leg and drops the Black Dragon Box

Robina:This is too easy...
Sneevil: My Box! My Box! Gimme back my box!
Robina:Sorry, these boxes are now rightful property of Robina the Hood and her Band of Merry Women
Sneevil:*Snort* When I get down from here I'll... I'll...
Robina: bring me some morer boxes, right?
Sneevil:*Snort* HEY! ALL of those are my boxes!

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Dragonman -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/3/2012 21:12:18)

Walk through Fire has a portion of the dialogue mislabled


Drakath: I know more than you think <Character Name>:. Anyways, Sepulchure gives the orders... for now. I can not fail him.
Drakath: And I can't let you walk off this island with the orb. You can either give me the orb and run away...
Drakath: ... Or I can take it back, and you can CRAWL away.
Drakath: There is nothing you can do to me that is worse than the price for failing Sepulchure.

Both times I say Drakath in bold should say <Character Name>

Done, thanks. ~Leon

Dragonman -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/3/2012 21:27:36)

I think you misunderstood what it should actually say is:


Drakath: I know more than you think <Character Name>:. Anyways, Sepulchure gives the orders... for now. I can not fail him.
<Character>: And I can't let you walk off this island with the orb. You can either give me the orb and run away...
<Character>: ... Or I can take it back, and you can CRAWL away.
Drakath: There is nothing you can do to me that is worse than the price for failing Sepulchure.

Fixed before reading this post, thanks. ~Leon

Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/6/2012 11:47:24)

Eye War Shop I'm pretty sure is safe to have a Falconreach banner, also you can still get these helms, if my memory does me right!

The helms are still rare.

Noxus Fumes needs colouring....

Artix: It looks like the last of Sepulchure's undead army is being taken care of my the other heroes of Falconreach.
Artix: That means that we are free to go down into the Necropolis and finish this.
Artix: We have to get the Darkness Orb from Noxus at all costs!

<Character Name>: I can't believe the Necropolis is so empty now that the army is defeated!
Artix: I cannot believe how much power you and the other heroes of Falconreach have when you work toward a common goal!
Artix: I had a great time stomping those skeletons into the ground. I just wish there had been more.
<Character Name>: Artix... we beat 5 million of them... you beat the other 5 million by yourself!
Artix: I KNOW! I feel like I got ripped off! Oh well, at least Noxus should have something interesting up his sleeve...
Artix: ...I just hope that we are ready for whatever he throws at us.
<Character Name>: I hope that HE'S ready for US! Let's go... We can't let him escape with the Darkness Orb!

You fight 7 Necrotized Creatures

Noxus: Ah good, Artix and <Character's Name>. Right on time.
<Character Name>: Surrender the Darkness Orb, Noxus, and we may just let you walk out of Doomwood.
<Character Name>: Sepulchure has his own ways of dealing with failures like you.
Noxus: Give YOU the Darkness Orb? You could not control its power. I would never hand it over to you...even if I had it.
<Character Name>: You don't have it?
Artix: Only a necromancer with the power of the Darkness Orb could have built that army.
Noxus: Don't you fools understand yet?
Noxus: Artix, the day that you and Vayle came out of the Guardian Tower, Vayle brought the power with her...
Noxus: ...Lady Vayle IS the Elemental Orb of Darkness now...
Noxus: ...and I alone control her!

I had spent months trying to enter the chamber beneath the Guardian Tower...
...But on that day I felt the power of the orb leave the chamber on its own.
...Imagine my surprise when I felt all that dark power flowing from a little girl...
...I knew that the orb had chosen to bind with this girl, and if I couldn't control the orb...
...Then I would control the girl. After I 'saved' her from the town we watched it burn together...
...and I began to teach her.

Vayle: Thank you for saving me Master Noxus, but my brother... I wish you could have saved him too.
Vayle: I wish I wasn't too late.
Noxus: When you are a necromancer, child, there is no such thing as "too late".
Vayle: !!!
Noxus: I can teach you, if you like. Simply focus on your brother's energy... image capturing it in a bottle.
Vayle: Master Noxus! I did it! I can feel him inside that crystal!
Edgar: Hhhehhhelllp Mmmmeeeeeeeee
Vayle: It sounds... it sounds like he's in pain. Oh, how do we help him?!
Noxus: He just wants to live again, that is all.
Noxus: We will find a way, Vayle. If you become my student, I will teach you all that I know and we will find a way to bring him back.
Vayle: Do you promise? Do you promise that you can bring Edgar back?
Noxus: It will take much hard work on your part, but yes... I promise, Vayle.

Noxus: Since that day I have been using her... the power inside her... for myself.
Noxus: I had to be careful not to teach her too much. With the Orb bound to her, she could easily overpower me.
Noxus: The years passed and I raised her as a necromantress.
Noxus: In time, with her help, I became Dean of Necromancy University and she became my star student.
Noxus: Once you two troublemakers are finished, she will be able to rebuild Sepulchure's undead army in a matter of moments.
<Character Name>: So you never even planned on helping her use necromancy to raise her brother?
Noxus: Raise her brother? Necromancy is using dark power to control the dead... not revive them.
Noxus: Necromancy may have that kind of power but I've never seen it.
Noxus: Besides, how would I control her if I returned her brother to her? What would have been the point of killing him in the first place?
Artix: Killing him? He died as a result of the Green Mist. Do you mean that you...?
Noxus: That's right. The Green Mist was a deadly disease that I created to wipe out that village... YOUR village, Artix.
Noxus: If I had known that your exposure to the Orb made you resistant to my corruption I would have made other... arrangements.
Noxus: Especially considering what a thorn in my side that both you and <Character's Name> have become.
Noxus: All that ends here and now. I will finish you like I should have years ago. I will re-create the undead army...
Noxus: ... and I will continue using Vayle as my puppet, for as long as I can use her brother as bait.
Vayle: All these years... I TRUSTED YOU! YOU HAVE BEEN USING ME!!
Noxus: Vayle! You misunderstood me. Let me make it clear to you.
Vayle: No more of your LIES, "Master" Noxus!
Vayle: <Character Name>, I can never forgive what you have done... there still may have been hope... but let me help you finish Noxus
Vayle: With all of our power combined, this slug cannot possibly stand against us.

* Vayle joins your party*

Noxus: BAH! I was going to have to kill you for the Orb eventually, child. Now is as good a time as any.
Noxus: COME! Face NOXUS and now the power of a TRUE NECROMANCER!

You fight Noxus and 2 Minions

<Character Name>: Thank you for your help, Vayle.
Vayle: Save your thanks, <Character Name>. Noxus is defeated and the Necropolis is empty. That is enough for now.
<Character Name>: But... the Darkness Orb... what will you do?
Vayle: I will continue trying to find a way to save my brother. I still believe the key is in Necromancy.
<Character Name>: Will you stay here at the University?
Vayle: No, but Necromancy University has been here for centuries. Another master will come along and claim it.
Vayle: I know that you and Sepulchure both need the power of the Darkness Orb, so I know we will meet again.
Vayle: Just be ready for me. Next time that we meet it may not be as friends.
<Character Name>: I'll be ready. Farewell, Vayle.
Vayle: Farewell, <Character Name>.

A few weeks later...

???: Hello?

Sally appears from the entrance of the Necropolis...

Sally: It's so empty...
Sally: This will make the best doll house EVER!
Sally: ...and it's all MINE!

Also along with the above, the very end talks about downloading the song, the link is broken, might as well delete that sentence!

Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/7/2012 16:08:49)

Ground to a Halt needs colouring....

Yix: Airheart is reporting that her mechgryphon has been throwing off sparks and making a disturbing grinding noise upon takeoff.
Yix: She suspects an act of sabotage, but hopes it's only a mechanical problem.
Yix: She's heard that mysterious gnome has a wide selection of widgets and gadgets to fix things. She'd like you to see if he has anything to help her.

Gryphons Gone Wild! needs colouring and corrections...

Yix: SOMEone has caused the gryphons in the hatchery to go crazy! Our spies report Balthar has a new machine...
Yix: It looks like a whistle, but if it makes noise, only the gryphons can hear it. Diabolical!
Yix: Please go subdue and round up the escaped gryphons on the far side of the island before they wreak even more havoc.
Yix: Once they're all back, we'll need to modify the hatchery walls, I think.

<Character Name>: Finally, the last mechagryphon. I hope we get Balthar taken care of soon, because I do NOT want to have to do this again.

Yix: Excellent job, <Character Name>! We'll be sure to sound-proof the hatchery after this, I promise!

Pipe Dreams needs colouring and corrections...

Yix: Balthar's robots drove all of us here to the edge of town. We've been able to barricade ourselves here out the outskirts.
Yix: We can't open the barricade for you without risking everyone else...but there may be another way in.
Yix: If you can get into the project delivery tunnels and open the 4 steam matrix gates, then you'll have a safe way into town.
Yix: You'll have to work fast. Once you activate the steam, you'll only have a short time to alter the matrix so it will release the gate lock!
Yix: There are intercom tubes next to each gate, so you let me know when you're ready for me to start the steam.
Yix: If you take too long, or you can't fix the matrix before the steam is released...the pressure alarms will draw some of the Cyklon guards.
Yix: Don't worry, it's much easier than it sounds and I'll walk you through it over the intercom tubes!
Yix: Grab your pipe wrench, <Character>! We might only have one shot at this.

  • Quest! - Begin Quest
  • Back! - Go back to previous dialogue

    Once you fight your way through some monsters you will reach the first gate...

    <Character Name>: Ok, Um.. Testing, 1, 2... YIX?! I'M AT THE FIRST GATE! WHAT DO I DO NOW?!?!
    Yix: First, stop yelling. I can hear you fine at your normal speaking volume. Next, you'll have to rework the steam matrix to open the gate.
    <Character Name>: How do I do that?
    Yix: As soon as you approach the gate the steam will start making its way to the matrix. You will only have a short time before it starts filling the pipes!
    Yix: The steam will start at the steam valve in the Upper Left.
    Yix: You will need to start clicking the boxes of the matrix and cycle through the pieces...
    Yix: ... and build a path for the steam down to the pressure gauge in the lower right.
    Yix: Remember, the steam will only go in one direction and it will always go straight when it can!
    Yix: If you don't get the matrix reworked in time, it will set off a pressure alarm and you'll have to fight a cyklon guard and do it over.
    Yix: Ready to get started?

    Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

  • Jay -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/8/2012 17:48:29)

    I reran through the Ambush in the Bushes and Zorbaks' Prank and discovered that the XP and Gold values I received were different (I am currently Level 10 on my second account). I don't know whether the values are scaled, or if they've just been updated (I don't have the XP Boost on my secondary, just my main). Could I have some confirmation of this?

    I received 33 XP, 4 Gold for Ambush in the Bushes and 28 XP, 3 Gold for Zorbak's Prank. (Level 12 on another character.) ~Leon

    Pentium III -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/15/2012 20:57:38)

    There is a typo at Nythera's Stocking the Shelves Dialogue.

    Nythera: One of my duties as Warlic's apprentce is to make sure his potion and reagent shelves stay stocked

    It should be Warlic's apprentice.

    Fixed, thanks. ~Leon

    Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/18/2012 20:22:28)

    Banner for Aika Village: [image][/image]


    Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/21/2012 20:10:51)

    Three posts above mine: So it should say Varied correct?

    War Rare House Shop and War Shop should have a Popsprocket Banner instead!

    RavenLoss Warmonger needs the tag to be not centered and it needs a Ravenloss Banner

    ChaosWeaver Defender needs a Ravenloss Banner

    RavenLoss War Chest needs a Ravenloss Banner

    Ptolemy Purchase needs a Ravenloss Banner

    Friday the 13th Invasion - The Last Stand needs corrections and colouring....

    Rewards None shouldn't be italicized, and dialogue needs help...

    Zorbak: Meh, all the heroes keep breaking the masks. I think I have enough to...
    <Character Name>: ZORBAK!
    Zorbak: !
    Zorbak: What?
    <Character Name>: Are you responsible for this undead attack on the town?
    Zorbak: Meh, no! I was looking to start a Hockey Team and these undead skeletons just happened to be plodding through.
    <Character Name>: You have to be kidding me...
    <Character Name>: Are you telling me you say here and put hockey masks on soldiers from SOMEONE ELSE'S undead army?
    <Character Name>: Anyway, the season is nearly over. It's a bit late to start a new team.
    Zorbak: Meh, its never to early to start training.
    Zorbak: We're going to use Twig as the puck.
    Twilly: Zorbak!? What are you doing here?
    Zorbak: Mind your own business! Shouldn't you be getting kicked around by someone?
    <Character Name>: Wait... so where did all of these undead come from then?
    Zorbak: Doomwood, outside of Amityvale... and since you broke all of these I am headed there to get more.


    Zorbak: Oh, looks like there is one left. Meh heh heh...dang, i wanted that one to be my Ghoulie.
    Zorbak: Later.
    <Character Name>: ?
    Twilly: ?

    Zorbak disappears and you fight a Deadwood Destroyer...

    After defeating the boss...

    Zorbak: See you in Amityvale! Meh heh heh....

    Victory Screen

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/23/2012 17:42:25)

    Dragesvard Under Attack, needs the quests and this link to have Dragesvard Banners instead of Falconreach Banners.

    No. The point of origin for these quests was Falconreach and not Dragesvard.

    Going East needs one line corrected... 2nd from bottom... Yulgar: Be on the look out for attacks and head off the fire monsters before they over-run the west as well.

    Simply remove bold and there's the correction.

    Growing Darkness, The needs the correct Galanoth colour....

    Galanoth: The prophecy...

    The Hatchling Hunt Two things, 1 - (1) Should be beside the boss, 2 - Galanoth doesn't need to be in the NPC's as he is not part of the quest except pre - dialogue

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/25/2012 16:42:31)

    Battle Turkey Upgrade needs one more set of dialogue....and corrections to the others....

    Thankstaking War!

    Voltabolt: Haf you come to show me ze proof of your victories or are you willing to admit that zcience is superior to magic?

    Thankstaking 08

    Dr. Voltabolt: I haf created many rewards to thank you vor helping me tezt my creation, <Character Name>. All you need is Turkey Feathers and Corn Kernels.

    Thankstaking 2011

    Robina: Happy Thankstaking, <Character Name>!

    Slushroom Princess needs updating and colouring.....

    Hero: Ash! Princess Slushroom has been kidnapped! We have to save her!

    Ash: WOW!
    Ash: This flower is beautiful!
    Ash: Maybe it'll cheer up the mystery girl... she doesn't seem to enjoy being a frog...

    Browser: FUNGUS!
    Browser: My plans are foiled again!
    Slushroom: Ffffffoser.
    Slushroom: Ffffhank fffou, Ffffash, fffut ffour Fffrinfresss is fin finofer castle! (*Thank you Ash, but our Princess is in another castle!)
    Ash: I...
    Ash: ...Seriously?!
    Ash: You couldn't have told me that 2, 3, even 5 battles ago?
    Ash: And have you just been watching the entire time?
    Ash: You couldn't help out?
    Ash: I mean, you're a retainer, but man, I know you fungi types have some moves...
    Slushroom: Fffeesh... fffive feee a bbbreak, fffeere. I fffforfffot fffy bbbafoooka at ffffome! (*Sheesh... give me a break here. I forgot my bazooka at home!)
    Ash: ...

    Ash: Here you go.
    Twilly: Twillies hasn't ever seen a flower like this before...
    Ash: I found this in the slushroom castle and thought that it would cheer you up.
    Ash: Oh, I... I didn't think you'd eat it...
    Ash: Oh wow! It must have been a magic flower!
    Princess?: ...
    Princess?: ...
    Ash: having trouble finding the right words? It's okay, there's no need to thank me...

    Ash: That wasn't exactly how I imagined it...
    Ash: Ow...

    Ash: Well, at least you look human again.... frog wasn't your best look.
    Yulgar: Ash...
    Twilly: RUN!
    Ash: Don't hurt me! Please!
    Ash: Stop shooting fireballs at me!!!!
    Ash: Okay, I'm sorry for trying to kiss you all those times!
    Ash: ...wait, what's that look?
    Ash: Oh no, you thought it was only twice didn't you...

    Several hours later...

    Ash: Phew, ok, I think I lost her...
    Ash: ...
    Ash: Now, which way is.... uh, out?
    Ash: OW!!!!
    Ash: Why would someone leave this STUPID junk lying around?!
    Ash: Oh... Guess he didn't have much choice.
    Ash: Actually, it's not bad.
    Ash: ...

    Ash equips Young Hero Class Armor...

  • Complete Quest

    Done, thanks! ~Voodoo

  • Gingkage -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/3/2012 12:38:19)

    In the quest Sneak Attack, Heart Elemental should be removed and Energy Elemental should be added.

    Hmm, I think this quest used to be random but now contains only one set of monsters.

    In the quests Earth Titan!, Energy Titan!, Fire Titan!, Ice Titan!, Water Titan!, and Wind Titan the Gold and Experience given is incorrect. You actually get 2200 Experience and 330 Gold.

    All confirmed and done, thanks. [Niki]

    Razen -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/6/2012 15:18:29)

    In the quest, The Hunt Begins, there are 4 Ashen Knights, not 3.

    My bad. Done, thanks! ~Voodoo

    Gingkage -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/7/2012 21:19:13)

    The link for the Elite Sneenja for the page Stealing Black Stars is broken.

    Fixed, thanks. [SamJJE101]

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/13/2012 13:29:23)

    Cysero's Superstore of Savings! - Cysero's Weapons needs Cysero's Hamsterclysm to go under Wands rather than Staffs!

    Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

    Gingkage -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/13/2012 22:57:36)

    The link for the Minions on the Noxus Fumes page is broken.

    Fixed, thanks. ~Leon

    Dragonman -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/16/2012 12:03:34)

    It may need confirmation, but I did Braughlmurk Crypt 11 times and only got Braughlmurk binding. I would say unless someone has a record of getting Bone shards, not to put them on the page.

    Jorath -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/16/2012 12:19:50)

    Dragonman66: Would it be better if you try doing the quest a few more times? Sometimes you do not get the same item 5 or more times in a row.

    Dragonman -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/16/2012 12:43:37)

    Alright I'll ty it, but if I've fully upgraded my destiny wep without getting a single Bone shard I'd say tere aren't any

    Ultimately, it depends on the item drop rates. You won't know what you will get. ~Leon

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