April Fool's 2012 (Full Version)

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Balu -> April Fool's 2012 (7/7/2012 8:22:20)

April Fools 2012 (No tricks this time... Really!)

Today's Event > Hunt for Loco!

Every year at this time, the ethereal prison Trickster God, Loco, comes near to Lore, and he reaches out to wreak havoc.

Maybe this year... maybe you can catch him before things get really crazy.

«Scene: Battleon town square.»

«You»: Alright. This is it. Every year Loco does SOMETHING that plunges Lore into chaos. I have to remain vigilant. He will NOT catch me off guard agai-

«A bunch of Loco masks appear and screen turns white, showing you and Loco.»

Loco: «You»! It has been too long! You never call, you never write... I'd almost think you were avoiding me!
«You»: Loco! What have you done!? Where am I? What happened to Battleon?
Loco: Is that all you have to say? We haven't seen each other in a year and all you can think about is you? «You», I'm hurt. *sniffle*
«You»: LOCO!
Loco: Oh you're no fun at all. Fine, if you really must know, you're dead.
«You»: Liar. Nowhere looks nothing like this.
Loco: Astute observation, little mortal. Ok, you got me. You aren't dead. I just moved your consciousness to somewhere a little quieter.
«You»: And Battleon?
Loco: "Battleon. Battleon!" You heroic types are like a broken record! Can't you be a little more original than that?
Loco: Well rest assured, your precious Battleon is safe for now. But I can't promise it will stay that way.
«You»: What are you planning?
Loco: Ah-ah-ah, that would be telling. Though I don't suppose you're in any position to stop me. Hmm...what to do, what to do...oh! How about a magic trick?
Loco: Do you like ventriloquism?
«You»: Stop that!
Loco: I'm sorry, «You». I'm afraid I can't do that. But you've been a good sport, so I think I'll let you see what's happening in the outside world again.
Loco: I'm sure that once you do you'll understand that I'm-

«Scene fades back to Battleon town square showing Loco possessing «You».»

Loco: Assuming direct control. Ahhh, you are a little snug though...
Loco: Now the fun can begin. I wonder what that blue mage is doing...

«Scene shows the inside of Warlic's shop, with Warlic standing near a bubbling cauldron and «You» entering from the left.»

Loco: Hello Warlic, thought I smelled cheese and feet. Oddly enough following the aroma led me to you making dinner. How shocking.
Warlic: Um...hello, «You». I am actually brewing up a new batch of frogzard bait.
Loco: *Snickers* Is it that lonely around here?
Warlic: You feeling alright? You seem... a little more abrasive than I recall.
Loco: Oh I'm doing great Warlic. In fact I am just dying to help you with that new potion.
Warlic: O...k, well if you would like to hand me a pinch of the Inferno Coral.

«Close-up of «You» arm reaching towards a shelf with ingredients.»

Loco: Oooops. Ole butterfingers here!

«The arm brushes all the ingredients off the shelf.»

Warlic: N.n..n...Nooooo!

«Scene shows an explosion, then Warlic charred black from the shoulders above.»

Warlic: *Cough* That was less than helpful.
Loco: Looks like there's a mess to clean up, although I must say that explosion did wonders for your face. Well I'm off!

«Scene fades to black, then shows the interior of Yulgar's Inn with Hans at the counter and «You» entering from the left.»

Loco: Franz! Hard at work holding up that counter I see!
Hans: Huh? Heya «You». Pretty slow around here today. Looking to expand your inventory?
Loco: Nah, I have enough junk from your shop to last me a lifetime.

«A question mark appears above Hans's head.»

Hans: Oh, well ok. Well I would say if you need help finding something let me know, but...
Loco: No Hans, why don't you let me help you with that mop on top of your head.

«An arm pulling on what seems to be a pair of stretched underwear.»

«Scene goes back to the interior of Yulgar's Inn, showing a dazed Hans with his underwear pulled over his head.»

Loco: Ahhh see, not a hair out of place. The ladies won't be able to resist you in that hood Hans! Especially since it now covers most of your face.
Hans: ...... *grrrrr*
Loco: No, no need to thank me! Well I'm off to see what Blackhawke is up to...

«Scene fades to black then shows the upstairs of Yulgar's Inn, with Blackkawke on the right and «You» entering from the left.»

Loco: Hello Blackhawke, keeper of the restrooms!
Blackhawke: Heh, hello to you «You». What brings you this way?
Loco: I want to be a great fighter like you some day!
Blackhawke: That's more like it! What would you like me to teach you?
Loco: How do you keep the toilets so sparkling? Does that blade have a scrubber attachment?
Blackhawke: Did you bump your head coming up the stairs?
Loco: Nope, just think your look doesn't fit your occupation. Hmmm... yeah. Y'know what, let's see if I can't fix that for you...

«Scene background changes to a orange-red color filled with animated smoke.»

Loco: Yes... put this here. Oh yes and fluff that up!
Blackhawke: STOP! What're you doing? No, don't touch that!

«Scene goes back to the upstairs of Yulgar's Inn, showing «You» on the left and Blackhawke dressed in pink female attire on the right.»

Loco: There we go! You are looking fab-u-lous Pinkhawke! Now you are ready to tackle that pesky mildew!
Blackhawke: The only thing pesky here is your attempt at humor. You've crossed the line and I'm going to mop the floor with you!
Loco: You'll have to catch me first Pinkhawke. That skirt looks like it may hinder your running!

«HA! HA!»

«Scene: Battleon town square.»

Loco: That should fetch me just the results I was looking for. Here in about 3...2..1

«Blackhawke, Warlic and Hans, with their weapons drawn, enter from the right.»

Blackhawke: There he is! You are going to pay for your mean-spirited *humor*!
Loco: Oh lighten up Pinkhawke. I'm tired of you being all goody-goody. If you can't take a joke, that's not my problem.
Hans: What about arranging my underwear on my head was a joke?
Loco: *Snickers* You boys want to do something about it or just stand there and yap?
Warlic: Never thought I'd be saying this to a hero of Battleon -- but you must be stopped!
Loco: Looks like that's my cue to get out of this body... it's been fun, «You». I can't WAIT until next year!

«The ethereal form of Loco leaves your body.»

«You»: Ugh my head... Hey wait! What are you doing with that axe Hans?!«Scene: Battleon town square. «You» on the left. Warlic, Blackhawke and Hans on the right.»

Warlic: I can enjoy a good prank, but causing explosions in my shop was not funny...
Hans: Yeah and I won't be walking right for a week!
Blackhawke: YOU... MADE... ME... PINK!!
«You»: STOPPPP! My body was overtaken by Loco. He was running around as me pulling those pranks!
Warlic: Well that would explain a few things. We must stay on the alert if Loco is indeed running around.
Hans: I didn't think he had legs.
Blackhawke: Meddlesome clown! If I ever get my hands on him I'll... I'll... *sigh* At least we won't have to go through with banishing you from Battleon.

April Fools 2012

Shop Armors:
  • Loco Costume [L. 4, 25, 46, 88, 109, 130]
  • Loco Costume G [L. 67 G, 150 G]
  • Loco Costume Z [L. 120 Z]

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  • Guardian Tower!
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