Castle Nostromo (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Castle Nostromo (8/3/2015 22:18:37)

Castle Nostromo

Location: Castle Valtrith (Town) -> Symone -> Calamity Saga -> Castle Nostromo
Requirements: Completion of The Valtrith Tomb
Release Date: August 1st, 2015

Objective: You've climbed from the depths of the Valtrith tomb into the ruins of their ancestral castle... and you're not alone!
Objective completed: You've escaped from Castle Nostromo! Will you be able to use what you've learnt about Jaysun though?

Experience rewarded: 2400
Gold rewarded: 480

(1) Void Queen - Titan Boss


Emerald Key
Voidhugger Helm (All Versions)

Access to Voidhugger DC, Star Captain Belts and Star Captain DC Belts

*The character, Valencia and Symone climb through a cave without knowing that they are in the middle of Castle Nostromo.*

*Valencia looks down on a cloak scrap lay nearby. Symone accidentally stepped onto a skeleton remains and a gust of wind blow. The three of you quickly got panicked.*

Symone: Run. Now.
Valencia: This way!

*From a distance it seems like a monster is coming its way towards the three of you*

Symone: The door! Help me!

*Symone managed to knock open the door*

Symone: QUICK! Get in and shut the door!!!

*Valencia stick a magical scroll onto the door*

Valencia: Here! I found this scroll years ago in Oaklore storage. It's magic should-

*The monster tries to break open the door but to no avail*

Valencia: What.... What was that?
Symone: That was a monster, Treasure Hunter, and we're trapped in the middle of its lair.
Valencia: Heh, we're not just in the middle of its lair... I think we're in Dyana's room.
Symone: At least you'll have something to read while I take care of the current resident.

  • Hunt as Symone
    Loads Shadow Hunter (Symone)

  • Read the Diary


    (Page 1) I hate it here. I hate my family. Why couldn't I have been a Valorous? We're supposed to hate them because the dragons favored them and then Lord Valorous disappeared with their gift... I bet he went on an adventure! He went to save a town from the Night Knight Pugs Frydae or the Goddess Arkana! He's probably been trapped in a dungeon or under a spell for the last 400 years... one day he'll come back with the dragon's gift and I won't have to be afraid anymore. He'll save me and all the townspeople from my family and we'll go and stop the Drakaths, and the Frydae's, and the Darkspyre's. and the Duat's and all the fighting will finally be over....

    (Page 2) Jaysun broke all my mixing bowls. Mother just looked at me with disappointment. How am I supposed to defend myself against him? I hate fighting. I hate hurting people. Jaysun loves it! "He's already broken three masks and he's two years younger than you!" I hate masks. I hate them! Mother and Father took us both down to the tomb so he could hang his masks and with every coffin we passed, Jaysun just bragged about how he would have even more broken masks than Great Great Great Grandma Ripley or ol' Grandpa Fredrick. It just creeps me out to go down there.....

    (Page 3) Grandpa Walter said he would teach me about potions. If I can't fight with my fists, I can fight with my mind he said. "If you learn enough, you could be the 'danger"".

    I don't want to be the danger... I want to be the one who bakes.

    But maybe I can learn to make a potion to make Jaysun turn into a frog!

    (Page 4) I took the last sweetroll and I made Jaysun mad... I didn't know he wanted it! I didn't mean to make him mad!

    He took me to the center of the castle... to the old bricked up door... and he just put his hand on it and said he'd let it out. He'd let out the thing Great Grandma Ripley trapped and it would eat me.

    I hate him.

    (Page 5) I don't know why they even want me at war council meetings. I'd rather be baking or cleaning or painting or... anything! I guess Father still holds out hope that I'll discover my "inner warrior".

    It's all just yelling back and forth. Jaysun wants to attack the Drakaths, the Duats, the Iadoas... just everyone! Mother and Father, for all their pride at his pile of broken masks, keep trying to advise caution... to get him to plan his attacks.

    But Jaysun doesn't like to wait for his enemy to come to him.

    (Page 6) Jaysun... he found something out in Deadlands.

    It's a cape. Made of shadow.

    He says it's made of his enemies souls. That with every soul he traps, he'll become even more powerful.

    I'm scared for the Drakaths... for the Duats.... for the Darkspyres... for everyone.

    (Page 7) Mother and Father are... gone. Jaysun was tried of waiting to take over and he... he devoured them.... I thought that his cape was going to take me too but... but he just laughed and I said that I was wasn't worth it... that he needed someone to bake his bread.

    (Page 8) I remember what Grandpa Walter taught me. I remember the stories about Lord Valorous, I've heard about the bravery of Ash Alteon, of the horrors that Great Grandpa Ripley went through to take this castle and trap the evil inside it....

    I can't... I can't kill him... but I can stop him. I can be brave... I can be the danger... I can stop Jaysun.

    I have to.

    (Page 9) Oh, by the Avatars... what's happened? How long have I been asleep for? A man in a hood pulled me from my tomb... My tomb!

    There were shadowy figures around Jaysun's tomb... but all that was left was his mask surrounded by shadow. He should have been asleep! The potion worked on me.... Did... did his shadow cape devour him too?

    The castle is in ruins... I managed to escape them and get to my room but... but whatever was trapped in center is out now. I can hear the screams....

    They wanted me to show them the way out but they have the cape.... I can make a potion to forget.... then no one will ever find it. The Valtrith Clan will finally be buried.


    Directions to Boss fight:
    Entrance -> Down -> Far Left -> Left -> Bottom Left -> 2 Down -> Enter room with a white gem on top -> Walk over to Exosuit

    At one of the spaceship remains:
    Ashendal: Y..y...y...bzzzzzztttt Error in primary...
    Ashendal: Hah. Just kidding.
    Ashendal: This place just felt like it needed the head of an Ash so I wandered in before you got here.
    Ashendal: This ship managed to escape the reset due to the overal mess that the cappuccino made when it spilled.
    Ashendal: That made a bunch of errors like this one that never got fixed. It's still in the process of being corrupted as you can see.
    Ashendal: When you leave I'll hop back to when The Reset finished and see why this never got adjusted or cleared of the Shadowscythe tech.
    Ashendal: You'll have problems of your own soon enough though. Big, chompy, angry, dragony problems.
    Ashendal: I won't lie about your chances, Symone. I also know you probably have no idea what the other stuff I was talking about meant.
    Ashendal: That wasn't really for you, but the person on the other side of that barrier where I'm staring. They can talk in the lore thread on the forums later.
    Ashendal: Alright, off you go. Can't have you sitting around here listening to me drone on. Perfect creature waiting to chomp on you and all that.

    You may find two separate chests somewhere in the dungeon:
  • Jaysun's Loot DO NOT TOUCH!
    Opens Star Captain Belts shop

  • Jaysun's Loot DO NOT TAKE!
    Opens Star Captain DC Belts shop

    Once you've found the Exosuit:
  • What's this?

  • Put on the suit!
    Loads Bone Exoskeleton
  • Leave

  • What's that noise?
    Battle Void Queen

    *Symone returns and knocks on the door.*

    Symone: .... It's me.
    Valencia: It took you long enough.

    Symone: I had to find you some treasure.
    <Character>: Let's get out of here.

    *The character, Valencia and Symone escaped the castle. Meanwhile, several void eggs are about to hatch...*

  • Complete Quest
  • DC Loot Shop
    Opens Voidhugger DC shop

    Headlines from mousing over things throughout the quest:

    "Something was clawing frantically at the stone."
    "The passage up is choked with stones and dirt."
    "Something has been clawing at the walls... but these marks seem to be hundreds of years old."
    "These things are definitely suspicious...."
    "Whatever is in this jar is brown... and smelly... and moving...."
    "An ancient storage closet. That thump must have been a board finally rotting through...."
    "It feels like the mask is watching you...."
    "The doors seem to be welded shut...."
    "Green and purple slime ooze out of the wood."
    "The stones are deeply grooved with claw marks."
    "Dust and webs cover these ancient, dryed out candles."
    "The barrel is filled with rope and gear ... it's old but only by years, not centuries."
    "A giant web... but you haven't seen any spiders...."
    "A strip of blue cloth... it looks familiar."
    "The bones are gnawed and broken. A twisted hood with purple spikes lies near it."
    "Purple and green slime coats these bones."
    "A lone skull... where's the rest of the body?"
    "The door was forcefully ripped from the wall."
    "Dust covered tusks remain mounted on the wall."
    "A gaping hole grows in the wall."
    "A huge chunk of celing has fallen... or was it pulled down?"
    "The tattered remains of the curtain are wet... but there isn't a hole in the roof here."
    "The bone has been picked clean of any flesh."
    "Do not put your hand in this. NO, DON'T DO IT."
    "These bricks and stones once blocked the doorway but something ripped them from the wall."
    "Cracks have formed in the archway... from something pushing through it?"
    "Something is glowing within all the collapsed rubble. You should leave that alone."
    ""Hypersleep Sarcophogus" is etched into a plate on the side."
    "The bones seem to be sorted... for what? Snacks?!"
    "Green and black slime coats the walls."
    "The bones are coated in slime... or drool. Gross."
    "How did that get up there?"
    "A pile of gnawed skulls."
    "You can ehar steam hissing gently... yeah, steam. It must be steam."
    "The hammer doesn't belong with the ancient technology here...."
    "Bricks and a bucket of hardened mortar."
    "Buttons for scans of any medical issue... all long dark."
    "Deep grooves mar the floor where ancient equipment was pulled out."
    "These are buttons for bandages and medicine."
    "Is that... a handprint?"
    "Whoever was bricking up the walls left in a hurry."
    "You can hear something hissing in the darkness."
    "Eons of dust cover everything...."
    "That smells awful...."
    "Yeah, you should just not touch this. Really, really, really, don't."
    "An ancient painting of the hills... the Deadlands hasn't changed much in 600 years."
    "The scratches are fresh and something... green oozes out of them."
    "A captured banner... you can barely make out the head of a lion woven into the cloth."
    "The doors down to the Valtrith Tomb are locked solidly shut."
    "Twisted roots have begun to grow through the rubble."
    "The door has been haphazardly boarded shut."
    "Cracks and holes have formed in the walls."
    "The Deadlands is slowly reclaiming the castle as plants and trees take root on the broken and decaying roof."
    "It looks like something has been clawing at the door."
    "Stones and boards have fallen from the ceiling."
    "Moss and cobwebs cover the decaying boards."
    "One door has been torn off it's hinges...."
    "You can see the sky through holes in the roof."
    "Is something trying to tear down the wall? Or is it just sharpening it's claws?"
    "Bits of bone that have been left behind...."
    "The remains of the bricks and stone that once blocked the doorway south of you."
    "It looks like someone took a battering ram to bricked up doorway."
    "As you peer into the darkness something skitters further into the gloom."
    "The Earth Guardian Tower covered in... blood?"
    "These rusty weapons look like they're centuries old."
    "There is definitely something alive in there. It is NOT happy being bothered."
    "You put your ear to the door... and it shudders as something huge falls against it."
    "A glow peeks out from under the door and you can hear a something... small hissing on the other side."
    "You can make out the outline of a tree stitched into this captured banner."
    "You can hear... what you hope is wind, howling behind this doorway."
    "The shredded remains of curtains... who tore them away?"
    "The door is locked tight but a crooked "J" is carved crudely into the wood."
    "Splotches of red coat the outside of the mask."

    Pop-up headlines during the quest:

    "Nope, you totally didn't see that. Nopenopenope."
    "Self Destruct Activated. Get to emergency escape po...Error..Error...Countdown Reset..."

    Next Up: Soul Scrying

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