Tournament of Champions Part 2 (All Versions) (Full Version)

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Jorath -> Tournament of Champions Part 2 (All Versions) (8/27/2016 8:33:53)

Tournament of Champions Part 2 / (Easy)

Location: Swordhaven (Book 3) -> Up -> Left -> Bulletin Board -> Click the central bulletin -> Part 2 / Easy Mode,
Location: Swordhaven (Book 3) -> Up -> Circe -> Quests -> Tournament (Pt 2) -> Tournament of Champions (Part 2) / (Easy)
Requirements: Completion of Tournament of Champions / (Easy)
Release Date: December 30th, 2022

Objective: Win the tournament and gain an audience with King Alteon!
Objective completed: Who...was that?

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

If you select normal mode:
(1) Fangblade (1) - Boss
(1) Faust (1) - Boss

If you select easy mode:
(1) Fangblade (2) - Boss
(1) Faust (2) - Boss

King Alteon
Rose Guard
Rose Medic
Rose Soldier
Swordhaven Citizen(s)

If you select normal mode:
Tournament Blade (I-X)
Tournament Staff (I-X)
Tournament Shiv (I-X)

If you select easy mode:

Access to Tournament Part 2!.


*Back in the Swordhaven Coliseum, Falwynn picks herself up after being defeated by Fangblade.*

Falwynn: Ugh...

Falwynn: I... don't know how to thank you...

*Two Rose Soldiers approach and stand behind the event's announcer, who is worried for Falwynn's wellbeing.*

Announcer: Hey there— are you okay?
Falwynn: I'll be... fine.
Announcer: Looks like you're hurt pretty badly...
Announcer: Our medical team should take a look at you.

*Scene pans left, revealing you to be standing behind the event's announcer and the Rose Soldiers.*

<Character>: Why didn't you step in earlier?
<Character>: She could've been killed!
Rose Soldier: It's a combat tournament. There are risks involved.
Rose Soldier: Accidents happen. I know I wasn't about to step in front of Fangblade.
<Character>: How can you be so irresponsible? Who's your commander?
Rose Soldier: That's none of your concern. We don't answer to you.
Rose Soldier: Looks like nothing serious happened, so the tournament shall continue. By His Majesty, King Alteon's, decree, of course.

*You glare at the Rose Soldier.*

Announcer: Miss, you're welcome to join me up in the stands once you're ready.
Announcer: You can watch the rest of the tournament from there.
Falwynn: That... that sounds perfect. Thank you.

*Falwynn turns to face you.*

Falwynn: Thanks... and... good luck.
Falwynn: I heard what you said back at the city's notice board.

*Falwynn has captured your attention.*

Falwynn: What The Rose is doing needs to be brought to light. I'm sure you'll be able to convince the King of their misdeeds!
Falwynn: Just... be careful. This city truly supports The Rose. I bet they'll be more likely to turn on you if you directly challenge their views.
Announcer: Sorry about that, folks! A minor mishap!
Announcer: But rest assured, contestant Falwynn is going to be just fine!
Falwynn: . . .
Announcer: Now then... will contestant Melchior please come forward?
Announcer: The east division finals are about to begin!

*Melchior passes you and Falwynn.*

Melchior: Heh, heh, heh ...
Falwynn: . . .
Falwynn: Also, if you have time after the tournament, um...
Falwynn: I have a message I was told to deliver to you.
Falwynn: It's from—
Rose Medic: You there!
Rose Medic: Contestant Falwynn! The physician wants to see you immediately!
Falwynn: Ah...
Falwynn: See you soon, <Character>.

Falwynn: I'll be rooting for you from the stands!

*You return to the west bracket of the Swordhaven Coliseum.*

West Bracket


Guard: Good luck, <Character>.
  • Let's do this! - proceeds to the next cutscene.


Fangblade: It's just you and me now.

East Bracket Entrance

Guard: Looks like they're just finishing up...

Guard: Now THIS'll be interesting.

*After another quick intermission revealing only you and Fangblade remain in your bracket, you begin your third round of the tournament.*

Announcer: Now then... it's the moment you've been waiting for!
Announcer: Who will emerge victorious?

*The crowd cheers; Fangblade approaches you, while Falwynn watches on from behind the event's announcer up in the stands.*

Announcer: Will <Character>'s strength prevail?
Announcer: Or will the four-time champion prove worthy of the title once more?
Announcer: We're about to find out! Are you ready?
Announcer: BEGIN!
Fangblade: I was told I wouldn't have to face you today. But this is still a welcome surprise.

  • Battle! - begins battle with Fangblade (1) (normal) / Fangblade (2) (easy).
  • Extreme Battle! - begins battle with Fangblade (1) (normal) / Fangblade (2) (easy).
  • Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
  • Run Away! - returns to Swordhaven (Book 3).

    *After your victory in battle, the crowd gasps as Fangblade falls to his knee.*

    Fangblade: ARGHHHHHHHH!

    *Akanthus can be observed leaving the Swordhaven Coliseum during the commotion.*

    Fangblade: Impossible!

    Fangblade: I can't...WON'T...accept this!

    *Fangblade raises both of his axes, presumably intending to fatally wound you; Rose Soldiers intercept Fangblade, surrounding him from all angles.*

    Fangblade: Grr...!
    Rose Guard: Stand down, Fangblade. It's over.
    Rose Guard: You're coming with us. The General has words for you.

    *Fangblade glares at the Rose Guard, and the scene fades to black; scene fades back in to focus on your victory in the battle.*

    Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen!
    <Character> (thinking): I did it!
    Announcer: After a furious battle, the mighty Fangblade... has fallen!

    Announcer: What a shocking turn of events!
    <Character> (thinking): I won!
    Announcer: And now! It's time...

    Announcer: ...for the final event!
    <Character>: Huh?
    Falwynn: Um...didn't <Character> just defeat the champion?
    Announcer: It's true that Fangblade is a "four-time" tournament champion...
    Announcer: ...but he's not the current one!

    *Falwynn and you both appear shocked by this revelation.*

    Falwynn: Wait... then—
    Announcer: In fact, last year's champion isn't even here today!
    Falwynn: Then... who?!

    *A defeated Melchior falls to the ground, as their conqueror nonchalantly approaches.*

    Announcer: ...And Melchior falls! The tournament finalists have been decided!
    Announcer: The winner of the west bracket, the fabled <Class> hero who has saved the day countless times... <Character>!
    <Character>: ...?
    Announcer: And the winner of the east bracket...
    Announcer: A newcomer...clad in the strangest garb I've ever seen!

    *The east bracket's victor, a man dressed in formal attire seemingly unfit for combat, stops before you.*

    Announcer: The rookie contender... FAUST!

    *You and Faust face each other, preparing for the final battle of the tournament.*

    Faust: Well then...

    Faust: ...shall we begin?

  • Battle! - begins battle with Faust (1) (normal) / Faust (2) (easy).
  • Extreme Battle! - begins battle with Faust (1) (normal) / Faust (2) (easy).
  • Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
  • Run Away! - returns to Swordhaven (Book 3).

    *After your victory in battle, it appears Faust still has plenty of fight left in him.*

    Faust: As much as I'd love to stay and chat...

    *A pair of Rose Soldiers begin to close in.*

    Faust: It seems we'll have to finish this some other time.

    *You are visibly confused by Faust's words.*

    Faust: You there.

    Faust: Announcer guy.
    Announcer: ...Yes?
    Faust: My opponent has bested me. I concede.

    *The crowd gasps, while both the event's announcer and Falwynn appear shocked at Faust's decision to concede; King Alteon stands up in disbelief.*

    ??? (1): What's going on...?
    ??? (2): Is he serious...?
    ??? (3): I paid 500 gold for this?!

    *Following the crowd's boos, you attempt to stop Faust from conceding.*

    <Character>: Wait!

    *Faust pauses briefly, before proceeding to forfeit his place in the tournament.*

    Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen! I'm... not sure how to say this...
    Announcer: It appears as though the challenger Faust has...

    Announcer: ...well, conceded his shot at the title!
    Announcer: Therefore... it seems we have a WINNER!
    Announcer: May I present to you... your new tournament champion...
    Announcer: <Character>!

    *You look up toward the event's announcer, when a familiar voice captures your attention.*

    ???: ...<Character>?

    *You turn around to see King Alteon standing before you, with two Rose Soldiers on either side of him.*

    King Alteon: By the Avatars... it really IS you!
    <Character>: Your Majesty!
    King Alteon: This stadium has never seen such a thrilling battle before! Amazing— truly amazing!
    King Alteon: And of course, you've more than earned that audience. We have much to talk about! Come, come!

    *Despite being permitted to approach by King Alteon himself, the Rose Soldiers stand guard, preventing you from getting any closer.*

    <Character>: . . .
    King Alteon: What is the meaning of this?
    Rose Guard: For your own safety, General Akanthus has insisted that you not follow through with meeting the tournament champion.
    Rose Guard: It could pose significant risks for the security of both yourself and the kingdom.
    King Alteon: That's preposterous! <Character> is the hero of Falconreach! I would trust her/him with my life—!
    <Character>: Do you really think I'd do anything to hurt the King? It's me, <Character>!

    *Assessing the situation, King Alteon suggests a potential compromise.*

    King Alteon: Then how about this?
    King Alteon: For winning the Tournament of Champions today, and as a royal re-welcoming to the Hero of Falconreach...
    King Alteon: I, with the full royal authority of Swordhaven, extend to you a formal invitation to our royal gala in a few weeks time.
    King Alteon: This is a royal decree. You don't have any problem with that, do you?
    Rose Guard: No... Your Majesty.
    King Alteon: Good.
    King Alteon: Then, alas, it seems we must part ways for now.
    <Character>: Yeah...
    King Alteon: But do not fret, <Character>. I look forward to seeing you at the gala. I'm sure you have many wonderful stories to share!

    *You smile slightly.*

    King Alteon: Oh, and do try to wear something formal, will you?

    *Your optimistic expression fades, as concern begins to resurface following your victory not yielding the anticipated result.*

    Falwynn: <Character>!
    <Character>: Falwynn! Are you okay?
    Falwynn: I'm fine, don't worry about me!

    Falwynn: Congratulations on winning the tournament!
    <Character>: Thanks!

    <Character>: ...I think.
    Falwynn: I'm not sure who that last contestant was... but...
    Falwynn: Well, anyway, I'm here to give you that message!
    Falwynn: Actually, I have TWO messages here for you.
    <Character>: Oh? Then go ahead!
    Falwynn: Okay, so...
    Falwynn: The first letter is from... Sir Leon, up in the Shears.
    <Character>: Sir Leon...
    <Character>: Oh! That former knight who was trying to find a way to hinder The Ro—
    Falwynn: Shh!
    <Character>: Ack— I'm sorry!
    Falwynn: I'm here to tell you that they've made an important discovery... and they'd like to meet with you as soon as you can.
    <Character>: Hmm... all right.

    <Character>: And the second letter?
    Falwynn: The other one is from... Kara! And all your swampy friends!
    Falwynn: Um...
    Falwynn: There are a lot of names I can't pronounce... But everyone is safe and wishing you well.
    Falwynn: It sounds like after the last skirmish, things have calmed down a lot. So you don't need to worry about them.
    <Character>: That's a relief. It's been a while since I last checked in.
    <Character>: But... how do I know you're really affiliated with them?
    Falwynn: <Character>! I risked my life to deliver these messages to you!
    <Character>: Er... Couldn't you have just waited until after the tournament to find me?
    Falwynn: Wait... Um... That would have made a lot more sense, huh?
    Falwynn: I uh... I got a little too excited at the chance to really prove myself and learn from the champions of Swordhaven.
    Falwynn: I actually just "joined up" recently. And while everyone else is running around, being heroic, I'm stuck... delivering mail.
    <Character>: Hey. Every adventure starts somewhere.
    <Character>: I appreciate all you've gone through. Really!
    Falwynn: ...Yeah... It was just a silly dream, I guess. ...Maybe I'm not cut out to be a hero like you.
    <Character>: That's... That's not what I meant. You just can't rush into these things. It takes a lot of experience and training.
    Falwynn: And I guess running errands is... experience?
    Falwynn: Hmm... I suppose it is!
    Falwynn: Oh... but I don't think I'm quite cut out for the swamp life...
    Falwynn: ...I'm just going to head home. Um... If you ever want to maybe train together, Mr. Ash in Falconreach knows where to find me!
    <Character>: Got it. Thanks, Falwynn!
    Falwynn: I have to go now, but... I wish you luck on your journeys, <Character>.

    *Falwynn takes a bow before you.*

    Falwynn: I, uh... I hope we meet again!

    *Falwynn leaves.*

    <Character> (thinking): Hmm... I hope she'll be okay on her own...
    <Character> (thinking): But I have other things to worry about now.
    <Character> (thinking): I have to attend a gala in a few weeks. What do I even do about that?!
    <Character> (thinking): ...Maybe Kara and the others can help out. I should return and let them know what I've learned, too.

    *Scene fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest
  • DC Loot Shop - opens Tournament Part 2! shop.

    Other information
  • Chronologically, it is recommended to complete this quest before beginning the Six Heroes story.
  • Easy mode was originally released on April 22nd, 2017; easy mode has weaker monsters and no reward drops, while all dialogue remains identical.
  • This quest was reimagined with new dialogue and level 90 rewards on December 30th, 2022.
  • The scene description, Akanthus can be observed leaving the Swordhaven Coliseum during the commotion., was moved from the first cutscene to the third cutscene on September 29th, 2023; various cutscene fixes were also implemented on that date.

    Next Up: My Spot

  • Jorath -> RE: Tournament of Champions Part 2 (All Versions) (4/22/2017 22:42:00)

    Tournament of Champions Part 2 / (Easy)

    Location: Swordhaven (Book 3) -> Up -> Left -> Bulletin Board -> Click the central bulletin -> Part 2 / Easy Mode
    Requirements: Completion of Tournament of Champions / (Easy)
    Release Date: August 26th, 2016

    Objective: Win the tournament and gain an audience with King Alteon!
    Objective completed: Who...was that?

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    If you select normal mode:
    (1) Fangblade (1) - Boss
    (1) Faust (1) - Boss

    If you select easy mode:
    (1) Fangblade (2) - Boss
    (1) Faust (2) - Boss

    King Alteon
    Rose Guard
    Rose Medic
    Rose Soldier
    Swordhaven Citizen(s)

    If you select normal mode:
    Tournament Blade (All Versions)
    Tournament Staff (All Versions)
    Tournament Shiv (All Versions)

    If you select easy mode:

    Access to Tournament Part 2!.


    *Back in the Swordhaven Coliseum, Falwynn picks herself up after being defeated by Fangblade.*

    Falwynn: Ugh...

    Falwynn: I...don't know how to thank you...

    *Two Rose Soldiers approach and stand behind the event's announcer, who is worried for Falwynn's wellbeing.*

    Announcer: Hey there—are you okay?
    Falwynn: I'll be...fine.
    Announcer: Looks like you're hurt pretty badly...
    Announcer: Our medical team should take a look at you.

    *Scene pans left, revealing you to be standing behind the event's announcer and the Rose Soldiers.*

    <Character>: Why didn't you guys do anything?
    <Character>: She could've been killed!
    Rose Soldier: . . .
    Rose Soldier: We have our orders.
    <Character>: From who?

    *Akanthus can be observed leaving the Swordhaven Coliseum during the commotion.*

    Rose Soldier: That's none of your concern.
    Rose Soldier: This tournament will continue. By His Majesty's decree.

    *You glare at the Rose Soldier.*

    Announcer: Miss, you're welcome to join me up in the stands once you're ready.
    Announcer: You can watch the rest of the tournament from there.
    Falwynn: That...that sounds perfect. Thank you.

    *Falwynn turns to face you.*

    Falwynn: It's up to you now...
    Falwynn: I heard what you said back at the city's notice board.

    *Falwynn has captured your attention.*

    Falwynn: If anyone can convince the King about the Rose's wrongdoing...
    Falwynn: It'll be you.
    Announcer: Sorry about that, folks! A minor mishap!
    Announcer: But rest assured, contestant Falwynn is going to be just fine!
    Falwynn: . . .
    Announcer: Now then...will contestant Melchior please come forward?
    Announcer: The east division finals are about to begin!

    *Melchior passes you and Falwynn.*

    Melchior: Heh, heh, heh ...
    Falwynn: . . .
    Falwynn: If you have time after the tournament, um...
    Falwynn: I have a message I was told to deliver to you.
    Falwynn: It's from—
    Rose Medic: You there!
    Rose Medic: Contestant Falwynn! The physician wants to see you immediately!
    Falwynn: Ah...
    Falwynn: See you soon, <Character>.

    Falwynn: I'll be rooting for you from the stands!

    *You return to the west bracket of the Swordhaven Coliseum.*

    West Bracket


    Guard: Good luck, <Character>.
    • Let's do this! - proceeds to the next cutscene.


    Fangblade: It's just you and me now.

    East Bracket Entrance

    Guard: Looks like they're just finishing up...

    Guard: Now THIS'll be interesting.

    *After another quick intermission revealing only you and Fangblade remain in your bracket, you begin your third round of the tournament.*

    Announcer: Now's the moment you've been waiting for!
    Announcer: Who will emerge victorious?

    *The crowd cheers; Fangblade approaches you, while Falwynn watches on from behind the event's announcer up in the stands.*

    Announcer: Will <Character>'s strength prevail?
    Announcer: Or will the champion defend his title once more?
    Announcer: We're about to find out...are you ready?
    Announcer: BEGIN!
    Fangblade: It's time I grind your bones into dust.

  • Battle! - begins battle with Fangblade (1) (normal) / Fangblade (2) (easy).
  • Extreme Battle! - begins battle with Fangblade (1) (normal) / Fangblade (2) (easy).
  • Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
  • Run Away! - returns to Swordhaven (Book 3).

    *After your victory in battle, the crowd gasps as Fangblade falls to his knee.*

    Fangblade: ARGHHHHHHHH!
    Fangblade: Impossible!

    Fangblade: I can't...WON'T...accept this!

    *Fangblade raises both of his axes, presumably intending to fatally wound you; Rose Soldiers intercept Fangblade, surrounding him from all angles.*

    Fangblade: Grr...!
    Rose Guard: No funny business!

    Rose Guard: You're coming with us.

    *Fangblade glares at the Rose Guard, and the scene fades to black; scene fades back in to focus on your victory in the battle.*

    Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen!
    <Character> (thinking): I did it!
    Announcer: After a furious battle, the undefeated Fangblade...has fallen!

    Announcer: What a shocking turn of events!
    <Character> (thinking): I won!
    Announcer: And now! It's time...

    Announcer: ...for the final event!
    <Character>: Huh?
    Falwynn: Um...didn't <Character> just defeat the champion?
    Announcer: I only said that Fangblade was a "four-time" tournament champion earlier...
    Announcer: ...but he's not the current one!

    *Falwynn and you both appear shocked by this revelation.*

    Falwynn: Wait... then—
    Announcer: In fact, the previous champion isn't even here today!
    Falwynn: Then... who?!

    *A defeated Melchior falls to the ground, as their conqueror nonchalantly approaches.*

    Announcer: The both tournament finalists have been decided!
    Announcer: The winner of the west bracket, the fabled <Class> hero who saved the day countless of times... <Character>!
    <Character>: ...?
    Announcer: And the winner of the east bracket...
    Announcer: A newcomer...clad in the strangest garb I've ever seen!

    *The east bracket's victor, a man dressed in formal attire seemingly unfit for combat, stops before you.*

    Announcer: The rookie contender... FAUST!

    *You and Faust face each other, preparing for the final battle of the tournament.*

    Faust: Well then...

    Faust: ...shall we begin?

  • Battle! - begins battle with Faust (1) (normal) / Faust (2) (easy).
  • Extreme Battle! - begins battle with Faust (1) (normal) / Faust (2) (easy).
  • Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
  • Run Away! - returns to Swordhaven (Book 3).

    *After your victory in battle, it appears Faust still has plenty of fight left in him.*

    Faust: As much as I'd love to stay and chat...

    *A pair of Rose Soldiers begin to close in.*

    Faust: It seems we'll have to finish this some other time.

    *You are visibly confused by Faust's words.*

    Faust: You there.

    Faust: The announcer.
    Announcer: ... Yes?
    Faust: I concede defeat.

    *The crowd gasps, while both the event's announcer and Falwynn appear shocked at Faust's decision to concede; King Alteon stands up in disbelief.*

    ??? (1): What's going on...?
    ??? (2): Is he serious...?
    ??? (3): I paid 500 gold for this?!

    *Following the crowd's boos, you attempt to stop Faust from conceding.*

    <Character>: Wait!

    *Faust pauses briefly, before proceeding to forfeit his place in the tournament.*

    Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen! I'm...not sure how to say this...
    Announcer: It appears as though the challenger has...

    Announcer: ...well, conceded his shot at the title!
    Announcer: seems we have a WINNER!!
    Announcer: May I present to you... your new tournament champion...
    Announcer: <Character>!!!!!!

    *You look up toward the event's announcer, when a familiar voice captures your attention.*

    ???: <Character>!

    *You turn around to see King Alteon standing before you, with two Rose Soldiers on either side of him.*

    King Alteon: By the Avatars... it really IS you!
    <Character>: Your Majesty!
    King Alteon: I've never seen such a battle before! Amazing—truly amazing!
    King Alteon: We have much to talk about! Come, come!

    *Despite being permitted to approach by King Alteon himself, the Rose Soldiers stand guard, preventing you from getting any closer.*

    <Character>: . . .
    King Alteon: What is the meaning of this?
    Rose Guard: For your safety, Lord Akanthus has insisted that you not follow through with meeting the tournament champion.
    Rose Guard: It could pose... risks.
    King Alteon: That's preposterous, I trust <Character> with my life—!!
    <Character>: No. It's...okay.

    *Assessing the situation, King Alteon suggests a potential compromise.*

    King Alteon: Then how about this?
    King Alteon: For winning the Tournament of Champions today, I, with the full royal authority of Swordhaven...
    King Alteon: ...declare you, <Character>, to be a champion among champions. And with that authority, I extend to you an invitation to our royal ball in a few weeks time.
    King Alteon: This is a royal decree. You don't have any problem with that, do you?
    Rose Guard: No... Your Majesty.
    King Alteon: Good.
    King Alteon: It seems we must part ways once again.
    <Character>: Yeah...
    King Alteon: But do not fret, <Character>. I look forward to seeing you at the gala.

    *You smile slightly.*

    King Alteon: Oh, and do try to wear something formal, will you?

    *Your optimistic expression fades, as concern begins to resurface following your victory not yielding the anticipated result.*

    Falwynn: <Character>!
    <Character>: Falwynn! Are you okay?
    Falwynn: I'm fine, don't worry about me!

    Falwynn: Congratulations on winning the tournament!
    <Character>: Thanks!

    <Character>: ... I think.
    Falwynn: I'm not sure who that last contestant was...but...
    Falwynn: Well, anyway, I'm here to give you that message!
    Falwynn: Actually, I have TWO messages here for you.
    <Character>: Oh? Then go ahead!
    Falwynn: Okay, so...
    Falwynn: The first letter is from "the Lion-hearted MageKnight."
    <Character>: "Lion-hearted"...
    <Character>: You mean Sir Le—
    Falwynn: Shh!
    <Character>: Ack—I'm sorry!
    Falwynn: I'm here to tell you that they've made an important discovery...and they'd like to meet with you as soon as you can.
    <Character>: Hmm...all right.

    <Character>: And the second letter?
    Falwynn: The other one is from...
    Falwynn: Um...

    Falwynn: How do you... pronounce this?
    Falwynn: "Ar-ticks von Kree-gerr"...?
    <Character>: A LETTER FROM ARTIX??!
    Falwynn: <Character>! Please keep it down!
    <Character>: Y- You're right. My bad.
    Falwynn: A- Anyways, it's postmarked from the Doomwood region...
    Falwynn: "Greetings and salutations!" Wow, he sure writes fancy!
    Falwynn: says here that he's sorry for not being able to assist you more. He'd also like you to visit him when you get the chance...
    <Character>: I wonder what for.
    Falwynn: ...and he's included some directions! Wow, that sounds interesting!
    <Character>: That's... certainly mysterious.
    Falwynn: And... well, that's about it!
    Falwynn: And um... If you ever want to maybe train together, Mr. Dragonblade in Falconreach knows where to find me!
    <Character>: Got it. Thanks, Falwynn!
    Falwynn: I have to go now, but... I wish you luck on your journeys, <Character>.

    *Falwynn takes a bow before you.*

    Falwynn: I, uh... I hope we meet again!

    *Falwynn leaves.*

    <Character> (thinking): Hmm... first the king, and now this...
    <Character> (thinking): Why now, I wonder?
    <Character> (thinking): And...
    <Character> (thinking): Who exactly WAS that?

    *Scene fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest
  • DC Loot Shop - opens Tournament Part 2! shop.

    Other information
  • Chronologically, it was recommended to complete this quest before beginning the Sanctuary's Return and Six Heroes stories.
  • Easy mode was released on April 22nd, 2017; easy mode had weaker monsters and no reward drops, while all dialogue remained identical.
  • This quest's dialogue was modified on January 31st, 2020; any retired content has been archived here.

    Next Up: My Spot

  • Jay -> RE: Tournament of Champions Part 2 (All Versions) (1/8/2023 1:53:00)

    Thanks to
  • Jay for current entry information and retired entry reformat.
  • The ErosionSeeker for easy mode other information.
  • Jorath for retired entry information.
  • Occavatra for additional retired dialogue information.
  • DemonicDarkwraith for updated retired dialogue information.
  • dragon eye01 for retired entry correction.

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