Jungle's Fury (All Versions) (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Jungle's Fury (All Versions) (12/8/2017 21:46:56)

Jungle's Fury

Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Up -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> Jungle's Fury
Requirements: Completion of Queen of Swordhaven
Release Date: May 26th, 2023

Objective: While the King is recovering, Kara sends you off to Azaveyr to gather information. But before you can go, something stops you!
Objective completed: Tea party!!!

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(1) Energizer
(1) ManaHunter (1)
(2) ManaHunter (2)
(4) Manahuntress

Gliding Snowflake
Kara SuLema

Red Fury Feather
Pink Fury Feather
Green Fury Feather
Rainbow Fury Feather


*In Sulen'Eska, Elanee uses her magic to treat an unconscious Alteon's injury inside of a tent, while you and Kara wait outside.*

Kara SuLema: Elanee's magic truly works wonders. The King's health has been stabilized and, with time, he should make a full recovery.
<Character>: I'm glad to hear it.
Kara SuLema: ...
<Character>: Is there something troubling you, Kara?
Kara SuLema: Besides the potential impending political disaster, and the entrance of this "Magesterium" to the stage of conflict?
<Character>: Everything's gotten a lot more complicated.
<Character>: At the very least, Princess Victoria chose to stay behind in Swordhaven. I trust that she will do her best to keep the peace.
Kara SuLema: You know her well? I suppose she will be ruling Swordhaven in her father's stead for the time being...
<Character>: At the very least, she does not share her father's stance on The Rose. What about the Magesterium? Have you learned anything of them?
Kara SuLema: About that... Apparently, they rule the Shapeless Empire, on the western continent of Azaveyr.
Kara SuLema: They are usually rather reclusive, it seems, although there have been a number of refugees who have made the journey across the sea.
<Character>: Azaveyr? Isn't that the continent that Danyel's school of weaving is on? Couldn't we ask him for more information?
<Character>: We could make the trip back over again!
Kara SuLema: I... had a different idea in mind. I wish to be present when King Alteon awakes, as I am sure he will have many questions best answered by myself.
Kara SuLema: Instead, perhaps you could make the journey to Azaveyr and seek out the Magesterium on your own.
Kara SuLema: If there is to be conflict between the Magesterium and The Rose, Greenguard is sure to be dragged into it, us included.
Kara SuLema: I need you to learn all you can about the Magesterium. We need to know where they stand in all this.
Kara SuLema: Even without the King's support at the moment, The Rose is still powerful. While I disapprove of the Magesterium's methods so far, they might just...
<Character>: ...Be allies. Or be willing to work together with the Vind.
<Character>: I understand. Exploring a foreign land sounds exciting, too!
<Character>: I'll also try to remember to bring back some souvenirs!
Kara SuLema: Oh, <Character>. Thank you.
???: Lady of the Vind!

*A seemingly distressed Fury with ice blue and silver feathers swoops toward you and Kara.*

Kara SuLema: Oh my! Gliding Snowflake, what are you doing here? I apologize for the lack of welcome, my hands have been quite full.
Gliding Snowflake: Our tribe! Our tribe!
Gliding Snowflake: The Rose have been spotted near our tribe lands!
Kara SuLema: The Rose!? How is that possible? And so soon after the incidents of the Gala too...
Kara SuLema: Isn't your jungle protected by illusions? I know you've all been careful not to make too many excursions... Unless...
Kara SuLema: Oh no!
Kara SuLema: Oh no no no!
Kara SuLema: The Clawkin!

Kara SuLema: The Rose must have followed Niki and the Clawkin!
Kara SuLema: <Character>!
<Character>: I'm on it!

<Character>: Azaveyr can wait.
<Character>: Umm... Gliding... Gliding Snowflake, was it?
Gliding Snowflake: Yes?
<Character>: Can you take me to your tribe?
Gliding Snowflake: ...
Gliding Snowflake: Lady of the Vind? Is this one trustworthy?
Kara SuLema: It's alright, you can trust <him/her/them>. <He/She/They> will protect you and your tribe, like <he has/she has/they have> so many others before.
Gliding Snowflake: ...Very well. Follow me, human.

*You fight your way through the jungle, battling various Rose Soldiers along the way; once near the Fury tribe lands, you hear a Rose Soldier shouting.*

???: S-stay away, beasts!

*You come to a halt, surprised to find a familiar face surrounded by four types of Fury.*

<Character>: Kain— Adam?!
Adam: <Character>!? Thank the Avatars! Please, help me defeat these harpies!
<Character>: ...
<Character>: Gliding Snowflake, please, take your people and leave this to me.

*Gliding Snowflake is initially unresponsive to your request.*

<Character>: I know what I'm doing. I will handle this, I promise you.
Gliding Snowflake: Come, everybirdy. This human has the trust of the Lady of the Vind.
Everybirdy: *Collective gasp*

*Scene fades out and back in, as the Furies retreat to their tribe lands, leaving you to handle Adam.*

Adam: ...
Adam: <Character>... w-what are you doing...?
<Character>: Adam, why are you here?
Adam: I was sent here by my superiors to investigate a potential threat, but... I got separated from the scouting party...
Adam: Why are you here?
<Character>: What a coincidence. I was sent here to investigate a potential threat, too.
Adam: Then why did you—
<Character>: Adam, you are the threat.
Adam: ME!?
<Character>: Well, The Rose.

<Character>: Namely that scouting party that I... well... took care of just now.
Adam: ...
<Character>: Please, just leave this place. And don't report anything to your superiors.
Adam: <Character>...?
<Character>: These Furies were only trying to hide away from The Rose. You intruded on their territory. You are the threat here.
<Character>: So go. Please. Just... go.

*Adam considers your request solemnly.*

Adam: Okay. Alright, <Character>.

*You feel relief following Adam's helpful, albeit hesitant, decision to cooperate.*

<Character>: *Sigh*

*Saddened by your former ally's allegiance to The Rose, you silently part ways once more; later that evening, you encounter Lynn at "your spot".*

Lynn: You're late!
<Character>: Umm... okay? Sorry. I just... came here to think.
<Character>: And get off of that chair! You're gonna hurt yourself.

<Character>: Hi.
Lynn: Hello.
Lynn: As Princess of these lands, I order you to tell me a story!
<Character>: ...You're being a bit demanding. But sure. What kind of story do you want to hear?
Lynn: Tell me about your adventures with your dragon!
<Character>: <Dragon> and I have been all over Greenguard! We've traveled to many different places...
<Character>: Oh that reminds me, I'm going to be going away for a while, so I probably won't be visiting here again for some time. Sorry.
Lynn: Oh...
Lynn: Where are you going?
<Character>: On... a... very important and top secret mission!
Lynn: Top secret?
<Character>: Yes. If I told you... I'd have to kill you!

*Lynn does not appear to be impressed by this remark.*

Lynn: I'm going to tell my dad you said you'll kill me.
<Character>: I was kidding! That was just a joke! A joke!
<Character>: Avatars...
Lynn: If you are leaving, do you want to have a goodbye party?
<Character>: Umm... not reall—
Lynn: You will do what I tell you.
<Character>: ...
<Character>: You're not very polite, you know?
Lynn: My dad says I'm nice.
<Character>: I'm sure he does...
Lynn: Pleeeeease!
Lynn: I learned how to make tea!

Lynn: It's very good!
Lynn: And I want someone else to taste it too. Dad isn't home very often...
<Character>: Uh...

*Lynn glances away with disappointment.*

<Character>: Fine.
Lynn: Yay!

*Scene fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Pop-up headlines during the quest:

  • Gliding Snowflake: "This way! This way, quickly now!"
  • Gliding Snowflake: "The Rose is up ahead! Please, save my tribe!"
  • This quest was reimagined with new dialogue, direction notifications, and a streamlined jungle path on May 26th, 2023.

    Thanks to Jay for entry information.

  • Jay -> RE: Jungle's Fury (All Versions) (5/27/2023 22:03:19)

    Jungle's Fury

    Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Up -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> Jungle's Fury,
    Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Mritha -> New Quests -> Visit Kara -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> Jungle's Fury
    Requirements: Completion of Queen of Swordhaven
    Release Date: December 8th, 2017

    Objective: While the King is recovering, Kara sends you off to Azaveyr to gather information. But before you can go, something stops you!
    Objective completed: Tea party!!!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Energizer
    (4) ManaHunter (1)
    (4) ManaHunter (2)
    (6) Manahuntress

    Gliding Snowflake
    Kara SuLema

    Red Fury Feather
    Pink Fury Feather
    Green Fury Feather
    Rainbow Fury Feather


    *In Sulen'Eska, Elanee uses her magic to treat an unconscious Alteon's injury inside of a tent, while you and Kara wait outside.*

    Kara SuLema: The King is in stable condition for the time being...
    Kara SuLema: Elanee's magic works wonders, but it takes time.
    <Character>: That's good to hear.
    Kara SuLema: ...
    <Character>: Is there something troubling you, Kara?
    Kara SuLema: Other than what you told me, we know nothing about the Magesterium.
    <Character>: Yeah, they are from the western continent and have beef with Jaania, but... that's about it.
    <Character>: Any news on Danyel?
    Kara SuLema: The sea breezes tell me that he is already long on his way to Azaveyr.
    <Character>: I see. We'll have to learn about the Magesterium from another source, then.
    Kara SuLema: About that...
    Kara SuLema: Perhaps you could journey to Azaveyr, <Character>? You are most likely not known there as well as here... you could be my scout.
    <Character>: Sure!
    <Character>: This would actually be a great opportunity to learn about foreign lands!
    Kara SuLema: Yes, although, please remember that your main goal should be to learn anything you can about the Magesterium.
    Kara SuLema: If there is bad blood between them and Jaania, then strife between them and the Rose as a whole will surely be imminent.
    Kara SuLema: And although it could provide us with something we can exploit, it may degenerate into a conflict...
    Kara SuLema: A conflict that may put the lives of everyone at risk.
    Kara SuLema: We need to know where the Magesterium stand in all this.
    <Character>: Noted.
    <Character>: But...
    <Character>: I CAN take some souvenirs with me... yes?
    Kara SuLema: Oh, <Character>.
    ???: Lady Of Vind!!!

    *A seemingly distressed Fury with ice blue and silver feathers swoops toward you and Kara.*

    Kara SuLema: Oh my!

    Kara SuLema: Gliding Snowflake, what are you doing here?
    Gliding Snowflake: Our tribe! Our tribe!
    Gliding Snowflake: The silver flowers have been spotted near our tribe lands!
    Kara SuLema: The Rose!?
    Kara SuLema: It's not possible! Your jungle is hidden by Skin Of Stars' magic, and she's one of the most powerful Fury Shamans!
    Kara SuLema: Oh no!
    Kara SuLema: Oh no no no!
    Kara SuLema: The Clawkin!

    Kara SuLema: The Rose must have followed the Clawkin!
    Kara SuLema: <Character>!
    <Character>: Right away, I'm on it!

    <Character>: Azaveyr can wait.
    <Character>: Umm... Gliding... Gliding Snowflake, was it?
    Gliding Snowflake: Yes?
    <Character>: Can you take me to your tribe?
    Gliding Snowflake: ...
    Gliding Snowflake: Lady Of Vind?
    Kara SuLema: It's alright, you can trust her/him.
    Gliding Snowflake: Follow me, Human.

    *You fight your way through the Betrubung Swamp, battling various Rose Soldiers along the way; once near the Fury tribe lands, you hear a Rose Soldier shouting.*

    ???: Stay away, beasts!

    *You come to a halt, surprised to find a familiar face surrounded by four types of Fury.*

    <Character>: Kain—Adam?!
    Adam: <Character>!? Thank the Avatars! Please, help me defeat these harpies!
    <Character>: ...
    <Character>: Gliding Snowflake, please take your people and leave this to me.

    *Gliding Snowflake is initially unresponsive to your request.*

    <Character>: I know what I'm doing. I will handle this, I promise you.
    Gliding Snowflake: Come, everybirdy. This Human was send by Lady Of Vind.
    Everybirdy: *Collective gasp*

    *Scene fades out and back in, as the Furies retreat to their tribe lands, leaving you to handle Adam.*

    Adam: ...
    Adam: <Character>... w-what are you doing...?
    <Character>: Adam, why are you here?
    Adam: I have been sent here by my superiors to investigate potential threat, but... I got separated from the scout party...
    Adam: Why are YOU here?
    <Character>: What a coincidence, I have been sent to investigate potential threat too.
    Adam: Then why did you—
    <Character>: Adam, YOU are the threat.
    Adam: ME!?
    <Character>: Well, the Rose.

    <Character>: Namely this scouting party that I... well... took care of just now.
    Adam: ...
    <Character>: Leave this place, please. And don't report anything to your superiors.
    Adam: <Character>...?
    <Character>: The only threat here is the Rose. So just... go.

    <Character>: For old times sake... please.

    *Adam considers your request solemnly.*

    Adam: Alright.

    *You feel relief following Adam's helpful, albeit hesitant, decision to cooperate.*

    <Character>: *Sigh*

    *Saddened by your former ally's allegiance to The Rose, you silently part ways once more; later that evening, you encounter Lynn at "your spot".*

    Lynn: You're late!
    <Character>: Umm... ok? Sorry.
    <Character>: Get off of this chair! You're gonna hurt yourself.

    <Character>: Hi.
    Lynn: Hello.
    Lynn: What story will you tell me today?
    <Character>: Where did we last leave off?
    Lynn: You told me how you got the dragon egg!
    <Character>: Ah, right.
    <Character>: Oh, kid, I might be gone for a while, so I'll make today's story short.

    <Character>: Sorry.
    Lynn: Oh...
    Lynn: Where are you going?
    <Character>: On... a... very important and top secret mission!
    Lynn: Top secret?
    <Character>: Yes. If I told you... I'd have to kill you!

    *Lynn does not appear to be impressed by this remark.*

    Lynn: I'm going to tell my dad you said you'll kill me.
    <Character>: I'M KIDDING! This was just a JOKE! Just a joke!
    <Character>: Avatars...
    Lynn: If you are leaving, do you want to have a goodbye party?
    <Character>: Umm... not reall—
    Lynn: You will do what I tell you.
    <Character>: ...
    <Character>: You're not very polite, you know?
    Lynn: My dad says I'm nice.
    <Character>: I'm sure he does...
    Lynn: Pleaaaaase!
    Lynn: I learned how to make tea!

    Lynn: It's very good!
    Lynn: And I want someone else to taste it too, dad isn't home too often...
    <Character>: Uuuuh...

    *Lynn glances away with disappointment.*

    <Character>: Fine.
    Lynn: Yay!

    *Scene fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • An HP/MP healing pad could be found during the quest.
  • Pop-up headline during the quest:

  • Great taste! Less filling!

  • Thanks to Occavatra for original entry.

  • Page: [1]

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