Myshka (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Myshka (7/13/2024 22:46:15)


Location: Falconreach (Book 3) -> Ash -> Letters -> Riadne's Letter -> Quest!,
Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Quests -> Myshka -> Quest!
Requirements: Completion of Tomix's Saga Epilogue
Release Date: July 12th, 2024

Objective: Riadne has sent you a letter!
Objective completed: Day by day, all sorts of heroes help make Lore a better place.

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(1) Arctic Wolf
(1) Basilisk
(1) Cave Chomper
(1) Desert Lizardman
(1) Frost Mushroom
(1) Ice Elemental
(1) Raemon
(1) Sandslicer
(1) Seed Spitter
(1) Slime
(1) Snapperdilla
(1) Sunspike
(1) Tog
(1) Vurrman Hoarder
(1) Werebat
(1) Cataryna - Boss


Nekomancer's Hood (I-VII)

Access to Loot for DCs (Myshka).


*You arrived to meet with Riadne in Arachne's Sanctuary on Ravenloss.*

Riadne: <Character>! Hello! Welcome to my little orphanage!
Riadne: I assume you got my letter?
<Character>: That I did!
Riadne: Well, thank you for... arriving! To be frank, I actually didn't think you'd show up. I know you have places to be and Lore to save!
Riadne: You're busy busy busy!
<Character>: Why wouldn't I show up!? Just because we don't keep in touch, we still go way back, Riadne!
<Character>: Sure, I may bounce between world-threatening events, but I always have time for my friends.
<Character>: In your letter, you mentioned that a child would like to meet me?
Riadne: Not just meet you, <Character>! She'd absolutely love to go on an adventure with you!
Riadne: You have to excuse me, but when I was spending time with her recently, I kind of... hyped you up, so to speak!
Riadne: We have these little moments when I go on adventures with her when the time allows, but... I'm no grand hero, like you are. I just make do.
Riadne: And she absolutely cannot wait to meet you! A proper hero!
<Character>: Well... I hope I live up to the expectations, then. Lead the way!
Riadne: Thank you! Let's get you prepared!

*A purple-haired child is in a field of flowers; you arrived to meet her.*

<Character>: Myshka?

*Hearing your words, Myshka meets with you.*

Myshka: You're not Miss Riadn—
Myshka: Ooooh! It's you! Miss Riadne said you'd come!
<Character>: Very nice to meet you, Myshka! I'm <Character>!
Myshka: I know!

*After introducing yourself to Myshka, you ask her a question.*

<Character>: Sooo...
Myshka: I'd like to go on an adventure with you. Is... is that okay?
<Character>: Of course it is!
<Character>: Riadne— Miss Riadne explained everything to me and told me this wouldn't be your first adventure!
Myshka: No! I've had lots! I'm a DragonLord!
<Character>: No way! So am I! | Really? That's remarkable!
Myshka: Yes... Anyway, my dragon Squeakscale was dragonnapped by the evil sorceress Cataryna!
Myshka: Her castle is very far away. There will be perils.
<Character>: Oh, will there be? I laugh at perils!
<Character>: See that peril over there?
<Character>: HAH!

*After hearing your request, Myshka accepts it.*

Myshka: Okay! Follow me!

*You fight through various monsters as you find Cataryna; during your adventure, Myskha narrates it.*

Myshka: Our adventure started! I've packed my pajamas and food for the journey ahead of us. <Character> said that this will be a piece of cake!

Upon entering the desert:
Myshka: It was very hot. We ignored all the mirages, because Miss Riadne told me that deserts have mirages and that it's just a trick.

Upon entering the forest:
Myshka: We got lost in the Forest of the Lost, but then we didn't because I knew the right way. And it was this way!

Upon entering the snowy mountains:
Myshka: It was sooo cold, I had to put on my sweater. I knew a shortcut, because I was here before, when I played with a squirrel.

Upon entering the cave:
Myshka: We made camp. Miss Riadne taught me about stalagmites, stalactites and stalagnates! <Character> told me many stories around the campfire!

Upon entering Cataryna's castle:
Myshka: It was time to bring Cataryna to justice for taking my Squeakscale! I really liked the castle though. It will be my new home!

*Eventually, you and Myshka reach Cataryna; after defeating her, she screams as she slowly melts into yolk.*

Cataryna (briefly): I'm meeeeeltiiiiiiiing!!!

*After Cataryna melts into yolk, you and Myshka find Squeakscale, who turns out to be a brown dragon plushie.*

Myshka: Squeakscale! She didn't hurt you!

*You smile.*

Myshka: Look! She's safe!
<Character>: We got here just in time! Good thing you knew how to get past that blizzard quickly.
Myshka: Mhm.
<Character>: You know, I have a dragon too. <Dragon>. They're about the same age as yours, I'd say. Maybe a bit older, but still!
Myshka: Ooh! Can I meet <Dragon>?!

*You contemplate upon asking Myshka's question.*

<Character>: ...
<Character>: How about this: The next time we go on an adventure, I'll try my hardest to make sure <Dragon> tags along as well!

*Myshka pauses before asking if there will be another adventure.*

Myshka: There will be a next time?
<Character>: Only if you want there to be!
Myshka: Yes!
<Character>: Then there will be a next time!

*Myshka smiles upon your answer.*

Myshka: Thank you! I had fun!
<Character>: So did I, Myshka!
<Character>: 'Till next time!
Myshka: Bye!

*After completing your adventure with Myshka, Riadne teleports you out of the Cataryna's castle, signified by white spider threads; after your teleportation, Myshka smiles and hugs with Squeakscale; scene fades to black before fading back in; you and Riadne are back in Arachne's Sanctuary on Ravenloss, where Riadne examines the unconscious Myshka through her arachnomancy magic; it is revealed that you were projected into Myshka's mind by Riadne all along.*

<Character>: How long has she been like this?
Riadne: Hard to say.
Riadne: She was brought here in this state, and even when I arachno project myself into her psyche for our adventures, or just to play...
Riadne: ...she doesn't really know or doesn't understand what I mean, when I ask her.
Riadne: Maybe she was always like this, but... her muscles are not atrophied, so as I said, it's very hard to say.

*You ask Riadne if Myshka has any parents.*

<Character>: Any record of her parents, or—
Riadne: None.
Riadne: She's all alone. In her body, and in her mind...
<Character>: That's...

*You become concerned upon hearing Myshka's condition before asking Riadne if she's okay.*

<Character>: Are you doing okay? You look pale.

<Character>: Well, paler than usual...
Riadne: Oh, it's just... draining. The ritual, I mean.
Riadne: When I arachno project myself, it's already very taxing on my mind and body, but when I do it for others, it's...
Riadne: I'm fine, <Character>, really! I'll just need rest!

*After listening to Riadne, you ask her if there is anything to help Myshka.*

<Character>: So, she just... exists in her mind.
Riadne: It would appear so.
<Character>: Is there anything you can do for her? Anything I can do for her?
Riadne: Believe me, <Character>, I've tried. I've researched, I've reached out, I consulted other mages, healers, medical practitioners, even people of science...
Riadne: Avatars forgive me, I even turned to necromancers...
Riadne: The best I can do for her right now is to just talk to her, go on these "mindventures", and make sure she's comfortable.

*After a brief pause, Riadne reveals some of her powers.*

Riadne: You know, I have these tiny little spiderlings that crawl into her mouth to deliver sustenanc—
<Character>: Wow, that's sooo cool, but look at the time!
Riadne: Haha, I'm just kidding!

*Riadne smiles after joking; after a brief moment, Riadne smiles smugly to reveal the "little spiderlings".*

Riadne: Or am I?

*Your expression turns into tiredness.*

Riadne: Thank you, <Character>. Truly!
Riadne: You've given Myshka fun memories she can relieve and re-experience.
Riadne: For someone locked inside their mind, new memories and stimuli are everything.
<Character>: It was a pleasure, Riadne, really.
<Character>: Do keep me posted if she ever wants another adventure.
Riadne: Certainly! Have a good day, <Character>!

*As you are about to leave, you turn around and tell Riadne one more thing.*

<Character>: Oh, and Riadne?

<Character>: You are a hero.

*Riadne becomes confused upon hearing that she is a hero.*

Riadne: What?
<Character>: Before. You said that you are not a "grand hero".

<Character>: You are.
<Character>: To her, and, I imagine all the other orphans here, at the very least.

*Riadne smiles upon hearing your words of being a hero.*

Riadne: ...Thank you.
Riadne: Now get out of here! Go save the world again!
<Character>: Ha, it's the least I can do.

*You leave Arachne's Sanctuary; scene pans right to Riadne, who is smiling; scene fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest
  • Loot for DCs - opens Loot for DCs (Myshka) shop.

    Other information
  • The campfire acts as a HP/MP healing source during the quest.
  • Pop-up headline during the quest:

  • You felt rested from your memory of the night you two spent at the campfire

  • Page: [1]

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