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Lost Ateala, The

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2/28/2025 22:23:57   

ArchKnight DragonFable

The Lost Ateala

Location: Atrea -> Left -> Yolande -> Quests -> The Lost Ateala -> Quest!
Requirements: Completion of Welcome to Atrea!
Release Date: February 28th, 2025

Objective: Veyla's gone missing... Do your part to help search for her!
Objective completed: Veyla's safe, for now. But Wargoth's next attack is imminent.

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(2) Fiendshroom
(1) Fire Imp
(1) Flamedance
(1) Flare Imp

Bold Ateala
Calm Ateala
Curious Ateala
Excited Ateala
Kind Ateala
Mine Manager
Solemn Ateala
Stall Owner
Tired Ateala
Worried Ateala

Starlit Band (I-VIII)

Access to tLA Loot for DCs.


*You and your dragon regroup with Yolande in Atrea's Civil District to see if she has seen Veyla.*

Yolande: Jatiw! How are you enjoying Atrea, <Character>, <Dragon>?
<Dragon>: It smells spicy! I like it! | *Excited growl!*
<Character>: Hello, Yolande. Everyone's been very kind and welcoming. Atrea is a wonderful city, and I can't wait to learn more!
<Character>: But, I'm sorry, we didn't come here just to chat. Alz'ein told us that Veyla's gone missing.
Yolande: Aha, you are a hero, after all! Yes, Alz'ein stopped by earlier and asked me if I had seen her friend.
Yolande: I have not, unfortunately. I did ask my contacts to begin the search, but many are busy taking care of the refugees.
Yolande: They can do little to help find a single Ateala.
Yolande: The unael, and Alz'ein and Etaos, are doing their best, I'm sure, but they can hardly cover the entire city quickly.
<Character>: Do you think there's anything <Dragon> and I can do to help? Anywhere we could look that they might have overlooked?
Yolande: Hmm. I can't promise anything, but you could try looking around the market.
Yolande: The unael may have passed through already, but you may find someone or something they missed.
Yolande: I can give you directions to the market, if you want.
<Character>: Directions would be great, thank you, Yolande. I wouldn't feel right just standing around, waiting.
<Character>: After everything Veyla's been through, I have a bad feeling about this. We need to find her as soon as possible.
Yolande: Of course. Follow me, then. I'll drop you off at the market, and make my own inquiries as well!

*You enter the market, where you find clues of Veyla's whereabouts.*


Stall Owner: An Ateala clad in red? I'm sorry, I haven't seen anyone like that.

Excited Ateala: Oh! Jatiw! You're... You're <Character> and <Dragon>! I've heard so much about you!
Excited Ateala: I would offer to treat you to a homemade meal and some snacks, but I'm afraid Atrea's supplies are running low...
Excited Ateala: This is hardly the time for celebration, too, I suppose.
Excited Ateala: Oh, you're looking for an Ateala named Veyla? I'm sorry, I don't know her. I wish I could help!

Curious Ateala: What to buy... What to buy...? I know the Empress set a limit on purchases of melon per person, but for there to be so few left...
Curious Ateala: Ah, you wanted something from me? You're from this planet, yes? I have many questions I'd like to ask you, as well!
Curious Ateala: I'm sorry, if you're busy, I don't want to keep you! I'm afraid I haven't seen who you're looking for, though.

Tired Ateala: Hmm. I think I know who you are asking about. I saw her with Alz'ein earlier.
Tired Ateala: She's gone missing, you say? That is very concerning. Many Ateala have not made it home, after everything that's happened.
Tired Ateala: I hope you can find who you're looking for.

Solemn Ateala: ...Please, do not disturb me. I am in mourning, and meditating over all that has been lost.

Worried Ateala: I don't know what to buy... It's so hard to tell what we'll have trouble getting more of in the future.
Worried Ateala: Perhaps it would be better to get some of everything while I can...
Worried Ateala: What is it? An Ateala is missing? Yes, many Ateala are no longer with us. It is truly a tragedy beyond description.

Bold Ateala: Have you ever seen a sight like that before? I heard people talking about it, but to see it with my own eyes...
Calm Ateala: It's so bright! How do this planet's inhabitants survive it?
Bold Ateala: I don't know, but I am thankful for the Lens and the Cryptics!
Bold Ateala: Sorry, did you need—
Bold Ateala: Wow, are you a native of this planet? Can you tell us more about that sun?
Bold Ateala: Somorrah did not have a sun, you see, so—
Calm Ateala: Now, now, I'm sure they're a very busy... person.
Calm Ateala: You say you're looking for Veyla? I'm sorry, I don't know who that is.
Bold Ateala: Good luck in your search!

Kind Ateala: Veyla is missing? Yes, I know her! She was always so polite whenever she stopped by!
Kind Ateala: I could have sworn I saw her pass by earlier, but there was so much going on... I should have called out to her!
Kind Ateala: I... I'm certain it was her. I think she was headed down, toward the mines. Please, make sure she's safe!

Mine Manager: What to do... After everything that's happened, we're behind on the trithril shipments...
Mine Manager: Although, I suppose there's nowhere to ship to, now.
Mine Manager: ...Empress save us all.
Mine Manager: Sorry, was there something you wanted? An Ateala with red horns and clothes?
Mine Manager: I did see someone matching that description, actually.
Mine Manager: She wandered into the trithril mines. I figured she was a worker that had some belongings to pick up, but I haven't seen her come back out yet...
Mine Manager: I can let you into the mines. Just be careful, it has been infested with fire monsters ever since the attack.
  • To the Mines - continues quest.

*After learning that Veyla has entered the trithril mines, you enter there, fighting various fire monsters along the way; eventually, you and your dragon find Veyla sitting in a boulder; Veyla appears to have a headache, presumably caused by Wargoth's influence.*

<Character>: Veyla! Are you okay?
Veyla: N-No... Stay back! D-Don't come any closer! I...
<Character>: What's wrong? Is it Wargoth? Is he—
Veyla: The fire... It's not over... it burns brighter... brighter and hotter...
<Character>: Veyla, it's okay, it's me, <Character>. You're safe.
Veyla: No... Never safe...
Etaos: It stinks of ashes... but there's more signs of battle.

*You turn around as you hear the voices of Etaos and Alz'ein.*

Alz'ein: This has to be the way! Veyla! We're here! Where are you?
Veyla: ...
<Character>: Over here! I found her, but... something's wrong. She needs help!

*Scene fades to black before fading back in; Etaos, Nirios, Alz'ein, and Isiri have entered the trithril mines; Isiri can be seen using her magic to subdue Wargoth's influence on Veyla.*

Veyla: It— It burns! I—
Veyla: AAARGH!!!
Veyla: I can feel his will reaching out...
Alz'ein: Hold strong, Veyla! Don't give in! Don't Let him control you!
Veyla: I... I don't know if...
<Character>: Is there anything you can do to help her?
Isiri: I... I think I can isolate her from Wargoth's influence, but I don't know how long I can keep it up.
Alz'ein: Then do it!
Isiri: I am, Alz'ein. Breathe. I am doing all that I can.
<Character>: How did you even find us down here? We're lucky you showed up when you did.
Etaos: Yolande's contacts told her that the visiting hero seemed to have a lead.
Etaos: We trust your judgment, and once we were on your tail, it was easy enough to follow.
Alz'ein: Don't run away like that again, Veyla. We can help you if you stay with me.
Veyla: I... I didn't want to put you in danger...
Isiri: Veyla, please, you need to try to hold still. My spell will take better if you can just do your best to relax.
Nirios: Still, remember, Isiri, Atrea's defense is our highest priority.
Nirios: If Veyla is succumbing to Wargoth's influence again, that can only mean one thing.
Etaos: Another attack is imminent.
<Character>: Veyla, if you're still connected to Wargoth, do you have any idea where he might be planning to attack next?
Veyla: He's... He's after Atrea...
Veyla: The desert! Here!
<Character>: Thank you, Veyla.
Isiri: It seems that all we have done is bring peril upon your world. I am sorry, <Character>.
<Character>: There's nothing to apologize for.
<Character>: Greenguard has always been a magnet for trouble, and <Dragon> and I have faced it head on countless times.
<Character>: To start, we'll have to send word to Duat and make sure they're prepared.
<Character>: Falconreach and Swordhaven may be able to send reinforcements, too.
Nirios: Atrea has defenses as well. The Empress can ensure rifts do not appear within the boundaries of the city.
Nirios: Etaos, take a cloak, and go to those allies <Character> mentioned. You will have to travel through the day, so take care.
Etaos: I shall, brother.
<Character>: I'll stay here and make sure nothing gets through to the city.
<Character>: <Dragon>, why don't you go with Etaos?
<Character>: Our allies might not be able to understand you, but they'll recognize you, and you'll give weight to his words.
<Dragon>: They'll recognize my weight, alright! | *Prideful roar!*
Nirios: Alz'ein...
Alz'ein: ...
Nirios: Atrea's defense comes first. If Isiri must turn her focus elsewhere, then Veyla...
Alz'ein: I know. I know!
Veyla: Alz...
Alz'ein: ...

*Scene fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest
  • Loot for DCs - opens tLA Loot for DCs shop.

    Next Up: Rising Fire

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/28/2025 23:24:33 >
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