2. Preparation General Farming Tips - Farm together! - Take advantage of the fact that this is a MMORPG. Farm with friends, host parties or join them by using the =AQW= Let's Party! Thread in the AQWorlds General Discussion forum. Farming together prevents monotony and speeds up farming. However, be wary of situations where the mobs are too weak in comparison to the players, and thus farming together will result in kill-stealing and lead to decreased farming rates.
- Consider team composition (if farming in a party) - This is especially important and necessary when farming bosses which deal heavy damage and have special abilities such as Binky, Blood Titan, Undead Raxgore, etc. Coordinate ahead of time and relegate roles, such as damage and support, accordingly. Do not underestimate the value of a good support class while farming. Support classes and their skills are extremely versatile, able to increase damage done by allies, buff the group's defense, nerf the monster's hit chance, and more. Player buff skills stack ADDITIVELY with one another, and enemy debuff skills stack ADDITIVELY with one another, but player buff and enemy debuff skills stack MULTIPLICATIVELY with one another. Thus, support classes play a key role in increasing farming speed. The next subsection lists a few recommended classes for such roles.
- Enhance properly - Almost goes without saying, but use the highest-leveled enhancements available, and have equipment in all 4 slots (weapon, class, helm, and cape) to maximize stat points to increase farming speed. Even more importantly, select the correct enhancements/build (including the Awe enhancements), for the class being used and its intended purpose. For example, Wizard enhancements can be used with Oracle to increase the effectiveness of support skills, while Lucky enhancements can be used to increase offensive capabilities. If unsure, do not hesitate to ask in the =AQW= Class Discussion Thread in the AQWorlds General Discussion forum.
- Use the best locations - Do the research and choose the best location for farming, or let others do the research. This is why this guide exists.
- Roomhopping - Sometimes, it is beneficial to keep joining different instances of a room instead of sitting in the same one. This method is called room-hopping, and is primarily used to avoid having to waste time by waiting for monsters to respawn. If a map is popular enough, such as /battleon, this can be achieved by simply typing in "/join battleon", whilst in /battleon. However, if all other public instances are full or none exist, then players need to exit and rejoin the map, or use private instances. Private instances of a room can be joined by picking a number greater than or equal to 1,001, and less than or equal to 99,999, such as "1221", and typing in "/join battleon-1221". Once that instance has served its purpose, typing in "/join battleon-2112" will send players to a new private instance.
- Choosing a number smaller than or equal to 1,000 will result in joining the first available public instance.
- Choosing a number greater than or equal to 100,000 will result in joining a private instance between 99,000 and 99,999. The function that chooses the private instance number based on the input, is either non-deterministic, a hash based on the input and other hidden non-constant variable (such as time), or some demonic combination of both. Further testing is required.
- Reduce lag
To start, close other programs that you don't need to have open. Make sure you don't have very many windows or tabs open, and if you do, make sure none of them are running Flash applications (that includes YouTube videos). Having extra programs open and having additional Flash programs/videos playing will only take up your computer's processing power and make AQW slower on your computer. You can also speed up the game by playing in a smaller window. Just simply zoomed in and out of your browser by holding "Ctrl and +/-" (for Mac users — "Command and +/-"). Make sure you've the newest flash player upgraded. To download the latest version, click here. Additionally, open the Options window in-game (click the button towards the lower-right corner with the gears on it). Set your graphics to Medium or Low, turn off sounds, turn off pets, turn off helms and turn off cloaks. Uninstalling and then re-installing Flash might also help. Taken from the AQWorlds FAQ - Miscellaneous Section. Furthermore, try not to use equipment with a lot of animations. An example of a laggy weapon would be the Ungodly Reavers of Nulgath. It might look awesome but looks are irrelevant when farming. Lastly, playing on less-populated servers will reduce lag, both client and server lag. The Ideal Setup - Every class has been designed with a specific purpose in mind, so each class has its own unique niche in the meta. These niches can be largely divided into 4 categories. For these 4 categories, several classes are listed below, in order of decreasing general power. In each category, classes have been chosen to represent a succession of classes that players can progress through in their respective hero journeys. For more information on class strategies and enhancements, please refer to the =AQW= Class Discussion Thread in the AQWorlds General Discussion forum.
- Recommended classes for farming bosses (Damage): Void HighLord, LightCaster
, Glacial Berserker , Necromancer. Recommended classes for farming bosses (Dodge): Great Thief , Horc Evader, Rogue and its variants. Recommended classes for farming mobs: Abyssal Angel , Blaze Binder, Shaman, Scarlet Sorceress. Recommended support classes: LightCaster , StoneCrusher, Arachnomancer, Bard , Oracle. Use Archpaladin for pure defensive support. Important Note: If a skill is used that affects others players, such as a buff or a heal (for example Oracle's "Group Divination"), it'll automatically "involve" the invoker into the battle. So if there are multiple players fighting multiple monsters, a possible strategy is to simply buff them, instead of having to take on the monsters directly. - Recommended equipment: Different enemies call for different equipment. Monsters can have up to one racial tag (<Race>kind) from the following, so check the AQW Wiki for information on a monster and if it has a racial tag.
Farming chaoskind? Farming dragonkind? Farming elementalkind? Farming humankind? Farming undeadkind? Farming other monsters? When choosing a weapon, it is important to remember that caster classes are only able to utilize the lower-half of a weapon's listed damage range. Therefore, the more stable a weapon's damage range, the higher the average damage output. Furthermore, as racial and universal damage boosts are different, one can MULTIPLICATIVELY stack the damage boost from a weapon that gives +50% damage to chaoskind with an armor that gives +15% damage to all monsters. To take advantage of this fact, true farming gurus will use the non-weapon parts of the AFDL set (1) (2) (3) (4) or Dragon Naval Commander Set , which provide a universal +15% damage boost, in order to leave the weapon slot free, as most other damage boosts are provided through the weapon slot. Lastly, as mana regeneration is proportional with damage, these damage boosting equipment will also help with mana regeneration. Boosts - Consumable boosts are incredible, and essential for efficient farming. When a boost is activated, it DOUBLES the rewards for one of CP/EXP/Gold/Rep, for a specified period of time! Boosts pertaining to different types can be active together, but only one boost per type can be active at a time. Gold boosts do not increase Gold obtained by selling items. Boosts are obtained via the following methods:
- 20 min ( EXP, CP, Gold, Rep) : free from the Daily Login Rewards system.
- 10 min ( EXP) : free from Faith's quest Fish Food.
- 10 min ( Rep) : free from Faith's quest Catch of the Day.
- 10 min ( CP, Gold, Rep) : free from Zifwin the Colorful's quest Reagents for Zifwin.
- 60 min ( EXP, CP, Gold, Rep) : 150 AC from Twilly's Game Boost Shop.
- 60 min ( EXP, CP) : free via Twilly's quest Twilly's Dark Box, but requires Dark Box and Dark Key from randomly opening Treasure Chests.
or - 60 min ( EXP, CP, Gold, Rep) : free from Ragnar's daily quest Free Daily Boost.
- 60 min ( EXP, CP, Gold, Rep) : purchase the Game Booster AC Add-ons for the 2,000 AC, 5,000 AC, and 12,000 AC packages.
- 60 min ( EXP, CP, Gold, Rep) : free from Shara Kinrunner's daily quest Break Into the Hoard, but requires purchase of the BoneBreaker Adventure Pack.
- 60 min ( EXP, CP, Gold, Rep) : free from Icy Treasure Chest and Quest's daily quest Ice Treasure Chest Quest, but requires Icy Treasure Chest.
- Some equipment come with boosts that, while smaller than those provided by consumable boosts, are permanent as long as the equipment is equipped. These boosts are referred to as item boosts, and the largest individual boost from a solitary piece of equipment is currently at +25%. Currently, item boosts do not stack on the live servers, but do so additively on the testing servers. For example, consider the situation when one equips a helm that gives +10% EXP and +10% Rep, and then a cape that gives + 5% EXP. On the live servers, there would be a +5% EXP and +10% Rep boost (using the relevant boosts from the most recently equipped item), but on the testing servers, there would be a +15% EXP and +10% Rep boost. Furthermore, item boosts stack MULTIPLICATIVELY with consumable boosts on live servers, while item boosts stack ADDITIVELY with consumable boosts on testing servers. On both server types, item and consumable boosts stack MULTIPLICATIVELY with server boosts.
Check out A Guide to AQW's Boosts for a more comprehensive overview of in-game boosts, including damage boosts, to farm most effectively. Notable equipment of interest include the Cape of Awe and Awethur's Accoutrements, both of which are relatively simple to obtain, and give a significant +25% CP, EXP, Gold and Rep. The latter is easier to obtain but is also a weapon, so can potentially run into single-set gear optimization issues as discussed at the end of the above subsection. Alternatively, it is possible to use a damage-boosting set of gear and then switch to a rep-boosting set of gear just before turning in quests. Potions - Potions are consumable equipment that temporarily affect a player in a variety of methods. For a thorough discussion on potions, refer to serenity_777_'s A Guide to Alchemy. Alternatively, this table lists all non-AC potions that are accessible to all players. The first tab is ordered alphabetically by Potion Name, and the second tab is grouped by Potion Effects. In the second tab, potions will be listed multiple times under different groupings if it affects multiple stats in a positive manner. Players can have the effects of 1 Tonic, 1 Elixir, and 1 Potion all applied at the same time
- Different classes work best with different potions. However, there exist base recommendations that are sure to help out any and every class. For magical classes, Potent Malevolence Elixir increases spell power by 25% for 15 minutes with no adverse side-effects. For physical classes, Potent Battle Elixir does the same for attack power instead. For hybrid classes, Potent Destruction Elixir increases critical strike damage by 50% for 15 minutes. The potions that increase damage, noticeably Senna's Buns which increases damage by 75% with no detrimental side-effects, have too short of a duration to be highly viable when farming.
- Potions that are obtainable via ACs are generally not recommended, especially when there are many viable non-AC alternatives. There are several other methods to obtain potions, but are not accessible to all players, are so are not covered in the table. Instead, they are covered below.
< Message edited by fxmybrute13 -- 7/11/2019 20:46:01 >