Magesterium Location: The Proclamation, A Petal Falls, Song of the Ateala, Song of the Ateala Wave, Out of Control Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue The Proclamation ???: Good people of our illustrious Nieboheim, the time has come! ???: Let us celebrate, for our god, the Shapeless, announces... THE BEGINNING OF THE HARVEST! ???: We, the earthly link to the Shapeless, the humble Magesterium, have prepared something special for this year's Harvest. ???: May the Judgements begin. Revel in the Celebrations! A Petal Falls ???: Jaania of the Rose continues her interference where it is not welcome. ???: Your sacrifice shall serve as her warning. ???: It is because of the Rose that you must suffer today. Song of the Ateala Wave Magesterium: It is because of the Rose that you must suffer today. Magesterium: Jaania of the Rose continues her interference where it is not welcome. Magesterium: Only when Jaania is brought to justice will this cease. Magesterium: To support the Rose is to oppose the will of the Shapeless. Magesterium: Your sacrifice shall serve as her warning. Song in Our Hearts Magesterium: The Shapeless wills it! Out of Control Magesterium: The Shapeless calls for a vote! Other information Male Magesters wear black robes, while female Magesters wear white robes. Also See: Magester(s), Meek Magester, Niedamir / Annoyed Magester
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/13/2025 16:00:15 >