Hero's Heart Day Chapter 1 (Full Version)

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Resolute -> Hero's Heart Day Chapter 1 (2/15/2008 23:53:44)

Hero's Heart Day Chapter 1

Other names: Hero's Heart Day 2008

Access Point: Opening Screen -> Hero's Heart Day! -> Chapter 1
Level/Quest/Items required: None
Release Date: February 15th, 2008

Quests Available
Snuggle-Gram Delivery!
Love Is In The Air
Tunnel of Love
Heart-Shaped Box
Heart Attack

Big Daddy

Hero's Heart

Big Daddy: Happy Hero's Heart Day! We have a lot of work to do so let's GET TO IT baby!

  • Talk
    Big Daddy: I'm Big Daddy, welcome to the Forest of Infinite Terror! We're trying to get the name changed to The Forest of Lovely Hearts to get more tourism.
    Big Daddy: I've been in the business for a long time, and I can tell you... There is a customer born every minute, and every one of them has a broken heart.
    Big Daddy: But we're here to help (with terribly over-priced Snuggle-Grams, candies and flowers)! All those broken hearts need mending.
    Big Daddy: That is where you come in. All of these suckers...er...customers need a Snuggle-Gram delivered to their "one true love" in the forest.
    Big Daddy: Every Snuggle-Gram that you deliver will earn you a Token of Affection that you can spend here in my shop.
    Big Daddy: So, go put on your Special Armor and get out there. Those Snuggle-Grams won't deliver themselves, baby!

  • Special Armor
    Big Daddy: To deliver the Snuggle-Grams you'll need to wear the armor worn by warriors of love everywhere.

  • select a Quest!
    Big Daddy: There are still lots of Snuggle-Grams that need to be delivered. I also meed to recover my missing box of Snuggle-Grams.

  • Heal & Potions - Fully heals you and gives you 2 HP and MP Potions

  • Shop
    Big Daddy: Have you gotten enough Tokens of Affection to buy a reward? If not, then you need to deliver some Snuggle-Grams baby!

    Done - Exits Conversation

    Thanks to
    -- Senomi.
    -- Stephen Nix.
    -- Jamenja.
    -- PaperClip of DOOM.
    -- Solanaceae and Gabriel Castro for new title.

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