RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (Full Version)

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Mr. Snugglebunz -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/8/2008 16:50:44)

I've seen you around <.<
So have I.

I hate you
Your hate means little to me. You can hate me, but I'll just accept it and continue doing my job.

so what do you think of the word retarded?
Hmm... I've got nothing against the word. However, I do have something against people who use it inappropriately and in the wrong context, because they usually don't know how it feels like to be *ahem*. You get the message.

I'm okay with it.

you like cake?

the cake is a lie?
That's only in Portal.

ever made something and it blew up?
Not really.

whats your opinion on instantaneous combustion?
It's one of the mysteries of the universe.

do you want to instantaneously combust?
No thanks.



reaction to being an AK?
Shocked... Then the reality check arrived.

congrats to being AK

see ya
See you around. [:)]

kingofgames01 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/8/2008 17:05:08)

hey whad up.
Nothing in particular. My life's a boring rollercoaster. :P

i gave most of these to writingpad, but i havent been on so long i missed my anwsers so here goes. do you become an AK?
Blame Alac.

2.Do you get a special Arch knight armor on AQ/DF/MQ if you become an AK?

3.Have you got a Doomie?
Yes. A DTBoD.

4.If so, when we can, are you going to transform it in to a Destiny?
I've got a GBLoD to go along with it.

5.Do you like bounty hunting in surewould forest?
I'm okay with it.

6.If so, what do you want to buy with all that xtra gold?
Nothing much.

7.Again, if so, to 5., how many times have you gotten Vaz Striker?
Vaz Striker? Quite a few times. Not that it really matters.

* Hi fives*
*Hi fives*

*Trashes your room*
My room's been trashed. Oh no! *Goes off to fix the mess*

Oh, yeah, and congrats on the AK-ship

Have fun screwing with and deleating other peoples posts.
It's got quite a heavy responsibility price along with it.

Oh, and also put in a good word for me in with the other AKs!
I'll try... But no guarantees...

alabama_pitty -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/8/2008 18:06:28)

Haha! *Claps hands in glee* They never can hide! I found a new one to entertain! Now, prepare to feel the agony enjoyment of my queries.

1. To whom do you answer? AE, obviously, but does Alac own your soul, or are you an independent AK?
Alac ownz my soul... Yeeesssshhhh

2. Have you ever seen a Mel Brooks film? i.e. Blazing Saddles, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, etc.
Not really... Once or twice?

3. What would you say is your favorite book genre?
Fantasy or Sci-Fi.

4. Have you read 'Alice in Wonderland', and, if so, which was your favorite character? *Cough* Mad Hatter *Cough*
That's too long ago... I don't remember.

5. You are being chased by a rabid, man-eating dragon with nothing but a pen, feather, a few coat buttons, and some hair gel. What do you do to save yourself from digestive juices?
Dragons don't get rabies... If memory serves me. At least mine doesn't. :P

6. Cookies, cake, or pie?
All of them :P

Thanks for putting up with my nonsense! Congrats on AKship, Sir Saojun! You get the eccentric seal of approval. Hope I can make your job as easy as possible, and entertaining as well. Ciao! ~Happy Seeking!~
Thanks! [:)]

Mephiles The Dark -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/8/2008 19:23:06)

Hey do u remember me ?
Yes... I do.

Anyway , lets get it started :
1/ The best : DF , AQ , MQ or AQW ?
I currently prefer DF over AQ/MQ. As for AQW... I'll wait till it's more established.

2/ I'm a good forum member ?

3/ U'll be nice to me ?
If you follow the rules.

4/ Favourite color ?

5/ Favourite base-class : Warrior , Mage or Rogue ?

Thats all for now....Cya around....
See you around as well. [:)]

minimang -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/8/2008 20:42:43)

I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!... whoever you are.
o.O Your hate means little to me. :P

Good Luck, n00bie!
Thanks? I'll treat it as a compliment? :P

SS4FireFox -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/8/2008 21:49:37)

1...WHAT IS UP???/
The Sky?

The Earth?

3 howsyaguru????
*blink* Guru?

4 how is your guru?
Refer to above.


6......hamma time!!!
Hammer? What hammer?

7 bunn un un un,dun dun...bbbbbu buuun

8 what is the meaning of life?
Life's true meaning is for you to find out what it is. :P

9 baaaai!!

ArcLightning -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/8/2008 22:08:13)

Congratz on becoming an AK [sm=bgtup.gif]

so we're both rogues eh?

Hows the AK life? 'easy - hard etc. , fun '
Hard, but fun. :P

Whats your favourite DF War?

Whats your favourite DF zone so far?
The Sandsea.

Cya later Saojun.
Cya later ArcLightning.

TreadLight -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/8/2008 23:26:12)

Hi Saojun, I'd just like to say; CONGRATZ!

zeke50100 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/8/2008 23:57:15)

Hey Saojun! Strange...I haven't seen you until you became an AK. Must be blind >.>
No you're not blind.

Congratz! Normally, I would put a <Answer Here> typed in the correct font and color to save work for you, but teh ubah quote button is gone, so I can't find your font/color. Sorry!
No problems.

Hows it feel to be an AK?
It's hard, but fun.

Favorite Next Gen Console? (Wii, XBox 360, PS3)
PC FTW! (Cos I don't have any of them)

Favorite AE Game? (Including AQW)

Favorite Color?

Why'd you choose that particular color for editing?
Because it wasn't taken?

Pi...or PIE?
3.14 or Pie?

Ever seen me around? (Just like how I didn't see YOU around >.>)
Yes... I have. Before the promotion.

If you aren't getting paid...couldn't you get a life and get paid for a real job?
Yes, but I'm in the midst of my studies.

Just Kidding! Pfffh, who has a life?
I dunno.

Is this too many questions for you?

I guess I'll go now... See you around! and Congratz again!
Thanks. And see you around as well!

~Zeke~ Just to tell you, no editing below this. The last mod that tried...was never seen again. [;)] Oh, it was also in another MtAK thread.

bigwavedave -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 0:48:14) you've gone from member to helpful to AK. That's pretty nice so congrats!
Sometimes I wish I'd stopped at Helpful. But thanks!

Have you been indoctrinated into the AK business through the supposed secret ceremony yet?
In a sense, if you put it that way.

Has anyone sent you a cookie in your PM box yet?
PM cookie? What's that?

If I sent you a cookie would you want it to be a real cookie or a computer cookie?
Preferably a real one, cos my browser clears all my computer cookies upon exit.

Puppies or kitties?
Puppies and kittens. Hopefully they won't fight. :)

FaT Luck -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 1:45:44)

Howdy to you!

How old are you?
*blink* 19

Have you met any of the mods/admins/producers in real life?
Not really.

Have ye touched ye almighty Cysero Left Sock?
I prefer my own Left Sock. :P

Do you like cheese (you better like cheese buddy[:D])
Cheese is good.

Wats your favourite game DF,AQ,MQ

wats douta real waph ominak(click on that to translate>

Well thats all my qeustions Cya round SaoJun
See you around. :)

Highlord Sendai -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 1:50:55)

Quick!Where's waldo.

Have you met Adam Bohn
Not in real life.

Fave Movie
Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Fave AE game

Fave Game Console.
Nintendo DS? Wii? Xbox(360)? PS3? PC FTW!

Name of DF Hero.
See =DF= PvP IDs.

Do you have a WII.
No. But my relatives do.

If so What did you make your first MII Look like.

Ok I'm about to walk the plank how do you want me to do it.
B.Catwalk [:D][:D]
C.Jump on it like a Trampoline until it breaks and I fall in a Sharks/Whales Mouth.
D.Fall asleep I'll do it tomorrow.
E. Don't do it. :P

Dragomier -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 1:56:19)

are you allowd to tel me what one has to do to become a archnight?
1. Know the rules and apply them to your posts.
2. Don't go around actively seeking AKship.
3. Just be a helpful member.

and what do you plan to do with your new found power?
Plans? I'll use it wisely. [:)]

chriscondra -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 2:26:09)

Hi chriscondra.

hows bein a AK treatin you?
I expect the workload to be heavy. It's hard, but fun.

Do you have a job?
Does student count?

and your favourite DF weapon?...:P
Independence. Reason: Self-explanatory.

FaT Luck -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 2:56:52)

O one more Qeustion SaoJun

Wats a good cure for a bad cough because i have a really bad one
Lemon juice and honey? I use that quite often for cough relief.

Tomix -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 3:18:34)

Congratulations Saojun!! ;)
Thanks Tomix!

One more AK to watch and protect the forum :D
Yeah... :D

I'll ask you a question I asked to WritingPad, just to see what is your opinion on this statement >;)
Dogs have owners,
Cats have servants.

Hmm... Dogs tend to obey their masters, Cats tend to do what they like...
Cos cats are less dependent on their masters than dogs? I'm just guessing on this. :P

That's all, I don't want to take too much of your time. Keep protecting the forum from spam >:D
Thanks again! [:)]

wolfman_naruto -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 5:34:39)'re now an archknight
Does AKship really matter that much? are very helpful in the forums

Thank you!

4.could we be friends

5.are you shock when you are now an archknight
Well... I wasn't expecting to be "Helpful"ed then either. So it was a shock.

6.are you scared on wolfs
In real life? Yeah... Quite a bit. [&:]

7.I'm gonna bite you and turn you a wolf just like me
Lycanthropy? Hmm... I thought I was more of the vampiric sort. :P

8.okay see you on the forums
Thanks again and see you around! [:)]

Suranjan -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 5:41:49)

1. *snugglehuckleshuckles* Saojun !!
*snugglehuckleshuckles* Suranjan! Hey... I remember you.

2. First of all , congrats on your promotion ! From "Helpful" to AK , heh ?
Thanks. I wasn't expecting either of them though.

3. Like your new powers ??
New powers = new responsibilities, but it's fun.

4. Hope we'll be friends !! Or else ?[:D]
Or else? Friends? Sure. :D

5. I must say that your (our) choices of avatars are good !! [;)]
Oh? True... :P

6. What's your favourite NPC ??
If I had to actually pick one... I think I'll pick Lady Celestia.

7. Will Saojun accept some chocolates ??
Sure. :D

8. I must say : I knew it !!
Knew what?

9. Well , there is no nine !
No nine? There's a nine right there...

Well , enough for now . Bye , and congrats again !!!
Thanks again!

PhantomBlitz -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 8:03:34)

Hi Saojun!
Hi PhantomBlitz!

1. Do you prefer fighting Gorgok or the Skeletitan?
Hmm... Gorgok, cos he/she/it has a Fire weakness and Skeletitan's a hard nut to crack.

2. Which would you prefer? DeathKnight or Paladin?
Given Paladin's offensiveness, I'd go for Paladin.

3. What is your least favorite weapon in DF?
Least favorite? I don't exactly have a least favorite weapon.

4. Who do you hate the most? Sepulchure or Noxus? :P
Hate? I hate no one, not even NPCs.

5. Favorite advanced class?
Paladin/Ranger. I'm tied between the two because of their offensive power.

6. If there's a better weapon other than Independence, which would you choose?
Better weapon? Does Lightfall (40) count?

7. Which armor skill do you like the most? Necromancer's Final, DeathKnight's Deadly or Paladin's Zeal?
DeathKnight's Deadly.

8. Weakest monster you have ever fought?

Ok, that's all I have for you, congratulations on your AKhood!
Thanks for stopping by!

Brilliancy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 8:16:42)

I can't believe I haven't posted here, yet! :o
o.O Teh Lightbringer here? Yay! A fellow cellmate AK!

me snugglehuggletackles Brill :P

Congrats once more, Sao! :D
Thanks again!

You have much more important things to do than answer crazy questions I could ask here, so I'll leave you doing those things.
Isn't it nice of me? :P
Well... You have other more important things to do too... :P

Have fun, Sao, and see you on IRC! :)
See you on IRC too! [:)]

White Lazer Man -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 10:06:18)

*snugglehungslappunches [:D]*
me snuggles White Lazer Man :)

Congratz dude!

Wait....If you recieved a dollar for every thread you locked, and I recieved half, how rich would I be?
Erh.. I haven't locked much threads yet. :P

Well, that was short, c ya!
See you around! [:)]

Amboo -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 10:24:30)

Hi amboo!

I've seen you around since.......... Well forever, about a year now.
Seen you around since the past year too.
A year is forever? Hmm... That means a lifetime will be a form of immortality in that sense... :P

Congrats on the AK'ship

What is the strangest dream you have ever had?
I dreamt that I was fully awake and that an entire day had passed before I awoke from the dream.

That's all from me.
See you around! [:)]

Michaelblack -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 10:25:22)

so whadda ya think of the paladin class? personally,I think it needs work-how about you?

Resolute -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 10:32:56)

Wait, you play StarCraft?
I did, until I broke my disks months ago. [:(]

We should play together. Lemme know a good time.
Well... I can't exactly play now cos of real-life commitments.

Also, have you ever heard of Rammstein? German metal ftw.
Rammstein? German metal? Hmm... Guess my music knowledge is limited. I'll have to Google it. :P


Raylith Lynwor -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 11:24:16)

COngratz saojun! hows being a AK?
It's hard and tiring at times, but it's fun. [:)]

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